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my eyes open after 6-7 hours. I'm not happy about it, but it's just the way it is.


I feel that... Want to sleep more but your brain turns on and won't turn off


Stupid brain.


Same and it sucks that I hate naps. Any time I’ve taken a nap I’m out of it for the rest of the day so I stay away from them. I try to “catch up” on weekends but it never works.


Those nap hangovers get me too.


Same. I used to sleep perfectly for like 10 hours when I was younger. I wish I still good. Post ptsd, I don’t anymore.


Same it's 5-6.5 for me


Any chance it's light-related? If so, consider wearing a sleep mask all night, or keep it beside you and put it on at some point in the night when you roll over. It can give you an extra hour or more.


Same… I typically get between 5-6 hours of sleep all week. I’m happy to get 7. On days when it’s really stressful, I would get 4 hours of sleep. On weekends, I tend to take 1-2 hour naps to catch up.


Usually about 6 or 7 during the week and more like 8 on weekends.


Same, but 5-6 during week and 8-9 on weekends. If I sleep 9+ hours consistently though my sleep gets really light and gradually gets worse with lots of waking up. Optimal for me is 6-8.


Yeah! I try to sleep in on weekends cos of sleep debt etc. and also just general time availability and once I’ve woken up after around 6 hours sleep or so the quality of sleep after this is point is crap. I’ll be in and out of sleep for the next hour and a half or so and then give up.


Sleep debt?


You short change yourself during the week and catch up over the weekend, basically you are paying yourself back the extra sleep you missed.


pretty much same hours I get lol


Man thank god I’m not the only one who get 5-6 hours on the weekdays I thought I was tripping


Just wondering, do you workout? I'm always wondering if my 5-6 hours of sleep is causing me to not really grow


I think you’ll be alright as long as you stay closer to 6. I average around 6:30 and I’ve seen great gains the past few months


But only because I nan nap at the weekend Love a nan nap.


I've napped since childhood. I don't usually need as many naps since going through the menopause. Though if I'm ill, I easily fall asleep on the sofa, have a proper nap in bed & then sip a 'night-time' herbal tea, read & then sleep for 8 hours.


According to my fitbit about the same here!! Do you struggle to to get to sleep?


No issues falling asleep


8-9 is my sweet spot too. No wonder I craved naps in my thirties.


So glad we’ve found our sweet spot!!


4-5 during the work week. 8-10 on the weekends.


Same my girlfriend falls asleep at like 930 we both work until 5 and I don't know why but I just start doing 1 thing next thing you know i started 5 things it's 2 AM I finished none just made a big mess but at least the dogs brushed and I won't deal with the groomer judging me for him being matted next time he gets a haircut


I feel this all the way in my soul


You should probably get tested for ADHD, this sounds exactly like it, and there is medication available to help be less scattered with tasks.


That medication doesn’t work for most of us at 2am lol


That’s the problem isn’t it. ADHD + insomnia is a bitch. My brain won’t stop having thoughts.


I know it's just one sentence. But I understand and live by this same pattern.


Man! So many people I know sleep 4 to 5 hours a day. How they survive that is way beyond my scope of understanding. Must have a stronger mind then me I sleep 7 to 8 hours a day. Without my sleep, I don't function.




But why does your job make you do that? It's pretty unhealthy.


I sleep 4 to 5 hours a day and I swear I feel better than when I sleep 8 hours a day. For me I'm so excited and shit to do my hobbies and the stuff that I wanna do that I never really feel tired no matter how much sleep I get, unless I have to get up early for work lol


This is me, working 3rds kill you.


I did graveyard for a couple years in my 20s and my sleep is still dogshit.


Get black out curtains


That helps but it's never going to be a replacement for sun exposure right when you get up. That light is critical for setting your circadian rhythm. The difference in the way I feel when I get morning sun versus when I stay in a dark environment most of the day is night and day.


Black out curtains and a sleep mask help me


Working graveyard right now. Average anywhere from 2-6 hours during work week, have a screaming child at home. Average 4-8 on days off. Health Declining


Same 🥲


3-5. Self-induced insomnia. I’m working on it.




