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The fans are already horny enough she didnt need the horns


Mfw room 1 (if you know you know)


Tbf if we talking about base form both Mei and Ei also doesn't have horn (only herrscher Mei and demon Ei) so they Must be saving it for future skin


Blade and Acheron both standing in fields of swords.


They’re both very Emiya esque.


People are saying that is someone from her past and not acheron herself, but I fail to see where they are getting this information. Maybe some bad translations, unless theres like 2 meis expy, like there are 2 bronyas. This also looks totally like Hersherr of thunder but I think the devs said they are different horns, so who knows, guess we just have to wait and see


Also >!very early leaks said there would be 2 mei expys, so who knows, they were very early leaks anyway!<


The only thing I have to say is, if she ends up as the only Mei counterpart, that's disappointing. Because that version of her is obviously better, and there are obviously other Honkai characters already in the game (Welt, Himeko, Seele, Bronya, Sushang, etc...) so by that logic we could have a Raiden as well. And why it had to be her, why they had to make her different, one of hoyos most hyped characters lol... Like you said, we have to wait and see And about the kits, I remember that, they were very different kits from each other.


i remember it was called Yayi? And path of the hunt lightning


Yeah. Probably the same character at the end of the day. The thing is that they didn't use Raiden as inspiration this time. They could still use it someday if they want to


We are one step closer to my crackpot theory of Acheron being post APHO Mei (presumably after something horrible happened) being true. Most likely is rather that they’re slowly establishing that expy characters have sort of “linked” destinies in the Honkaiverse. Like to explain things such as Seele having such potent Quantum abilities despite being a street rat from the Underworld. Or how a lot of the Belebog expy characters fall into similar roles as their Hi3 counterparts but are still ultimately different characters (Natasha/Raven, Bronya, Seele, Cocolia, etc.) This means that events like Nagazora (the 3rd Impact) and a “Mei’s” ties to HoT might be like that. Also, side note, don’t think I didn’t see that you mentioned March getting new memories/forms in the same patch where Acheron is a main focus. Some Elysia shit is going on here.


She is probably a different character , there were leaks about 2 different meis expys , one being hunt and the other nihility, we have the nihility one so far Also the live stream say the horn one was the actual mei from HI3 or really close related to it but that it was not acheron


the hunt one is still her but earlier concept, they even mentioned that in the stream


Hell no there isn't a hutn acheron. This was just an early mechanic concept for her before they chose making her a fake nihility

