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Poor people need to eat tho. . . . shampoo, razor blades, laundry detergent, bleach, tampons, hair spray, you know all that stuff with nourishing goodness. Edit : ohh, I almost forgot the pair of jeans. Edit 2: Both of those workers need more money for having to put up with that shit.


Humans need more than bread and water to be humans. Survival is the absolute base level of existence, like some amoeba type shit. Humans wash their hair, wash their clothes, women use sanitary products, we shave and brush our hair. Stealing is wrong, but not as wrong as a system that corners people into resorting to stuff like this to feel human. If she was running with a tv, I’d be inclined to agree, but personal products, especially like this case where clearly for personal use and not to go sell online, I’m leaning towards this is someone living below the poverty line looking to feel like a human.


Wow you're in deep aren't you?


Yes, balls deep in logic.


Balls deep in defending a thieving ass hoe! If she wasn't so stupid to literally go "shopping" and try to steal hundreds of dollars worth of products at once, we wouldn't even have a video to argue over. If you wanna take up for a thief, then go defend the person stealing a loaf of bread to feed their kids. Not a ratchet hoe that would rather spend her money on crack, instead of buying the "necessities" that she actually needs!


lol. How is saying “stealing is wrong” defending her? Stupid fucks just want to judge and hate, like people don’t have reasons for the things they do. They can be wrong, and you can have enough fucking brains and humanity to understand why they did what they did. Both things can be true. Dumbass.


>humanity to understand why they did what they did. What she did is try to steal. Why? Because stealing is easier than working.


Lmao that was easy… dude gave up so fast after only a few words. all that aggression and brain dead opinions for what hahahha


Well the idea was actual educated adults would analyze and think critically to use that information to better humanity, not that Reddit children would spit out the first thing their shit for brains parents taught them.


>children would spit out the first thing their shit for brains parents taught them. My family and I came to this country with a total of $74. You know what my parents taught me? They taught me the value of hard work and they taught me not to steal. What did your parents teach you?


They failed to teach you humanity and empathy. Glad you learned 1 of literally a million lessons in life. You should brag about it more. Your parents may have succeeded in immigration but they failed miserably in parenting. Possessing one good tenet, does not negate the bad ones.


Lol be more reductive please


"Stupid fucks just want to judge and hate.". It felt like there was a lot of hate in that hahaha. You're the best joke I've heard all week.


I’m being specific, the people who want to judge and hate are stupid fucks. Seems pretty straightforward.


Respectfully, I've had to steal before to survive. But what I stole was FOOD for my kid, not razors and jeans and shit.


That’s nice. How did the person you stole from feed their kid?


I didn't steal from a person. I stole from Walmart. Love to see all these reddit warriors judging others over shit some of y'all could never comprehend. I don't feel bad, I'd burn the entire world down over my kid, let's not get this confused.


Ah ok. So stealing is ok when it’s from a corporation? Why didn’t you get a job and buy food to feed your kid? Why not go to a food bank or use social resources instead of committing a crime? There are other options. To be clear, the people who think what I said above are the ones you’re siding up with. If you can’t answer that to them, then you’re in trouble.


The intent is obvious, she wanted the stuff so she took it. I personally don't care about the intent, unless it's a child. Adults know the expectations, and there are welfare programs to help people. I don't think she's going to hell, but maybe some jail time would be good for her


I’m not referring to intent. That’s obviously to take without paying. The why, and the intent, are not the same thing.


I just don't understand why you're defending shoplifting. There are so many other options that aren't illegal. The why is because she wanted it, idk how that justifies it.


Where did I defend shoplifting? Be specific. Quote my comment.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted to hell. Like you’re literally acknowledging their wrongdoing, just saying that it’s occasionally more nuanced than ‘lazy people lazy so they steal’


There is zero nuance to stealing. You can rationalize it all you want with "nuance" but that nuance has been used for years to explain away, build sympathy and hold no one accountable for this, except the store owner. We are tired of it and don't really care what the rationale is anymore.


There is nuance to EVERYTHING. The word nuance does not implicate justification or righteousness.


Really? Does the crime of rape have nuance?


For you to say that there is ‘zero nuance’ to any act of stealing, you must either be lacking some serious world perspective, which I am unable to lend, or you’re arguing in bad faith. In any case, I’m not going to engage with you.


Lol okay pal whatever you say


I don't exactly agree with you but this reply is too funny


Man, you have to understand that this line of thinking is outdated. Especially in NYC, which is one of the most generous states in terms of welfare. Not to mention the various religious organizations and nonprofits that literally give this stuff away for free.


If you want to survive go get a job and work like the rest of us. No one is buying your victim ridden sob story. No one is buying what you guys are selling anymore. We are not just going to allow you to walk through society doing what ever you want without any responsibilities or consequences.


The fuck are you saying? What sob story? Understanding people and their motives? Not buying anymore what? The civilized and advanced notion of human psychology and using that to better manage social behaviour is brand new, up until about a century ago or less, we cut peoples hands off for stealing. Literally only the most harsh and violent punishments used for all of human history have done nothing to deter theft. You’re like “let’s keep doing that ineffective thing”. Definition of insanity (or stupidity).


Keep commenting, so I can downvote you more


Oh no. Not fictitious thumbs down! You’re so powerful. It hurts!


