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Please start spoiler-marking discussion involving leaked content.


Thank you for your hard work, pela. You been an amazing 4* who endured since 1.0 and i will not forget your service o7. But its time to cook!


Whats funny is she's still good along side JQ cause he gives different multipliers. stacking 83 viul with defense down is amazing. Make sure to try that option also.


Wait wait wait wait. 83% VULNERABILITY??? Please tell me that was a typo because if it isn't I'm pulling out the credit card for the first time in my life


40 from skill stacks 15 vul from ult cast and 28 from his lc = 83% vul, lol. Yeah he's nasty.


Oh yeah you were counting his LC. Even without that it's 55% vuln that's ridiculous. Especially since my Acheron team doesn't have any other source of vuln so it'll be a straight multiplier to what I'm currently dealing. Add to that faster ult generation and wow


Yeah i hope they don't nerf his kit. I love what we have.


Shit i may actually go for his LC tbh it's insane. Skipping 2 banners with a supply pass hsould be enough right? (Jade and Yunli)


Im doing the same, i believe it's a very good chance. Still have to beat the gacha gods. Should be enough to get JQ for sure though.


If I lose my 75/25 on Firefly's LC (hopefully not) at least I'll have it guaranteed


I wish you luck!!!


It’s early in beta rn so he could actually receive more buffs, hang tight


I've done some rough calcs based on what I have in mind of my Acheron's damage (150-200k single target, 400-500k 5 targets) and with some improvements to her build, mainly attack boots and a crit damage body I can hit 800k on 5 targets and 400 on single.


His LC effect stacks? I thought it just changed the vulnerability from 10% -> 18% when entering cornered?


As of now it stacks in an indirect way, but you can look at it as stacking.


Wait doesn't his lc give 18% only? It says it upgrades the debuff from 10% to 18% if I understand correctly so both of them shouldn't stack


I see now im gonna have to update the main thread with the leak that confirms that the first effect when upgraded still keeps the 10% and goes to 28%. Regardless it is calculated in the optimizer. I know the wording is confusing everyone right now as i've just counted how many times this question comes up. Good luck on your rolls and stay blessed.


Also thank you!!!!


Always glad to help goodluck on your pulls too!!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I've updated the thread for v3 also.


Now I can just run RM, Sparkle and JQ and 0 cycle huehue


Bro the nuke will be legendary, lol.


How does ruan mei benefit acheron more then another harmony unit like bronya?


Because sparkle and bronya's buffs overlap, ruan mei/robin is better in this case


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I've updated the thread for v3


The best part about jiaoqiu isn’t even the buffed damage which is crazy. The main appeal in my opinion is how frequently he will create stacks for Acheron, meaning even faster ults.


3 ults in 1 wave can be done more reliably now and 2 ults are guaranteed per wave. Thats gonna be nuts.


Damn, now I wish he was the first on the banner.


I'm just happy i can save more jades for him.


True. How good is his sig?


It's a bigger damage increase for your team than e1 and it eases his massive ehr requirement of 140 ehr for his attack trace and 178 ehr for guarantee ult debuff on 40 res enemies.


Well, guess I'm getting the sig then. My Acheron is E0S1. I'll have her at E2 during the re-run. But E0S1 JQ is gonna be busted with her too.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I updated for v3


I just wanna say acheron mains has been the best reddit experience i've ever had. Definitely the chillest I've experienced. Thanks once again for the discussions.


Does Acheron Bronya JQ RM do more or Acheron Bronya JQ Pela do more? (E2+ Acheron)


ruan mei version does a bit more.


Ok ty


argenti mains are chill af too but kinda deadge this is def the best mains sub imo


How is your enemy setup in that calculation ?


https://preview.redd.it/zj75nxkxmc7d1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad251829369ec58fb210f770d48449dd62360eed Here you go.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I updated for v3


For me it changed from 570k to 610k with JQ over pela


May i ask if your going e1s1? Also what team are you using. JQ loves defense down members in the team along with him.


