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Being called names by a higher-up or witnessing anything illegal would be immediate resignation from me.


You could call me the Nword and grab my butt everyday if you're willing to pay $1,000.00/hr.  F that for a normal salary. 


Honestly, with my temper, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't last a day even if Jeff Besos himself promised to make me his heir if I do 😂


A ton of money in real life has a tendency to change people very quickly.  I've seen it a few times. 


People who work with celebrities are one good example. They get mistreated the most and apparently are often underpaid… but at least they are doing a well known celebrity hairstyle or whatever for fame!


I mean, navigate the situation well and cash in with a lawsuit!


lol…I’ll wipe your ass for $1000/hr. I’ll even add some powder to it. It’ll be the nicest, cleanest ass you’d ever seen


With those standards, I don't think I'd ever have had a job for very long.


This lol


Please don’t quit. Go talk to a lawyer before anything and follow his instructions. Teach them a lesson.


I'm fairly certain this is not in any way punishable where I live 🤔


A lawyer would know. It doesn’t hurt to ask them. They’ll walk you through every step, what to say to HR, when you have enough documentation to press charges etc


HR is NOT there for the employees. HR is there to PROTECT the company. Always be wary what you say to them and about whom.


That’s why I said go to the lawyer first. You’ll then have to interact with HR so that you have documentation you brought it up, etc. Your lawyer will coach you on what to say and do. I know plenty of people who have done this


Name calling or a condescending attitude to coworkers.


Don't resign. Report it, document it, and then file a lawsuit when they retaliate.


Names no way. Witnessing something illegal would be hard as well. It would depend what personally. Crime against society or the innocent, yes. An alleged crime against the government, or compliance, I’d have to evaluate and plan my departure. Not immediate.


Damn, that's literally an everyday occurrence at my current place of employment.


Withholding pay but expecting me to still work.


I’m overtime exempt here, my job is basically doing that with very frequent overtime/on call work


No bonuses either I presume?


Oh yeah never had a bonus, been with the company two years. I did get a pretty substantial raise, about 10% after my first year so I can’t pretend it’s all bad. Plus my team lead is sympathetic to our situation and gave us a paid day off without having to use any PTO The company itself though has very little respect for our time. I work frequent night shifts on top of my regular hours with no extra pay, on the weekends. Last weekend was my first day off in three weeks. If I wasn’t able to work the system I would have quit by now, but since I’m part time remote there are days where I can pretend to work It’s sad because the environment almost encourages you to have poor work ethic, otherwise we’d burn out


I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. If you’re making less than $58,656 starting on 1/1/25, you should be eligible for overtime pay under new labor law rules. [More info here](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20240423-0)


Unfortunately I’m above the threshold but I definitely looked into it


Yup. This. My sister is a music teacher and she used to work in a private ballet school where the owners would delay the pay for multiple ppl for months. It's in Poland and technically this is against law, but I guess the owner managed to convince the workers *somehow* that they're just going through motions and thay they'll get paid eventually. They did, but some people - months later. My sister was always pretty strict and would say she'd report them so her pay was delayed usually only a couple of days, but one of her coworkers was not paid for like 6-7 months. Which is absolutely shocking to me. If the employer tried to pull something like this, I would report them instantly. Like I don't care you're going through a rough patch, if you can't pay your employees, don't own a business. She resigned over a year ago from there and from what she's heard someone did finally report them.


Why just threaten it? Report them and nobody has the issue again


I NEVER fuck around with money, I make a huge stink over delayed or late pays. That is the epitome of disrespect in my eyes.


The one time i walked away from a job is when a paycheck bounced for the second time. I told them the first time that if that happened again, I would leave. Then it happened again and I came in the office and started to packing up my desk. They asked what was going on, I told them and they said that’s just part of working for a small business. I told them I wanted my paycheck in cash. They tried to get me to sign something saying I was a bad employee and I refused. I told them I would contact the Sheriff and then they freaked out. Turns out the husband had been jailed for passing a bad check at Publix. My husband came to the office and the street came out of him. He demanded payment and said we would follow them to the bank. I got my money and left. Sleaze balls!


You wont work for free? Bad employee.


Been there. I worked for a company once where one of the managers was embezzling money. After the second time I didn't get a paycheck, I walked into the office, dumped all my gear on the desk. I explained to the manager that I was owed $1400, and he could come up with it in the next 5 minutes, or I was done. Spoiler alert: he didn't have $1400 handy.


I soooo feel this. I was working part-time (in addition to a full-time jog) at a startup for zero pay but they promised me “equity”, and then I hit the “fuck-it” point when the founder asked me to do full-time for free what she had paid a dev team in Bangladesh $22k for. I was like “I’m out” after that.


I always wondered if you get to keep the equity if you quit. Do you?


I can be pretty thick skinned, but anything where I would face personal liability and the correct precautions were not being taken. So doing something illegal, dangerous, etc., where I could be the one personally to take the fall instead of the company, then I would be out.


Same. I'm in an industry where if I don't handle something properly, I can be personally sued right along with the company. So...I don't put up being directed to do something shady.


Yup. My spouse carries insurance independent of work for that reason. It isn't typical in my industry but I carry added insurance as well.


