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Take vitamin D supplements. I find it helps my mental health somehow


Yes, OP, Seasonal Affective Disorder is a thing, but it could be that you aren't getting enough vitamin d which is making you feel depressed so get so vitamin d supplements.


Any particular brand of vitamin D you recommend, that is available at a local pharmacy like chemist warehouse? I live near one so I'll be able to pick it up immediately instead of waiting on an online order to arrive.


Generally capsules are better than tablets, so some good options would be Swisse or Ostelin https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/51650/ostelin-vitamin-d3-1000iu-60-capsules


Thank you.


Vitamin deez


Vitamin deez?


Deez nuts






This. We are in the bottom qualrter of the planet and despite all that Aussie sunshine, we have above average incidence of Vit D deficiency. When it comes to supplements, Vit D oils under the tongue tend to absorb better, with capsules most of it doesn't get absorbed. Also Sunscreen does not stop vit D production, but glass abdsorbs UVB and therefore does. So people spending time inside in the AC often get a deficiency even during summer.


I don't mind the cold/rain, though I do miss having more daylight hours


Yeah especially when you leave work when it’s dark and come back home when it’s dark 😒


I actually love winter, I just hate having a cold house.


I feel this, literally! Our house is so painfully cold, it’s so so uncomfortable. Only reason I have been enjoying being at work is the split system directed above my desk that’s been sitting on 28° the last god knows how many weeks. Haha


Most Australian houses built after 1990 are glorified tents. I stayed with some relatives in Munich a few years ago, where it dips below 0 every winter, and inside the house was 24 degrees around the clock.


The ones built before then are basically ice boxes. Double brick but full of cracks with windows that barely classify as single glazed. At least newer houses usually have heating installed.


My house feels like an igloo but I still love this weather! I can’t explain it. I love nature getting a drink. All the trees and plants glistening with rain.


I miss autumn... I find summer depressing. To hot to go outside or for walks in nature. Mosquitos everywhere... Can't exercise much without dying... Can't sleep at all. Horrible.  Winter sucks too tho but I hate it a little less.


I appreciate that some people really struggle with bone and joint pain in the biting cold, but I really struggle in summer. I have to run the AC virtually every night just to stay asleep, whereas in winter it's just another layer on top of the doona. Autumn is the best season imo - a balance of pleasant days and mild nights.


Sorry to hear and I hope you get some relief. I definitely prefer this weather to summer. When it's cold, I can easily warm up just by throwing on another layer and a beanie and gloves. In summer, you can't really avoid the heat except with air conditioning.


Alot of my friends are the same, they hate the heat but the cold doesnt bother them with layers. Something about it just cuts right through me


Adelaide Winters are so mild and short. Its really only 6 weeks of real winter and then spring starts appearing. Make sure u take vitamin d daily and walk in the sun when u can


😦 …you have no idea how much this comment/rephrasing just helped my SADS. Bless you, good sir/ma’am


In the Barossa it’s 6 months of winter


The hills too , love the fog up here though.


Former Hills resident who is also a former Melbourne Hills resident.. You get 3 months of winter, with a 2 month autumn lead in, you lack the frequent sub-zero temps.


I am from the Adelaide foothills and always thought places like Stirling and whatnot got pretty cold. But I visited Canberra last week and it was like -5 to -7 in the mornings and my face and fingers were *burning* (missed the memo on wearing a scarf and gloves). Even the Canberrans were finding the chill intolerable. Made me appreciate how mild Adelaide winters are but I will still complain in these poorly insulated homes of ours.


Oh true, Canberra’s cold SUCKS No wonder they’re all uptight and weird They literally never unthaw


Are you definitely dressing warm enough? Australians don’t really know how to dress for cold. You really need thermals, avoid jeans, and wear a long puffer coat (the half lengths aren’t warm enough). Leather shoes also as sneakers lead to cold feet.


Thermals… leather… dude How much is your cost to live? Enough to support mine, too? And I only need… everything you mentioned


Are you walking around naked? Thermals are inexpensive, and leather shoes are the same price as most sneakers.


I miss summer. I am finding the cold a bit depressing.


Try being a surfer!


Where do you surf?


Misery beach...Midddleton...mainly...if you call my style surfing.


Oh yeah nice haha how do you mean ?


Winter is bitter this year. It hasn’t been this cold for a few years.


Opposite for me, I love winter, summer is when I find it hard to sleep. Although I don't have to work outside, I can see how that would be a pain


Not at all, I love Winter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Sorry to hear what you’re going through but for me I hate summers. This is the perfect weather for me.


