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how you typing on 700 lmaooo shit gets way too weird to understand language at 300


i did 500ug a while back. i was able to somewhat function




Im just comfortable within myself to go this high that's how I can function off 700. I've been at 300 multiple times and typing on that is hard enough but at 700 everything just moves no matter what direction you look so it's quite hard to find the keys but muscle memory and autocorrect kicks in 😂


i dont think anyone can function off 700, highest i’ve gone was 600 and i couldn’t move for 4-5 hours let alone type


I did 960 once (lab-tested quantitatively; it was 80ug tabs and I did 12), with a huge hit of weed (vaped). No tolerance. Still mostly functional after a few hours; even used the stove to heat up a meal without issue. On 480ug (plus weed) I went for walks outside.  Everyone's different. I'm autistic and I've seen other autistic people report similar experiences of being functional on very high doses. Though still others may be way more sensitive and easily incapacitated.


im autistic too, but i need about 130ug to really get tripping and i need like a .6 to start tripping on shrooms, but after 300 shit starts to get pretty fucky and i cant actuate my body properly lol so i just do my best not to go anywhere until i start the slow ride down




Nah your tabs are just under dosed so you think you’re taking a lot more then you really are


im speaking for everyone ive ever met that has done lsd, if you can actually function on that high of a dose good for you but i call bullshit


Thanks man I have pride in it I have a good mental mindset that how I've been able to come this high, you can't function but you can go to the toilet and lie down haha.


ego dissolution also happens almost every time i trip so that could be why, but after i get halfway thru the peak i just kinda shut down and watch my cevs for a while


I think I'm having ego dissolution mate I'm 10 hours in this trips been insane and it's still intense as fuck now.


smoke a bowl that’ll do ya


I'm smoking now man it's intensifying the trip again it feels. 11hours strong 😂




Lsd really does make weed feel more psychedelic than it normally does doesn't it, it's brilliant.


You can't function mate, reality is complex aztec geometry no matter where you look with shifts in vision, sound mixes with your senses making you feel music. I was listening to music and the music was pouring colours into my vision depending on how I was feeling it was surreal. Every sound almost folds onto itself creating echoes throughout your hearing creating auditory hallucinations. It's not bullshit mate it's good self control.


God knows what 1000ugs is like I don't even want to know 👀


You become the atom 😂


Knowing how dealers lie about doses nowadays, you’re probably doing about half of what you think you are if that


I really wasn't I literally potency tested it mate 🙄


Stop LSD for 3 weeks, then try the same dose again and see how it does (assuming it is really 700ug which I highly doubt)


It was genuinely 700ugs mate but i was going off 4days tolerance so It highly effected the dose, I'll come back in a couple weeks to give a proper trip report I'm gonna meditate on the come up as last time they kicked in in less than 20 minutes and the nausea was quite strong


Tell me you have under dosed tabs without having to actually tell me


I have tripped on 5gs of albino penis envy and did my best to game. I would suggest playing stiff that has vibrant colors and good music. I could only play for like an hour before I was taken to a deeper layer and couldn’t focus. But I recommend: Rez Infinite Dragon Ball Fighterz Hades Bonus points if you have Rez on VR. That shit is spectacular sober but otherworldly during a trip.


took one of them gel tabs with gold flakes and I played splitgate. Dope ass game it's free if you haven't tried it basically pvp portals. I was blowing my own mind by how I was playing shit was crazy


I can literally feel the music and see the colour pour into my vision it's quite beautiful, my body reacts to how my character moves whilst there's music pouring into my body making me feel all tingly


It can be great if I'm well familiar with the game. Trying to setup controls or follow instructions can be difficult.




Yes, and I just walk around looking at stuff, lol.


I’ve took 600-700 and played gta 5 and it felt so real and when you kill ppl it fells like you actually killing them it’s funny as fuck


I'm concerned




do you think killing people is fun??


It’s a video game it’s not real lmao wtf why would I like killing ppl tf 😭😭


u said it felt real


Yeah cuz I’m tripping balls my guy😂






Play Hylics 1 and 2. Whackiest night of my life. I actually had to take a break when I was peaking. Just spent 20 minites watching shaolin performances, then went back to beat the game.