I have e2s1 and was wrong it's going from 400k~ to 440k~, unless I have something wrong set up on site, cuz I'm pretty sure I do way more dmg in game. Standard Team fx pela bronya


You’re 100% doing something wrong. I can hit that E0S1 Pela/Guinaifen/Adventurine


Idk, idc what site shows up as long as dmg is good in game


Yeah but it makes it harder to determine his worth lol. That’s the main issue here.


I don't pull for man, so unless he 10x my dmg he's worthless


Then I don’t really understand why you’d even take part in this discussion, but ok!


IX couldn’t cast his gaze because he was busy rolling his eyes at the person you responded to. 😂 Like… WHAT!? 😂🤔🙄


Lets see if i can help. Tell me the team your trying to run.


There's no problem I just told you his not worth getting


Ohhh no problem maybe i read the sentence wrong. Well enjoy the game as you please. Good luck on whoever you decide to pull. Much love!!!!


while this is out here, is s1 nessasary for jiaoqiu? or is he perfectly fine at e0 for a e0 acheron? cause i want to run him with pela who has resolution for just alot of aoe def shred, also want to run the 1.1 event lc on him


My honest opinion even though he'd be fine without his lc if you can afford to get it i suggest you grab it. It will make your life easier , especially since he needs 140 ehr to max his 240% attack talent and 178 ehr to guarantee his ults debuffs hits 40 res enemies.


i understand, thank you so much!


Meanwhile with me and my e0s1 I’m doing like 200k lol I suck


I doubt you suck. Every account is different my mans.


I know this is great to have as a reference but felt like it should’ve been released post v3 as there can be many changes to the kit’s numbers and or kit in general.


Yeah that's also what I'm thinking.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I updated for v3


Very true which is why i plan to update on each version change. I just want everyone to be informed on what they could possibly do on their account. I also want people to see if the damage increase is worth it for them so they can make an informed decision. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We really need this in this community , as it helps us be better. Much love.


All good! Even with all that said from my part, I do see the relevance of bringing in these type of discussions now as there has been some arguments and misinformation going around about JQ’s kit with the changes from def down to vulnerability. Will be eagerly waiting for updates as we head closer to his release.


I agree with you. I hope they don't nerf him, cause i like his kit as of now. I look forward to the upcoming changes as well. Good luck on your rolls!!!!!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I updated for v3


Is E1 Robin better than E0 Sparkle? Seem to be getting better results with her.


E1 is absolutely stronger than Sparkle, e0 might be better than Sparkle even, but i doubt its by a lot more(i didnt do math so i could be wrong)


What I noticed about Robin is she enables the supports to do enough damage to clean up any remaining trash mobs which lets Acheron save her ult for the next wave. Now I kinda regret pulling Sparkle cuz I don’t have a team for her. Bronya still outclasses her for JL teams.


Robin IS dps(and can 0 cycle even) if you try hard enough, i am trying not hard enough so my supports are not good enough yet, but i did Ratio Robin RM Pela and managed to 0 cycle previous abyss, all of them e0 and Ratio Robin with s1, Pela e4 resolution But yeah, Robin allowing everyone deal damage is a huge deal The problem with JL is she needs everything but atk buffs, which Robin gives, and if you want other buffs, RM outclasses her as she gives a bit more dmg % but also res pen, outside of JL or Blade teams/break teams, i would dare say Robin best support atm


So true. There were and still are many Acheron havers who say Robin has no place in an Acheron team as she does "nothing" for Acheron. I'm so glad I got Robin and even lucked out getting her LC. Those naysayers are missing out.


Most definitely if your 0 cycling. If it last more than 0 cycles i believe sparkle pulls ahead after a while. For screenshot damage robin e1 is crazy good. Also she's good in general. You just have to have a game plan with her more than other harmonies. Sometime i run robin with my acheron also. With the right strategy robin is op in my experience.


