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Hi all, here are the facts, via SAPOL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCCNWyb2lVw Two groups of youths (all under 18, caucasion) got into a fight in the food court, 3 of the kids had "expandable batons", who had approached another group of youths. They are aware of reports a knife may have been involved but they cannot confirm this. The 3 boys with batons chased the other group through the centre, the 3 then entered David Jones. They know the identities of two of the kids, and it is clear that they are known to eachother, and this is not a random attack. No injuries resulted as a direct result of the altercation, but the two known injuries that have been reported happened as a result of the evacuation procedures.


We are still locked up in shops near the food court out front of David Jones. There are lots of heavily armed police running around but it’s been 45min and we are still here


Police just came around and spoke to us through the closed shop doors. Said they are still clearing the entire area and it’ll be a little while before we can be let out of the shops


Any info at all? Stay safe!


Nothing confirmed they didn’t give us much info other than they are searching for offenders so not even sure if they’ve been caught yet or if they are just clearing the area afterwards. It’s been over an hour now and we are still locked inside. Confirmed nothing other than armed offenders didn’t exactly have time to ask what with or why. Just wanted to know we are safe and to stay put until they cleared the area


Also move away from the door. Unless you see actual cops.


Yeah we were hiding in the back rooms, we only approached the door when the police came around again and we knocking on doors to talk to people inside hiding


Teenagers brawling with blades, seems they all got away


Be safe!


Are you okay, have you been evacuated yet?


We are all okay, there are about 18 people in our store. Still waiting to be evacuated


Stay safe! Please let us know that you make it out okay.


Hope you can go home soon


Apparently evacuated in 5min


Hopefully you've been released!!


We have been evacuated now just made it outside police escorts everywhere showing people out. Lots and lots of people still should be finished soon hopefully. We are safe and going home today


Thanks for the update. Take care x


So glad to hear you're safe! Take it easy, hope you're okay.


From SAPOL's Facebook: Update 5.13pm Police are investigating an incident at the Westfield Marion Shopping Centre today.Just before 3pm on Sunday 23 June, police received reports of two groups of young males fighting in the food court area of the centre. Some people in the group were reported to have [weapons.As](http://weapons.As) a result of the incident, centre management activated an audible alert and evacuation alarm, and the centre went into lock down. Numerous police resources including STAR Group officers attended the centre to commence a search for the groups involved in the initial disturbance.A thorough search of the centre was conducted including rooftops however the groups involved were not located.Several shoppers who sought refuge in shops were safely escorted from the centre. Police are satisfied that there is no ongoing threat to the community.Further investigations are being carried out to identify the groups involved.Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at [www.crimestopperssa.com.au/](http://www.crimestopperssa.com.au/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0fo0rh9xevb4nqrwDrkpC77gL5VN_ruwtoEdfOl04V2t4GMXr6iOW4dGk_aem_mWQoxwFKY4Bbh268JBs-tg) or on 1800 333 000.


Fantastic news! I just saw [this on Twitter](https://twitter.com/silver_mii/status/1804783323363086472), looks like everyone’s safe to go and it’s been dealt with. What a relief.


> it’s been dealt with. Dealt with being the teens have left the building?


They'll probably be back next week to start something


"Audible" lol. Couldn't hear a thing.


I'm impressed that Westfield has an electronic sign for this contingency.


Edit: Apparently been around for awhile, never knew. Betting after Bondi it became a thing.


Photos of the same sign there too


Oh didn't see them, guess it's smart in a way, short precise message for when people are panicking could make a difference.


Hmm, are you sure? I can't find any evidence of the same sign being photographed (using a reverse image search via google). It seems the sign showed during the Bondi event was this, which is similar but a lot more generic: [https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/tragedy-in-sydney-how-the-day-unfolded-in-pictures-20240413-p5fjlx](https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/tragedy-in-sydney-how-the-day-unfolded-in-pictures-20240413-p5fjlx)


They have two options for the system - site evacuation which is that one you’ve linked or armed offender incident


It would've been a thing before that. "Run hide tell" has been a thing for years and part of the reason those screens are there are for this exact purpose, advertising is just a side effect of having them.