What do you mean by self-induced?


It’s largely due to revenge bedtime procrastination and smoking weed at night. Taking a break for 3 months and working on my sleep hygiene.


Revenge bedtime procrastination gang UNITE


I don’t want to go to bed because I feel the best at nighttime when the city is asleep i can relax and there’s no pressure to do anything because it’s nighttime.



If I smoke within two hours of bedtime I forget how to fall asleep. It sucks


I used to smoke as I was falling asleep lol I'd be hitting it in bed with the light off then pass out


Felt this hardddddd😩


Are you me?


Do you have caffeine as well? I find a lot of people who struggle with sleep tend to either have too much, or they have it too late in the day. Even having it within 12 hours of bedtime can potentially be impacting your sleep.


I smoke sundaze cosmos and it knocks me out in an hour. Every time, until I build a tolerance. You need to switch to a heavy indicia high thc low cbd blend :)


I genuinely appreciate the tip but I need the break lol. I was smoking 3.5gs in two days and I spent $400 on weed last month so I seriously need an extended break. Will keep this in mind when I partake in the future!






Same, but mine is because of kids and working on my dad bod with beer


Age 39, 2 jobs. I work 8am-12am most days and get up at 6am to do it all over again. So by the time I actually fall asleep, probably 5 hours at most.


How are you finding it? I'm 37 and considering getting a second job as things are getting tight, but I'm already so tired after my job already I don't know if I could manage it 


If you're already feeling exhausted I don't think this is worth it for more than a short stint for quick/emergency cash. You're risking burnout (which is a legitimate health condition and would impede your ability to work for several months or more if you need a health break), and you are also risking adverse health outcomes that would cost you a lot more long term + impede your energy levels a lot more long term- increased risks of heart issues, diabetes, and flare ups of anything that could be affected by less rest. I would give it a whirl if it's a low-stress second job that's only for a short stint, project based, or you could quit without impacting your reputation in a field or connections or whartever.


Agreed. My 2nd job is on and off depending on project need and it's working from my laptop at home so instead of sitting and scrolling on my phone or watching TV, I sit at my laptop and do some hourly work until bedtime. I'm a night owl which doesn't help because I don't get tired until later and before I realize it I've put in 8 more hours of work after getting home from work lol


It's taxing for sure. I already work a very fast paced, emotionally draining job full time where I have 24/7 on call some days, so I am acquainted with insane sleep schedules and have been for the last 7 years. When my partner died, I had to figure out something to supplement my income because I'm still on a dual income bill need with just my income now coming in. I paid off his motorcycle last month and I'm going to see what happens as my project I am working on for my contract work may end at the end of this month. It's still up in the air. So I either continue with the work if it continues or I go back to 1 job or I find another project. It's been really nice having the extra income but it's not sustainable for long term. I also do not have any kids it's just myself and my pets, so I can't imagine being a Mom to a human and maintaining this schedule.


You are a warrior. I have massive respect for your work ethic. Sorry to hear about your partner.


Thank you so much. It's not something I would aspire to do, but when you're not given an option you just have to roll with the punches. I love the work I do and I love leading my amazing team and I feel fortunate to be able to support myself in this economy. It's much easier with two incomes, but that's not the cards I was dealt so it's just one day at a time.


How on earth do you manage to go on


I wasn't ever given a choice to give up on much of anything. We soldier through in my family. I don't see obstacles as possible areas of defeat it's more so problem solving in order to overcome.


FairPlay to you. I’m sorry your partner died.


Thank you


That sounds awful.


I would literally kill myself.


Lack of sleep is a factor in health issues like hypertension and heart attacks. So in a way, he is killing himself.


Dude, you are so right. I have an awful amount of stress at work and a little kid that gets up super early. I never felt so bad in my entire life. I have 5 weeks off now and it took me several days to even be at a place where I could feel relaxing again. This week I woke up at 5am and played with my kid till 8am. Than I napped 4 hours. I was missing sleeping sooooo much the last few months.