Yeah. I love how engaging her play style is. You really have to work around the best time to trigger her ult. Also nice when those TV men decide to target her.


I love when the tv man choose her, lol. It's an instant win, lol.


My e0 acheron barely hitting 100k single target😂😭


We all start from somewhere. Good luck on your pulls.


Thanks. Problem is I don’t see where it’s wrong😂 I have about 96% crit rate(with fu xuan and relic abilities), and 175% crit damage. I run her in a dot team so no def shred, but I feel the numbers are still too low😅


Hmmm, may i ask what your full team is?


Acheron(e0S1), kafka(e1, fermata S3), black swan(herta shop S5), fu xuan(herta shop S5). My Dot is mainly to build stacks, since they barely do damage. Against several enemies I can barely squeeze out 400-500k.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the debuffs from Jq's lightcone don't stack?


They don't necessarily stack, but once the second effect upgrades it retains the other 10% as of now and goes up to 28%. Thats how it works for now it seems.


Oh, that's very good then, thanks for the clarification.


How much value is E1 JQ? I would plan to E0S1 for now.


Not sure yet as we have to see how impactful his extra stack from e1 changes his play. E0s1 is definitely where most of the damage comes from. His lc is cracked. I'm getting e1 since im skipping two banners and i just want a bit more dps increase like my e1s1 ruan mei.


As you are using E1S1 Jiaoqiu, I used E1S1 Robin and got this: https://preview.redd.it/n9kbthngyc7d1.png?width=1233&format=png&auto=webp&s=66d3ddf69bbd8a1ea5dc7d0694ce9b666c6f51ca But I have no option of adding Jiaoqiu, so I dunno what the difference in damage will be.


[https://fribbels.github.io/dreary-quibbles](https://fribbels.github.io/dreary-quibbles) <--- try this link , but yeah e1 robin is so strong. I tried to show people this before with robin, but people weren't hearing it. Heres what im using below. e1s1 JQ https://preview.redd.it/jg34cb8mzc7d1.jpeg?width=2700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a463f57b3c41350f4cc88bd7596bb9361ea2b0ec


Got it, thanks. Here's the result and even higher than Robin. https://preview.redd.it/8ebt6v3b1d7d1.png?width=1233&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd43a0b9e9515b03daf60ab313aafce6d514af0a


OMG thats wonderful. We eating good man!!!


Try this combo for your Acheron: https://preview.redd.it/te60lpwj3d7d1.png?width=1233&format=png&auto=webp&s=64d075643f4efbfb2aa9f16c0a534015f42b0e6a


oh bro if i had e2 sparkle the damage i would do is crazy, lol. this fucking single target. Not even e6. JQ a beast man, lol https://preview.redd.it/pgcbgc955d7d1.png?width=2763&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa93fa288b7cebf24740aee3fc7c4dcfddfddc7e


You can replace SW with E1S1 Robin, so it's not single target anymore.


Oh if i don't want single target i just use my black swan or pela. Pela is still very good because a resolution holder increases damage by a ton. If these were aoe numbers we probably hitting 3 mill, lol. I 0 cycle all the time, but now it's gonna be far easier for all of us.


Wait, how is your combo 5.9mil?


Thats 3 ults in my combo meter. I wouldn't worry about the combo meter yet I just put 3 ults cause i recently saw it was possible in a showcase. Also all these numbers are single target just a reminder.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I updated for v3


Try replacing SW with Ruan mei and see where that takes you. Most of the time, you're only getting 50% defense shred with SW + type res pen. RM offers a flat% dmg buff along with res pen, so I wonder if you'll get higher numbers with her. Jiaoqiu + a hyperspeed harmony like Bronya or Sparkle already gives 9 stacks total.


