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Because weightlifting is the only thing I enjoy in life


I’m jealous. I would choose SO MUCH unpleasant stuff before going to the gym. It’s like a fucking torture to me. I’m going nuts there from boredom.


My brother is the same way. So he does a bunch of outdoor rec stuff. Exercising doesn't have to mean the gym.


Same but I just do it for my health lmao


Have you hit some goals in the gym? That's when it gets addicting. Chasing a new PR. Also, good music.


THAT PART…weed, my cat and sugar


I'm jealous.


It's not motivation, it's a habit. I did it enough time that when I skip over a set day, I feel uncomfortable, like something gnawing at me uncomfortable, like "trying to stretch but never getting the satisfaction" uncomfortable.


Yeah exactly some days there’s motivation but a lot of days it’s just because it’s part of your routine.


Can relate, having skipped a day and eating anything at all makes me feel extremely guilty.


thats not healthy


I look in the mirror.


Self loathing is my pre-workout.


Motivated by spite, but really not to be the smallest fish in the fish tank.


Exactly, it's very simple really. Spite and self loathing with a sprinkling of primal competitiveness.


For motivation, I save my fav songs for the workout. I don't listen to them at any other time. So I look forward to listening to my favorite music.


I have audiobooks I only listen to when working out, it’s embarrassing how many times I’ve been motivated by just wanting to know what happens next lol


That's genius! So simple.


Ya solid stuff man. I keep a rotation of songs only in workout lists and regularly switch new songs in and move old songs out and don't listen to any of them unless it's during a workout. I have a retired workout songs playlist where I move everything to as well. Then I periodically check back what's in there and add back what I haven't heard in a long while.


Routine, routine, and more routine. I don’t think about if I want to go. After lunch, I do the dishes, fill the cats water, change out of my work clothes, and I’m off to the gym. Never did I decide if I was going to go. The cats water was filled which means it’s now time for the gym.


This. I was terrible at it until I took a membership in the gym IN my office building. It s not the best, it s small and frankly smelly, that s why I kept taking membership to another one. Error. I have the chance to be able to take a 1h30 lunch break (come earlier, i leave later) I just go to the gym. No matter what. If I am not motivated? I just walk on the treadmill. I also started listening to podcast while doing my routine. I focus on the murders or popstar life in my ears not on my pain and boredom. I took that membership three months ago and happy to say that I go at least two times a week now! I also set up a gym in my house for the days I am working from home. Not as efficient I must say but still. Same thing, I go at noon.


Got it. So I need to go get a cat and workout routine will be easy.


You don’t. You do it regardless of how bad you feel. Discipline baby 💪🏿


Thats it, not specific to gym but exercise as a whole, make it a routine, when your at your most motivated you’ll train hard, when your not you’ll be cruising through your workout which is still better then no workout. I personally find my motivation fluctuates every couple of months, and that’s normal, either way I still do it


Honestly, not specific to exercise but life as a whole.


"either way I still do it" \^That is a great way to do it! It's what i do as well and it works.


Anything is better than nothing


That’s it, and also people need to stop comparing themselves to jacked up hustle bros. Just too excessive. Maintain a healthy weight and shape in a way it doesn’t affect your day job and friendships and relationships.


This guy knows


Took me until 24 to finally accept this. The days you feel like shit and don’t want to go are the most important. Goggins mentality.


Some of us do it because the alternative is going home and browsing Reddit before going to bed. As in, doing the thing I was doing at work already.


This is pretty much the answer


I look at it just like eating, sleeping, brushing my teeth, showering. Just a part of my daily life that has to happen. I don’t feel like going to work, but I sure drag my ass there because I have bills to pay 🤣