Sleep deprivation has been used as a torture tool. New parents suffer so much with lack of or interrupted sleep. I remember reading that as long as you get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep, you can function! An acquaintance who works various shifts, including nights, often has just a 3 hour sleep when she's switching from nights to the first rest day. She says if she has more, she'd not sleep at night. Some people just don't need much sleep. I do need 8 hours of sleep. If I'm ill or have a busy week, I need 8 hours & 1 or 2 top up 20 minute naps.


Yes! I actually experienced this when I brought my newborn pig home. She didn't let me sleep for shit for a good 6 months!! Thankfully her ass has learned how to sleep through the night but getting up constantly was awful. THAT was something I couldn't endure. So 5 hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep is perfectly fine for me.


I once read Americans are renowned to be working to death in comparison to Europeans and it parts explains their issues with obesity over there.. and other issues like depression which go hand in hand.


Bad sleep creates a bad metabolism. Being overweight is a risk factor for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes bad sleep and a bad metabolism, making it harder to lose weight to help the issue. It’s a vicious cycle!


Oh damn


I've had an insanely good metabolism my whole life. I just started putting on a normal amount of weight after being 100lbs for 37 years. I don't think obesity is in the cards for me but I'm sure for some it is. I take care of myself and eat healthy 😁 I'm finally at a healthy BMI and my anxiety has ironically lessened.


You have no idea the cultural difference when it comes to work when we speak about the U.S. in relation to any other country. The amount of American workers who literally pride themselves on working 10, 12, 14 hours a day (let’s be honest, they may be on the clock but the productivity is not great), celebrate not taking time off work, working through illness, accumulating vacation time and not using it, is bananas. When I meet these people that are very 1-dimensional, I immediately bring the conversation t away from their work and to things I know they will have no concept about. And that is not even highlighting American maternity and paternity leave (a good portion of men simply do not use their company’s paternity leave time, so the cycle continues).


We have a parasitic oligarchy that promotes the ‘work till you die’ lifestyle that is lauded on LinkedIn and Fox News. Send help


Trust me I've done it for about 4 months(getting 5-6 hours of sleep) and could feel better than with 8-9 hours of sleep... Could feel my brain literally not working as it used to most of the time but overall great.... Once i got back to my normal schedule the whole world collapsed i started getting weak my head, neck, back hurting no energy it was as if i weren't getting no sleep or couldn't compensate the damage... Took me months to recover


im confused so the less sleep was better or worse


Ya if this is their communication ability with less sleep, they're not being very convincing that they're functioning properly.


I hear you. To be honest it was more about the time he spends working than the hours of sleep. I used to work graveyard so I know what it's like to live on 5 hours of sleep for months at a time lol


Had to work a couple of jobs while in school and it was brutal. I sometimes would just drive to the next place I had to be at and conch out in my tiny sedan lol. My car was just piles of dirty clothes from work and when I could get into the gym I would go. So glad I made it through that phase of my life. It taught me a whole lot. Couldn’t afford anything beyond food a roof gas and healthcare (which was what one of my jobs was for). Days constantly full of stress about getting everywhere I needed to be performing well and having any money in case of emergency. I was really lucky, but something like my car breaking down would’ve essentially ruined my entire life lol bc I wouldn’t have been able to fix it


My partner did just this which is why I am having to pick up side jobs here and there to pay the bills with now one income


I am so so sorry.




Not worth it.


I mean when it's the difference between food on the table for your family or starving it's definitely worth it. Some people have no option but to have 2 jobs. When I got my first apartment at 18 I had 3 jobs, didn't take a day off for at least 2 years unless it was a holiday and work was closed. It was the difference between putting food on the table for my and younger sister (who I took care of), or having to go to food pantry and survive on bread for 2 weeks (bc that's practically all we ever got from them, and it would mold after 2 or 3 days)


This. I'm a female btw. My partner passed away and I'm supporting myself and all of our bills on my own now. It isn't a choice. It's the hand I've been dealt and I cannot lose my house. The second job has enabled me to pay off his motorcycle years ahead of time and get rid of other monthly payments that drain my funds.


