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I think I see Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster in the Channel 7 footage.


Sad how overhyped this whole thing came to be.


i just moved away from aus and woke up at 4 am to see “active shooter in westfield marion” and was like wtf? for it to be some kids with batons


Chillest sunday afternoon I've had in ages. Just milling around, chatting to the customers to keep their spirits up. After the initial "oh fuck we gonna die" concerns died down, things were pretty chill




Let's be real even if they were caught today they'd be out pretty fast.


Bold to assume they'd go in.


I'm sure those kids would probably be laughing their arses off knowing a whole bunch of innocent people got locked into shops for hours & nothing will happen to them. Edited this post slightly so it's not taken out of context.


https://www.police.sa.gov.au/sa-police-news-assets/front-page-news/incident-at-marion-shopping-centre >Update: Incident at Marion Shopping Centre >23 Jun 2024 5:21pm > >Police are investigating an incident at the Westfield Marion Shopping Centre today. > >Just before 3pm on Sunday 23 June, police received reports of two groups of young males fighting in the food court area of the centre. Some people in the group were reported to have weapons. > >As a result of the incident, centre management activated an audible alert and evacuation alarm, and the centre went into lockdown. > >Numerous police resources including STAR Group officers attended the centre to commence a search for the groups involved in the initial disturbance. > >A thorough search of the centre was conducted, including rooftops, however the groups involved were not located. > >Several shoppers who sought refuge in shops were safely escorted from the centre. > >Police are satisfied that there is no ongoing threat to the community. > >Further investigations are being carried out to identify the groups involved. > >Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at www.crimestopperssa.com.au or on 1800 333 000.


So I'm clear, they sounded an evacuation alarm while simultaneously locking the place down? I can't see how that could be confusing in an already panic-induced moment.


There were some reports of people sheltering in place or being told to stay put behind security gates after areas were cleared. Doesn't make it less confusing, but it's not necessarily inconsistent.


yep, can confirm, once we dropped the roller door we were told to wait for the all clear and that took about 2 hours for SAPOL to show up and search the mall and clear it Just meant we handed out bottled water and packets of chips to customers, let them help themselves to some fruit, grabbed all the chairs from the break room and offices for elderly people (or saw a few people make stools out of coke can packs) and guide people to the staff toilets if they needed them. Front end also helped people get through checkout with anything they were buying so they could take it with them when the doors were cleared to be open so they weren't stuck in a store for two hours only to be told to leave their groceries behind.


Sounded the evacuation alarm for the mall while the individual stores locked down. The idea was for customers to GTFO unless you're in a big store where you can't just bail, meanwhile the stores drop the grates and do whatever they're trained to do for an active attack scenario. We probably could have let customers out the emergency exits but they didn't want to boot people out the door when we didn't know where the threat was when we knew it wasn't inside the store.


No what happened was, the music was playing while a woman on the pa was saying something that was inaudible. The pa needs to be fixed never was clear for announcements. The only thing I herd was alert - - - - - shops. Repeated a few times, then they shut off the music, then a wave of people running in a commotion from the food court direction toward the exit as the shop doors started to go down. Still at that point I didn't know what it was about. Another police exercise, a bomb threat, torror attack, fire or gunman. Went to the car park and still couldn't get out because of the car park congestion. And the only other exit point near the aquatic centre near bunnings is still closed off. Been a couple of months now. Yep just chaos.


So stealing Gant hoodies from David Jones isn't enough anymore


I don’t understand the obsession with Gant and kids. It’s use to be an old man’s brand.


If it has a price tag that is a significant portion of a dole check, the eshays wanna steal it to flex they "own" expensive stuff. The ferals have always been like that.


Can confirm, used to work with eshays. Also fun fact, one tried to get his mates to try and bash me outside of my work cause I told him off for throwing shit at work lol


Wasnt it hood rich?


I worry that overreactions like this are going to cause "boy who cried wolf" situations in the future. People are going to question whether they really NEED to seek shelter when it could just be an idiot with a stick or a bat running around & get themselves in real trouble.


I think this was more of a case of Chinese whispers mixed with the recent trauma/fear of what happened at Bondi. One person says weapon and everyone panics. No one is going to risk themselves to go check if the “weapon” was a baton or if it was a deadly weapon. Survival instincts kick in because no one wants their families laying flowers at a makeshift memorial site in their honour. The intense response is the fault of one person who called an “extendable baton” a weapon and didn’t clarify that they didn’t mean a gun or knife. That ambiguous description lead to “Two women have been hurt. There are people with weapons”. So the reaction seems justified especially after Bondi.


The best one I saw was "9 men with firearms and knives".