It is very hard to force yourself to go to the gym when you work night shift. You've already fought sleep half the night. By the time you get off work at 6AM. the last thing you feel like doing is driving to the gym, changing your clothes and pushing yourself through a workout you don't really feel like doing. I have enough equipment at home to get a basic workout. It's just a flat bench, 15-30 lb. dumbells (I am a woman, so that's enough weight for me), and a curved bar with some plates. Every morning when I get off work, I go home and work one muscle group for 9-12 sets. Then I ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes. Then I take a shower, eat while watching TV and/or surfing the Internet, and then I go to bed. On the weekend, I try to get in one or two gym workouts. I've tried stopping at the gym in the morning, but it takes so much extra planning and motivation that I can't keep it up. By working out at home, I just have to change into my t-shirt and crop pants, put on my tennis shoes and I'm ready to start the workout. I hang my workout clothes on the handlebars of my stationary bike, so they are always ready to go. It's true I get a better workout when I go to the gym, if I go at a time when I actually feel like working out. Unfortunately, 6AM is not that time. I also know I'm not going to wake up at 4PM and knock myself out getting dressed, fighting rush hour traffic to the gym and then having to rush home and dress for work. It's just not going to happen. So I just do the best I can, based on the reality of the situation.


I’m in the same situation except I’m off between 7-8am. I tried being consistent for maybe a month, but I get so drowsy on my 45min drive home I just couldn’t anymore. So I just go Friday - Sunday consistently now even though it doesn’t feel optimal.


I’m not going to say discipline because I was in a similar schedule for the past year. Not everyone has the same 24hrs in a day. And something that extra thing is just over kill. I wasn’t going to the gym for months because of how much I was working. You could consider at home workouts or even just going for walks just to get outside a little bit.


You either force yourself to make the time by cutting other things out, or you figure out how to make your workouts more efficient and less time consuming. The only thing you should need for motivation is the knowledge that male bodies need multiple times more exercise daily than female bodies do just to have a remotely similar chance at life expectancy, and the data on male long term health outcomes in Western countries is absolutely terrible compared to women's. Make it a priority and stop making excuses.


I just like eating food, so if you have heavy muscles on your body, you get to consume more food than the average person. This happens daily. It's great.


Your situation is tough, but you have to think about what you like about weightlifting - or lifting weights in general. I love being strong and I love watching my numbers go up. I don't want to become weaker and I don't want to have to lower my weights in any lift. Thinking about that keeps me going to the gym every day. It's essentially discipline, plus thinking about the consequences of missing a lifting day. Plus, you don't need pre ;)


I live by “something is better than nothing” and I have all my weights in my living room. If I had to leave my house for the gym it would never get done.


Call yourself a gay bitch if you don’t go


What if you’re already a gay bitch


Then the statement rings true. Congrats bitch.




Works every time


Eventually motivation won’t be enough - it’s discipline. Results become stagnant so mirrors don’t help, you get days where you’re just done with everything, you get sick…etc - all types of obstacles occur, you just get it done. I have more days than not where I actually don’t want to do it - mentally I’m never really in a good place so it’s hard to maintain, but it’s now a routine and I just get it done. You don’t have to go hard everyday, but showing up and getting it done - being consistent is key.


You have to get to a place where you aren’t deciding whether or not you go to the gym, it’s just something you do regularly, like taking a shower or brushing your teeth. I don’t think it’s about motivation because I’ve gotten into the habit of working out but often lack motivation to do other things If it’s really something you want to do, once you make it part of your routine, I think you’ll find you manage your energy to make it possible. 14 hour days are crazy though


your situation definitely doesn't make it easy, so anything you do would have to account for your specific circumstances. that said, any little thing would help. can you get up and stretch for two minutes? that's something. can you go outside for five minutes just get some steps in and breathe the air? that's something. can you randomly do few jumping jacks? can you keep a kettlebell somewhere where you can just see it and pick it up a few times without thinking about it? think of the smallest possible thing you could do and go from there. for me, I don't really need motivation because exercise makes me look and feel better. life is worse in every way without exercise of any kind. if nothing else I try to make it a non-negotiable to get around 10k steps a day, because otherwise my butt is in a chair all day. i also love getting into the flow state while shooting hoops. lifting weights also just feels awesome. i also love walking and letting my mind wander/talking to myself.


Discipline is your problem. Go in the morning instead!


He's working 14 hours a day tho


I dont. I stay Disciplined. Discipline makes ya do shit whether you find the motivation to do it or not. Nike had it right. Just. Do. It.


You don’t rely on motivation. Motivation will fail you every time in every situation. You have to be dedicated to your why! Why are you going to the gym? Health? Aesthetics? Find your why and use that to be dedicated.