Thanks, keep going


You’re welcome. What else do you need from me? What hole in your life am I filling? I’m here for you


Thanks, keep going


No problem. Will your therapist give you a discount because I’ve helped so much?


Thanks, keep going


You’re welcome. I don’t give everyone my time, but some people just seem so desperate for it.


There’s ways to make money to pay for it. I know because I scrap copper wire I find and also sell old bottles I find to finance my life


I don’t disagree entirely. But the notion that everyone is homeless just because they are lazy or unwilling to work simply isn’t true. People want to succeed in life.


To succeed in life you have to put the work in. I have a few disabilities that stop me from working a normal job but I do still make money by collecting and selling. It’s not a lot of money of course but it’s something that adds up if you save


Are you stupid? You steal stuff like this because it's the easiest to sell. You've never known druggies or lived as one. You don't sell the shit online either. Baby formula is also stolen for the same reason.


No. I’m not stupid. That’s why I can see she’s stealing a bunch of different things. Which requires taking from multiple spots in the store. They are all different sizes. They will all require various effort to sell, and some items will be worth less than others, making them less worth the effort. No I’m not stupid, so I know when people steal to sell, it’s about ease of theft and ease of sale. It’s not easy to steal and sell 20 different, size, shape and value items. Are you stupid?


It is easy to walk in a store and walk out with stuff most of the time. You just go to your dealer or the place where you hang out with all your drug taking friends and someone will either swap drugs for the whole lot or just pay you a small amount for everything all up. That's how it worked when I was addicted to drugs anyway.


This doesn’t explain walking around and stealing ten things from ten spots, when someone could steal ten things from one spot. Simply doesn’t check out. Also, just because you stole to support a drug habit, does not mean everyone is doing that. There are a variety of reasons people steal. Some people do it, literally just because they like stealing. Your story, is not everyone’s story.


Fuck the Fuck Off, You're a nasty dirty excuse for a bot.


Literally 15 seconds of research would tell you I’m not a bot. lol. Dumbfuck.


It took me 5 seconds to spot you. (Without research)


He wasn’t having that shit today not in his store.


Pretty sure that's a chick




He shitted in the porta potty outback sources confirm


Refreshing to see the ownership. Risky of course, but refreshing.


Absolutely hilarious how there's that arrow on the floor pointing towards them saying have fun.


Plus the 'Hot Stuff' sign.




Thank you, have fun! ☺️


I’ve never seen an energy of a manager overcome the energy of the degenerate thieves lol




This poor guy will probably get fired over this! It is refreshing to see someone finally stand up to these scumbags!


The sad part is that dude probably got fired for that


They had to, the at the end of the day the boss is gonna hold the manager accountable for the missing stock


But did they have fun?


I would hire him


Thank you have fun




When your wrong, your wrong


My attitude is getting more and more Medieval by the day regarding this shit.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


Behind them a bunch of other people are heading out with half the store in their arms too , taking full advantage of the distraction.


Sassy hero


lol so stupid. You got 2 people in the back stealing and just left the store without being notice because of the distraction.


Cops are called and this person is staying around the scene. Geez


All this for no raise no promotion nothing? You have a family to go home to. Don't get killed by a shoplifter over things that cost the corporation cents on the dollar.


Thanks dems ! This is the reason #74749200 why trump is sadly steamrolling elections again


Its 2024 and you still think that its D vs R lol


Don’t see any republican advocating for less punishment for criminals of any kind , quite the opposite but yeah you can live in denial as much as you want


Republicans and democrats both play for the same team. Liberals dont want to punish people, republicans want to imprison everyone, neither are interested in actually fixing the problem


And here is the progressive gone too far.... this delusional fixing society ideology. People are messed up, people are mean, people are selfish, people choose to be a bad people even when they already have privileged life. For some people prison is the only answer since their choice is deliberate and free from any pressure whatsoever, it just just result of greed and selfishness. Damns these are criminals and need to pay for their consequence, and consequences must be harsh and exemplar.


Ok i’ll hold your hand a little bit more: the root cause of crime is poverty, nobody is interesting in helping poor people in order to reduce crime. Instead, we fill up prisons in order to satisfy contracts with private companies. Neither democrat or republican is financially interested in reducing crime


I strongly agree with you that there is a conflict of interest between actually keeping criminals behind bars and meeting numbers for money reasons. I fully agree with that, but that's corruption and two wrongs don't make a right. That being said, in most case these are pure greedy, this is not about poverty....they are not stealing food, they are stealing accessories, tech gadgets, and so on so forth. This is not poverty steals, but only and pure greedy and luxury seeker steals. As i said early, deliberate and free from any pressure choice. There is no hunger, cold or decease forcing them to pursuit this road, otherwise they would steal things that directly relates to the problem that afflict them. In this case the problem that afflict them is "I want to have that gadget!".... nothing in the world will justify that. A lot of people accept to have less without recurring to steal and they are happy ..... hence .... a greedy/selfish choice .... hence no excuse for not having harsh and exemplar punishments.


There’s a reason people steal those items, easy to resell with no questions. But again, why are they stealing? Because they cant afford anything. And thats not counting how much is stolen from us through taxes, the people that need to be in jail are the politicians