• By -


1. Emotional intelligence and maturity. 2. Having hobbies and indulging in self-rewarding behaviors with no regard to whether she is observed or validated for taking part in them. 3. Prioritizing herself/her health. Someone who cares about themselves and takes pride in the work they put in on themselves is beautiful. 4. Humility and accountability. If she can own up to making a mistake and learning from it that's the green flag opposite of someone who's constantly blaming others and finding a way to play the victim in every situation.


As a woman, I love these answers. Especially 2. šŸ‘šŸ»


Exactly. I've met a lot of women without hobbies. All they do is scroll around their phone all day.


Thatā€™s sad but Iā€™ve been there when I was younger. Maybe they need time to develop. It gets boring after a while.


This was my ex and it was many years of annoyance. I continuously pushed her and encouraged her to find a hobby. I will never date a girl who doesnā€™t have friends or a hobbies again.


Good riddance. Sounds like youā€™re better off.


This is true for a lot of people, unfortunately. My 21yo brother and his friends have no hobbies outside of gym, phone and partying. Very grim.


These things also make a man attractive šŸ˜Š


Wow, just reading this list makes me want to date this fictional woman. Love it.


I mentally worked through different qualities that I've observed in my friends. Wonderful people are out there and they will encourage growth and happiness in you when you find them :')


If you want to date that type of person, start by becoming that type of person.


Yesss learning to be these things šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I like #4. The lack of is a narcissistic red flag.


I think I have 2-4 but sometimes 1 is so hard LOL


These so much. Being able to persue interest that bring you joy without concern for how itā€™s perceived, is incredibly attractive. Somewhat similar is being able to enjoy spontaneous moments.


Great list. Equally valid for men. I have always found confidence very attractive. Although overconfidence or unearned confidence very much the opposite.


solid answer


Hmm I agree but exactly the same things are true for men. What is specific to women I wonder, on top of these.


idk I'm bi and I the same qualities regardless of gender


Maybe it doesnt have to be gender-specific because men and women are more alike than we think.


Shit if you find a woman with #4 she's a keeper


Honesty and being courageous.


I wanna see her fight a lion.


While twerking


Nah, not courageous to ambush a lion when he's just trying to dance.


Thank you for this, actually lol'd.


a bush


Straightforward if it doesn't go with courageous


**For me, being straightforward is more important than being brave.**


being straight forward does take bravery


So you want a woman to come up to you and start pursuing you?


How about Honesty and Confident?


This. And not just acting like eva ai sexting bot avatar trying to lure its user


For me: confidence and empathy are huge. There are plenty of confident people who are just narcissists or assholes. And there are plenty of empathetic people who can't advocate for themselves or be clear and commanding about their own needs and desires. A woman who can both be kind and self-assured, un-bending yet joyful... those are the women I want to get to know.


Agreed. What about someone who is progressively working towards becoming confident & secure abt themselves? How would that appear genuine to you? Just curious (as someone who had to rebuild & actively maintain my self esteem, I generally feel confident, but wonder how to not confuse the hell out of men on an inevitable off day/week lol)


My best advice is: be as honest as possible always, but that doesn't mean constantly divulge every thought. If you're asked a question that's a tough one, notice your shame/fear/anxiety, address it in your answer, and try to explain it. The right person will want to know more and will want to be there to work through that fear and anxiety. The example from my life: My wife had gotten out of a bad emotionally-manipulative relationship. She struggles with anxiety. So, on our fourth date she was telling me that she was probably not ready for a relationship because of her anxiety about being emotionally manipulated. To me, that honesty and self-awareness impressed me more than anything. (And my clinical detachment in discussing her anxieties from an academic perspective and taking myself out of the equation impressed her enough to want to keep dating me, so, win win.) Long story short: the best way to not confuse the hell out of men is with clarity and self-awareness. Tell them you're having an off day/week. And, when it's not an off day/week, be clear enough in where you are that you can provide context for the next inevitable off day/week. Whether it's work, school, family, roommates, finances, etc. Give them the context to understand why you may be too emotionally exhausted for them some day in the future. And, eventually, you'll find someone who you want to be with when your day is off because they make you feel understood, sane, and worthwhile. That'll be the one you want to hang on to.


