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That doesn’t look normal…😬


Ring of fire? Did the tech use an e-file for your cuticles? If so, they may have over filed


is an e-file like a drill?


Yes! It's short for electric file, so it's a drill :)


It looks like she damaged your natural nail bed. I would call ASAP and report this to the shop. You'll have to now wait 4-5 months for them to grow out. That's awful!!! The nail tech should have seen with their eyes the damage they caused and to pay $88 😞 I'm sorry


Did they use Polygel? It looks like the product spilled so much onto your cuticle and skin... in the picture, it appears as if there is still a product on your skin. Again, I would call that shop and speak with the owner to address this. I would be hesitant to ask for their opinion about what to do, but just keep an eye on it. You can look into warm cuticle oil soaks. Try to keep that area oiled up as much as possible. Also, I look into biotin - that has helped me a lot. I had an e-file accident on my own nails while removing the product. It didn't hurt me either. I just kept it oiled and took more vitamins (collegen and biotin along with my other ones). Also, try to get your money back!


i don’t think that’s spilled product! i think it was just my nail beds being dry because i moisturized and they look normal now. the owner of the shop is the one who did my nails. it’s only her and one other employee there so i’m a little nervous to call honestly. is it dangerous to keep them on? infection is what worries me the most.


I understand why you would be nervous, especially given that the owner did this. Do you have the ring of fire on all your fingers? From my experience of damaging my one nail bed with an e-file, I was also worried about infection or the nail completely lifting off. Nothing like that happened. However, think about contacting the owner because that is so unacceptable, and they damaged your nails. Again, I'm really sorry this has happened to you, especially paying the amount you did. I'm not a professional nail tech. However, I have been doing nails for some time and also a licensed cosmotologist (please continue to do your own research). Just try to keep your nails moisturized with cuticle oil. I would also recommend doing warm oil applications. As far as removing your nails, as long as you don't have lifting, you won't get "greenies," which is nail fungus. The water or moisture becomes trapped under the nails, causing the fungus. Please keep us updated!


Looks like they shaved too much off with the drill… looks painful


Not normal. Do not go back to this shop. You said you don't want to remove them and that's fine. However, you may be at risk for infection. I would keep my hands extra clean, wash more frequently, and apply a triple antibiotic or something similar. Cuticle oil but only after they heal. If the pain gets worse, I would then advise to remove them because that could be a sign of an infection or bacteria being present. You said you got them done 3 days ago. Consider asking for a refund if you end up having to remove them. Like the others said, they cut your skin. I am not a licensed nail tech but I am someone who gets acrylics like clockwork every two weeks. Getting your nails done should never be painful during nor after.


Those are rings of fire and should have been quite painful during the process.


it didn’t hurt at all! it’s a little painful now. should i remove them?


As I'm a beginner I have no advice on that front. As it looks like there isn't any product there it may be safe but I don't know. I'll have to let a more seasoned tech tell you better on that.


Ouch!!! How are you doing now OP? That looks painful and not normal. Someone went way too hard with an e-file.