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Dude, take a deep breath. Chill. Stop doom-scrolling reddit & go touch some grass.


OP’s the type of person that needs anger management/therapy.


OP’s the kind of person who doesn’t have, or know any, kids.


Quite frankly I wouldn’t want OP near any children.


Sedated, lol. "I absolutely cannot handle your humanity, commit crimes for my convenience."


Look, I don' like kids all that much, and I don't like being around them. That said, obviously kids are irrational and can sometimes be hard to control. But I have a good pair of ANC headphones and I have enough mental fortitude not to get that triggered by some noise. Grow up.


Man I bring my headphones to gymnastics and stuff where it’s loud and there are kids climbing on the bleachers and whatnot. Don’t need to hear to enjoy watching my kid do their lesson


Imagine being so fragile that the sound of an unhappy child completely ruins your day


Wow man. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?  You clearly aren't a parent, or even an empathetic human being. I don't even know where to start with this immature, entitled bullshit meme.  I guess I'll start by acknowledging that yeah, it sucks being a bystander when a kid is having a tantrum. That's true. Nobody likes to hear crying, screaming, etc... It's literally something we evolved to react strongly to - so that when our offspring (or those of our tribe/community) need help they don't get ignored. That increases survivability of the species. Now try to put yourself in the shoes of the parent and the child. Let's do the child first. If they are toddler-age or younger they haven't been alive for very long. Their lived experience is pretty limited, so every bad (or mildly inconvenient) thing that happens is literally the worst thing that's ever happened to them. They don't have any context to draw on to know that dropping their teddybear or getting a minor bump/scrape isn't a big deal. They also have no idea that their parents aren't magic. They have no idea how the world works and things like "we can't jump in puddles because it hasn't rained in a week" or "I can't give you that toy because it's at home" seem completely unreasonable to them. They're thinking "Why not dad? Just do it! You did it once before, so do it now!".  If they're a bit older, they understand more about how the world works, at least for the physically impossible things, but now they're at the stage where they haven't developed the parts of their brain that process things like "my actions impact others", empathy, and understanding consequences of their actions (beyond the basics). They aren't thinking about how their excitement causes their voice to get loud and high pitched, and that bothers other people. They aren't processing that running around and knocking things over can break them. Social norms? What are those? They're just consumed entirely with what they're doing or how they're feeling. They're also selfish (that's not a judgement - it's a fact brought on by the level of brain development). Again, tied in with evolution, we survived longer as a species when the earliest parts of the brain to develop were the ones that drove us to think of ourselves, our wants and needs, and take actions driven by that. It takes time, effort, and guidance to learn the adult skills of "hey, maybe what's best for me isn't what's beat for the group, and we're all better off if I suffer a bit of inconvenience for the greater good". Nah, I'm a kid, I do what I want! And now let's turn to the parents. Are there some shitty parents out there? Sure. That's definitely true. Though I'll take a sec to note that most people don't have a master's degree in " how to parent" when they end up in the situation of becoming one. But let's slip into the shoes of a parent who is just a normal, average, everyday person who now has a child. Kids take a LOT of your time and energy. If they're awake, you're on duty. If they're toddlers, some adult needs to be paying attention to them 100% of the time. Interacting with them, entertaining them, making sure they don't hurt themselves, and comforting them when they do. Taking care of their needs to eat, drink, and deal with waste. It's exhausting. And not everyone has a good support system of grandparents, relatives, or the money to hire help. You can't just leave them at home, they're not able to care for themselves. So you're responsible. But the other responsibilities of life don't just disappear when you've got a kid. So sometimes you have to venture out into the world and bring your kid to do groceries, errands, etc... Maybe that means taking public transit, or having to walk somewhere. And wouldn't it be nice if I could sit for a minute and eat some food? All of these things bring you and the kid (or kids) into contact with people in public. Chances are this isn't always the kid's idea of what would be fun to do right now. Well sorry little one, dad's gotta go to the bank and I've got no one to watch you, so you're coming along. On one hand, there's only so much you can do when your child gets upset. They aren't logical, you can't always reason with them. So they throw a tantrum and you do the best you can - maybe you can drag them outside so that the whole restaurant doesn't have to hear it, but then the people out on the patio do. You can't just drug them as your meme suggests. That's cruel, and it sure as hell isn't going to help teach them how to start controlling their feelings (which by the way are the most intense things they've ever felt, because again they don't have decades of experience with different levels of upset).  So as a parent you've got to keep doing the shit every person has to do, while caring for a little human who isn't logical or reasonable and doesn't give a fuck about how tired you are or how difficult their actions are making things for you.  And then you've got entitled, immature fuckwits who think that you should just drug your kid, abandon them at home, or stop living your life who are judging you. Yeah, fuck off. 


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 Fucking this!! Fuck off OP.


Fucker also wants you to discipline your kids, discipline them now, whatever that means. 


Lol stfu.


Fuck off, incel. Kids are humans and unpredictable. They deserve grace just like your stupid ass does.


Right, right..."grace", like the "grace" that inspired you to call me an "incel" and "stupid". Just because your father's condom broke doesn't mean that I'm not entitled to hold parents accountable for behavior that very much affects not only me but all of society,


Feel free to hold a parent ‘accountable’ in person next time. I doubt it goes how you think it will. Life is tough, incel. I suggest you purchase a helmet.


