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Peacefully in my sleep at like 95


You ever wonder if they actually die “peacefully” in their sleep or are they just awoken and can feel themselves dying but nobody around them can tell? Deep Thoughts with The Deep.


at home specifically!!


My 95 yr old friend did just this. So did her mother. I had breakfast and coffee with her that morning. She went to take a nap and pffff


Oh my goodness! How did you feel when you found out?!


She had her arms crossed over her chest. She was the one going to see everyone else in nursing homes. While she got to stay at home. She taught school to me dad.


Oh I love her


Yes. Best of the old school. Her mom lived to 95. She lived to 95. She moved to NC from LA and got widowed and had 5 kids to raise. She did it herself starting in her 30’s. Then oddly enough her granddaughter also got widowed in her 30’s with a child.


Agreed. I wouldn’t mind some heavy pain relieving drugs, but not enough to make me completely zone out. I want to be conscious of what’s happening.


Oh I should add I want to be deep within a forest 🌳 covered in snow ❄️ inside a log cabin warm in a big wooden king bed with tons of duvets and pillows, all my animals on the bed with me (my will will clearly state where my animals go after i die along with funds to care for them) and a crackling fire in nearby fireplace. That is all.


To add to this - at home, like ArmFancy8315 mentioned. I don't want to die any other way!!!


Same! Probably technology will be awesome and I'll make it to 90 or something.


No such thing as dying peacefully in your sleep. Dying of old age consists of spending days gasping for breath while trying to beg for help as you deal with the pain of your internal organs shutting down.


That’s not true! I know some older folks who functioned perfectly fine before they died




Stolen from jack handey: Peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.


It would be like “walking up from an amazing sleep only to find out you have hours more to sleep”, and then when you fall back asleep you die.


The same way I came into the world. Naked, screaming, and covered in blood.


If I can't die peacefully at home at the ripe old age of 120, then I'll take: Beheading. I know: it's weird, but I want to see if what they say is true; that you're still cognizant for about a half minute.


If it's true, you can directly look at places in your body you would otherwise never be able to look at.


Exactly. I think if you knew you were going to die anyway, say with cancer or whatever, and you could choose to do something really interesting like that, that would be a unique way to go. Believe me, though, I much prefer my first option.


Hmm. I kinda get it. But you can’t communicate it if it true, like head fully severed “woah I can see my insides guys this shit is wild” so you gotta just keep that info to yourself to take to your remaining 25.84867 cognizant seconds


Quick and painless, not slow and horrible.


fentanyl overdose, euphoric pass out then gone. sounds pretty nice to me.


In the arms of the woman I love


Do men like this still exist?


Yes. My husband and I talk with some regularity about our end of life desires. We’re in agreement that passing away simultaneously while cuddled up together would be ideal.


Aww🤧🫶 Til death do us part!


Hopefully. Alternatively, I’m committed to learning the dark art of necromancy.


Would be cool to see a big meteor hit us like in melancholia


No I think that would be horrible. You see it coming


Ok charlotte gainsbourg


Jump from a helicopter into an active volcano, while overdosing on opioids.


Opioids or no, a volcano would have been near the very bottom of my list.


It'd be a lot of work upfront but basically no clean up afterwards.


“Riding a shark, with 250 pounds of dynamite strapped to his chest, into the mouth of an active volcano” - El Macho’s Death


A good ol western high noon gunslinger draw..it doesn't look like it hurts too badly on tv.


In my sleep on a certain day so I can say goodbye to everyone first.


Doing something helpful. If I have to die, I'd like to make it worthwhile.




A man of culture I see


For sure!


Saving someone.


An underrated answer🫡


"At the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock". Tyrion Lannister


I just hope that dying really is like dmt


Gosh the amount of times I've thought of this finally the right moment. If money wasn't an issue I would have a private plane that I would parachute out of with skates on, onto a big ramp that I would skate down into a volcano with well eating pickles.


Wow, that sounds fucking terrifying on every single level


I imagine a dramatic buildup to jumping out of the plane, and then a melodramatic end with you going flat as a pancake.


I used to daydream plane crash or car crash, but that only means damaged properties and other victims. Now, dying in my sleep is the one I daydream about ☺️


Nice little sleepy cocktail. Ok b’baiiii


My tart cherry juice magnesium bedtime cocktail with a little extra somethin somethin


A way in which God has planned.


Damn you’re ready for anything


Yeap. To live in God is to die to the worldly desires. If the God who made the universe and has the power to do anything wants me to live, then I live. If not, then I die. After all, He made me for a purpose.


Ofc its not like we have an option to choose how we die. Going with what God has written is the only way to go. But the question here is even if you had an option to choose, would you still leave it to thinking God can take me in any way he wants to..?


Yes, I would. Whatever He wants for my life. I am dead to myself. I live for the Lord. His way is higher than my ways. While I think to know what I want, He knows what is better for me better than myself. I would live it all to Him, including my life and my dead.


Wow incredible. Quite religious good for you


Not religious, more like realistic. I have seen in my life how God has worked wonderful things only because I have allowed Him to drive my life. Religious is by believing and ritual, but I talk from love and life experiences.