My last boss once told me, “Even if you know I’m wrong, don’t correct me. Do it the way I told you.” He didn’t even mean in front of clients, he meant ever. I couldn’t get out of that job quickly enough after that.


-Something illegal embedded into the work I’m supposed to do -Being promised a bonus/raise/promotion that doesn’t materialize in 3 months -Unchecked sexual harassment, racism, ableism, etc. -Abuse of power -Gross change in responsibilities (without my support of the change) or gross misrepresentation of the responsibilities I’m expected to take on (if new role) -Broken trust from management (once had my medical information shared without my consent) I probably wouldn’t quit on the spot, I’m not in the position to do so. But each of these have triggered my employment hunt and eventual resignation.


Get raise promises in writing. I had that happen to me a few years back and I’ll never take employers at their word again.


Yuuup...same here. I fell for the same mess... Got a promotion that came with doing 4x the work....and a verbal promise that a second raise would follow in a year. One year passed....nothing. Two years passed....nothing. I considered looking for another job and one found me not a week after making my resume public on LinkedIn.


Great list! I would add, serious disrespect. I am not getting up and working my butt off to be demeaned.


A psycho boss or boss I hate. So either they get fired or I go, have had 2 in my life. One got fired and I left one job with no other job to go to. Otherwise I can tolerate most things temporarily


Back i my rowdy youth, I bartended for a local restaurant in NYC. We had a run of jackhole managers at one point. One was a vehement cocaine addict...doing the "sniff-sniff" thing constantly, being hyperactive and trying to pull a superman...then lapsing into sleep in the managers office in full view of customers walking by. Well, he made our lives hell because of course he was stealing from the safe at the restaurant. When Corporate came asking where the money was....he blamed the employees and fired 8 innocent workers. Well, the rest of us knew what was going on and didn't stand for that mess. A couple of the loaders...well they lured the jackhole manager out back of the building under the guise of a cooling unit going down....and jumped him. Literally beat the guy until he was bloody, broken and unconscious...then called the cops and showed them his coke stash in the managers office. Since he was the only one with a key to the office, and it was in his dopp bag...he couldn't deny it being his. They took him away in cuffs and we all laughed. He never came back...morale in the restaurant improved...corporate replaced him with someone smarter. No more problems on-site after that.


I forgot to mention....new management tracked down the 8 employees that got fired and hired them all back. It was a great time!


Yep! That's why I left my last job. They moved my awesome boss to a different department against his will and brought in a new guy who promptly told me I needed to "quantify my value" other than by the literal direct revenue numbers that our accounting team provided each month. I was the 2nd place earner (out of 4 haha but still) and apparently that wasn't good enough. I submitted my resignation the following morning and walked out. Quantify that, asshole.


This here. Bad boss is a no go! Esp hate micromanagement.


Yeah I remember the day one of my bosses resigned and they bought in this new guy with an IQ of 0.5 and I wish I was fired 😂 luckily he got fired in the end


Yep. I had a boss who would rub my shoulders when he walked up to me at my desk. He also told a coworker that "firing you will be just the beginning of what I will do to you". He was fired.


I used to work for a drunk. When we came to work in the morning he’d be mean as hell. After a few hours he’d leave for the rest of the day and come back about the last hour or so of the day bombed, but in a much better mood. He’d tell us to do things, then the next morning when he was sober and cranky he didn’t remember any of it. I think I lasted about 4 months there. I worked with the guy who replaced me at a different shop. He was a big guy and said he used to put his finger in the middle of the guy’s chest and tell him off pretty often. He lasted a couple years longer than I did there.


My 2nd day on the job there was a team meeting about how everyone is doing everything wrong and the person who was training me was arguing with the manager that she wasn’t doing anything wrong


Did you quit


Yes my 6th day working. When the same lady wouldn’t stop complaining about her boyfriend. Who happened to be her dead ex husbands best friend who passed one month prior. And she chew with her mouth open. It was a night shift with only two people working at night, me and her 🙃


My god. Glad you quit


Me to, I ended up getting hired at my current job I’ve had for 3 years, where I make 7$ more, get to pick me schedule, I work by myself and I’ve gotten 2 raises since.


Hell fucking yes! Happy for you


Thank you! I’m a lucky gal!


Micromanagement. if you're so good at my job that you need to breathe down my shirt collar, then you can do it yourself Or missed pay. Cut your losses, collect your last owed amounts through any means necessary, and good riddance


My manager accusing me of lying or beong convinced my manager was lying. I wouldnt quit immediately though Id find another job first. Quitting immediately you are just shooting yourself in the foot. edit: after reading other comments id agree the one exception where id bounce immediately is if I was asked to do something clearly illegal or unethical.


Hearing my boss complain about/ speak negatively about any other employees, especially those that hold positions that are on the same level as mine. If someone talks about others behind their back, it's guaranteed they're doing the same to you.


Pay cut or being denied a raise


I had an owner hire me at $25/hr and he asked me 3 months later to take a $4 paycut or leave. Apparently, I wasn't worth the rate he hired me for. I quit immediately and got a job that paid me $35/hr. Ain't nobody got time for a crappy owner.