I’m not always in the mood like today. I was tired, didn’t want to go and just sleep. Figured I’d go and feel different when I arrived. I arrived and got into the mood as I started sweating.


At 10-14 hours it’ll be next to impossible. Do you have to work that long? Do you have weekends off? Can you move closer to work? I finally started going to classes regularly and don’t want to disappoint Abby by stopping.


If it helps managing your time, do it like I do and go to the gym as early as possible. Have a goal, short- and long-term. It has to be(come) something important to you. That will keep you going. How long have you been lifting? I'd be lying if I said that, in my over 16 years of working-out regularly, there wasn't a time I just didn't feel like it anymore. Guess what I did? I kept going anyway. After a while it becomes second nature. Look for professional help. Start with a nutricionist, and if you have bigger goals, look for a coach. It's what I did and it did wonders to my progress. The difference is day and night. Best decision of my life, hands down.


When I start feeling my strength go away and my muscle size reduce. There is no better motivator than seeing your gains dwindle.


I was fat and wish to not be fat again.


Phonk music


Because she is a witch that I hate and also love. Send help.


I don't want to be like some of these other mid 20s early 30s people whose bodies hurt or pop because they don't take care of them selves.


You just have to be even more tired such that you can consume ungodly amounts of caffeine yet still instantly fall asleep the moment you close your eyes.


It’s unconscious at this point - because after a while with new hobbies eventually it just becomes part of who you are. If you’re struggling to build the habit just tell yourself every day “I am a person that lifts” and in time it becomes reality.


I know how you feel. I used to go to the gym 3-5 days a week and was in the best shape of my life. Now after a few years with kids I'm easily in the worst. The day starts at 6 or 7 cleaning up from thr night before, then making breakfast, playing with 1 or 2 kids until work starts... then it's just work, meetings and/or kids until they freaking go to bed. Sometimes it's 9... sometimes 11. Then I have to choose either sleep, having personal time, or trying to clean up. It sucks. But the key is making some routine. Right now it's 4:30 am and the kids are asleep. You've inspired me to go to the gym today. 


I'm gonna be honest? it's the fat people i see every day.


It’s important to not be too hard on yourself when getting back into it. You haven’t done it regularly with the job, it seems, so you’ll have to try and see what works/doesn’t with the schedule. I have been having to just go with when I feel like it, but I force myself to go one week day and one weekend day. This way I’m only working around my work schedule that one day - the rest is up to me.


As someone who was really into bodybuilding and almost competed I quit lifting for 5 years due to mental health issues. Just go in and do something. It’s going to be humbling, you’ll be weaker, can’t train to the same volume/intensity, but forget about that. Even if you go in and just do cardio for 20 minutes. Hell, even if you just do one set and leave, just go in and do something. Set small goals and work your way back up. If you’re like me after 3 months of just going in to do something you’ll start to do more and more, before you know it you’re back into it and it becomes a natural habit.


Honestly I just send it. I use to think you needed to work out for 1hr-2hr but I usually work out for 20minutes. It’s not that bad, I have a few albums I listen to each time, so I’ve trained myself to get use to the music as I’m working out and I know when Im almost done without checking my Fitbit. Just ignore everything honestly, just go in and do what you gotta do and walk out.


You cannot rely on motivation alone


You need discipline. Motivation will only get you so far


this has already been said, but its all about building a routine and a habit. once you start doing it consistently enough (YMMV on how long it does take), youll wake up (in my experience) thinking about when you'll get your work-out/jog in for the day, wash rinse repeat, people have rightly pointed out that it ends up becoming a nagging feeling of "needing" to do it also, maybe youre not a work out/gym kinda person, i tried to go to the gym a lot and it never really worked for me, then i finally tried out jogging and this is DEFINITELY my jam best of luck finding what your jam is :)