When the alarms started going off I checked for news updates, nothing, went to twitter, searched westfield marion and there was like 2 tweets by that point, and people were speculating wild shit. Someone was trying to claim an active shooter but deleted that shit pretty fast.


The signs just needed to say “bunch of pussy teenagers with sticks”


On the bright side people might not get injured or injure others while running for their lives :/


oh wait 2 did but luckily not serious


As soon as I saw the footage of the teens running in the food court, I was like to myself "Oh is that it? That's a regular occurrence at every shopping centre" Seems like a big overreaction to me after more revelations came out. I can recall being at TTP a few months ago and saw a bunch of eshay teens chasing each other through the dining precinct yelling at each other, some of them looked scared too so possibly some of them were armed? Yet there was no big overreaction for there, although I can understand for the Marion incident the overreaction was due to recent events in Bondi Junction. The rumours were also extremely wild and just didn't really add up to me


I heard the force/esculatio was because they knew exactly who the teens were.... there is a big history that media seems not to disclose due to juvenile ages


And people give Arndale a hard time. Smh....


I get nervous driving past Arndale


I have the occasional nightmare that inexplicably manages to incorporate that narrow ramp down to the carpark


But the best Vietnamese food and banh mis in Adelaide are there


Don't tell everyone that, all the best ones have gone up in price and/or been affected by shrinkflation. I remember when you can buy banh mis with spare gold coins, before it went main stream.


Been there several times. The only problem I had was a charity guy asking for donations, then proceeding to follow me.


Out of the loop. The mall in Arndale ain't pretty but what's the go?


I worked there for 2 years, its just the demographic that live around there are less than desirable types. We probably had to call security to our store once every couple of weeks because we were being threatened or harassed. People would get their bags/purses/phones stolen all the time, fights between random youths. I worked in a phone store and we had young people constantly coming in asking to use a charger then when we said no they called us names and threatened us then walked out. Its just a shitty area and full of shitty people. I survived and never really felt like I was in danger, but it certainly has a reputation for a reason.


It’s slowly improving. They’ve moved a lot of the SA housing on from the area & it’s definitely not what it was 5 years ago. Land is too valuable around there as so close to city & north/south motorway, the gov can divide all the old trusties land to sell and make a lot more $$.


"It's slowly improving" *Proceeds to describe gentrification*


"Benefits of gentrification include reduced crime rates, improved infrastructure and economic growth." Sounds good to me.


The crime rates and shitty infrastructure just move to other areas.


If they spread it out rather than lump them all together it would prevent this.


Indeed, that is why social housing is planned to be dispersed amongst all areas and not condensed into a few


Yeah works for the suburb for a few years or decades until the suburbs surrounding that one get gentrified. Just moving the problems around.


Sounds like most of Adelaide to be honest


I got down voted for saying this in another thread lol


So it's like the woolies at Morphett Vale where they used to (might still but I only know the old stories) have issues with people waiting around from the wee small hours of the morning for the methadone clinic at the chemist to open


And just poetry in motion: SAPOL: Police have arrested six youths following a disturbance outside the Arndale Shopping Centre this afternoon. About 1.30pm on Tuesday 25 June, police were called to the Torrens Road shopping centre after reports a group of youths were threatening a man. Two of the youths were allegedly carrying knives at the time. The group quickly dispersed but were located by Western District patrols on Humphries Terrace. Police have recovered the knives involved. Six youths have been arrested and are subsequently being interviewed by police and are expected to be charged with aggravated affray. One of the youths also allegedly threw a rock, hitting a person in the chin, and causing a minor injury. The arrested youths are – * A 14-year-old boy from Athol Park * A 14-year-old boy from Munno Para * A 16-year-old boy from Pennington * A 14-year-old boy from Mansfield Park * A 13-year-old boy from Mansfield Park * A 14-year-old boy from Munno Para West


Well, this didn't age too well.


So after all that drama it was just a few eshay kids with sticks lmao


Shazza shoves Johno at the local mall and it escalates to an international nuclear exchange.


Let's put you in a room with a few eshays with sticks and see if you're still laughing. Dumbass


Or how about a massive shopping centre with full time security guards who could have just handled the situation without panicking?


Not sure what security was doing while we waited two hours for the STAR force to show up and clear the place. Like, after Bondi Junction it makes sense to do the alerts and the evac, but waiting around for two hours while the cops sent in the STAR force and choppers circled the centre feels like there's some point someone looking at CCTV could have figured out what was going on


Ideally yes. But what if you're 80 years old or a 20 year old pregnant woman in the food court? Isn't overkill the better course of action to secure safety for everyone? Where is the downside for the actions they took?