Yeah you were 19. This guy is 39


I'm perfectly fine. People think I'm still in my early 20s. I was at a high school graduation a couple weeks ago and was congratulated for graduating. I had to tell them that was 21 years ago but thank you 🤣🤣


This woman is 39


Im sorry that you have to live that way


I did that for about 5 month last year and im still trying to recover. Getting 4h of sleep is not ideal.


I'm not used to getting much more than that. I've always been a night owl with daytime jobs and sometimes work at night depending on emergencies.


7. 10pm to 5am. I get in bed at about 9:30 but I’m usually not asleep til 10. Walk dogs work out then coffee at work. I feel fine. Never that tired.


So envious of you. I need at least 8-9 per night, or I’m a mess. It’s hard to balance sleep with staying fit, eating well, working, and socializing


Do you have kids? My wife used to be the same way. Once we had a kid, we both get 6-7 per night, and don't really notice any difference. Now - the days after we get 3-4 hours are tough.


Kids are on the way. I am very nervous. I feel like I’m an organized and in shape guy but I’m not like super arrogant. I know if I got 3-4 hours of sleep or my sleep was interrupted all the time I would be in shambles


It won’t be all the time after the very beginning if it makes you feel better. We have a 4month old and holy shit the first two months suck. But they start to sleep better. Good luck!


Fr I tried balancing all of that out and barley had any time to myself


About 5-6 hrs mid 40s also


I’m pregnant so 12. But I wake up every hour so idk if it counts as a full 12


I’m pregnant too and I swear to god I slept for a full 24hrs


8-9 hours. If I get less my immune system gets compromised. Not worth it! I prioritize sleep


This is me too! Sometimes it’s upwards of 10-12 hours of rest time (though not necessarily sleeping) during periods of heightened stress


4 to 6 hours, then go do my 12-hour shift, rinse wash, and repeat .




I have a friend that sleeps 4-5 hours and has been doing it his whole life and he's 48 now. If I get 4-5 hours I'm literally dying. I need 8-9. I'm 43.


Between 3-4 on a good night. I hate insomnia Edit: I'm 41 in a few days


Sounds like a living nightmare


50 here and the same. But after 30 years I have gotten used to it.


I'm 61 & also get about the same amount of sleep on a good night. This started after I got clean & sober 17 yrs ago. I go through about 3 days with no sleep at all! Till I almost crack up. I've tried everything! Herbal tea, melatonin, meditation, etc. I hate sleeping pills bcuz they make me feel very sluggish the next day.


Age 47. I work 2-10 so I go to bed when I want, usually 12ish and wake up when I want, usually 8ish. It feels great not to wake up to an alarm.


That’s awesome. Do you mind sharing what line of work you’re in?


Sure. I work at the seaport in Houston, TX. What about you?


I guess it depends on the person, some of us can do with little sleep, some need more. For me, it's all about waking up a bit later than many people do, 10am-12nn. I find it easier to do things a bit later than super early. I get 6-7 hours of sleep on most days, 10 hours if I'm exhausted.


I used to get 7-8, but I quit smoking weed every evening 3 weeks ago and since then I have been averaging 5.5 hours and I am *exhausted*.


Oh no! Hopefully your body will adjust and allow the 7-8 again soon


Bought 2.5 oz of bubba kush in Michigan last year. Was working 10 am -7 pm then. My wife would roll 2 1g before I got home, we'd smoke around 9-10pm. Best sleep


5 hours a night on a work night, 6-7 on weekends. The hell do I want to be sleeping away a third of my life for?


That’s the way I feel. I feel like I’m missing out on life when I’m asleep. 🤣


I'm the first one to claim 8 hours of sleep is not actually enough for most people. I've been sleeping around 9 - 9 and a half hours for a decade now, as I've been lucky to have a job that doesn't require early mornings and I've been telling all my friends to try it and most agree, we all feel much more rested on 9 hours of sleep.


6-7 is what i need to feel good the next day and its what i usually get


8-9 hours is what i need. If am only at 6 hours am tired asf during the day.