This is an interesting titbit to me. I never considered the advertising to be the side effect, but it makes sense


Yeah there was a drill by the police a couple of weeks ago at Marion to practice their respond to mutliple victim attacks. Here's hoping their response was so good that it has de escalated the attack before any serious injuries were caused.


Nah it’s been a thing for years. Centre management emergency override. Only ever gets activated when shit hits the fan and needs authorisation from higher ups so If you see it understand it’s real and not a test or false alarm


Was gonna say the same- I'm impressed those electric signs can be used for stuff like this.


can you figure out what the Hide icon is?


Oh it's someone peeking behind a square object reaching around it


Ohhhh I thought it was a person with no arms badly concealing themselves behind an anvil.


How could they not have made one after the confusion that resulted in Bondi. Means they actually learnt from that event.


I imagine massive public spaces like these would be working with emergency services to prepare for major incidents (as shown by the police exercise at Marion last week) - who knows what disasters they’ve prepped for


I have a relative who works in the security aspects of construction. He's doing a redevelopment of Circular Quay, apparently the client doesn't care for the bollards preventing vehicle-borne IEDs traversing the pedestrian spaces.




Got a call from one of the mates working there. They have locked themselves in the back room of the stores.


Any updates? Are your friends safe?


Uniqlo staff here. 50 customers locked up with us. evcuated 20 minutes ago, we are all safe


Staff at Harris Scarfe ignored alarms and repeated loudspeaker announcements and continued to fold clothes instead of locking the main doors. Then only took action at a snails pace when urged by customers.


I worked at Woolies in Marion for over 10 years, alarms would go off all the time in the mall and we'd often be told to just ignore it, it wasn't relevant to our section of the mall, etc. The alarms can also be hard to understand and will often be practice/test ones that you just have to ignore as "fire drills" were never done in full and just what the fire warden needs to do, no other staff.


it's like they forgot all about the Bondi incident.so.so so stupid.


Minimum wage employees who will probably get yelled at if the work doesn't get done, public safety emergency notwithstanding.


Former retail employee, can confirm being yelled at for evacuating a store when a fire alarm was going off.


Can also confirm being told off for asking clients to evacuate (not even evacuating ourselves). At my old job the fire alarm was going off,and a light was on fire with melted / on fire pieces of plastic falling from the roof. In the end a customer had to step in and ask everyone to leave, bc our boss wasn’t and we got told off for even trying to ask them ourselves.


Shit manager more like


Yeah I used to work at Drakes. We had fire alarms go off a few times and the other stores in the centre would evacuate, we'd be told to keep working.


Businesses should be named and fined for ignoring evacuation orders. Drills should be made enforceable and anyone not complying should face the consequences of disciplining and corrective training.


Yeah utter fucking idiots. Especially after Bondi Junction. 


Typical of Harris Scarfe 


This is the doing of ‘drills’, when something actually happens nobody believes it’s happening. There should be 4-5 people at each business trained for these events that can lead people in these scenarios. Then when it’s actually time for action people aren’t standing around asking themselves if it’s a drill


Drill or not, should be done anyways. Problem is with regular drills they become too relaxed and with no drills, they will panic and not know what to do.


What a dumb fucking comment. The point of drills are you treat them like reality, every fucking time. If it's an organised drill, you know prior to the event if it's a drill, and can think and be trained. If it's a blind drill, you treat it like reality because you don't know whether it's a drill or not, and you should err on the side of caution. If it's reality, then you've been drilled and do what you've been trained to


I don't think he's saying it's right.  Just what happens.  Management absolutely should treat every alarm as real.  The problem is, the store loses a little money when they do, and don't lose money if they don't.  Should be, as pretty much anything to do with businesses, if they don't follow the rules, fine the fuck out of them.  Harris still had workers working? Management get fined. A lot The company gets fined. A lot more But the government won't, because they're owned by businesses 


No it isn't dumb at all. Ongoing drills can end up desensitising people to the point that if it were to actually occur people don't take it seriously. I've been part of a dozen evacuation alarms - It's never been real. *That* is the problem.