I've exercised nearly every week since 14 years old. I am now 39. First off if you can find a sport where the byproduct of that sport is that it keeps you fit and strong. If you genuinely enjoy your sport, there is no need for motivation. If you haven't got a sport then find another driving force, whether it be vanity, health, wanting to keep up with your kids, wanting to attract someone hot etc let it be your driving force until a long term habit is established. Once habit is established never, ever compromise on that habit, unless you have an injury. Come rain or wind I exercise 4 times per week and I manage this with kids. If its been a really busy week I'll even go running 11 at night in the rain, in order to meet my quota. Doing it when it feels hard, makes it feel alot easier other times. It's about developing will power and just doing it no matter what. No excuses. Finally, make it easy on yourself. I exercised for 3 years in my apartment and was in amazing shape. During covid I made my own gym. Cut out the middle men, driving back and forth to the gym, getting dressed, undressed is NOT working out. It's wasted time and drains your energy and motivation. Utilise your free time wisely. What's important is you actually do the exercise, so don't hold yourself to strict routines or times , just get your quota in per week no matter what. If you got 30 mins free then you could run for 30mins instead of sitting on your phone being unproductive.


With that kind of schedule you don’t have time for the gym. Get a kettlebell and a pull up bar and do a quick pull up/kettlebell swing/push up routine before work. If you don’t have to wear dress clothes you might be able to sneak some sets in during work too. Even just 20 minutes of high intensity work out would make a big difference.  You’ll have to prioritize working out and sleeping over anything else. Once you get in the cycle of not sleeping enough you won’t have the motivation to work out or get to bed on time.  Also, seriously, you need to find a new job if you’re working 10-14 hours a day, 5 days a week, on night shift. That will ruin your health, let alone any chance of having any sort of social life. 


get some equipment you can use at home. you could at least be doing something in the mean time with a resistance band, some dumb bells or a pull up bar.


You will just go and do one set. That can't be so bad, can it?


Honestly, I know my mental health and entire life will fall apart if I stop going.


I go as soon as i wake up, no exceptions.


Take classes and make friends there - it keeps you honest to be accountable to someone even random people you meet. Human psychology is wonky but it works


I hate what I see in the mirror and that fuels me


Save up money and buy some dumbbells and a bench and just lift at home. Going to sleep an hour earlier to wake up an hour earlier is probably the way imo. Work out for about an hour. Most gyms have showers so if you drive to your gym, take a bag with a towel and a change of clothes and go directly to work from the gym is another option.


Having a routine is what helps me. When I’m not motivated if I go through the motions of getting ready for the gym then I eventually feel ready to go. Could you possibly find a gym closer to where you live? 20 mins isn’t bad but when you don’t already want to go it’s hard to drive.


You can't working that much. I hope its worth it to you because you are working your life away.


I'd consider either switching shifts (night shift is detrimental to your health long term) if possible, or begin purchasing your own weights/dbells


If I have a friend to do with and its a social activity. If I don't then, I don't stay motivated because I hate everting about it and unlike a lot of other people working out does not make me feel good.


My fear of death is greater than my dislike of exercise. Working out is the only place I can truly empty my mind of all rational thought and enter a meditative state.


Steroids .. 😂


There are times when I just don't want to, but I go because I know I will feel fantastic after


It used to be easy to go to the gym when I lived in the city and only had to walk a block. Now I’m in the country and it’s a ten minute drive to the gym, so I started slacking. I recently set up a little gym in my basement, so now it’s a lot easier to motivate myself to just go downstairs.


Mental health. Just know when you do workout, it increases your Dopamine which in turn makes you in better mood.


I imagine my future if I don't go. I imagine being unable to take my future kids on hikes or camping because I'm overweight and out of shape. I imagine my kids being embarrassed to have people around me (besides my sick dad jokes)... the shame usually gets me in the gym lmao. 35lbs down now, 20 to go.


I think I have a mental illness, if I don’t go I feel like a total piece of shit


It's fun I love working out I love moving, like not going makes me terribly antsy


Gonna be honest my man, just reading your post you are finding every reason not to go. If that’s your perspective then of course you won’t be motivated to change habits. Truth is, if you’re an adult with an atypical life, most hours of your day are accounted for. We’re all busy. 30-60 mins 2-3 times a week is all it takes. And that doesn’t require a gym membership. When you want to make the time for it you will.


Regarding going to the gym it's not about motivation it's about discipline. You have to make yourself show up to every workout, even if you have to drag yourself to the gym, and drag yourself through your workout. Motivation is a temporary feeling, and if you rely solely on that you won't achieve your fitness goals. I'm guessing you're in your 30s or 40s, so if you want to get and stay fit you're also going to have to make sure you have a healthy diet. This will also help give you more energy to exercise. As for fitting it into your schedule, you'll either have to do some intense workouts on your off days, or sacrifice a little bit of sleep (although I don't recommend this option).