Hey howā€™s it going? šŸ˜


Curiosity, intellectually active and likes to learn and/or create


As someone who lives in a state where people make hiking, mountain biking, and being hyper-active their entire identity, I feel this in my soul...


where is that colorado ?


Sapiosexuals rise up!




Just not smarter than me /s




Treating others with empathy and respect. Mistreating service, cleaning, or waiting staff is very unattractive.


Clear communicator. Not the ā€œIā€™m fineā€, ā€œHope you have funā€, or ā€œIā€™m not hungryā€- everyone knows you mean the complete opposite. Say what you really mean, instead of beating around the bush and playing games.


Socializing girls so heavily to be nice, polite and avoid conflict causes so many communication problems later in life, and I think explains that stereotypes of women being catty, back stabbing, passive aggressive, gossiping and also expecting others to decipher the real meaning of what they say. It is really hard to overcome a lifetime of conditioning and a legitimate coping mechanism to avoid danger. Myself and every woman I know has had bad experiences when being direct with men (rejecting a strangers advances and having them respond with anger, correcting a colleague at work and being labeled as a bitch, letting a partner know they hurt your feelings and being met with defensiveness to rage) this is cumulative and constant and reinforces the habit and instinct to avoid confrontations by using ambiguous language.


Very good analysis. Iā€™ve never thought about it like that.


This! On Thursday a younger male coworker was running his mouth on a topic he knew nothing about , reporting flat-out false financial figures for a company that I used to work for, and rather than say anything, I sat there shaking with anxiety at the desire to speak up but knowing heā€™sā€¦ meanā€¦ when itā€™s implied heā€™s wrong. So I said nothing, and I think my boss noticed it. But hey at least I avoided conflict? šŸ˜ž


There is a spectrum of ā€œhope you have funā€. It ranges from ā€œI genuinely hope you have the most amazing time of your lifeā€ through ā€œI hope everyone youā€™re with dies, including youā€. Tone is everything on this one!


Yes but itā€™s annoying having to constantly decipher tone. If you donā€™t want someone to do something then say so


I totally agree. As someone who genuinely tells/wants their S.O to have fun, I felt the need to put it out there. Itā€™s not always passive aggressive & cryptic.


I don't decipher shit regardless of tone. I just go with what a person says. If they get mad, Its not my problem.


Trying to find a needle in a haystack right herešŸ¤£


Indiscriminate kindness


Lovely descriptor.


Just be aware with this, that this is why women find themselves underpaid, physically abused, emotionally tortured. Abundance of kindness yes, but not indiscriminate. Women need to feel itā€™s okay to not be pleasing, pleasant and polite to everyone at all times. Please dont put this expectation on women, its really harmful.


This is the way


So much - honesty, being clear about what she wants, loving/caring/kind, supportive, brings her man up emotionally, mentally and physically, has confidence, doesnā€™t push your boundaries, helps you become a better person, doesnā€™t play games like a teenager into her 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s


But video games are okay right? Asking for a friend šŸ˜…


Me and my lady play our switches next to each other and we are kid 30s. We bond.


A big plus for me. Probably true for most gamers.


Video games would be awesome. Cant imagine a guy wouldnā€™t find that attractive!


Fiscal responsibility.


You know what this truck needs? Leadership!


Efficaciousness. Bunch of people struggling on a task and she walks in, takes a quick look then just gets sh*t done without drama. Thats hot.


Emotional awareness for me is peak in guys girls or anyone in-between. If you're emotionally aware and can take accountability or be proactive without being told is incredibly sexy.


Choosing where to go for dinner.


Better odds of getting attacked by a Shark in Iowa.


"Candygram!" - Land Shark


I love smart professional women šŸ’• Down to earth / low drama Empathy Loves to cuddle


Can laugh at herself and others.


Depends on if you want to be attractive like ā€œgod, I REALLY want to fuck herā€ or attractive like ā€œI really like her and want to keep her around for a long timeā€


My partner is hot for me because he loves me. Or else he wouldn't care.


Usually inversely related


For raw smoke of it all? A woman who knows she's hot. Not in a teenager mean girls way. In a "every step I take is one I intend to take." Way. It makes being the guy she wants to hang around with feel incredibly special.


