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I do my workouts in the morning to take advantage of my larger morning dose, which works well for pretty intense circuit type training and I don’t really need to updose. Actual strength training sessions with progressive overload hit me much differently and cause me to experience pretty severe low symptoms within a day or two. I’ve had two Endos say I shouldn’t need to updose for exercise. Then I tell them my experience and show them my workout log and symptoms and they say to updose 5-10mgs HC as needed. One of them told me my workouts were way too extreme and I shouldn’t be doing that. 😂 … a small fraction of what I used to do. The other was impressed with what I’m doing and how far I’ve come and supports me in my goals of doing even more. I have noticed my body does adapt and I can gradually taper down and do the same activity, it just takes a lot longer than I’d imagine. Keeping detailed training logs and tracking symptoms and dosing has been helpful in navigating this and figuring out for myself. Helping to have more productive conversations with the docs.


My experience is very similar. I can’t do the extent of what I used to and I do need to updose for certain activities, but for others I’ve been able to gradually build up to not needing a stress dose. Everyone is different but be patient and go slow and steady


This is really solid advice. I worked my way back to running 20 miles a week after I first got sick. I was on a combo of oral steroids @ 45 mg HC equivalent plus 5-10 HC for actual doing the running part. I ran the Adrenal Insufficient Athlete face book group back in the comparatively halcyon days between the injuries. Then I ran myself into a hip stress fracture. I came so close to rehabbing it but never quite recovered properly. Nobody knew what to tell me to do for dosing for healing the fracture. The dysautonomia took what was left of my ability even when it’s completely under control. It showed up as autoimmune autonomic neuropathy. It took me out when I passed out standing on the concrete deck in our backyard. I ended up breaking my orbital bone in my face and destroying my right knee. It was apparently so bad you could see my tibia. My youngest decided she could not pursue medicine after that. The trauma surgeon was amazing. It’s gone downhill from there but I am alive and kicking.


I just started training again 3 months ago and was wondering the same thing because come 5pm I’m done & stuck in my recliner exhausted!


I was diagnosed in 2019 and in my experience I had to experiment to find out when and how much to updose for different activities. There’s no fixed recipe for this because we are all different. I found that 5 mg of hydrocortisone before two of my weekly workouts is necessary for me. But for a third slightly gentler workout I don’t need anything. If I neglect to updose for something my symptoms happen mostly the next day - abdominal pain followed by vomiting. But I’ve noticed that other Addisonians may have different consequences.


I can only really give my anecdotal experience. My Endo said I didn't need to micro dose for heavy exercise. But I found when I went through long periods of inactivity I had to micro dose getting back into it. After that I've been various extremes of gyming. Lifting 6 days a week vs running 15km 5 days a week. Now I've gotten lazy and slapped on some weight but try to gym still. Either way, I notice the getting back into it is worse with addissons. UK addissons foundation says if youre going to exercise HARD micro dose a few mg 20 mins before. This mimics the normal adrenal cycle.


I only really updose for anything over two hours, but everyone is different. Don’t start back straight in at your old intensity! Ease back in and see how your body responds.


62 years old (female) and lift weights 3x week, swim 2x week, walk minimum 5 km every day and no need to updose. No issues.


Lots of good advice here. I would also suggest using rehydration salts - especially in hot weather. Sometimes I find that gives me more of a boost than updosing.


Up your electrolytes and don't drink water! I take MMA classes 3 times a week and was in a MMA tournament a few weeks ago I made sure my salt was adequately replaced.. good luck!


Are you needing to updose for training sessions? My goal is to get back to BJJ, considering to slowly reintroduce with some slow rolls at openmat soon to see how I do. I think a class would be fine, but the warmups are pretty intense with dynamic up/ down movements that I still struggle with.


Nope. No updose needed. I keep my salt intake up and stay hydrated (Gatorade zero).


Ok. Maybe I’ll just take a jug of salt water with me to class. :-) very cool to see someone with Addison’s doing this type of training. I’m just a little over a year post-diagnosis and it’s been a rough ride, but I’ve been pretty stable the last two months so feeling ready to give it a go. 👍🏼


Go slow until you get a feeling for what you need. I take a 1gm salt tab (bought off Amazon) 30 minutes before and after. Take it easy and build it up. The biggest thing is to listen to your body. It's a learning curve. Reach out any time


I've just gotten into the gym 3 days a week and havnt needed to updose. I just cover the bases (drink plenty & have electrolytes) then see how I go. I havnt yet but if my body started to feel like it needed an updose I would but so far so good.


I dont dose for lifting but sometimes with high exertion cardio I do. My main issue is electrolytes. If I lift without a powerade I start having issues


Very interesting. I am more of a running person. Recent diagnose of SAI. I do run 5/10k with Pred up dose, but have not restarted 400 metres on track as these are so intense, but hopefully soon. Pred rather than HC due to other lung issues I was diagnosed by coincidence and kept my fitness more or less Actually doing parkrun in one hour.