I’m very close to resigning now, but I just don’t have another follow up lined up yet so I’m not in a position to quit. My team is great, but the company I work with routinely works us overtime for free. I’m salaried and exempt from overtime, and the company takes advantage of that at every opportunity On top of my regular 8 (in realty 10 hour) shift, they will make us work back to back graveyard shifts over the weekend. Every third weekend on Fridays it’s late night work on top of our regular work days. It’s to the point my life is just work and I’m ready to be done. All of this work basically feels like I’m doing it for free since I’m not getting paid extra I’m semi-remote so I buy back my own time on the remote days and pretend to work most of the day because to be candid, I would burnout and go crazy if I actually worked 10 hours + free overtime and no sleep. It’s to the point I almost don’t care that I don’t have another job lined up Edit: grammar


witnessing or partaking in something illegal (falsifying numbers, etc.). most other things i think should be escalated to HR first. if HR doesn’t help, file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. If you get fired for complaining, file a wrongful termination lawsuit (this sounds like a pain to do, but it is the reason my cousin walked away with $$$ from her employer). No matter what, document EVERYTHING.


We once fired a black male employee for selling drugs in our parking lot. He claimed racism with the EEOC, and we gave him a settlement for tens of thousands of dollars rather than fight it in court.


Plot twist: management were his best customers


Remember HR is there to protect the company not you.


i would agree depending on the context, which OP hasn’t specified. I know one of my friends reported sexual harassment and her HR did take it very seriously, the man was immediately fired.


It comes down to: does it endanger the employment of HR (too big of a damage) or is that person friends/ benefitting from the accused one


I've had a female manager that made the two female coworkers cry in the office. The manager was an asshole to basically everyone and I often wished I was dead while at that job. Ive had a department head in a different job do the same thing but she would buy flowers for them every time. Everyone fucking hates her, she was forced to do management training, etc.  It boggles my mind how these people fucking exist and can't lead people in a way that won't make them fucking cry at work. Adults. Mid 20s and older. All breaking down due to them. So I guess something like that or worse.


Same. We got a new manager who came in ready to "get down into the weeds." We had 6 people end up on stress leave or take their retirement early as a result, and several others moved to other departments. I stayed only because "Eff her " that's why! Lol 😆 Plus I loved my job. I kept reassuring her she was wasting her talents in our department, and voila - she got a better job and moved on! Yay. 👏😃


She's still there despite what I'm told of people and going within a few months all because of her. The problem is she'll work 70 hours weeks. But they don't understand it's due to her being terrible at her job and technology.


An abusive manager that mocks me, taunts me, screams at me, calls me names, or talks down to me. I'm about to quit my current job because of this. Luckily, it's only fast food.


I worked at a job that had a bomb threat. My boss laughed at me for being scared, then wrote stupid jokes and poorly drawn comics all over our cubicle walls. I quit so fast.


I find it’s time to call it quits when your manager labels you as underperforming when there is indisputable evidence to the contrary. I like to take criticism to improve my work, but to be told that I’m performing poorly overall with clear performance indicators stating otherwise, there isn’t a way I can improve my work. Overall just annoyed when managers are out of touch to the point that your work isn’t seen or valued.


Hitting a huge lotto jackpot


The only answer here I agree with honestly.


When payday became a race to see who got to the bank first because not all checks were going to cash I got out!


Long ago, I was an EMT for an ambulance company. Other EMTs would tell me that at their previous jobs at a different ambulance company that was small, they would collect their checks on payday and immediately drive to the bank with lights and sirens on because checks would always bounce. 🚨😬


This was when I worked at a milk delivery company so the drivers were on the road all day. The drivers would pay the office staff to sign and cash their paychecks trying to beat the "insufficuent funds" when they would get back. It was BAD! It finally ended when the drivers all got together and cashed their paychecks out of the money they collected on their routes and the company tried to charge them when their own checks bounced. They went out of business about 2 months after the rdrivers started doing this.


I served tables at a burger joint for a while that had its fair share of problems. Within three months of me working their, all of our management had turnover and the GM and kitchen managers they brought in started running that place into the ground. I quit for a number of reasons, but my favorite example was when the new GM kept the bar staff five hours past closing for a deep clean. He gave the staff two options: clock in and be paid hourly ($2.13/hr), or stay clocked out and enjoy drinking during the clean. Once I found my dream job, I decided to speak to the assistant manager the day before my last day because he was the one I respected, and the GM was on duty the next day.


That sounds like a cool GM.


Two of those bartenders were expectant mothers.


Well that kind of makes it unfair. Now I understand.


If your boss starts being toxic from the get go, then just leave. It will be easier in the long run.


If they stopped paying me.


Gaslighting / narcissistic boss. Walked out of a job last year because of it. In fact I pretty much called him out in front of the entire office and was pretty much yelling it lmao. It was the right move. Your job shouldn’t cause you any emotional damage especially outside of work, that’s where I draw the line


Was promised a position then they hired a young kid in it instead of me I instantly left them they were fucking PISSED


Good for you! I once had a buddy who went to work, and a girl was sitting in her chair at her reception station. My friend was early 50's and the girl was in her 20's. She had been hired to do reception and she was told someone would train her. The "trainer" was my friend who was supposed to show this girl how to do HER job! No notice.