Being herself.


What if who she is as a person is unattractive? Is she suddenly more attractive when sheā€™s doing all those unattractive things because they come to her so naturally? Sheā€™s just being herself!


"Attractive" is in the eye of the beholder. There are people out there who will be attracted to her natural personality.


Honesty, reliability, sense of humor, intelligence


Not talking in baby voice.


Cheerfulness, clear communication, strong sense of self, enjoys crushing skulls like sparrows egg between thighs


Confidence and self love


Actually listening to and taking note of your weird little quirks. I am a huge fan of Venom from the Marvek universe. And indeed, on one of the dates I had with my now wife, I wore a venom hoodie. She knew who Spiderman was and so brought her up to speed on who Venom was. So she then asked me why I liked the bad guy? I explained that Venom was more an antihero and that he was only a "villain" in the context of opposing Spiderman, but that he was actually a lethal protector and actually saved people when not fighting Spiderman, although he did kill people he saw as villains. I was rambling a whole bunch, and she just smiled and nodded. When we went to go watch Venom: Maximum Carnage, a friend in our group asked, "Wait, so isn't Vemom a bad guy?" I prepared to enlighten the friend, but nope, my wife stepped in and explained exactly what I'd explained to her about Venom all those dates ago. I love my wife for so many reasons, but in that moment, she was the most beautiful person in the world to me. Knowing that she cares enough to not only listen to me ramble about a fictional character but also care enough to remember that little quirk about me made her incredibly attractive. Likewise, I always make an effort to try to retain information she shares to me about things that may seem insignificant in a vacuum but are important to that person. It really is the little efforts that make relationships stronger and long-lasting. Love you, Babe. šŸ„°


Her intellect and how she treats others


Actually knows how to communicate, not someone who expects men to read their minds. Doesn't play games. Mature and respectful. Has a career not the same crappy job she's been stuck at for 12 years and has made no effort to better her situation


Women who say what they want are as valuable as men who say what they feel.


C. O. M. M. U. N. I. C. A. T. I. O. N.


punctuation apparently




If she brings me food or fills my water bottle without being asked but because she wants to make sure Iā€™m taken care of then Iā€™m smitten.


When you find a girl like that, make sure to reciprocate. She might hang on tight.


Farting But thatā€™s likely exclusive to me




A real smile...


Kindness and generosity


Sense of humor/being able to joke around. Far too many people take themselves too seriously.


Just being down to earth and someone that doesn't play mind games and most importantly doesn't have an attitude.


Accountability would be hot


For meā€¦ itā€™s when a woman is compassionate


For me itā€™s the qualities of being down to earth, listens, connection on an interpersonal level.. sure a pretty face and nice body are compliments but iā€™ve met many women who have that but not the personality traits that I desire and that usually turns me away


I like a gal that plays zero games, thatā€™s a turn on for me.


Rare breed


It depends on the person. Some people have a natural gravitas you canā€™t emulate. Other people are fun to be around and affectionate. Others are moody but have a dark comedic personality that is attractive. In each case though having the confidence to be your true self. Being willing to connect with others. Not coming off as needy, but truly just enjoying the moments you are living. Look at attractive characters in film - many different types, but the attractive ones have a strong self concept.


Hawk tuah




I'm 37. I don't think I've ever seen a woman in my age bracket read a book outside of school. I mean my whole life. If I went to the coffee shop or the park and saw someone my age just reading something I think I'd develop feelings on the spot.


# Hawk Tuhh


I'm surprised how fast this went viral. They are already making tees out of this phrase.


Pretty much sums up the state of society, tbh


Being considerate of others




Having a college education. Being ambitious and hard-working.


Professionalism and kindness


No attitude or entitlement




Encouraging and supportive. Wants you to succeed and helps it happen.


The most attractive behavior for me is a woman that has self awareness. Iā€™ve been married for 27 years next month and the behavior that I found most attractive is her loyalty.


As a woman Being straightforward, honesty and kindness


She's gotta hawk tuah


Hawk Tuah


Being feminine.


