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You're the priority. Don't tell them until you've been hired elsewhere. When you're interviewing ask them when they ideally want you to start. If it isn't an emergency I'm sure they'll be fine with waiting 3 or 4 weeks. If not just make sure you have your two week notice ready to hand in.


Thank you, i'm learning to put myself before work. I will wait and see what happens


Worry about yourself. An employer will do the same. If you tell them early they may try to be petty with you and make your life difficult. Wait until the new job is secured then put in your notice


You're right, they would definitely do the same, and I don't need more issues than I already have in my life lol thank you


Giving notice is a prpfessional courtesy ONLY. It's not a requirement. You aren't responsible for this business after you leave. Hiring and training a replacement is THEIR problem, not yours.   I think you are overly concerned for their function after you leave! They certainly wouldn't show you the same courtesy if they were firing or doing layoffs!  Look for a job, get hired, and then give them your usual two weeks or whatever when you find your new job. Do whatvis best for YOU, not them. 


I needed that reminder that it's just a courtesy and never a requirement. I'll wait and do what's best for me, thank you!


Best of luck to you in your new career!