Pick up running, you forget everything while improving your body. Best thing is, you can run anywhere. You’ll feel the motivation to exercise.


Kinda weird but when I go to the gym and I see really old people there I know that the dr told them to go so in some weird way I’m motivated because it’s already a routine before the dr makes me do it 😂


given your work schedule and other aspects of your lifestyle, home equipment may be a good option for you to explore. a squat rack and an elliptical would fit into a high-ceiling bedroom. I feel you on the struggle though. Just went from a building where the gym was a 6-floor, maybe 10 second ride down the elevator from my apartment, to a small town where the gym is 10 minutes away, and I've been completely overrun with new fixer-upper owner things for months. It actually dawned on me that I signed up for Planet Fitness...almost three months ago, and have yet to show my face there. I've just been too busy, and with summer about here I can more or less get my fix outdoors.


You only need to go to the gym 3 days a week to start building and maintaining muscle. Otherwise, the gym smells and is super freaking boringand feels grimy so I get where u are coming from. Listening to music helps. Otherwise group classes can be a thing. U can also ditch the gym and take up walking. Just increase ur steps or try to go bicycle, skateboard or do something u like


You make it a habit, part of a schedule. If you're working so many hours in a day, then it's going to be too hard to work out afterwards. Plus being exhausted already means you're more likely to get injured. You'll need to try working out before heading to work, or adapt some body weight exercises / calisthenics into your daily routine, such as during lunch break. Just working out on a flat surface, grassy area, or using a bench or a stairwell can be sufficient for a some good exercises. Push ups and burpees can already help a lot.


I don’t know how/why other people do it, but it’s paramount for my mental health. I go in daily, and it been amazing for my anxiety


You know what takes up more time than being fit?  Being fat and burdened


I'm 43, 6ft 195lbs. Doctor says I have high blood pressure and something about cholesterol. He wanted to put me on pills. I said hell nah I'm working out and eating better. This is the only reason I stay motivated to keep going. 😁


Motivation doesn't make change discipline does. It's the same for everything. A lot of people at the gym didn't want to go but went anyway because consistency is the best measurement for personal development.


Yeah bro I work 12.5h day/night and I go after day and before the night using double the amount of recommended pre workout supplement and have no problem to sleep whatsoever. You just have to do it regularly but my gym is only 400m and my work only 4minutes This commuting would kill me you ought to change this first


My scenario may not be the healthiest, but at times it is masochism for me. If I'm really shitting on myself? Do 100 pushups and 100 sit-ups. Gets me my endorphin release and gets me in better shape. If they're not being released from pleasurable activities - they come from painful activities. People have the misconception that people who work out all the time don't have mental health shit - we do. It's an escape and may help with your depersonalization-derealization disorder too which I have. I do at least that amount of calisthenics every single day now. There is always a floor available for you across the Earth and you can add weight while doing this for increased gains.


I work out at home, in the morning, I'll miss to many if I have to go somewhere else. adjustable kettlebells and bodyweight stuff for this middle aged ass. a rowing machine is great too, work the whole body!


Well you are working 10-14 hours... You need to create a program at works according to your lifestyle. In this case, small quick workouts. Let's say Leg day is just Squats and some hamstrings and you leave.




I don't work 14 hours a day. If you work 8 you might find you have the energy and motivation. Don't neglect your health for some corporation. It'll spit you out at 55 with a gut and a bad back and you'll look back and ask yourself why you spent your youth sitting inside an office building for 14 hours a day just to make some other asshole wealthy.


No excuses.


Well for one i dont work 70hrs a week and when i did i didnt work out. Other than that u need to find an excersize plan that like u actually can work with without burning urself out. So far the easiest plan for me to stick to is a 3 day full body routine. The hardest was a 6 day PPL and my absolutely brutal 6 day boxing routine. I take time off from workingout frequently, i skip days etc. Bc im not a professional and i have a life outside of my muscles and lungs. Learn about accumulative fatigue n plan around ur priorities in life. Right now ur working too much to get any proper rest thats required for building muscle so id say just eat right and maybe do some sit ups or stretching. Anything else will burn u out quick.