It's lower by 300k. I already tried that. For single target sw is massive. https://preview.redd.it/5t0bfh5e2d7d1.png?width=2763&format=png&auto=webp&s=cce3994115765cbafc051bd275522258f7095b9c


That is indeed a massive difference. I wonder if my E6S5 Robin would be able to make up the difference for not having SW then. I'm pretty sure it will, but I'm only planning on pulling for RM, Feixiao, and JQ atm. Hopefully Robin can fill in the gap of not having SW


Robin e6s5 is a monster. I played with my friends on support and i couldn't believe the numbers i was seeing, lol.


If you don't mind, could you try testing using my Robin? https://preview.redd.it/7hv2ztvc7d7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9ae533dd7a5ffcf0a66374c5abd258dd9d9b87


For the damage calculation to replace SW


https://preview.redd.it/ci71qi2y7d7d1.png?width=2751&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa3c39b1db0e21a88d6b43a5f1d2ea764121e28b My god your gonna destroy everything. Remember this is single target. Your aoe will be crazy.


Jeez, 1.8 mil. That's a ridiculous amount. Along with Robin's E6, I'll probably be doing roughly 1.9 mil since she does 100k on her own. I'd probably one shot every boss in existence. Good to know lol. Thanks for testing it it by the way.


We 1 shot every boss now. We might start killing the first wave with our acheron skill only, lol.


I've already been doing that this MoC with sustainless hypercarry Acheron, but with Jiaoqiu, I might not even need Robin to do so. It's crazy to think that JQ will single handedly make Acheron go to E6 levels of damage as E2 and so on.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I updated for v3




My actual team is: Acheron E2S2, Sparkle E0S1, SW EOS5 (F2P LC) and FX E1S5 (trend market LC). Do you think Jiaoqiu will improve my team? If so, who do i remove?


Oh yes, especially since you use SW. He's very good with defense reduction debuffs. Just use the optimizer and see if it's worth it for you.


So does he replace Pela in E0 teams? I have 100 pulls saved up but am debating on whether to get RM E1 for my dot team or just get firefly and JQ.


In my honest opinion if your pulling firefly i would not skip ruan mei. Thats a huge damage loss.


I already have her E0. But I already have full dot team without Huohuo, Mono quantum 5 stars with Seele, JL with E3 Bronya, and Acheron as fully built teams. So not sure if I would rather make Dot/JL stronger with E1 RM, add Fire team with Firefly, or wait.


Gotcha. Well it really depends. If i were in your position i'd get JQ. I do have e1s1 ruan mei and i'd trade her con for eos1 JQ.


Is JQ meta for teams other than Acheron?


To be honest im not sure as of yet. I can only say for sure he's awesome with acheron. Not sure how his impact will be for all other teams.


guys just wanna be sure JQ E1S1 or E2S1 gonna give 2 stack to acheron by turn ? 1 extra from LC? and with ult should give a lot stack right ? is he worth replace SW?


He's good to run with sw honestly or alongside pela also. We have to wait and see how the e1 extra stack affects acheron, but ultimately it will depend on how much the enemies move. For your situation I'd wait for a proper showcase for definitive answers.


How is Jiaoqiu on Resolution pearl LC? He can still use it with no problem right? Im planning to have my team as Acheron, JQ, RM, aventurine. My acheron have 140 spd btw cuz atk boots just hate me


No problem, so it will be hard you really would rather another nihilty run that cone. He need 140 ehr to max his 240% atk talent and 178 ehr to guarantee his ult debuff hits 40 res enemies. His lc would be preferred. He doesn't need it though but you'd need god rolls on your ehr.


Is Asagi more reliable or Fribbels more reliable once JQ hits the server? Asagi does not have beta characters.


Oh man i love asagi. For full team rotations i'd use asagi for ease of use. As far as numbers fribbels is very close to what you'll see on your screen, so in that regard both sites re pretty good. If your already familiar with asagi i say use that. If you want to do it more manually then fribbels has a bit more control in certain regards. Asagi does account for aoe hits though and right now fribbels only does single target, so that a thing also. Go with what works best for you. Good luck on your rolls.