That’s nice. Even I believe in God firmly. I think having patience is the key if we trust in God with full heart


It is definitely a useful tool to live in the Lord :).


Euthanasia. Go to sleep and never wake up. I would do this next year if it were legal in the states.


Acopalypse☠️👽😷 where everybody will die eventually!


That’s dying in the worst way possible


Assisted suicide so I’m in control somewhat


On the toilet like Elvis (dressed like Elvis)


Contrary to others. I wouldn't. I'd rather get replaced with mechanical components piece by piece until there isn't anything left. To a degree it would be sort of dying and not dying at the same time as the "me" would continue on, just in mechanical shell rather than biological one. Though yeah maybe eventually just shutting down like a computer after couple or more millennia.


My grandda, a veteran of the Irish War of Independence and, at 5' 5", the biggest man I've ever known, used to say, "Jackie lad, let me tell you, I want to live to 100, and then get shot in the back by a jealous husband". He dammed near made it, dying at 89 in the amorous embrace of a Gypsy woman sixty years his junior. It took the undertaker half a day to wipe the smile off his face, and the poor lass couldn't get another lover for two years.


Painlessly, super rich, and in pleasure whilst I'm still 215 years old.


Death by sauna extra humid while on shrooms/ Cannabis.


Without any pain, while I’m sleeping


when family finally have their sustainable life and i would choose to die in my sleep


Hello boys I'm baaaaaaacccck


Peacefully, in my sleep and at a very old age.


Outer space.


Peacefully in my sleep in my own home before I get too old. I have zero interest in living into my 80’s or 90’s and I definitely want to go before I get dementia.


In bed! Preferably after a night of fun. In my sleep is the way to go truthfully.


Stray bullet, quick, painless


In my sleep.


Cocain overdose.


Worst form of death


Windsurfing on a skateboard in a class 5 hurricane. Helluva a way to go


An asteroid the size of Rhode Island hitting my house.


painless and together with my partner


Drug fuelled sex heart attack!


Just die when i sleeping without pain


MAID at around 45 after getting all my affairs in order.


This is a terrible question to ask. In my heart and religious mindset I believe in normal sequence of life. But I had the most awful experience recently. The woman who gave birth to me; who held me in arms. Also gave birth to two other monsters. These siblings went to all stops to keep me away from her; first moving her somewhere ‘she didn’t want me to know where she lived’ as punishment for swatting her with my keys when she provoked the hell out of me with no witnesses around. It’s the first and only time I have ever reacted physically. But I was provoked. My mother was Asperger’s and never got treatment, borderline married to a narc and someone divorced. But she projected onto me. As punishment. My siblings with the help of my narc lawyer father decided to make my mother an Alias in the hospital after a stroke. Then tried to get multiple restraining orders against me (all of which fails). In the end they have ‘white coat syndrome) and don’t want me to be a doctor. Even the DA tells me ‘your family is in cahoots against you’. Then the docs say ‘we will admit you to protect you’ then my family makes it worse with ‘why are they protecting you so much’ and decide I am Ill because I hung out with doctors for a month and they didn’t see me. Basically my education has made me a pariah. My mom died two blocks away from me and no one was with her; not my asshat siblings or my father. So I have come to turns with ‘they want to get rid of me’ like kicking an adolescent elephant out of its tribe. So I won’t be holding my dads hand when he dies. And my siblings not my father will be holding me. I am completely shitface scared. And leaving it in Gods hands. But it is now the standard I hold relationships too.


> In the end they have ‘white coat syndrome) and don’t want me to be a doctor. I'm not sure what you think "White Coat Syndrome" is, but it doesn't make sense in this context. WCS is when someone's blood pressure goes through the roof when they go to a doctor. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23989-white-coat-syndrome](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23989-white-coat-syndrome) > Then the docs say ‘we will admit you to protect you’ What docs? The docs at the hospital where your mother was? >then my family makes it worse with ‘why are they protecting you so much’ and decide I am Ill because I hung out with doctors for a month and they didn’t see me Now you're talking about doctor friends that you hang out with? I'm so confused.


Yes. My brother even wrote to a doctor that ‘the sight of Md makes my mothers blood pressure go up’. He has no clinical or medical knowledge yet uses what he thinks he knows against me. A narc with white coat syndrome.


>A narc with white coat syndrome. Only if *his* blood pressure goes up. Your mother's BP has nothing to do with it. Did you read the linked article?


No not yet. What I have is dysfunctional family that thinks they know things but refuse to take tests of get certified in anything. Then they use what knowledge they do have against me to thwart me. My mother was the first victim. I am now the second.


Uh...okay. That's still not WCS, though, lol


I know white coat syndrome is when someone’s BP goes up just being around doctors. That’s what my brother accused me of; making my mothers BP go up being around me. He was doing anything and everything he could to 1. Act like he knew something and converse in medicalese’ 2. Underline me as he has always done 3. Use the medical legal system against me.