For me, a lot of it is about looking decent and well put together on the first take, which includes (again, for me - not for everyone); Not having tats all over the place, especially on her face and neck, and especially the tats that you can tell were done while she was drunk (you can always tell those). A bunch of random tats indicates to me (again, to me) that she likely has low impulse control, which is typically not something we want in a spouse or girlfriend; Having a reasonable hair color - not running about looking as if she got into a fight with a highlighter; Dressing conservatively, but not too conservatively. Be sexy without trying too hard; Jewelry, but not too much; Once you get into the conversation portion, whining turns me off right away. Not preaching about the patriarchy; Lifestyle choices/Impulse control. Not having a bunch of kids by a bunch of different men; Being able to hold a conversation without resorting to blatant flirting in order to try to keep someone's attention;


Kindness and reciprocity. In other words, through your actions you are as willing to do things for your boyfriend as you are to receive them.


Confidence. Even if at first you aren't all impressed, their confidence is almost like someone selling you something and eventually you are convinced. Completely underate attribute especially for girls from a guys point of view.


Confidence along with being a bit of an underlying flirty/naughty/risquƩ attitude. I will say some of the many girls who are not traditionally physically attractive can be considered highly desirable based on how they hold and conduct themselves.


When sheā€™s your partner in crimeā€¦ This girl Iā€™m with I think we could give Bonnie and Clyde a run for they money. I was trying to explain to her why my living situation is so assā€¦ and she cut me off and told me she doesnā€™t care and that Iā€™m fine. She really improves my life and I plan on doing the same for her . I asked her to buy me a laundry basket and pillow and she did without even thinking twice. Sheā€™s a life saver.


need me a girl like her my guy, a relationship where we uplift each other through thick and thin. Iā€™m sure she feels the same with you with how you care for her man


Playfullness, coyness. Not being rigid.Ā  Behavior is such a huge part of being attractive


Being authentic, being transparent about what they want, and not being afraid to take initiative


Being unhibited meaning a bit spontaneous, being unfiltered and not being performative and living your life for those around you, for your family members, gossip groups and for clicks. Too many do and I don't tend to give them a second look once I identify them, conventional attractiveness really means very little as you can still be absolutely fucking ugly or 'fugly', from the inside, as being a repulsive person who people are repulsed by your personality absolutely still makes you a ugly person. Approval seeking doesn't though make you attractive either though, or maybe it does, to the type of predatory, narcissistic and Psychopathic man you should avoid. Don't live for relationships, find those who are fitting. Intellectual curiosity is strength though, to not be capable or not wanting to learn or understand from others or about others because you believe you know everything completely inhibits your ability to grow, so I'm certain, you're going to be ok, as long as this was a genuine effort.


Confidence and kindness šŸ™Œ


Not lying and actually liking me


I have a friend who worked for a little bit in NYC with Alexandra Grant, Keanu Reeve's girlfriend. He told me she was the kindest, warmest, most non-BS woman he ever met. She's not the most beautiful woman in the world, but my friend found her incredibly attractive. Keanu and her are a perfect pair..


Bidet at home.


I know lots of folks hate the term but I really want a life partner. A coequal companionship where we can help each other be our best. A big part of that is being better than me at some things while also being gracious about it. A woman who can tell me I'm wrong without making me feel like an idiot lets me know she's competent, supportive, emotionally aware and confident and that's an A+ combo.


Having a positive outlook on life.


Smarts, humor and courage.




Making sandwiches. :D


Paying her share of everything. No freeloaders. Ew.


smart & funny - you are about 85 percent there






Calm, emotionally stable and graceful body language. The graceful body language is what I typically find irresistible. Some women look like they just glide when they walk. It's captivating.


As an adult, I don't find girls attractive anymore. I am attracted to women...


When they actually want to talk about you instead of always themselves.


Being a āœØļøwomanāœØļø not a girl


Passion. I think watching my now wife passionately explain something she cared deeply about is what did it for me. She was so intelligent, articulate and energised in her argument, I think I fell in love there and then.


Intelligent, cheerful, and independent.


What do we definite by "attractive"? Approachable? Hot? Cute?


Low body count and family oriented values.


Genuine smile.


Brains. Any woman who has informed opinions and thoughts on things. I know, sounds like a sucking up to women answer, but it's the real answer.