The first time my paycheck doesn't come on time. I kept working through that in the past and ended up getting ripped off for six weeks' pay that I will never see despite having a judgment against my former employer.


Gossip. I am 32 years old, and the second I hear someone talking about me or a coworker, I'm out. I'll mention it to management but that rarely helps, as we all know.


That would make it impossible to stay at any job since this happens on day 1 half the time. ☹️


Yeah, I have a very hard time working anymore :/


That is immature, childish behavior, IMO.


Had a job at a call center once where the schedule was from 8-4:30. Boss called me in the office one day and asked me to "sit down." I'm thinking some real shit is about to happen. They put a print out of my morning time punch in front of me that said 8:02 and said, with sincerity "Is something going on that we should be made aware of? We don't want this type of tardiness becoming a habit." I audibly laughed outloud and said "You've already wasted more time with this meeting than I did with that 2 minutes. But trust me, it'll never happen again." And walked right out of that office. They called me for 2 weeks asking "where I was?" I love quitting shitty jobs. It feels amazing


That story about the whole team being told they’re not receiving a raise this year and the boss pulling up in a brand new sports car the next day. That!!


My first day as a Dollar Tree assisstant manager, I was made to clean up a bathroom in which someone assblasted forbidden chocolate sauce all over toilet, walls, floor, tp holder, sink handles, air dryer, and bathroom door handle. I was in a mindset at the time where you just do whatever they throw at you and accept it. So i stayed for a few months and found out our manager had all employees SSN's handwritten in a notebook that they keep in a trunk and made us hide it if the district manager came in. Then I left and filed a complaint. Should have left day 1. I'll never forget that smell.


Did anyone ask them what they had everyone’s socials written down? So weird.


Nope. MAJOR red flag. Still check my credit and stuff a bunch even though it was a couple years ago


>My first day as a Dollar Tree assisstant manager, I was made to clean up a bathroom in which someone assblasted forbidden chocolate sauce all over toilet, walls, floor, tp holder, sink handles, air dryer, and bathroom door handle. Oh yeah that's a day one quit for me, for sure. That's just not happening, sorry.


New boss has narcissistic tendencies. Sexual harassment. Dangerous environment. I love my work. I got my work by leaving bad situations. If I hadn't left, I would still be suffering.


Child labor. But I have an iPhone so maybe I should rethink my answer


Being reassigned to duties i hate full time. I have seen it happen several times. If the goal is to rid your organization of the driven and capable people who can easily find better paid work elsewhere this a great management strategy. You get to pay the workers that no one else wants to employ and you get to have them perform tasks that are considered very important to the functioning of the organization. If they do that to me i am handing in my resignation that very day.


Being asked to overlook safety issues or risk people’s health.


Quit my job in March because they cut my pay by 16K a year. It was a really easy low stress flexible job that I loved but I was barely making enough at my full salary so I couldn't afford a cut. I found a new job at my normal pay pretty fast, but unfortunately it's a lot more work and I hate it. I didn't feel that I had a choice though.


I just found out today that my boss and my coworker are having an affair. I wanna quit. I dunno if that's resignation-worthy or if I'm overreacting, but it makes me feel so gross, especially with the details given to me. He sounds abusive and controlling, and, at work, they speak to each other so disrespectfully. There's clearly a power dynamic, but it's more than just employer/employee: there's a significant age gap, and he used the knowledge he has of her personal life to reel her in after she originally left. With everything I know now, it makes me feel nauseated, and I'm back on Indeed.


I left a job right in the middle of the team meeting when the manager's profanity-laced tirade hit minute 4. I just left a job that was doing a bunch of unethical shit.


Questioning my honesty. I means more to me then a job. I mean it wouldnhave to be blatant. I quit a job on the spot cause they said I did something I didn't do. It was a rule violation of bring away from my desk for 2 hours and I never did that mist I could remember was 25 mins.


I work in a different world than many. In my industry short of missing my paycheque, there isn't much that would make me quit outright. Legal issues aside since obviously a reputable employer won't ask you to break the law, I can't think of another reason to just quit. Ive been asked to do unsafe work in the past and simply refused it without without issue so not being paid would be it.


Coworker pulled a knife on me because he didn’t agree that the machines gas cap was where I said it was (it fell inside the machine. Like if you dropped a gas cap into your engine bay of your car and can’t find it.) I told the guy “you weren’t even here when the cap fell in. We saw it we know it’s there. Just stop” Pulled knife at me. Job site superintendent didn’t do anything so I just got in my car and left


Wtf. Why would they even pull a knife over that? Were they schizo or something? Like what is the point?


In college, I got a recruiting internship in which I was told to discriminate based on age. I never went back to that company. My university got pissy about it, but once I explained they were actively telling me to break the law, they backed down.


I had a unit director in my previous division that was prone to fits of rage. Dude seriously would start yelling and turning red and dropping F-bombs in meetings or in public at the airport when we were on travel. But from the way he looked you would think he was one of the most well-composed business professionals out there. Dude was a serious liability when going into meetings with new Army units we were scheduled to start supporting. I worried constantly that he would show up on some serial killer show or something. I hope that whatever therapy he needed...he acquired. But yeah...that is the closest I've come. I can take being called names, working with military my entire life that's pretty much the standard.