Gym = Generally happier all the time No Gym = anxiety spiral and doomscrolling We go to the gym not when we feel like it but because of how it makes us feel.


That’s tough. I have 9-10 hour days and a relatively long commute but I can still work out and get home by 7:45-8 every day. That’s usually what I do. I think 14 hour days wipe out any ability to use a gym tho


Well first, you have the typical corporate slavery job that makes anything hard. Working more than 8 hours will make any task after work difficult and not enough time to do. Throw in the fact that you commute an hour, might as well day you can't do anything after work during the week. In your situation, I would say going to an actual gym isn't ideal and you're better off doing workouts at home. During the pandemic I went online and pieced together my own workout regiment that only required furniture to do exercises and dumbells. Depending on your desire (definition or bulk), you don't need a gym and you can do the same exercises at home with weights at home. Play it again sports and OfferUp were the places I got weights for cheap. My suggestion is have your own workout space at home. That way you can eliminate the commute time so when you get home, change, throw on your favorite workout tunes and start lifting. You don't need a gym for cardio, run around your block for a few miles to get your cardio in and there ya have it


Luckily there is a gym in our basement and 20-25 minutes of supersets a day has actually made me some decent gains at work. It’s paid lunch too, so fuck yeah I’m gonna lift some weights on the city’s dime.


Honestly, for me it’s vanity.


We don’t all work 12-14 hours a day, that’s how we can be more motivated.


Imagine how you’d look if you didn’t go to the gym


I'll let you know if I ever start going.


Rock climbing, it's fantastic


I love weight lifting. When im in the gym i Forget about everything. Your 14 hours are a huge problem. I reduced some hours at my job to have more time for the gym


10-14 hour days?!!! … fucking he’ll if I worked those hours i wouldn’t go to the gym either. There’s your damn problem.


I stay motivated for a lot of reasons. I feel physically better when I do. I feel mentally better when I do. My wife is 10 years younger and I want to keep up for a long time. I want to look my best in and out of clothes.


It's not motivation. It's discipline.


Honestly it gets more motivating once you start to see the gains.


I’m part of a gym that serves tootsie rolls. I figure 1 tootsie roll doesn’t equal 30 minutes of intense cardio and 15 minutes abs training, so I get a small tootsie roll every time


I look at my ass.


I look at my ass


Work out on your lunch break. You don’t need a gym.


It takes 30 straight days to form a habit. You have to train your brain just like you train your muscles. I don't know what you do for work but you might also be able to hide some weights somewhere and get some lifting done at work


Discipline, not motivation. You dont need to want to do it, you just need to do it. Also, with your schedule, I’d totally work out in the morning. And see if I find a closer gym. Either close to home or to work.


Two words. One name David Goggins


Pre workout


I do nightshift too . Been messing about with going before or after work . Before is definitely better . Going after means your knackered from the days work and you don't out as much in at the gym . Get up earlier head to the gym then work . I typically do a Sunday, wed Fri and Sat. Now and again if it's quiet ill squeeze an extra one in .


Pick 2 days every week and you go no matter what, only if you are actually sick.


Buy a good pull up bar, kettlebell, 4-5 dips and lay it by your home office/room You'll thank me later!


I often say to myself "If he can do it, I can too". It's good to have some sort of discipline.You look better, feel better, sleep better when you lift regularly. I have bulged disc in lower back, damaged chest muscles after car accident. When I lift, pain is completely away. In my case it's enough to skip workouts for a week to get chest tightness or pains in the lower back. Lifting is great,it's boosting your testosterone levels and self esteem. I work 12hours a day too, going to the gym at 5:30 in the morning before work


I love working out. Working out seems to be the only thing that I do that’s productive for my health and mental state.


Gym partner helps.


Yeah, you don't need motivation. I just look at it as a part of my schedule that HAS to get done and I don't think about it at all. I just go


I hate being fat and unhealthy more than I hate working out


You set aside the time you need for it and over time it will become a habit. Try to set a goal you want to hit like a muscle you want to be better or an event you want to be in good shape for and use that as your motivation.


