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> little over 6k ult Bro even with your supports not having their best lc, such as pela not with pearls and gepard without trend, you should still do Atleast 100k💀 what is her build? 5cr/50cd??? Pela can work without pearl. Just need to... Have e4.(and if the stack generation is just too shit in case you don't have pearl or e4, you CAN try welt instead for faster ults but dmg would be non existent.) Gui is fine without any lcs and stuff. Gepard is fine without trend but still worse than if he were to have it. He will apply a debuff either way, but if you want more debuffs and have a decent time sustaining with Gallagher, go with Gallagher. With trend, go with gepard. She should still do Atleast 100k-200k, get her good stats. I use her s3gnsw, fu Xuan, pela and sw and I can get around 400-600k ult. And without fu or sw it should still be attleast 300k. And she doesn't even have the best stats, just 67/144.


He seems like a low level player tbh.Argenti skill starts to hit 1.2k on each target at around ER3. And i understand his concern since unlike argenti and JY she doesnt gets herself free critrate(They get around 25 percent) on her own kit so she doesnt crits as a critdps until u start to Go on Relic Mines.


Hmm yeah does seem like a low player but I suppose the advice of other characters or her not needed their lc would still help. No need to worry about dmg at that point much since you'll get stronger over time anyway


I apologize for not disclosing that, yes, I am a low level player currently. I think I’ve been wrapped up in the frustration of not understanding why I’m doing so little dmg compared to my other characters and why I’m struggling in story combat with her when I haven’t been, that I haven’t taken a step back and really thought things through; my mind just went to the worst case: that I made a mistake getting her.


You gain a massive amount of trailblaze exp from completing your 500 points worth of daily activities - you should be able to do it by dispatching in the morning, logging in, spending energy and using a friend support to clear calyx/ascension/whatever. Progressing through the main story will also level you up quite a bit. I wouldn't even worry a little about your damage at this point in the early game - you have yet to unlock the ability to fully uncap a character's traces (equilibrium locked). If you want to be efficient, experience calyx and stagnant shadow are the best things you can farm until you unlock higher difficulties for relics and trace materials for skill ups.


It may be hard currently but I genuinely think you will not regret it in the future once you get more things you need for her, so just cheer up


I sounds like you're doing something(everything?) wrong. How can you even hit that low ? I just went and removed her light cone and without any buffs other than the 2 nihility trace she still hit for 150k in MoC12. is 6k a typo? Even if it's 60k that means she's underleveled, little to no traces, light cone not maxed, bad relics etc Put your builds on [https://enka.network/](https://enka.network/) so we can see what you're working with.


>6 k What level are you? Post your builds and maybe we can help.


You don't tell us everything, actually you tell us almost nothing besides complaining. What are your builds, what level she is, what lvl are her traces etc


You're already past the f2p hurdle if you have a GNSW. That said, can you post your build or something? I'm shocked her damage numbers can even go that low If you are past the LC issue, no other DPS in the game is more f2p friendly than her. She does insane damage without requiring any of the broken harmony characters, who can go on the other MoC team if and when you get them


Show build,even without debuff with proper build her ult should deal around 100~200K depending of how good your build is


As others mentioned, we need more context. Meaning what character level, trace level, relics, team and stuff. I can assure you though, once decently invested acheron slaps.


I apologize (to everyone really) for not giving more context. I’m relatively new to asking for help and what others may want to know. I’m quite low level compared to most who could help (TL 39, but almost 40). I’m unsure how to post my pic from enka on here, it seems to crop it weird. If sending a link works, I can edit my post with the link. Though a warning, I have crazy unluckiness when it comes to relics currently so I have trouble getting myself to farm lol


Ah it's all good, just need more info really to give some quality advice you know. Didn't mean it in any bad way my dude.


I appreciate the reassurance. I just had happen to open reddit after a while and seeing all the comments asking for more info so I just felt “oh no, I messed up 😭”. But yea, I’m unsure how to go about sharing the info for more context. I’d gladly type it out, but I also saw someone else say to use a site called enka but it’s cropping weird as a photo.


So to share a build via Enka all you really need to do is put your character in your in game profile, make sure your profile is set to visible and then share your UID/ link/ image. It sounds like you managed to do those first two things already. Sharing an image of your builds would be more convenient than sharing your UID for sure but I’m not sure why you’re getting a weird cropping issue. Is it a Reddit or Enka related problem?


Thanks to you, I figured it out! Reddit was just being weird with the photo I had so I had to go with the link (assuming it works). It should be in my edit on the post now!


Glad that worked! So looking at your characters one thing that would give you immediate returns is to put relics with the right mainstats on your characters. Early game you really don’t want to look at substats or 4 piece set bonuses too much. Switching Hanya’s ATK body with Acheron’s DEF body is going to be much better for both of them for example. You’re too low level to focus on farming relics right now which means you’ll have to make do with whatever you can find. This makes it hard to get a full 4 piece set of relics with the correct main stats for all of your characters. Never mind also getting nice substats. Only go for 2 piece or if you’re lucky 4 piece set bonuses if they make sense. The worst ATK or crit rate bodypiece in the world is going to outperform that hp bodypiece that you have on your Jing Yuan right now. Always prioritise the mainstat over set bonuses and substats Because you don’t farm relics in the early game it’s almost impossible to get a decent crit ratio on your dps characters. This means that while crit is still very nice to have, ATK% is a lot more useful early on. It’s also a lot more common to find ATK% pieces. Besides that I would also lvl up some of your relics as well. This should make content a lot easier for you. Any relics you level up now can be rolled into 5 star relics later so that most of their exp can be recovered. I would lvl the relics of your dps characters to lvl 6 first and see how that feels. When content gets a bit harder than you like you can lvl the relics up to lvl 9. You’ll get access to 5 star relics relatively soon so I wouldn’t max out your relics unless you feel you have to. I don’t remember what the max trace level is for your trailblaze level but make sure to pick at least one dps as your main carry and max out their traces, level and lc. It’s best to focus more on one team so that you’ll have an easier time to tackle the initial difficulty increase when you go to a higher equilibrium. That’s everything I can think of right now. Let me know if you have any further questions. Sorry for the very long reply lol