My boss was a jerk when I needed time off when my dad died


I used to work as a Food Retail Assistant and quit because I was treated so poorly. It was a patisserie owned by a husband and wife, and I worked there for 5 weeks before quitting. They had cameras set up behind the coffee bar and would watch us from upstairs, and there was a walkie talkie that they would use to call us and yell at us if they thought we were doing something wrong. Us employees weren't allowed to talk to each other, and we'd be yelled at if we did. The wife was the baker and the husband would sometimes work behind the coffee bar with us, and he'd yell at us all the time in front of customers. Nothing I did was good enough, I was supposedly too slow at everything, which I think was down to the fact that I wasn't trained thoroughly enough, and was expected to immediately be perfect at everything after roughly 3 hours of training. There were two factors in causing me to quit: 1. The patisserie was known for its macarons. The husband had packed away the macarons for the night and two were cracked, out of probably fifty. I came back to work in the morning and the wife yelled at me for half an hour about the macarons being cracked, even though I was not allowed to handle the macarons. The wife made me late for opening up the patisserie, and I was yelled at for that as well. When the husband asked me why I was upset, I told him that the wife yelled at me about the macarons, and he told me he'd talk to her because it was his fault. An hour later, the wife radios for me to come upstairs, and I am yelled at about the macarons again. Her husband threw me under the bus. 2. My dad told me to quit. My dad comes from a working class immigrant background, and usually whenever I'd complain about various jobs I've had, he would tell me to buckle up and keep working. I told my dad about the above incident, and he looked me in the eyes and told me to quit. That's when I knew it was actually a really bad environment. Sorry for such a long reply, this was a few years ago but I'm honestly still scarred, and I don't work hospitality anymore because of this place. I have sooooooo many stories from this place, and I only worked there for 5 weeks!


i always thought i could put up with bad managers until i got THE ONE. loved asking me if I had "five minutes" at 4:45 and I'd be there until after 6. had the time mgmt skills of a carrot. only thing they do well is spend the firm's money at an alarming pace. the time our 3pm meeting went until 8pm i should have never gone back, but it took a few more weeks for me to break.


Bounced paycheck


If a higher up is generally rude or acts like I’m a worker ant


When I was a paralegal, an attorney slammed his fist on the table and raised his voice at me. I quit immediately lol. I was hired as a hybrid employee and the two attorneys I worked for tried to force me to come back in full time because "when he doesn't see me physically in office he forgets to tell me stuff and iphone reminders aren't as good and he doesn't like to check his email." They took it very personally and like a challenge of their authority when I said no.


Withholding pay while expecting me to still work. So many of my artist friends had this happen to him and they were owed like 10k but then the company ghosted them or went bankrupt. They never looked for other employment during that time because they were promised that income. The moment I don't get paid, I stop working. Your inability to manage your finances or time is not my problem.


If I were asked to do anything illegal or unquestionably unethical. Also, if I were verbally abused more than once. I can understand a singular outburst, but not as a pattern of behavior.


Being instructed to do something illegal or unethical, or being told to cover-up for someone else doing same.


Micro managers. I would (and have) quit in a heartbeat.


I resigned for a number of reasons but I’d been putting it off for a while then something pushed me over the edge and I did it. The good reasons included: I’d moved the business through the tumultuous times, to an investment group who could offer a settled future and I’d seen through the move to the new building and warehouse fit outs. The immediate part came because with no warning they told my team that I could no longer make decisions about when my teams worked from home (during covid years, I had been following the government rules). And I was told that the women had to be in the office to be supervised and the men could all work from home. I asked for explanations, pointed out the sexism, got stonewalled and told to get on with managing that. I quit.


Promoting a less skilled diversity hire over me.


Watching a manager accept and keep cash tips from a condo owner when she was literally doing the bellmans job because all the other bellman were busy doing bellmen duties because we were like 2 or 3 people short on staff....when asked about it she said that the money wasn't for helping with the bags, but as a Xmas present as that specific owner "always" gives her something around xmas LOL as I had only worked there about a month, this combined with a couple days later, I stayed AFTER my scheduled shift end time of 10PM and helped out for almost 20 minutes only to get a text message later that night after getting home that I left the other workers who were scheduled until 11 PM hanging or something. Like, I explained the MOD asked me to stay until 10:15, and I stayed PAST that a few minutes, keep in mind my shift end time was 10PM, and this lady had scheduled me to be back at 8 AM the following morning as the opener, for a dirty turn as we called them closing and then opening or close to, and to top it all off, she had the nerve to tell me that the reason I was going home and wouldn't stay longer, to let my dog out as she had been inside since a few minutes before my 2pm start time, was unacceptable and her dogs regularly go 9 or 10 hours without going outside. I resigned via text that night and got a job literally a week later as we got a bunch of snow and I took a week vacation and skied everyday and then got another better bellmen and shuttle job with better hours and way chiller managers and setting. The funniest thing was I literally told this woman when going thru the hiring process, my dog is getting old, she is my priority, she takes medicine, and that if you make me choose between my dog and this job, I am going to choose my dog every single time and she was like yeah I totally understand. And as I mentioned before, since we were usually short staffed, getting the chance to take a lunch mid shift to go home and let my dog out never was an option as evenings are usually slammed and this particular night there was a snowstorm and the highway had closures and it made for a shit show and never had a chance to take a lunch and do this or I would have stayed until things settled down, but since I didn't get the chance to do that, and she was oblivious as to how her managerial skills and unwillingness to help out so that breaks could happen, contributed to all this happening and my attitude towards the job and my animals health and well being.


