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It will be fine as long as almost a week healing. Repot and do not water until you start to see little growth on the stems.


What this person said!


Ok great, it's been a week and a half so far with little buds coming out where I cut the branches. Thanks for the help


Let me tell you about the wonderfulness of cinnamon. It’s a natural antifungal and really great for adenium. While your caudex is just fine to replant as is, what I’ve always done is as follows: After I trim branches, I immediately put cinnamon right on the fresh cut. Have had ZERO issues with rot. When I cut down a caudex as you have, I literally sprinkles cinnamon on the entire cut area, hang upside down indoors or garage for 7 days, and repot. ZERO root rot. 100% success rate. Cinnamon can be used in this manner with any plant. It is antifungal AND most insects can’t stand it, so it’s great to sprinkle a little on top of the soil occasionally as well.


Why do you hang it upside down?


Copied from Google because I’m lazy, but this sums it up well: Hanging an adenium, also known as a desert rose, upside down can help it enter a new growth cycle, store more nutrients, and build up energy after pruning: Pruning Pruning can weaken the plant's nutrient transport system, so hanging it upside down helps nutrients flow naturally with gravity. This can help the plant build up energy and prepare for the next growth cycle. Growth Hanging the plant upside down can also encourage new growth, such as sprouts, leaves, and blossoms, to develop from the sides of the root mass.


Thanks for this. If I may ask one more question. In this case of cutting the roots. Do you hang it upside down as I’m having the roots facing up? Or still the roots facing down? If that makes sense?


Cutting the roots is when you do this. You can prune the branches at the same time, but obviously you’d be repotting at that point. For normal pruning, when the plant is potted, you dont do this.


Awesome, thanks for the tip. It's been hanging for a week and a half in a dry shaded spot, also it has little buds starting to come out at the branches


You’re good to repot in damp soil. Not wet. Damp. I would put it in direct sun for 2-4 hours per day to start. Roots will start to grow in a couple of weeks tops. At that point give it as much sun as you can. I’m in S. Florida and mine get 10+ hours of intense sun this time of year. They absolutely love it. P.S. I also recommend Osmocote Plus fertilizer. My Adenium love it. Use recommended amount when repotting. If your plant gets full sun for 8+ hours like mine, I use 1.5x the recommended dose. All my adenium (6 of them) are flower machines and have , solid caudexes.


I'm in New orleans, so I'll follow your steps, thanks for the help. This is my first adenium, I took all the cuttings and propin those too


Wow! Is this your first time cutting it in the bottom like that? I’m curious how it will change the look but am nervous to do it with my plants event though I have pruned the top of some before. The top part looks so green!