8 to 9 hours per night, it's not that I'm lazy, my genetics made me not able to function properly if I don't have at least 7hours


I see a lot of people say 5-6 and I just don’t know how lol I’m exhausted after a solid 7 hours I can’t imagine getting a consistent 5-6. I get work constraints and such I’m talking moreso about people who have revenge bedtime procrastination.


It's about long-term habits. If you're used to getting that amount of sleep regularly then you don't feel the drop off in energy levels as much because that's your normal.


Me toooo!! Maybe that’s why coffee is so popular nowadays


I’m averaging 5 because of my kids (3 year old and 1 year old)- somehow someone’s always teething or having a nightmare or SOMETHING and then I work from home and often have to get projects done later at night then get woken up early by the kids being awake. I’m actively trying to increase that time though. Parents with small kids probably understand the struggle though lol


8-10hrs. Late 30s.


Same here. For about 15 years I was getting about 6.5 hours a night after long working hours and commuting and trying to squeeze in a bit of evening relaxation. And at the time thinking that that was 'ok'. Now, since COVID, with majority working from home I can easily get 8 hours 5 or 6 nights a week. I don't want to do the maths on how many hours of sleep I was not getting for all those years ...nor think about what impact it was having on me.


5-6 on an average. I'd love to sleep more, but if I do, I have troubles falling asleep the next day.


I'm 40 and I work the breakfast shift at a psych hospital, so I have to be in by 5 am. I absolutely CANNOT get to sleep before 10 or 11 most of those times, so I average about 5 hours. Very very sleepy when I get home at 3 pm, but if I can fight the urge to nap...I miiiiiiight get closer to 7 hours if I fall asleep before 9.


I'm mid 30s and work a typical 9-5. I do best with 8-9 hours but typically get about 7 on weeknights. Anything less than 6 and I start seriously underperforming.


Usually ~5 in the weekdays cause I’m a nightowl and struggle to fall asleep early enough. And having a 9-5 job doesn’t help. Then at the weekends if I don’t have anything planned or nothing wakes me up I can crash for 12-14h at least.


…people actually do sleep for 8 hours a day. I am 25 and get on average about 5-6 hours of sleep. Back in high school I was averaging about 4 or less.


7.5-8 hours usually I can't sleep.in anymore unless I'm dead tired. I'm up between 530-630 am naturally


Been really bad the last few months. 4-6hrs during the week.


About 7 - 8 hours a night. I try to to start coasting around 10p and wake up around 6a (time may shift +/- 30 min). It's funny, when I was younger, I wore sleep deprivation as a badge of honor. I was always napping and looked like shit. Now, I sleep on time, don't go to bed with a full belly, and exercise normally and I feel better than I've ever had.


It's crazy how going to sleep full affects my overall sleep. I work 10s, 7-530 pm, so I basically race home to get dinner ready and eat before 7. I sleep at 930ish and need a few hours to digest. Otherwise, I wake up feeling like I didn't sleep well.


No less than 6 and no more than 8


Usually 3/4 max. Can definitely feel the effect too from a few years ago I’d get maybe 7/8. Feel so sluggish nowadays.


Is it because you have no choice (work schedule etc) or your body just won’t let you sleep more?


My body. I just can’t shut off and don’t want to take medication, used to sleep really well now I’m genuinely surprised when I wake up and feel good 😂


6-7. I tend to wake up naturally after less than 7 hours.


Same here I try to fall back asleep back can't fall back asleep. And if I do worry I'll wake up in a bad part of the sleep cycle


On work nights I sleep around 5 to 6 hours. On nights when I’m off the next day I sleep about 7 to 8 hours.


6-6.5 hours. I could sleep more when I was younger. I'm 62.


I found I need 8-9 when I haven’t had a busy day. But if I’m not exercising or staying active during the day I don’t sleep as well




When I worked a literal 9-5, I still go to bed at 9:30pm and wake up naturally at 6am. I can’t give anyone or anything any attention for about 20 minutes after waking up. So I get up early. When kids were little if they were up at same time they knew not to interact with me for a bit. It wasn’t mean at all I was just zoned out.