Asking me to do something illegal or cover up something illegal. Unsafe working conditions that are condoned/ignored. Child labor. Slavery. Sexual harassment or discrimination that is condoned by management. Not paying me. Taking away or screwing with my pay/benefits. Animal abuse. Asking me to participate in said abuse. Poor mental health/stress. In my particular line of work, an employer that doesn't require current proof of rabies for the animals we work with.


Not being free to go to the bathroom whenever. Scheduled or timed bathroom breaks would feel pretty dehumanizing.


Nothing. I’d just quiet quit while I looked for a new job and let them pay me for nothing. Ride that out for as long as it takes for them to fire me!


I was hired on as a “project coordinator” at my last job. There were three of us that made up the front office of a small architect firm. The first performance review meeting I went to, after a month of working there, the executives spent almost the whole meeting badmouthing the other two workers. They said I was already learning faster than the other guy that had been there for a year (who was super nice and literally never complained or back talked, regardless of how rude someone was to him), and that they were looking for someone to replace the current front office manager (who had been working there for 8 years and loved her job and was super dedicated even though everyone treated her like crap) Every single person in the office complained about the other two project coordinators behind their backs. The owners even made the manager cry by yelling at her over a minor mistake right in front of us. I got out of there *real fucking quick* - the second you witness other employees being treated like crap, you should expect that to be you soon enough.


I’m a little insane and can fall back on family money if I absolutely had to, so if my company took away dumb perks like summer Fridays or gym reimbursement I’d leave without hesitation.


Hey mom, can you throw me a couple thousand to cover my rent for the next few months? Why dear, what happened? Are you sick, did your company have mass layoffs? Umm...My job won't pay for my gym anymore and won't let me work less than full time but pay me for full time work in the summer 😭


I mean it’s a hierarchy of needs; if I wasn’t in my position, my answer would be different. Where I I stand now, those perks are important to me 🤷🏻‍♂️when I was a barista at Starbucks (great job, was humbling and I’m still friends with other former baristas), my answer would have been way different.


I have a feeling your family would probably appreciate you not quitting a job and relying on them for support over something like a gym reimbursement.


True! And I wouldn’t *want* to do that since I am 100% financially independent but the question was about what would make you resign. At this point, having been at my company for almost 10 years if they stated chipping away at perks I’ve grown accustomed to, I’d resign. I recognize my privilege for sure and am very grateful of the things I have.


Quit normalizing companies taking away the benefits that were part of the package that convinced you to sign on. It starts with the gym membership and PTO, then they come for the 401K, then the raise structure etc


summer fridays? I gotta convince my work to do that one


It’s pretty common in biotech and pharma now.


Anything that's putting my life at danger or will shortly. If it's going to destroy you, better of leaving it quickly so you have something left


When your working conditions are unsafe and management doesn’t care.


I noped out of one job, they wanted me find some software from "questionable" sites for production, then the owner wanted me to work for free as a "trial" period. I was out of there in an hour. Later I found out he was hosting a image site for CP on the business servers.


Immediate resignation would be if I was instructed or coerced into doing anything criminally illegal. Like: “do this(illegal act) on behalf of the company or find another job”.


Being forced to work with a guy that it took 20 years to get away from on job sites. I dropped the gauntlet last year after he tried to throw me under the bus for his bullshit. I presented an ultimatum which was him or me. He no longer works here.


Winning the lottery


Some of our classes on navigating leadership or growing in the company are gender and/or color based. I get pretty upset when I see the classes come through but I’ve learned to ignore them and move on. I think about it every time. There was one that I was very interested in but I was afraid to ask if I could attend.


Shit training and a store manager that refused to demand it be rectified drove me from my last job.


Less than $1M. 10 yrs ago it was $3M. That's the number needed to sustain my current standard of living along with my pension / pension penalty.


Being disrespected. Whatever form that might be


I walked out of a factory job the second I got a desk job start date confirmed. It wasn't the work. It was me. I'm not very social, but I had too much time alone in my head. I talked myself into issues. I knew it was a problem when I started thinking "if I die, kiddo has to live with bio dad, and he can't keep a roof over his head, and then kiddo will go into foster care, and then..." Yeah. Shut my machine down, punched out, left, went home, and hugged my kid tight. Spent the next week getting my head on right and enjoying all the time with him I could. Started the new job the next week. 5 years later, and life is great. It was very unlike me to do, but I also couldn't keep doing that.


I was at a job for 6 weeks and didn't like it... then one day my manager brought in one of the developers into a closed office and I could hear him yelling at the guy. Like, "what the fuck is going on in there?" type yelling. It was pretty much then that I decided I was out. Crafted an email a few days later. My manager tried hard to get me to stay but I practically laughed in his face.