A dozen over how long?


You favour the unprepared, unstructured, spontaneous reaction to crisis then? Sounds clever


No I don't favour it... I'm simply describing how human beings work.


I don’t favour it either. Until we do have a better system, then drills will probably remain as ‘best practice’.


Ever since working from home became a thing, my work stopped telling us when we do drills. This is because for a brief period when we were told, about half of us (myself included) would always decide to work from home on the day of the drill. So in the end, our boss just decided that he wouldn’t tell us when we would do evacuation drills. 


All retailers at Westfield sites are invited and encouraged to attend the frequent training that is put on. It’s extremely rare that any retailers in any Westfield actually show up


Watching 7NEWS, sounds like it was a gang of teenagers


Unable to locate the gangs apparently, fuck sake


But they did a well done job catching and handing out tickets to individuals riding their personal e-scooters.


In the presser they said they knew who two of the victims were - I assume that’s referring to the boys who were initially attacked by the three offenders. That knowledge + the CCTV surely it won’t take long to identify the little shits


Yep, it's barely been 2 hours- There will be CCVT of every angle, from when they walked in, to the brawl, to when they ran out etc. They'll find them- It'll just take time.


Yeah so frustrating hey - hopefully more news will unravel over the next few days with CCTV!


Not a terrorist attack, just a couple of piece of shit teenage wanna be tough guys trying to flex to their fellow piece of shit mates.


Has anyone able to see anything on the news yet? Can't seem to find anything!


I'd suggest they are still trying to get as much information as possible.


Yeah, and now I hear there is a chopper that's roaming above marion.


Nope, Channel 7 is playing the SANFL.


Who won


ABC news currently reporting centre evac’d, but ‘fencing being erected around shopping centre’. Are you still inside?


Just drove past. Lots of cars in carpark. Police cars still blocking all main entrances.


This is really showing that our news groups aren't helpful in these moments


What do you expect of them this quickly?


Witch hunting the wrong perpetrator, at least.


Aunty ABC is good… They covered it immediately from 3:45pm or so. Thanks, Aunty


They need a pre recorded message for these incidents. The woman yelling something unintelligible over the intercom was so hard to understand.


Yes though specifics around location etc are/were helpful. Knowing it was in/around DJ's meant that those further away could hopefully evacuate more calmly. In the theatre I was in it was definitely hard to understand at first and realise it was an important message to listen to.


Shit mate I hope everyone gets out safely


So is this why people with weapons are in Marion rn. Friends of a convict?


Yeah, apparently, there are lots of police with weapons running around. I hope it's not anything serious.


Apparently one guy had a knife.


I think the firepower demonstrates that the situation is rather serious.


It doesn't demonstrate anything other than the police being prepared for anything.


fine, if you want to split hairs... the *perception* of SAPOL is that the situation is rather serious. We should be getting a press conference right about now?


No, its just police trying to justify their existence and the massive budget counter terrorism receives. Clearly not a random attack, nor multiple victims, but let's respond with locking everything down and responding with star force....


If the police exist for one reason only, this would be a pretty good reason. I'm not familiar with SAPOL counter-terrorism budgets, but I'm going to assume it gets the proper scrutiny by parliament.


Parliament refuse to even address the fact we lost the war on drugs... Counter terrorism is just free money.


Responding to events like this has many benefits: - It gives them the ability to respond to an escalating event, if required. Often time is of the essence and scaling up a response may cost lives, including the lives of the officers responding. - It shows what the police will respond with in case anyone was thinking of copycat events in the future. If police responded with bare minimum -- a couple of officers with notepads -- "main character" delusional scum may think "well this will be easy". - It reassures people, as much as it can, that their police will be there to respond if required. Hopefully never again, but it's reassuring (albeit also very, very terrifying) to see officers running towards the danger, putting themselves at risk, to protect us. This means that people will be more willing to return to Westfield (or other areas where events occur) quickly, therefore not damaging the economy as much.


goodness. hoping the best for everyone's safety.