No motovation just do it. Your mirror image is your motovation positiv or negativ


When you see results, the motivation will come :)


External motivators like tracking apps: I post on Strava and get some nice graphs and the thumbs up from friends.


It’s been said already but I agree, make it part of your routine. The best advice I’ve heard is: “make it as important as a dentist or doctor’s appointment”.


I work 8 hours, I found a gym that's half way between my job and home. I take the equipment with me 3x per week and I just go. I only skip it if I really feel sick.


Weightlifting is the way to getting hot women


Can you combine it with something social? Go do a sport or exercise activity with friends or in a group? Find a form of exercise you truly enjoy? Can you combine it with something you like such as watching a show or listening to your favorite podcast? What works for me is 'rewarding' myself afterwards by simply googling "benefits of [whatever I just did]" to increase the release of happy hormones.


Discipline it is all the way. I wake up at 5:30 and head to the gym by 6, get changed there and head to work. It's the only way, wanting to workout after work is close to impossible.


Think about how much better your life will be when you're fit and have pretty privilege.


Its less about motivation and more about dicipline. I don't want to go to the gym each time. I just go.


I like it so that helps


You don’t. You just drag your ass get to the gym and go thru the motions. Always better than feeling the regret of missing a day of training


Not wanting my performances to get worse is what keeps me going.




I have been working out with weights for the last 2 months straight. I work a computer job 12 hours overnight 3 days a week and I happen to work with someone who is kind of a trainer. There is a nice weight room gym in my building so he has got me every night I work around 2:00 in the morning I hit either chest, back pulls or shoulders. I have not missed a night at work for 2 months straight so far. I am definitely getting stronger, I am benching 205 for 5 sets of 5 now. I am not going to quit for 6 months. I am hoping to see a change in my body.  Making time to go to the gym every day would get annoying. I am just glad it is right there for me and I have nothing better to do than hit the weights at night.


In this situation I’d probably suggest training on your off days e.g at the weekend. You can get a solid stimulus from a 2 day per week program that’s dosed appropriately. Also, if it’s a possibility can you move closer to the gym or maybe setup a home gym? For me, close proximity to training equipment has been a huge factor in being consistent. When I lived further away from the gym a lot of the time I’d just mentally check out on the 40min commute there and back to train.


Work out before you go to work. Will give you a energy boost to your day my dude!


In the start you have to push your self a bit. After some months you will get addicted. When i was 18 i should push my self to go. Now 5 years later if i dont go i cant function well. I go gym 5 times per week.


I just think about tits and ass and how all the people who have made fun of me when I was heavier would feel about me being shredded.


By Remembering how life was while I was fat


Get a new job during first or second shift. Nightshift is the worst thing for your health 


Struggling with the motivation myself. I used to love going the gym, base work round that but now... i just cant be arsed? hoping stopping smoking will help get some motivation again


if you're as stingy as I am- just putting money on the line for a gym membership was enough for me to be motivated to go as much as I can. Routine is also incredibly important - you'll feel more lost once you lose the streak


I don’t. I try not to notice the monthly withdrawal from my account


I joined OTF and if you cancel a class you signed up in less than 8 hours you get charged. Once I got in the routine I loved it but I’m sure if I switched to a regular gym I’d stop. Your job and hours sound really tough. I work long hours too and I plan my shifts so I go to a class right after so it’s an extension of the day.


Start by working out on your days off. Start with low volume and low weight so your body doesn't get so sore that the next few days completely suck. Slowly ease into it is how I got back to it. For me, it was the soreness that made me want to quit, so i did extremely low weight and low volume. You can even start by getting a pull up bar and just do a few reps when you walk by it, likewise with pushup. Just crank out a few every now and then in your day


If I don’t prioritize my health I’ll pay for my illness


Find a gym that isn’t too far and you like going to. That helps a lot. Plan your weekly workouts ahead of time so you know exactly what you have to do. That way, if you have to, you can just go through the motions even on days where you don’t want to go. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it goes some days, but an unmotivated workout is still just as good as a motivated one.


I'm pretty disciplined but if i had to work hours like you're describing OP, I couldn't do it either. I would think long and hard about what you want from life. Having a job that ruins your health is something to be avoided, imo. Fitness is incredibly important, not just weights but cardio as well. If you don't do those things regularly your body breaks down over time. My advice is find another line of work, don't let yourself wake up one day fat, out of shape, with everything hurting and on a bunch medications. You have a chance to change it now. The poster that said 'I use self-loathing as my motivation" was being funny, but they were also being truthful. Take control of your health, OP.