The people who were injured in the evacuation is the downside. Whereas nobody was hurt by the kids playing.


"kids playing" what


Lol have you ever seen an eshay? They’re built like twigs and none of them have any proper fighting technique. Now I’m no Conor McGregor or anything special but I’m 6’6” and done a bit of Muay Thai in the past, I think I would hold a pretty solid chance.


you could be a 8 foot tall, Mr Olympus winner, and have a black belt. A knife is still a knife.


Yeah but a stick is not a knife


Neither is a spoon


I see you’ve played Knifey-Spooney before


lmao I completely glossed over the guy saying stick.


Lucky if it's only knife, they known for machetes.


An eshay who can type!


Hard to imagine this not being filmed by about 50 people and 500 cctv cameras. I’m guessing they will be dragged to the police station by their parents when they get home tonight. Idiots


Probably not. Think of what their parents are like for them to be doing this with weapons.


My money is on spoilt little rich kids acting hard and playing gangsta. Say no to drugs kids and stay in school!!


I think reality aligns with them most likely be meth heads living in government housing not giving a shit where their kids are


Could very well be, suspect we will know pretty soon. The clock is ticking on the lads


Haha, “dragged to the police by their parents”… Their parents are, odds on, fucked out of their minds.


Brave of you to assume their parents would actually know how to _parent_


The work experience kid was at the controls on Sunday arvo. There's going to be some lawsuits from this one. I'm old enough to remember back when we used to hang out at Westfield's, and kids would fight the security guards would grab them, smack them around a bit, and throw them out the door. You can't do that now.


So if we name and shamed these fuck wits, would that deter others from this behaviour or will it set them up as examples to follow? I'd like them named


Then others would do it for the notoriety factor.


They are minors bro.  EDIT: god you tough on crime people lack logic. 


We need to stop saying "they're minors". Google "youth crime in Australia". You're going to read hundreds of stories around the country. These kids are well aware of what they can get away with and continue to do this. There are so many frustrated parents and adults against these kids. But the current process does NOT work. These kids need support in the form of social support, better educational programs for parents and greater funding for schools to help staff out.


Pray tell what you think happens with the "current process"?


My comment is literally saying ‘we can’t name minors’. And that’s actually international law. However I’m sure your arm chair take on youth crime will go down great with some folks who handle it. Go tell em. 


Lots of people with opinions on youth crime, not many aware of what the 'process' is. Also it is just common knowledge to not name minors, hardly the fault of a McDonald's iced latte...


Old enough to take weapons to a public place to attack others. Pretty sure i don't give a shit that they are minors


Who fucking cares?


Um, our laws? Minors are never named in any crimes they have allegedly committed. Like you tough on crime lot need to use some fucking logic. 


Who cares. These little pricks wanna play the big boy game they can suffer big boy consequences


Stupid violence and such fights is not a 'big boy game' in fact it is very much a teenager's game [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/physical-violence/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/physical-violence/latest-release)


Oh. Dont punish them then 🙄


They will. Why do you think they won't be punished?


It's a bunch of kids that want attention why would you give it to them? To encourage others?


That was the question


No point finding them. Police force has no power and the justice system is run by cowards. They’ll be doing it again next week


How does this cause a lockdown of an entire shopping centre 🤔


The Bondi attack has changed the way shopping centres will deal with these situations now. Better to be safe then sorry.


And honestly this ordeal seems to have highlighted existing flaws in the PA system and current evacuation procedures.


I’ve heard many people saying they only knew to evacuate when others were running because the system was not loud enough, especially in the cinema.


In the cinemas the movies didn't stop. The voice just sounded like someone had their radio on up in the box. It took until the 4th or 5th repeat for us to realise we had to pay attention and then work out what had been said. We were still unsure what action we should take.


There seems to be no real way for centre management to notify retailers other than the PA system, and the PA system is fucked We couldn't hear shit (sounded like someone was mumbling under the music on the store radio)


They need to require and have a standard for integration into individual shops PA systems and have certain volume coverage so that it stops any music and makes use of their systems


I mean if anyone uses the in-store PA it kills the music, but for some reason the centre's system doesn't talk to ours at all, seemingly. Even the fire alarm out in the mall doesn't always set ours off.


We were in Intencity and didn't hear anything other than some sort of announcement going over the speaker outside (assumed unimportant). A few minutes later the staff evacuated the store and just told us to leave. No one else in sight on level 2. Seemed like a slow reaction and I thought protocol would have been lockdown in the store rather than just telling people to get out.