I hate summer with a passion, I dread it when spring arrives, and I loathe when summer won't rack off when it's autumn. I wish I could live in a country like the UK or somewhere in Scandinavia where it was cold most of the year round, and summers were by our standards extremely mild!


I totally agree with everything you have said :)


hard agree 👍


I sleep better and are much more comfortable at this time of year.


Bet half you guys on here were whining about the lack of rain recently too.


The rain is great, it is just the cold weather that sucks. Overcast conditions increase the minimum temperature too.


Fuck no, I wish it was Autumn and Winter all year, Summer can fuck right off.


That’s what trips to Bali are for at this time of year.


I have to say that's one of the reasons I left my hometown: much colder, rainier, and more humid winters than Adelaide.


I’m from the Netherlands but since I moved to Australia 20 years ago I really feel the cold in winter


I'm not liking the cold and I am always depressed on dark, grey days but I don't do well in the heat of summer either


Pretty sure this is a colder winter than normal and it’s really getting to me too. The fact we have had about 3 mild summers seem to make the winter feel longer and colder than it really is It definitely makes me consider moving north but maybe I should hang out and see what happens with climate change etc


Yes I’m really over the mild summers! I feel like the only times the last few years I’ve been able to go out in a little summer dress have been overseas. Not to say we haven’t had warmth, but give me those proper hot beach days please I don’t want to wear floaty pants and bring a cardi, I want to be out all day in a dress and nothing else.


Same. People justify it with it being great and comfortable still by just wearing more layers and using heating. It’s very uncomfortable to wear a lot of layers and the heating is always too hot or not warm enough 😭


And I feel for people working indoors who have to wear specific uniforms


Hate winter. I have SAD


I'm happy to show you my socks to cheer you up.


I think you should get psychiatric help. Maybe you can ask them about your socks while you're there?


I personally enjoy not being burnt so no


I used to feel like that and I don't like the peak of summer but I miss the heat and sun..


Sunscreen, shade, hats, shirts… are these foreign to you?


In that same vein, have you not heard of thermals, beanies, hoodies, gloves, winter socks, winter slippers/slipper boots, oodies, layering, heat pads, hot water bottles, heaters? My partner shares your dislike for winter & used to talk a lot about a cold cutting to the bone. A hot water bottle under the blanket on the couch or in bed has done wonders.


You dont work in a trade do you


>I can’t sleep, getting up is painful Oh didn't know tradies slept & woke up differently.


I must say, it’s not particularly pleasant when my husband’s alarm goes off at 4am and I’m made aware of how bitterly cold our bedroom is. Can’t even imagine getting out of bed, much less leaving the house like he does!


All good and well but if you spend enough time outside you will eventually get burnt. And in any case it’s just one thing I don’t have to worry about in the winter 


Im a tradie… manage to avoid it by hydrating and protecting my skin. Cant do much about being wet and cold though


Winter is my least favourite season simply due to the fact my house is insulated so fucking poorly I freeze every single fucking day. Fuck winter. 


What do you do for work?


Summer is a scam


I hate winter. The cold, the dark, all the time. I go to work in the dark. I come home from work in the dark. It sucks.


I absolutely love Winter :) Love being nice and cosy inside with the heating on, nice and snug and warm in bed at night and I love the rain, the more the better. Summer, cant stand it! I hate the heat and always love it when Summer has ended and dread it when Summer begins.


Literally spent 9 months of sunny warm weather. People after 3 weeks "its tooo cold!" Move north if ya want heat all year round.


we barely got a summer this year tho…


If ya ignore mid December till mid may, than yes we bearly got a summer.


‘mid december’. dude it was fucking freezing on new years and january even ….


So mid to high 20s into low 30s in "fucking freezing " now. Got it. You're a crackhead lol


We got an amazing summer it was just late


No, would love an extended winter tbh.


Not even a tiny bit. I feel SO much better in this weather. Absolutely love it.


Find somewhere sunny to eat your lunch. If there's any sun about, make the best of it. If there's no sun, find somewhere well lit.


Seasonal Effective Disorder is real. I was literally just having a conversation with a co-worker that I feel like I have (what I have termed) 'Garden variety burnout' [https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/seasonal-affective-disorder](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/seasonal-affective-disorder) I can't speak for others but - I load myself up on Vitamin D (as mention in another comment) - Days I can't ride to work (due to weather) I try to get at least a 20 minute walk around the office in - Driving I put the heater on, and sunroof open (see point about Vitamin D) - Maintain as consistent as possible gym training - Maintain sleep patterns as much as possible (while being kind to myself about sleeping late if it happens) - During the plague I also took up an instrument, even 20-minutes of daily practice seems to have a massive positive effect on mood. That's just me, I based most of this from the available research with the bell curve is large and your strategies may vary.