I really appreciate all the detailed advice and I’ll definitely keep it all in mind as I look more into my character(s) and team! I think the most important question I have is who I should focus on for my support for Acheron, Gallagher or Gepard? As I stated in my post, I’ve been switching back and forth between them to see what works best for me, but currently I honestly can’t tell lol. Gallagher is nice in that he helps with weakness break (which has raised my overall dmg) and has some healing to go along with it, but I’ve found difficulty with his healing not keeping my team alive long enough to get past a few turns (mainly because I can’t always get his ult up for the non-skill healing), so the benefit of the weakness break is outweighed by his current less-than-stellar healing. For Gepard, his shield is honestly coming in clutch a lot, that is if I can get his ult before my team dies. I’ve had trouble getting Gepard’s ult ready before my team has already lost a member with the rest low health, or at the very least having my team each one hit away from death, and actually consistently getting his ult back before the shield runs out and my team is exposed. Sorry for the long winded question and context lol. I’m just a bit confused on which is my best option right now between the 2. I prefer Gallagher’s gameplay over Gepard, but maybe I shouldn’t be worrying about that right now.


I think your main issue right now for both Gallagher and Gepard is the lack of energy recharge ropes. They are just incredibly rare. You might have some 3 or 4 star energy recharge ropes already. If you do lock them immediately. I believe you unlock the ability to craft relics at TL40. You’ll be able to find it in the synthesise menu after you’ve unlocked it. I highly recommend that you use a self modelling resin and craft a 5 star energy recharge rope as soon as you’re able to. For the set I would go for Broken Keel which is a very universal support set. Crafting 5 star relics is expensive especially early game and self modelling resins are rare but the energy rope will be worth it. You can get both the resin and the 100 relic remains from some of the events. Alternatively you could salvage 5 star relics to get some remains but they are scarce until you start farming relics and you only get 10 remains per 5 star relic. As for who is better for Acheron I think Gallagher is better if he is build enough to comfortably sustain your team and the rest of your characters are strong enough to clear content in time. Gepard in comparison is better when you’re struggling and need a strong sustain to keep your team alive. Gallagher might give an extra debuff to Acheron to get her ult up faster but a dead Acheron can’t ult in the first place. I think it might be better to invest into Gepard for now and then when you’re further into the game to start building your Gallagher and move Gepard to a second team


I will definitely take your advice! I had gotten so lost when it came to relics and just building characters. You’ve relieved the stress from not knowing how to deal with the Gallagher and Gepard issue, so thank you so much!


No need to feel bad about it, it's all good :) Honestly I have no clue how this enka thing works lol. But as I said to give some good advice that's actually helping you there's more context needed. General tip I guess would be having your character and lightcone level as high as possible, level up relevant traces, depending on how early in the game you are relics could be a bit difficult to manage since farming would only really make sense at higher trailblazer rank. So I'd say use what you have for now. Also, if you're really struggling in combat for now, in terms of not being able to survive, there is no shame in dropping one nihility character for another sustain character. You'll lose some dmg sure but at least you ain't dead lol


This is honestly some very helpful advice because I’ve been so hard stuck on having to keep 2 Nihility characters on my team because I have constantly seen everywhere that “oh, if you don’t have her E2 then you gotta have 2 Nihility to actually get something out of her!” Someone helped me figure out how to do the whole enka thing so as long as it worked properly, it should be up on my edit of the post!


Yeah I mean it's more dmg because of some trace of her I think but all dmg in the world is meaningless if you die first lol. Anyway I hope my rambling helped you out a bit in some way at least. Have a nice day, my dude~


You’ve helped a lot more than you think! Thank you so much and I hope you have a great day!


Bro u gotta wait for getting some relics on her at least.dont worry when she gets those shes a monster.


I'm fully F2P (E0, GNSW) too, my Acheron hits a 100k in SU and 60k in Overworld. Using her 4PC signature set, maybe your supports and Acheron aren't built enough. Just cleared SU 6 with E1 Pela, E0 Sparkle, E6 Qingque (Yes, I got hella lucky on Sparkles' banner) and Acheron. Acheron was dealing 30k skills like it was nothing. Its just a issue of not enought investment and bad supports.


Quit the game.


Her accomplishing very little compared to Argenti and MIDyuan!??? Ult is 6k?? We are just not playing the same fking game I guess lol. I saw the link and I think I found the problem. You are in the early game with no 5star relic yet, You shouldn't even be worrying about how much dmg ur doing at that point, just clearing content is enough at that stage. Your team is already fine. Gepard or Gallagher depends on if u have trend lc or not, but yea you have to keep playing the game, once you put actual investment on her, she'll be good, I do suggest not building too much DPS at the early game, it's redundant. Focus on 1 team and invest in them.


I’m just as dumbfounded as you, like it does sound outrageous when I say that she has done very little compared to those 2 characters. But I am being completely honest when I say that; they’re all similarly leveled, teams are similarly leveled, traces are as high as I can get for each, relics are all non-5 star, and LCs are all non-signature but at least a usable 4 star and leveled as high as can be. I will definitely take your advice and make sure I’m not extending too far by building so many teams early game and just focusing on one to invest in and go through content!


Did you really had to put Mid yuan.. are you that much of a hater to write JY... oh yeah..i forgot which subreddit I'm in...