Hope no one has been injured!!! Seems like SAPOL got there pretty quickly and all the stores did well locking up so that’s at least good.


Possibly a bunch of younger “gentlemen” who are known for gang crime and like to carry knives, being being fuck heads trying to look tough. A knife got pulled, chaos ensued. If so, this should be a mandatory 3 month incarceration for a knife crime in public as only a fuck head takes a knife out in public. After each offence the sentence doubles. Stop giving slaps on the wrist and take scum out of society for a period of time.


3 months? Slap them with full extent of the book!


Have to catch them first, and then hope the judge decides to do something rather than letting them go for the tenth time.


Has anyone heard anything? ive got family at marion rn


There was a guy w a knife ad David jones apparently, think most ppl got out or locked in shops and there’s police there


My parents are currently locked in Uniqlo, next to David Jones. Apparently, it was multiple people with weapons.


that'd be the token Westfield dropkick eshay i bet.


That culture needs to be eradicated.


Them Eshays are the problem when it comes to youth crime. 


This was my first thought. I've noticed the eshay kids that hang out at the bus station steps have gotten more numerous and aggressive lately, seem to be picking fights a lot.


It's definitely worth speculating with no real evidence and a complete information vacuum to fill /s


Yeah you're right, I'll freely admit that it's baseless speculation based on my own circumstantial evidence walking past them the past few months. It's not particularly useful or valuable. This is a shitty situation all around that I hope gets resolved cleanly and safely.




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What a bizarre thing to not allow


welp turns out it was a cutla eshay kids hey!


Update 5.13pm Police are investigating an incident at the Westfield Marion Shopping Centre today. Just before 3pm on Sunday 23 June, police received reports of two groups of young males fighting in the food court area of the centre. Some people in the group were reported to have weapons. As a result of the incident, centre management activated an audible alert and evacuation alarm, and the centre went into lock down. Numerous police resources including STAR Group officers attended the centre to commence a search for the groups involved in the initial disturbance. A thorough search of the centre was conducted including rooftops however the groups involved were not located. Several shoppers who sought refuge in shops were safely escorted from the centre. Police are satisfied that there is no ongoing threat to the community. Further investigations are being carried out to identify the groups involved. Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at www.crimestopperssa.com.au/ or on 1800 333 000.


Speculation isn't helpful guys. "Apparently" it's a guy with a knife / two guys with machetes / several people with guns. If you don't have a solid basis for asserting these ideas, just shut up.


‘Apparently’ is still qualifying the information as to potential value. Shouldn’t ever be relied upon in absence of corroborating reports though.


A better way to qualify what you're asserting; explain where the information came from. Was it your mate working in the SWAT team? Was it a mate locked in a shop at Marion who heard it from the cops? Was it your parents stuck in the cinema at Marion who saw it? Just saying "Apparently it's 5 guys with knives and one guy with a gun" with no context is just muddying the waters and stoking fear for no good reason.


Eh can’t expect people who are currently locked down in the back of a shop during an active armed offender situation to be quite that reliable a narrator, though.


We can only go off the stuff we're getting sent by our loved ones still in there, just as confused as we are.


Really hope everyone's OK. Xxxx Am a Brisbanite, but keep getting recommended your sub.


Appreciated my Brissy friend 😊


Hope everyone is safe and well


5AA live coverage sapol presser at 5:30


ABC has just said they well carry the presser live on ABC24.


Does anyone have more information please?


Just read on another post that they are letting some people from the stores to the car park.


I know someone who knows someone locked in a backroom who said they had guns - wouldn't put stock in it as hearsay unless there's more reports though.