Don't mind rain now every other day or so. It's the rain that goes on day after day for weeks that I hate. Cold air, the ground is always damp, it feels like minus 30 in the shade, shorter days.....give me the spring anytime!


I hate both summer and winter - I prefer it when it's milder (which doesn't stick around for long). Definitely missing any weather other than this - my body's inability to regulate temperature means I'm going through all the extremes as a rollercoaster ride


Winter - sick of this constant cough, been going on for nearly 2months 😑 don’t mind the cold too much, just dislike the sickness Summer - sick of being in an oven and overheating I am starting to like spring and autumn more and more - at least the weather is a bit more pleasant


i've probably acclimatised to it a bit, getting out and walking in it works for me.


If you can't sleep then is your bed warm enough? If working is agony then are your work clothes warm enough? Adelaide can get coldish for a couple of months. But with good clothes and coverings, it's really only a few minutes each day when changing between modes that feel cold.


Melatonin and vit d, it could be seasonal depression due lack of vits


I love winter so much, bonfires, coopers dark and smokey whiskies! Electric blankets and snuggling in bed... Best. Time. Of. Year...


I hate being cold in Australia because I don’t feel like we have the benefits that go with it like other countries get. Our homes aren’t as cold resistant, we don’t get snow or have easy access to snowboard/ski/ice skate. Like in Scotland I remember it snowing when I was there and we ducked into this little pub that had a crackling fireplace and mulled wine and it just felt so nice to actually have these little warm cozy hideaways everywhere but here it’s just cold, the end


are you in barossa I think its a bit colder there than adl


Absolutely, I have early onset arthritis and this weather is HORRIBLE for it. Worst pains ever, plus I can never wear cute clothes


I feel ya OP. I'm the same. Getting depressed without any sun. Adelaide has started feeling like Melbourne of late, cloudy, cold wet. Where are those winter sunny mornings?


Can anyone recommend a good brand of vitamin D supplement to take that is available at chemist warehouse?


It sucks, I hate being cold but you can rug up. Summer heat is different, once you're hot not much you can do. I like autumn and spring, its the perfect range of heat and cold for me. I ride a motorbike year round, and the cold is easier to deal with than straight heat.


Yep. Hello bali.


I'm the same. I love sweating my face off in summer but I totally shut down in winter. I'm SE Asian but have been in Australia my entire life but I still can't stand the cold. Add in poor circulation and my extremities always feel like blocks of ice. My feet turn white and I have to carry a hot water bottle around everywhere. It's so horrible. I was sent to work in the GC last year during winter and i actually didn't have to spend all day huddled in bed on the weekends like I do here.


Yep so much that I just moved to Brisbane


Yeah, I grew up in central Europe until 2001. I love this. I'm in NZ rn and Queenstown was 0° at 9am yesterday. It was magnificent. I'd trade summer away in a heartbeat


I'm with you! I know we need this rain and cold, but so ready for the warm sun. I spent 14 "perpetual winters " in Tas and felt like I escaped when I moved here.


Hence the demand for Qld properties


Yeah really missing the sun lately. Had to start taking vitamin d supplements but I cannot stand being cold.


I catch public transport to work on our office days, hate having to lug everything I need in and out of town on a wet and cold day, then you step in an uneven paver and soak your shoe in manky water 🥲 Losing all your daylight hours to work is a real sting, too.


It's the short days that I can't stand, I feel like I get less achieved - can't spend time in the garden, doing stuff outside after work etc. Plus it's too cold or wet to do that anyway so I just end up cooped up inside.


I feel super depressed in summer because the heat makes me feel trapped, drained and i can't be outside. I was born a winter baby so I love the rain. However, the bitter cold does get me angry and reactive. It feels infuriating to sit on a cold toilet seat. To not gond my slippers and walk across tiled floors. The mornings are crisp, but bitter with the iceyness. I get more frantic and stimulated during the winter. Yeah, early winter mornings are only good if you're staying in bed and in a warm house op and not being out and exposed to the world. I feel you.


i love summer, love the warmth and longer days and i work in a business that is busy during summer and very quiet over winter, makes long working days sometimes


So so bad. I think this is the first time of my life, that I’ve truly experienced fripples. Quite fucking hurts!


Get a beanie and gloves, perhaps a scarf?


Join me in the workshop at 6am and tell me how well those gloves and scarf are working.


Thermal skivvies will change your life