Late reply, sorry (couldn't remember my password, duh) >That’s what my brother accused me of; making my mothers BP go up being around me. And that's still not White Coat Syndrome. It's when someone's BP goes up when they are being examined by doctors, not just "being around" them. Were you trying to treat your mother? You have to know that would be unethical for two reasons: 1. Good doctors know they can't treat family members, and 2. You're not a doctor. Based on what your original post says, it sounds like her blood pressure goes up around you for other reasons. Maybe it's because you actually *hit* her? And you blame *her* for that, even though she was so afraid of you that she moved so you couldn't find her??? >Basically my education has made me a pariah. I find that hard to believe. Considering the vitriol you spew toward your family (and revealing their mental health diagnoses--you have to have heard of HIPAA somewhere in med school) it's almost certainly your behavior, not your education. Just out of curiosity, what was the claim on those *multiple* RO applications? People don't try to get restraining orders because of someone's education lol. You did something to trigger those. Your story painting everyone else as "monsters" just doesn't ring true.


In my sujood


The only person who has died normally in my family is my grandma… so I’d like to die in some crazy way like the rest of them


Peacefully while sleeping.


Wanna get my head cut clean off by a katana held by a lady in a bikini on a motorcycle going 50mph


Smothered in my girlfriend's tits. My favorite place to gasp for air


Snoo snoo


Impaled through the heart by a wooden stake at 800 years old by the leader of a group of warriors.


In my sleep




I honestly would love to just pass away in my sleep. Bonus points if I die while in one of my favourite dreams lol


Dying on a DMT trip when im elderly


As one redditor previously mentioned, overdose on every type of drug known to mankind at once. After achieving my goals of course. Looking at a sunset on the beach would be nice as well.




Quick n painless


When I'm sleeping at like age 105.


Smothered by kittens, preferably.


Killed by aliens.


Swiftly/quickly just after my bucket list is completed.


suffocated between the tits of a sugar mommy


In my sleep like any other sane person! Otherwise, to not make it creepy, just as I cum, and hopefully the girl that takes the creampie is cumin too at the same time, we both die that instant second from an aneurysm or something. If it needs to be bad ass, then I would die activating the bomb that blows up the Kremlin, and I stop the Russian invasion!


I really hope I’m slowly, but not painfully, passing, with my wife and kids surrounding me.


Id love to be taken away by the aliens tbh


Idk like when you turn off your old cell phone with eva ai bot installed the last time


I would want to die with my family knowing how much I love them and how much they mean to me. My aunt recently passed away unexpectedly and I’m not entirely sure if she knew how much she meant to us, because she hid her medical condition until it was too late and we couldn’t say goodbye or any of the things we would have said… should have said, regardless. So I wouldn’t really care what manner I went I would just want the surety that those I left behind knew their worth and their value in my life, and I knowing the same.


Fatally injured, while throttling my most implacable enemy, making sure the last thing he sees is me, laughing. Then we die together, entwined, love and hatred merged.


I would like to die from too much sex with pretty ladies




In my sleep at 85


In some way that my body completely disintegrates cause I’ve seen threads of people making fun of dead people’s bodies and shit 😅 so maybe like that one dude who got stuck in an airplane propeller or something


drug overdose of course.




I just want to die at home surrounded by people that love me like my great Mawmaw and great pawpaw did. Even though I know my pawpaw was in pain.. he had all his loved ones in the room when he passed. I want that


Why would you want to willingly die


Either peacefully in my sleep, or assisted suicide if I have a terminal illness that will end painfully.


Perhaps an unconventional choice: Get launched into space and drift away freely


LSD overdose aged 107


Piano falls on me and splatters me all over the sidewalk.


In my sleep when I get to the point where I have to have others take care of me. So if it's 70 or 100, that's the way


Heat death of the universe.


It would be a blessing to pass away while sleeping and before getting any serious illness mentally or physically ( like dementia )


I've thought about this too much. I've always wanted to be diagnosed with a disease that's incurable and have about a few months to a year to live. And tbh I wouldn't tell anybody. I'd probably use my money to go somewhere for a bit then the rest of my days I'd just hang out with my loved ones as much as I could and then suddenly *poof*. I'm gone.


As an old man raking his leaves in the back yard.


I want to die by suicide disguised as murder.


Quick and painless


I would choose to die of my own choosing. Meaning I would wake up on a day and simply choose to die, one way or another. I read a book once where a woman chose her own destiny. She woke up and decided she would die that day. There was a storm coming and she walked outside into a field with a steel rod umbrella, barefoot. She stood in the field and enjoyed the storm while sipping a cup of tea. She was then struck by lightning, just as she had planned. All her affairs were in order. She had made sure to leave behind her will and say goodbye to anyone important to her by leaving behind personalized letters.


Really don't care... Just let me go.


In my sleep, into a nice dream, when I'm like 💯


I'd prefer to go peacefully in my sleep at an old age, surrounded by loved ones. It seems like a serene and comforting way to transition, without pain or fear.


In my sleep in the arms of my husband


Someone walks up behind me and puts two bullets in the back of my head. Cut to black roll credits.


Asleep in my car like my grandfather. Not yelling and screaming like his passengers.