I had a good time playing Halo CE on like 250-300ug. Watching the old school textures up close was really nice, makes a good backdrop for the acid visuals. The real wild shit happens when you're on that dose, with music and eyes closed, you try to synchronize with that spinning cog or disk 😉😎.


I always assume that yall megadose crazies are just skipping the 2-week tolerance washout and dropping whenever you want, and because of that there’s only one answer: Your numbers, descriptions, etc mean literally absolutely nothing unless you include exactly how much you last took and exactly how long ago so we can at least calculate your tolerance. Otherwise you might as well be one of the shroom people who measures their doses in a number of whole mushrooms instead of grams, ie zero idea how much you took.


rage bait post you wont be able to type that clearly on 700ug


Sure mate, I experienced it that's all that matters to me, believe what you want :)


At first the jitters and translation to use your fingers correctly is strong. But once you collect more of yourself I've found an amazing experience to play in video games


I'm back on 700ugs with a week's tolerance and I can tell you this is so fucking strong. I have a good fucking mindset it's not bullshit, people say you can't even type off 700. No you can't because every key has tracers from every corner and every thought every sound every voice is looped distorted times a thousand. Chose whether or not to believe me but I'm highly experienced with psycadelics and I'm here telling you to never try 700ugs unless your in the right environment as everything loops. Time, thoughts, visuals. This dose is intense as fuck so I'm very intrigued to hear about people who have genuinely tried 1000 mics because I can tell you now all the voices you hear that loop in on themselves and distort in to multiple other small voices, they will become your entire sound because you literally can't hear at this point. Yes I am fucking mental for being able to type on this dose and I'm proud of it cause to me it shows how strong my mindset is not only with psycadelics but life as a whole. I've taken countless hours of my day to study lsd and become fascinated by this beautiful substance and it also fascinates me how other people react. That's what I love about this substance. Yes I am one of the very few that can function on this dose. No these are not underdosed 75ug tabs because I can assure you every word that I am saying take literal because I don't bullshit. I'm just really passionate about lsd I love the scientific side of it. P. S thoughts are constantly looping but I'm trying not to think about it no pun intended 👽😂


Yes I can talk about the visuals but lsd is more than visuals. It's a whole experience. Especially at doses around the 600-700 range. You can not think anymore you are literally a robot I am just sat on the toilet listening to all these voices around me pile up into one distorted voice as well as my looping visuals. An intense experience for sure. For sure my most intense


No matter where you look there's tracers on everything. Ofcourse everything's revolving geometry to the point that even the grease on your fingertips become fractals with tracers of their own. It's truly amazing what lsd can do. Yes I am typing on such a high dose. Is it near impossible yes because there's tracers on everything as well and it's one big geometrical pattern but I'm genuinely just one of those crazy people that can function if you can call it. On 700ugs. Oh and don't even think about doing this other than your room as everything is one big loop. Yes more than 300ugs. Yes more than 400ugs. Test your shit and do proper research about this beautiful substance before you delve deep especially at such a high dose like this. I don't have time for virgin redditors to tell me I'm bullshitting because I've dedicated hours and hours of research into all aspects of lsd and I am one of the very few that have such a crazy mindset to be able to function (just barely) on a stupid dose. So if there is anyone else here thata experienced lsd on this level please give me your experience because I love hearing them as it helps me gather more research of my own on this beautiful substance. I know I shouldn't be having 700ugs 7 days a part it's fucking stupid. Yes I do have a life, I'm a joiner, woodworking is my passion but like I said multiple trips and high levels of research to get to this point.


The amount of people that accuse you of underdosed tabs on this reddit amuses me 😂 Do not judge someones knowledge on the potency of lsd, I wouldn't be talking about 700ugs if I was bullshitting I've been at 300ugs 350ugs 400ugs so I thought I'd try 700ugs a week later after having those other trips months apart. Do not judge someone's knowledge I'm not one of those idiots that has no knowledge of lsd and thinks they are getting 700ugs when they aren't and get some generic 75ug tab shite. I know my stuff, lsd is great and I like to see how far I can get without going crazy because it's a good mind test, I love the mental side, it makes me a better person, lsd is great. 😃👍


Another shit post


I'm currently playing outlast trials and I'm just astounded by the visuals that I can see but on the game it's just amusing to me 😂