Thanks! Amazing analysis of the tools we have!


Wait so I was planning on getting Jiaoqiu and Sparkle for Acheron's best team. I have her E2. Will that still be her best team? Or Pela JQ + Sustain?


What i can tell you for sure is JQ will be apart of whatever her best team will be. We need more testing live to confirm some things to say for sure. What i can say for you is to test your team in the optimizer and see if the increase is worth it for you. Regardless good luck on your pulls :)


Thank you. JQ 100% I'm getting. Just gonna wait for Sparkle rerun and some info on these two on 2.7 to be sure if I should still get her. I think Pela and JQ will do until there.


According to your cal, who would be the best 4th? With E2S2 Acheron, JQE0S1 and FuXuanE1S1


I would put sparkle or pela/silverwolf. For general use i'd put sparkle in your team.


Thank you, I want to be sure what to invest in. If E0S1 Sparkle is better than anything so she will come home. If SW SiM better then SW+S1. Also feel free to share if any E1 is relevant and a clesr boost. Thank you


How well do we think Jiaoqiu with the Luka LC will be, compared to the sig LC?


His lc is far better for easier building and more actual team damage. 760,000 s5 resolution vs 822,000 sig for acheron ult in a quick sim fx/sparkle/JQ. Remember his sig gives 60ehr the highest in the game. He needs a lot of ehr for breakpoints. 140 for his 240% atk talent and 178 to guarantee his ult debuff on 40 res enemies. If you can afford to i'd say plan for his light cone while we have a lot of time to save.


Thoughts on E1S0 black swan, pela, aven/fu team replacement needed for Jiao?


Are you asking who i would replace in the team? If so i would most likely keep e1 black swan, but honestly it depends on your strategy if you'd use pela instead.


Yepp I was gonna use Jiao instead of pela but now that they're complementary, I'm not so sure anymore hahah E1 black swan I want to keep cause of the shred


my e2s1 acheron comp will be aventurean pela Jiaoqiu im excited to see how it goes


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message\_to\_all\_e2\_havers\_who\_are\_getting\_jiaoqiu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/comments/1dtq7c4/message_to_all_e2_havers_who_are_getting_jiaoqiu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I updated for v3




seeing that u are v good at theorycrafting i have some doubts, rn i run my e2 s1 with pela(will replace her for silver wolf as soon as get robin for my fua team), bronya e2s1 162 speed, galllagher e6/fuxuan https://preview.redd.it/v1ewgur9ws7d1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=de9bbe8a2498d1350ae499112830c7c4379a9a61 with jiaoqiu was thinking on replacing pela/silver wolf or replacing the sustain depending the other team necessities and how hard the enemies hit me. Would be better for me to change my atk boots for spd ones? and should i get more crit rate? having in mind I will replace fx soon completely and even now dont run her that much havin 70% crit rate in battles. Also would sparkle be an upgrade over my bronya? was thinking on maybe getting her with her lc to push my crit rate to 80% but idk if that would downgrade the team (my other team is premium fua and soon jade and yunli so I don't use bronya or sparkle on this acc at all, so flexibility wise neither sparkle or ruan mei give me nothing as of rn)


IMAGINE PLAYING WITH A MALE Sorry bud i have high testosterone


LOL, nothing wrong with that. Good luck on whoever you decide to get.


My e2 Acheron completely obliterates everything in the game without any trouble whatsoever with overkill numbers. I genuinely do not think that this new is guy is any need at all. It will be higher overkill numbers for big numbers dopamine more than anything. Am I gonna pull? Maybe. But I think e2 and onwards Acheron havers can already desintegrate anything the game can throw to them without much effort, or any at all, and the misconception that this foxian dude is of any need for her to be complete is very meme and I only see it here on reddit.