I can't afford a second set of fat clothes, so I go to the gym to mitigate change in my waist size.


Engage in activities that you like such as walking, cycling, hiking, skating, etc. find something you like to do thats gets you moving


I am not.  I pick days that I go and I force myself to go.  I feel good about it driving home afterwards


Spite Edit: Spite caused by middle management who fired me for getting cancer


Have you had your testosterone level checked ?


I put together a garage gym. It helps when you don’t have to go anywhere to workout.


Idk if this will work for weights, bc most of mine are cardio, but after I get home from work I mentally acknowledge the stress - fear, guilt and rage on most days. Just from the accumulation of various things - ridiculous deadlines, or procrastinated too much, or just plain I-don't-wanna-go-back type feelings.         I hold onto these feelings until I get myself to the gym, then I let loose.  If I'm feeling ragey, I do things that are higher impact - HIIT type stuff. Once I have my own place I might buy a punching bag and some gloves.      If I'm feeling more anxious I go for treadmill or exercise bike and just run/bike until I'm not scared and anxious anymore. If I feel kind of anxious I run/pedal harder.          I find I won't go if I don't explicitly summon my demons to banish them (or if I find a lack of demons to banish). 


Don't feel like working out today, work out anyway, feel good now. Ezpz


Its not motivation, its discipline


The dopamine buzz and the results I see. It’s just a natural part of my schedule so I don’t think about it, come home, change, mix a pre workout and go


You just Have to wait until people start noticing and appreciating the gains..


Because bro GTL. Someone has to do it baby.


I'm 46. Going to the gym has shifted from wanting to get bigger/stronger to focusing on the benefits of weight lifting and cardio. My motivation is future quality of life.


I am 64 and lift and run every three days still after retiring from the military at age 50. Because I have a small farm and live very rural I had to make my own gym and I purchased some barbells, a pedometer, and I marked out a mile and a half running course on my farm. You just have to do it and force yourself and though sometimes you have to really dig deep (I am in the middle of haying right now so long hours) you will feel better doing it.


Motivation is great when it’s available but building good habits will take you further. It requires you to take actions even when unmotivated. Alarm rings and you’re just not feeling it? Get up anyway. It’s time to go to the gym but your bummed out because you’re not making as much progress as you thought you would, go to the gym anyway


You realize it doesn't have to be fun it just has to be done.


The more you workout, the more you benefit from “happy chemicals.” A lot of people go in with little to no structure and then tap out after three months because they expect the results to be immediate. You can make a lot of progress in the first six months to a year, but having a set routine you follow helps. And once you go for a long period of time, it stops feeling like a chore. As you get stronger, everything gets easier in terms of the weight you can lift and the stamina you have. I’ve been going everyday for years now and the biggest motivation I have is maintaining my physique and also using the workout to destress after a long work day. I don’t think I could just not go at this point. I think I would feel bad about myself if I suddenly quit. I enjoy the confidence being in shape has given me. And the caveman strength would be painful to lose. Plus, the benefits to my anxiety and depression are hard to ignore. Over time, the more you work out, the more your body releases serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, etc. Going to the gym makes me feel good because of that. And going everyday means I’m constantly producing these happy chemicals that have the side benefit of improving your mood and general motivation. I view it like building a savings account. At first you may not notice, but then you one day have a lot of money by consistently contributing to it.


Pre workout addiction


It’s always that first workout of the week that’s the hardest. You have to push yourself. What helped me is building a gym at home and watching my favorite TV shows while working out. Also, try beet juice after your workouts. It helps me a lot with recovery and reduces fatigue.


I started going to the gym before work. Waking up at 3:30am, it’s just part of my routine now. Even on days I’d rather sleep a little extra, I’ll still go and feel better once I start throwing those heavy metal circles. It’s pretty much the best part of my day and I look forward to going to sleep just to go back.


Just go regardless Auto regulate your workout based on how you feel. Some days, I'm squatting 300s or some days I'm just fine with lunges, but the important thing is doing something