Based on the number of people in the cinema and the fact that the second set of announcements claimed the guys were at the Coffee Club, they would have sent everyone from the cinema level out the exits on that level, surely?


Employing competent security personnel and actually paying them properly will prevent stuff like this happening. Blazing “Armed offender, run for your lives” all over the building is just going to cause mass hysteria and that is what will cause injuries, as was the case here.


I have had to deal with security at Marion and I gotta say, compared to security at bars and music venues, they were quality.


Back in the day you didn't fuck with Marion security. They killed a guy once (that's a while ago though, I get nothing but complaints about them now)


Not necessarily. Nurses, police officers and teachers are all well paid occupations in Australia. They're still quitting not because of the pay but because of the working conditions + terrible management. Somebody can be competent at their job but a job that involves dealing with feral people is not easy. They need more support in the form of better leadership, better training, better protection and better processes. Paying them more won't magically fix a broken problem.


#Amen 🙏


To be fair that's not what they were saying, it was more 'attention attention, this is an emergency announcement, we have reports of multiple males armed with a weapon. please evacuate if you have a safe route, if not, hide and call 000 when it is safe' which is a bit more measured but that announcement is also the only way those of us in the big stores knew what the fuck was going on since they didn't hit the alarm till well after starting that.


Oh yeah, the PA for center management in emergency situations is dogshit We took like five minutes to hear the warnings because it was quieter than the in-store radio, and it was only when the klaxon went off that most people actually realised something was going on


yep - likely this, plus sapol did a drill a couple weeks ago, and so was probably fresh in managements mind. The initial speaker announcement stated there were multiple armed & to hide if you could. It was pretty intense to see people running for safety.


Kinda funny thinking that some youths shoving each other could escalate to police armed with rifles storming the building and waving their hands screaming "go, go, go, go! Secure the perimeter!"


Opposing gangs of violent youths, carrying extendable battons, fighting in a large group, in a crowded public area, isn't just some youths pushing each other, it is premeditated aggravated assault. They are carrying illegal weapons and putting members of the public that have no part in their gangs at risk.




I find it confusing that the protocol is to make everyone aware of what's happening, when it hasn't been confirmed, by announcing it via PA across the entire precinct. I understand the need to ensure people know it's serious, but surely the best option is to use a recorded message, meaning no emotion, which tells them to seek refuge in a safe place, or stay in the shop they're in etc. Announcing that you're in danger is the easiest way to incite panic - as was evidenced today.


Probably because if it was something more serious than it was, waiting is a problem. If you're expecting it to be something like Bondi Junction, an overreaction is probably better than an underreaction.


Elizabeth shopping centre is gonna get locked down every few months now.




Because they first thought the baton one of them had was a fkn machete. Thats how.


If someone really wants to walk into a shopping centre and kill people they can do it no matter what security or protocols are in place.


This used to just be a typical Saturday at Marion.


Now its just becoming what the "Sophisticated eclectics that have a major in chemistry and medicine" over at Elizabeth and such would call breakfast. No wonder everyone wants to escape and move away from Adelaide to the regional areas where there are less people.


To have a training drill of the very same thing a week before sounds a bit too Event 201-ish for my liking... But I'm not into psy-ops so I retract my cynicism.


Is there a video?


I can't believe the ABC national news just lead with this for over 10 minutes... talk about an overreaction. Two groups of boys got into a fight, whoop-de-fucking-doo.


Just another afternoon in taperoo really…


Carrying illegal weapons, aggravated assault.


Holy shit no way


"Yesterday, a dustbin was knocked over in Shaftesbury by some hooligans..."


Noone know what's it's like, to be a dust bin, in Shaftesbury, with hooligans


Fun fact; most police forces update people in a timely matter with what is happening before rumours and panic can spread. Yes, even as the event is still unfolding. I know. Wild. 


I can’t believe I heard the news from my sister who messaged me from her holiday in ITALY before I received any news updates or saw anything on fb or even here. Reddit was the first place I was able to access information. Then the rumour mill started churning. Everything to multiple shooters to Sudanese gangs.


I mean, I went straight to news sites and then twitter after we figured out what the PA announcement was saying, and it was a good 5 minutes or more into things before anyone even tweeted anything.


*before* rumors and panic spread? Let's revisit that...


By the time the cops were on scene, centre management had already been busy making it sound way worse than it was for a while.


And westfield still charges an arm and leg for rent 😂


And a kidney and an organ of choice


Dude I was there that shit was wild 😭


“Running for their lives”




Oh yes the Bondi style attack. Good job 7 news




Didn't the policeman who made the statement say they were under 18?


They’re not


How do you know this ?


From the police press conference