I honestly can’t think of a single thing. If someone did something fucked up, I’ll go to the ombudsman.


I worked a job for about 10 months where the owner was definitely not telling some customers everything in order to milk more money from them. He bought us all pizza for lunch one day and used that as a political rally to try and sway us to vote for his guy; even handed out some extremely biased political flyers. This guy was also a bit of an asshole in general. He told me that if I couldn't work with him, or didn't want to work with him, there was no place at the company for me. I packed my shit up the following week. No notice, just the told main manager I was done, said a few good byes, and never looked back


Getting fired


Non payment for more than one week.


I quit a job once because I was hired for a job I didn't apply for, after being told I would be doing what I applied for. When I found out, I quit immediately. Another instance where I ALMOST quit but they wound up actually saving their tail: I worked at a restaurant where the head chef was sexually harassing me and as it turns out, a bunch of other servers. One of those servers and myself went to our GM to tell her about it and she flat out didn't believe us - then other servers who overheard the conversation came forward and she finally did something about it (fired him). I should have still quit due to her initial reaction, but I was 20 and silly.


I cleaned up cremated human remains out of some of the couches at my job like a week ago. So not much.


Being shouted at, for one thing.


When I was a teenager(17) my boss would leave me alone in the “store”. I had no authorization to do returns or lock the place up at night. But when her boyfriend showed up she would just leave! Finally, I quit without notice. The stress of that job was unreal during wedding and prom season. She was the adult!


I moved to a new city, and took a job I could get quickly and easily while I was looking for something better. Turns out the location was super sketchy. The first night I closed and felt like I was going to get mugged, I called and let the manager know I was done. That was 4 days in.


When you get hired to a company and a few months later have your position “dissolved” and get reassigned to a city/job you didn’t initially agree. Also having the job specifics be changed from work from anywhere to full in office role. Happening to me currently and will be leaving soon.


I would refuse work that was not professional or ethical, but I would never quit a job immediately based on what someone else did or was doing. They don't control my employment, I do. I've been in a bad situation before, once I was ready (4 months later) I pulled the pin and gave my notice. They went into a death spiral afterwards and only lasted another year before they all lost their jobs. If my house was paid off and I had plenty of FU money, then yes I'd walk in a heartbeat...but I'm not at that point in my career yet and hope to never have to be put in a situation like that again.


Someone offering me money. Or months of abuse.


My boss asking me to do 50 Shades-shit. I may be vulgar but I ain't about that life.


Tbh this wasn’t a job but a sorority I was in for a year. Twice a semester there’s a three day long 8 hour thing about learning what to do for recruitment or something. I came down with strep and mono. They told me I still had to come, since I had started the strep pills two days ago and was no longer contagious. There were lots of things wrong with the soririty but that instantly sealed the deal


If I feel the integrity of the company has been compromised beyond me being able to reconcile, I'll leave. I refuse to work for a company that does things I object to morally. Every large company has dirt, but there is a difference between a shitty DM and a shitty mission statement.


Last time I quit a workplace, the boss had called a meeting to essentially, shut down some serious safety concerns we all had (his 6 employees). I tried to explain why we were still concerned after he said his piece. And he started SCREAMING. Yelling and cursing and banging his fists on the table. I stood up and he yelled at me to "sit the f@#$ down" over and over. I handed him my keys. He said "fine, get the f@#$ out" and that was that. The coworker who was recording lost the recording due to an unfortunate cat-related incident, so I wasn't able to submit it to the labor board or anything. But oh boy, that was...something. whew


I'm sorry, but I'm seeing a bunch of lightweight stuff here. For me, it was being asked by the company pres. to sign off on illegal things he wanted to do. I managed to talk him out of it twice. If I hadn't been able to, I was out of there. He later got fired.


Pretty simple...anything a labor attorney, my state labor board or the U.S. DOL would take keen interest. Keep a daily journal about those incidents. Where possible file a report or claim. When they reply and give you a case number, email them every update with that case number in the subject line. I would jump off because of behavior creating a hostile and toxic work environment (bullying, lying, sexism, racism etc). If you're not ready to jump off, document all of it starting with the first and repeat offenses in a personal journal. At the end of the day transcribe notes to a word doc on your personal device. Then start hunting for a better opportunity.


Mental duress from a supervisor with toxic traits Psychotic Narcissistic Exploitative Been there and will not take that mental fuck ever again


I worked in a restaurant and the owner asked me to put my hand in the toilet and unclog it because the plunger wasn’t working. I told him I was pike quit on the spot if he asked me again and he laughed and said he’d give me a glove. Mind you it was like Godzilla size shit with water coming out the top of the bowl. I said fuck that, my comment stands and he asked someone else. Stand up for yourself, this is an opportunity to learn how to do that. Say something to them and stand firm, I promise they’ll be shocked you spoke up. Most bullies don’t expect that.. I’d start looking now but you’ll find another job and then you can choose to


Pay. It’s pay every time. As soon as two of the last three companies I worked for fucked with my pay or made me work without adequate compensation I walked. Both times had a better job by the end of the week. Know your worth and your job description. If a boss tries to flex on you, show him who the real boss is and throw your badge at him.