ABC news reports ‘details sketchy, large police response, some people being evacuated from shops, more info within the hour’


People are getting evacuated now. Glad


Latest update from SAPOL: Just before 3pm on Sunday 23 June, police received reports of two groups of young males fighting in the food court area of the centre. Some people in the group were reported to have weapons. A thorough search of the centre was conducted, including rooftops, however the groups involved were not located.


Hope it resolves soon without anyone getting hurt.


Praying this isn't a repeat of Sydney's Westfield. Hoping for the best.


The fact there isn't news about injuries implies there might not be any serious ones. Hopefully that's how it plays out as least! My toddler's been watching the tv for the last hour so I got a real shock losing up Reddit to see the news


ABC is reporting two injuries, not life threatening though. A person in their 70s with a shoulder injury and person in their 30s with a knee injury. One transported to hospital.


Exactly what I’m worried about


It practically happens every week in Melbourne. Shots fired by hooligans at other ooligans at Epping Plaza only last Friday. Machete wound sent to hospital as well. It doesn't even make big news here any more, it happens so regularly.




My Niece and her baby were locked in the rear of a store. Just got the call that they have been released and in their car on the way home.


Now that everyone is safe, just to lighten things up; it should be mentioned that to evacuate a person means making them take a shit, to evacuate a building means to have people escape.


Imagine being there and reading that sign with no other information and an alarm going off. Do the "experts" who come up with these ideas ever actually consider the natural crowd response?


Eshays. Complete and utter wastes of Oxygen.


I was near the end of Despicable Me 4 when everyone started to evacuate. Someone allegedly had a weapon (I first heard "gun" but it could be a knife) and was in David Jones level 2, so we gtfo and went for icecream.


A valid response. Glad to hear your out safe and got to enjoy an ice cream. 


An interesting twist for my sons birthday, I tell ya hwut.


Special ops team and looks like special medic have been paged


Mix 102.3 just stated that there were two groups of armed people. It seems like it might be eshay/gang related, as per some comments in this post. I hope everyone is safe! Also, if you are locked in, don’t post your exact location, just in case :) Ambulance SA said there’s two people injured from falling down during the stampede. Nil injuries from weapons that they know of


Luckily they did https://www.facebook.com/7NEWSAdelaide/videos/counter-terrorism-police-surround-westfield-marion-in-dramatic-training-drill/384619631265419/ a week ago, so the security were hopefully able to handle things. I wonder what happened 


Yes imagine how much worse this situation would of been if they didn’t run a training scenario for this exact event at this exact shopping centre a week ago.


Live Statement on ABC News: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/newschannel](https://www.abc.net.au/news/newschannel)


Oh my god, are you guys okay??!!




It’s not an unreasonable assumption considering the number of refugees in the public housing area just north of the mall. I used to live just a couple blocks from the mall.


Anyone know if this has anything to do with the Ikea evacuation this morning? Alarms going off everywhere


I was there this arvo. Seemed to be BAU, with the usual hordes of families meandering around


What happened at ikea?


Alarms went off, and they made everyone leave their shopping and evacuate No idea why, we left after that


It was a fire sale


Oh God, the burning


This shit is getting out of control in Adelaide


Quite remarkable the morons standing in front of charging police. Either arrogant or dopey AF. https://x.com/7NewsAdelaide/status/1804765463689515068


The most concerning thing about this incident is how crippled we are as a society when we don’t get any communication. Attacks on racism, religions and minority was prevalent all over social media, Within an hour. On an incident which was due to a group of youths who let’s be Frank, are acting as idiots. People are so quick to jump to a conclusion which can be so far from the truth. People are so quick to spread a rumour without any evidence. Glad everyone is safe but scared to see what happens where communication is cut completely.


No communication? Sirens, warning screens, shops being locked down. It sounds like the people that really needed the communication (people inside) got exactly what they should have. If you're talking about us (spectators), who cares how much or little we get until the threat is taken care of at the scene.