Thanks for sharing your opinion. I don't think anybody thinks he's a need for e2. Most are just genuinely excited to what he brings to the game. I've replied to atleast 200 acheron JQ comments and I promise a lot of people are just excited man. Also i agree that she already 1 shots everything, as i have videos on reddit doing just that myself against every boss we've had so far. Regardless if you do decide to roll good luck on your pulls. Also thanks once again for sharing your opinion.


Thank you. I only share my experience reading comments and checking Acheron's sub. The foxian dude is perhaps best in slot for her, and I get the hype for that. I only believe that due to the overwhelming nature of Acheron's kit, his presence will be an overkill; more than she already is. It will be fun for sure. I'm a little concerned with the direction the game is going regarding power levels of the newest characters, but that's another topic.


Damn you make a very valid point. I do believe it is overkill. Calcing the damage increase is wild and make her possibly do 3 ults reliably is unheard of, but here we are. Like i can barely believe the numbers im seeing myself honestly, but fribbels always does it right by me. Things could change in the future of course. If he just stays as is i think we'll be seeing new playstyles that weren't as consistent before for e0s1 players. For us it will be more of the same with a bigger number.


how the hell your dmg is so high? https://preview.redd.it/5y5p2jg1rc7d1.png?width=1371&format=png&auto=webp&s=222c4b1f672ce948e137d13d3715b7756f8b80f1


Don't underestimate silverwolf in single target she is unmatched. She gives the largest increase in damage in the game at e0. I'm sure thats the main difference.


https://preview.redd.it/9selto0rsc7d1.png?width=1381&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3b47a473644452f1f0f43218f780051393365cb I change the teammates to the same as your pic but still 300k ult dmg difference


If you look at my crit damage it's 373 in combat yours is a bit lower than mines.


Is your archeron 200CD isn't it?


In this simulation no. Theres 50 extra cd in here from extra buffs as i have a new piece on my main account so i plugged it in. Remember i have e3 so your damage wont be exactly the same as mine. Add 50 cd in your extra buff sections if you want to get a similar number as mine.


What's that extra 50cd


Also check your JQ planer set yours is the atk% set mines is cd set.


Also my acheron is e3 which increases my ult damage.




Odd, I have no option of adding Jiaoqiu. Where are you able to add him as support? https://preview.redd.it/jq3kzl7sxc7d1.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f649d80d67f9c6ac58b3b6127cff9c9b00b8c8a


Use the link provided in the post, it's a version of the website that contains leaked characters


Thanks, got it!


>Our fox boy doesn't have healing anymore Eh?


Probably not. Especially since I'm going in on Firefly.


373 cdmg? what u cooking bro


You gotta remember bronya is giving crit damage also, lol. I say test the site out yourself and see if the increase looks appealing for you. It wont be worth for everyone and thats understandable. Good luck on whoever you decide to roll.


How good is jiao Qiu with S5 eye of the prey LC as compared to pela with S5 pearls sweat LC ?


I also have E3S1 Acheron but I don’t have Ruan Mei and was planning to pull…so Ruan Mei vs Jiaoqiu which one would benefit me more?


Im skipping bcs i want to get e6 acheron mine is e3 right now


If ruan mei sticks with break team, what's BiS team for e2s1 acheron ??




I'm not sure honestly, but the teams i recommend with sustain is Adventurine(with sig or trends) / Fu xuan(with trends) with either sparkle or pela(aoe)/SW(single target). I only run bronya when im trying to 1 shot a boss with no rng. The reason pela and silver wolf are still good in this double nihility setup is because the team is actually missing defense down and gets a big boost when you combine that with e1s1 JQ 83% vul, and 48% damage bonus.


How trends and JQ will interact? Is still worth it to run it?


It may be but we don't know the interaction as of yet. If i see concrete proof they don't overlap i'll make a post.


Silver wolf… you will be remembered as the support that was always useful. But now it’s time for me to get the sly fox


Sly fox for the win, lol


I'm not rolling him at all, he's skip for me and I'm not looking back.


Sounds like your happy with what you have. No problem with that. Whoever you pull next good luck on your pulls.