No fulltime benefits


when the company puts you and the client in an unsafe position When the company pays bonus based upon personality rather than competency When the company is a tightwad with raises of any sort. Like giving you a nickel is the equivalent of a golden horse


Here is my decision tree 1. Can afford not to have this paycheck 2. Is the issue something that I actually care about or am I reacting emotionally? 3. Am I being honest with myself in if/how much I like this job About the only things that superseded the above process would be a violation of law that puts me in jeopardy or someone being put at risk (injury, death, etc.)


When you hear "family business", "multiple hats", "all hands on deck".... It might sound appealing to some at first but you end up underpaid, overworked, and it's easy to justify low or inexistant pay increases.


If I had 2million dollars or if I knew I would die in 5 years.


A colleague of mine was denied hours they worked, because the boss felt the job took them too long. Do not pull that shit on me, pay me what Im owed.


As a freelance writer, I am willing to put up with quite a lot from (often clueless) clients. If they're calling me, they need help... and I am here to help. Any way I can. And sometimes lend a sympathetic ear, too. No worries. But you pay my invoices on time, mutherfucker. Two strikes and yer out. I'm not playing.


The first day on a job once I was spending the time with the small team and learning the system. I noticed the business owner say something racist and everyone just sat there and ignored it. Throughout the day the racist shit that came out of his mouth was awful, then he added some homophobic stuff in there too. Couldn’t believe it. I left early and the next morning I rang the manager of the other store and made a complaint and never went back. I desperately needed a job at the time but the evil racist remarks mixed with the silence from everyone else made me resign. Couldn’t do it.


Being required to provide a statement that I know is false to. I can definitely tell the truth properly, but to knowingly participate in fraud is a hard line for me.


Being forced to take covid "vaccine"


In my twenties I temped at a lab cleaning cages. The company had “onco” in their name, and I thought they were trying to cure cancer. Half way through the day I found out they were testing cosmetics! I was sickened. I took off my badge and left the moment I found out.


I was hired as an IT consultant in charge of new product development. The company got hacked one weekend and all their files encrypted. President called the entire IT staff into the cafeteria and started screaming at us. Most everyone looked like the typical techno-dweeb and sat there with their heads down. I got up, grabbed my backpack and started towards the door. The president screamed at me wanting to know what the hell I thought I was doing? I opened the door, turned to him and said "taking your anger out on employees is not only the sign of a bad manager, but it makes you look like a turd."and then I left


Well I just did this; I was asked to fudge documents for service requests and maintenance on machines. Also told I would have to sign other peoples names. Nope. I walked.


…catty women. I’m pretty thick skinned but man I worked in an office full of women (I am a woman) and it was genuinely the worst job i’ve ever had. They all talked crap on one another then hung out with eachother outside of work. If someone had an issue they would just give you an attitude instead of being like “hey, i have an issue with etc.” never again.


I quit a job bc a man yelled at me about my “tone”. The only men that seem to have an issue with a woman’s tone are misogynists. I won’t work for one.


The secret is most of us all want to resign from our jobs... But without question? The list is pretty big but I've found employment that let's me be myself and pays me decent so, I'm not skipping out. So yeah that, If I have to hold back all the sht I want to say, and if they docked my pay or started making us share hotel rooms, basically if my employer started being a cheap A$$.


I shared hotel rooms when I was first starting out. That company was a mess for the record.


I would leave if the boss was using insulting language like idiot or dumbass, etc. I'm not going to take abuse like that.


Being forced to do something unreasonably dangerous or that is well beyond my training level. For example one thing I refuse to work on at my job is live electricity (I do general maintenance). Sure, professional electricians do it all the time, but I don't have that training. I'm not gonna fuck with live wires. I was pressed on it like once, but thankfully once I made my point they backed off and contracted an actual electrician.


Harassment, I'm gone! 💯


i’m physically disabled but haven’t gotten on disability. i was working for a “not *fast* food, food that’s fast” sandwich restaurant chain. i was having a really bad flare up day and asked my manager if i could go home when it was time for them to send someone and let her know i was having a bad health day. my legs were purple and i was in a lot of pain. she said yes. so i made sure to get all my stuff done. the other manager (who was literally right there and listening/making eye contact etc) sent home the able bodied teenager because i’m “better at the job”. i was so livid that i clocked out and left without a word. i returned the next day for my scheduled shift and they fired me because they got really busy and that btch MEGAN actually had to get off her lazy ass for once and do her damn job. i thanked her for firing me like “oh thank god i can go home. bye”


Them sacrificing animals lives. (Yes this is a real thing, my bf is dealing with this currently)


Winning the lottery


If I no longer wanted to work there


I had a coworker recently given a full time conversion at marathon petroleum suggest that in order to quiet a child heard in the background of another coworker that the other coworker murder the child through suffocation and enhance the action with any chemical that was manufactured by marathon petroleum. As soon as I could secure alternative employment, I wrote a letter with my attorney and walked out. In 23 years it’s the only time I ever felt the need.


Probably something that would affect my life on the daily. Like if they required me to be in office. Constant micromanaging would also not work for me.