8-10 typically. I’m in my mid 40’s as well.


Sunday to Thursday night I am in bed @ 7-8 pm and wake up at 3 am for work. Friday and Saturday night I usually go to bed around 10-11 pm and wake up @ 7 am on Saturdays and Sundays.


I aim for 7-8 but sometimes it turns into 6.5-7. I can function off of 6.5 for awhile as long as I can catch up and sleep in on a weekend




6-10. I’ve had insomnia the past 10 years so sometimes it’s 4-6 more often but quite often I’ll get 10-12 after a particularly bad few days.




Depends on the day. In office days about six, WFH days 7, other three days about 8 give or take.


Four, but I try to nap during the day


Ghod, if I ever got 7 hours of sleep someone would shake me violently to make sure I hadn’t died in my sleep


Probably. Also. Adult tip. Sleep Apnea is under diagnosed and treating it will change your whole life in a dramatic way


3 hours last night


Have you been sleep deprived. Yes. Get that extra sleep and feel good.


These comments make me feel less crazy. Probably 6-7 on weekdays and 8 on weekends.


Around 8-9, sometimes I get like 12. Tbh sleeping a lot is kinda depressing considering you miss out on a lot.


I am trying to lower my sleep to like 6-7hrs a night but I sleep through alarms sometimes


I rarely get more than 5. But I feel good on 5. I think I require less sleep than most people, though. I sometimes take a 15 min nap in the afternoon, too.


I usually get 7-7.5 hours a night. I like about an hour more than that, but have been known to add the odd short nap through the week to boost my number. I feel like I would be able to take over the world if I were consistently getting 9 hours.


During the week, 6 to 8 hours depending on the night. I game on some week nights which takes away some of my sleep time. On the weekends, it's a crapshoot. Anywhere from 4 to 10. The time I go to sleep can change. My cat doesn't allow when I wake up to change.


37, 4 to 6. Just can't get comfortable after I get up to go to the bathroom.


3-5 usually depending if I can actually sleep. My apartment is 80 degrees so I keep waking up stupid early cause I’m heat intolerant and I can’t really sleep without a sleep aid like NyQuil or zzzquil.




8-9 and it fucking rules. I’ve also cut down on booze, and I watch my liquid intake more closely at night, so sometimes I can go the whole time without needing to pee.


I finished college late. I typically worked the overnight shifts and early morning shifts. I averaged 5 to 6 hours, ten on weekends. I recently got a job doing ABA and I average 8 hours 9. I feel better than I have in a long time.


I just went to my doctor today. I get like 5 ish and maybe 6 on the weekend. He said 8 is recommended but some people just require less sleep.


9-10 most days, more on weekends


4 or 5 hours


1-2 hour bursts over a period of 12 hours. Or 6 hours straight. There’s no in between. I have a baby.


6-7 usually but sometimes I crash and sleep for 10-16 hours :D


Been running off 3-5hrs of sleep a night for the last 10 years or so. Especially bad the last 7. I'm turning 40 this summer and I feel 60


If it is a workday, probably about 5 on average. Weekends, about 9. Wasting so much of my day working I have to balance it out with something enjoyable so I'm not just pissed off all the time.


5 at best


5-6, maybe one more on weekends.


4-6 on week days, 8-10 on weekends


If you think you’ve been getting 7-8 a night your whole life you’ve probably been getting 6-7 bc you average about 45+ mins awake during that time which is just expected. But when doctors say you need 8hrs of sleep they really mean ~9 hrs of “sleeping” so you can get around 8hrs of real sleep minus the random wake ups in the night many of which you don’t even remember. This could explain why you feel significantly better. It’s unlikely you’re truly averaging over 8hrs of sleep per night including your wakeups as most adults have a lot of trouble sleeping over 8hrs a night regularly, but it’s possible!


I'm the type of person who needs sleep to function. I get 7-9 hours during the week and then at least once on the weekend I'll sleep for around 12 hours.




How long does it take to adjust? I’m a mess with less than 8 hours




Nice, maybe I need to try it




I usually can’t get more than 6.