Not to be cornyā€¦ But believing in herself, and having a sense of humor are very attractive.


Not being promiscuous


Accountability, Integrity, Intelligence, Loyalty, Fidelity, Responsibility, Humility, Soft Spoken. These are behaviors I find most attractive in a woman.


Eye contact. Normal conversation ability. Phone off on dates. Has a job and does not live with parents. Going to school to be better at something she is interested in. Has books around her house.


The less whorish behavior is a great start


When they cover their butt When you are looking


Taking the initiative


Honesty, caring, & pleasant.


No esoterica shit, no patriotic shit if your country is currently duing shit and no zillion selfies on her phone.


Being friendly, upbeat, positive. Actually caring about others.


I like a bubbly girl who is having fun in the moment. My wife takes great satisfaction teasing me in a loving way and when I see her laughing that warms my heart. For partner I personally am most attracted to nurturers. And kindness. When I see a woman being kind to someone who has is vulnerable her attractiveness goes way up.


Acts natural and girly. If she acts like a man, Iā€™ll never want her.


when shes not afraid to clean


Femininity, maturity, appreciation and respect.


According to studies, flirting, touching or flipping her hair.


Wanting to build a family, a home, and to keep their man happy.


A mind like a diamond, sharp as a tack. Uses a machete to cut through red tape. Changes her name from Kitty to Karen. Trading her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaronā€¦..just that sorta thing.


Smart: she can hold up her end of a conversation Kind: thats pretty clear Funny: Does not take things too seriously. Many "attractive" women are quite taken with how attractive they are and are kind stiff and humourless.


Intelligent. Chill. Sensual and sexual but not promiscuous. Likes to cook. Likes to explore the world. Loves to read. Humble. Not about social media and finding happiness by how others measure her. Not about that gossip and putting your relationship on blast.


Confidence and willingness to work a job


When she's deliberately sexy. Intentionally doing things to get my attention or turn me on. Especially if she's nonchalant about it, acting like she doesn't know what she's doing. šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


I feel attacked šŸ˜‚


Like randomly complimenting you in the midst of a fight? Yeah guilty as charged ā˜ŗļø


Donā€™t know why but a bitchy attitude can be really hot.


I think someone who is comfortable in their own skin. Fake tan, fake hair,Ā  fake tits just screams insecure to me. Love yourself girls. I'm fine with a bit of make up if it makes people feel good on occasion, but you shouldn't have to paint yourself unrecognisable to go and grab a pint of milk from the shop.Ā 


Kind, patient and Nurturing behavior, warm smile, if she's going to make a good mother some day there is literally nothing more attractive than that on earth.


Self worth, not promiscuous


I swear men love bitches. Do not confuse that with being crazy, but the ability to take absolutely no shit and also hold them to high standards is a powerful drug. Few will admit it, and some actively pursue submissive women but thatā€™s because they plan to mistreat them. You donā€™t want those.


Being good at math is sexy as F


Thereā€™s two types: 1. More attractive for casual fun? Whoresā€¦ dressing like one and being flirtatious 2. To marry? Modesty, caring of the vulnerable (elderly/children), pleasant


This is ā€œadultingā€ so Iā€™m gonna assume / hope that by ā€œgirlā€ you mean ā€œwomanā€




Laugh at my bad jokes


Some sort of communication beyond "hi".


Having confidence and the ability to communicate directly to the point of being blunt. I hate having to figure out hints or interpret cryptic phrasing. When you speak plainly and directly, it greatly reduces the odds of miscommunication.


Being respectful. There is nothing worse than a girl who doesn't care about you and treats you awful. Understand that guys have lives too. It can't always go the way you want in your head. This is how life works. Understand this and don't be rude about it


This is more a me thing, but being a good dancer is extremely attractive to me.


I imagine earning all the G.S. Merit badges makes a *girl* attractive. Now, do you want to know about **grown women**?


Intelligence and kindness/ how they treat others. Confidence is up there but not that high for me




Understanding that having opinions is not the same as understanding a topic intimately enough to argue a point.


Being good at saving money without being a mean, cheap miser.


Kindness, humility, and accountability are definitely up there.


Humility, modesty, and honesty.