Sorry, more pointed at spectators and yes I agree. Let’s wait for the situation to be taken care of or some communication from the appropriate authorities before jumping to a conclusion. Unfortunately a lot social media was rife with misleading/misinformed comments from spectators without any evidence.


> What is the weapon? Is it a knife? A sword? A **GUN**? A ***BOMB?!?*** > How many people have weapons? Is this a lone wolf with a weapon or is this a gang attack? > Where is/are the person/people with weapon/s? Are they even in the shopping centre? From what we've heard, the people who were stuck hiding in the shopping centre for hours had answers to none of these questions. Plus, the police announced a press conference before the centre was evacuated. If they had info for the media, why didn't they have info for people terrified of a mad gunman?


I think part of the situation is the main integrated systems (such as in cinemas) are designed for fire/evacuation not necessarily a lockdown type event. This leaves people unsure what action they should be taking.


Dunno if others are as creeped out by the display as I am, I find it weird to think that in addition to countless advertisements of families celebrating spending money at Westfield merchants their marketing team has had to come up with a bunch of "your life is in danger" material, but here we are I guess.


Somewhat comforted, actually. We can't control the actions of other people. We can restrict access to weapons, so we limit people to less effective weapons. But if someone wants to grab a knife and start stabbing, you can only do so much to prevent that before it occurs. It's nice to see the Westfield group took stock of the Bondi incident and found what they could do better (communicate, the nature of and the immediacy of the danger), and took steps to implement these warnings.


Yeah, it's simple and it gets the message across


No this is pretty surreal 


the new modern world... can't even go to shops on a quiet sunday arvo without your life being in danger... more shops to close as online ordering increases


There should be a Police statement at 5:30


Has everyone evacuated?? Are those fuckheads caught and arrested?


A thorough search of the centre was conducted, including rooftops, however the groups involved were not located.




Yuck! Sad times. My thoughts go out to everyone involved. This reminds me of working in Elizabeth Centre. We would have these kind of “lockdowns” almost monthly. Especially on Thursday nights. Then there were the bomb threats. I worked there for about 6 years when I was in my 20s and would be told it’s “normal behaviour” and “you get used to it”. It does damage to people’s mental health. Im constantly thinking — he could pull a knife on me — and that’s not settling or healthy. I have CPTSD and my psychologist confirms “it’s not normal for someone to experience this kind of trauma in their workplace”. I hope everyone involved is okay and the young people involved are prosecuted.


I remember walking into the Elizabeth centre for my night fill job and a gang fight erupting literally behind me as I went in 😬 Yes Thursday nights were the worst and while I still live in the area and it's gotten better in recent years, I don't go to there for night shopping.


I haven’t been back in years — I moved closer to the city and never looked back. 🤣 It had its positives but the negatives were scary. I’m happy to hear it’s better?? That’s good!


Seems like a lot of hysteria & over reaction for some kids having a play fight?


Fear sure spreads fast... Probably in more danger of getting trampled than attacked 🤦‍♂️


Holy shit, I was there until about 2pm and nothing was going on then. I wonder if movie sessions that finished had to keep people locked in.




I was there with my family and left at about 2:30. We just missed the chaos! 


News just reported now and stated it was a bit of an overreaction. A few teens in the food court had an altercation with each other and presented some knives and batons but I still don’t blame them for sending the centre into lockdown due to the Bondi Junction incident


100%. The police response would be to the calls from public and Westfield security.


The police are not saying knives, they are saying batons.


They are saying definitely batons possibly knife(s) but that is to be confirmed.


It’s good response regardless in my eyes, no mucking around. Might make people think twice before they act


Dw. Just eshay kids fighting


All this over teens fight with one baton. How fucking embarrassing.


A bunch of batons and expected sharp weapons. And yes potentially in hindsight letting them run out and deal with it outside (as I assume what has ended up happening as they haven't been found) would probably been the best option, having anyone running around a shopping centre with a weapon especially an assumed large sharp weapon requires a certain level of reaction.




Get a grip. The job is to ensure safety, investigate and or pursue the incident and then tell the media.