Yeah, this stupid coward would get fuckin throttled if he ran his punk ass mouth to a parent.


We all know this dude would crumble with the slightest push back irl…that’s why he made this dumbass meme


My father fucked my mother in a tent that I regularly used in the 1980's. It was sometime in 1973 in the Talladega National Forest because my parents often made lame jokes about my conception when we'd drive through there.


Damn that's a pretty hard flex. "Kid you going camping? Take the tent we banged to make you in. Go make some memories" 🤣


Bro, that’s what babies and kids do. They cry and fuss and don’t sit still. They’re learning how to behave and control their emotions. Remember that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. My wife and I weren’t able to have children, so the sounds of babies crying and children making noise are among the most beautiful sounds to us.


"That's just what kids do"? No That's what kids do once or twice, and then they're corrected, otherwise it's what kids do because they know that you don't have the sack to open your mouth and say "No." and mean it enough to follow up with punishment if they don't listen.


So you are saying parents need to hit their children?


The kind of inbred hillbillies who think beating their kids is OK are the ones who deserve to be beaten, full stop. I'm not talking about abuse, and it's telling that you think I am, whether it's that you had abusive parents, you are one, or both. No, I'm talking about stern, and most importantly consistent, correction that gets across the message of who is in charge and who isn't, and that throwing a tantrum not only isn't OK, but will be immediately put a stop to, even if it means picking a limb to grab onto and physically dragging them out of the store because they refuse to get up on their own volition, but most parents these days will never know what level they need to escalate, because they don't even have enough of a spine to take the first step and say "No."


“behavior that very much affects” My brother in Christ, they’re yelling & making noise. They’re not beating the shit out of you, & they didn’t steal anything from you. People shouldn’t have to tranq their kids just because *YOUR* father’s condom broke. Buy some headphones & go to fuckin’ therapy. 🤡🤡🤡


First of all, I didn't say tranq, I said sedate, Second, you cannot use foul language like that and then try to lie that you're a Christian and expect me to believe you. Third, the only reason I even mentioned sedation is in the case of parents like you who are too incompetent as parents to realize that letting your child behave like an animal in public and refusing to do anything they please categorically unacceptable, which also proves that you're not a Christian, because Christians know that it's their job as parents to raise their children to behave respectfully in public, and correct their behavior when they don't.


Bro literally all of reddit is telling you that you have the wrong perspective. Go get an ice cream and maybe order a taxi next time if other humans offend you.


Child screaming because they didn't get a toy and the parent is ignoring them on their phone? Annoying.  Child crying because they are hurt, scared, overwhelmed, or a literal baby? Part of life.  We all go through a screaming phase as kids, parents try their best but sometimes meltdowns happen. My brother had a blowout in his stroller as a toddler on the tram home from Disney World. It was nasty, it stank, everyone was grossed out, but everyone understood that until we got off the tram, there was nothing to be done. Sometimes shit happens, literally or figuratively. Wear earplugs if you can't stand it, I carry some for that reason.


Are you seriously recommending that parents drug their children?


I'm recommending that men that lack the scrotal fortitude to discipline their children learn from their father's mistake and wear protection so that they don't produce entitled little twits who scream loud enough to be heard from space every time they don't get their way because they know the worst consequence they'll ever face, no matter how serious their behavior gets, is a soft reprimand in an effeminate voice, after which they know they can and will continue on with the tantrum until they get their way, knowing that they are the ones in control rather than their parents.


Then maybe say that in your image and not use the term "Heavily Sedated".


Your severe autism is your problem; not mine.


You know you’re a horrible person, right?


You know what, you're so right. Being irritated at the willful intellectual deficit of people who deliberately choose to be obtuse instead of making the most basic attempt at reading between the lines or even remotely grasping the concept that a greater point being made that requires not intentionally getting hung up on wording and being intentionally as literal as possible makes me literally worse than Hitler. I mean sure, he manipulated entire regime into supporting him killed thousands and thousands of people, but at least he didn't trigger some random extremely easily offended person on reddit . /s


Are you the person at parties who creates a schedule for the nights events? Chill.


Tell you what, I'll scream as loud as I can right next to your ear for a few minutes, and then tell you to chill when you get mad at me. Cool?




Yeah that's what I thought. You don't get to tell people to "chill" who are forced to be subjected to the breed of undisciplined little twits your kind raises.




Imagine not having kids and thinking that people with kids want to be wrangling them at the store any more than you do. Kids exist. Seethe.


How to tell people you're a childless idiot without telling people you're a childless idiot  They're children not robots you absolute clanger 


Disagree, completely. No one is dating you have to raise kids off your own but you didn't get to gatekeep parents and families. Basically get stuffed


What action should the parent take for a child age 3 or 5 or 7 or 9?


It all depends on the situation, the environment, and most importantly the child. All children are different and all respond differently to various forms of punishment. There isn’t a one size fits all approach and in many cases you’ll make the situation worse as a parent if you overreact.


Yeah that was what I was trying to get him to see. He ruled out physical punishment, which btw I think he would be happy to see a parent smack a child into silence, but he made my point by saying something like “anything” or “everything” which is another way of saying “I have no fucking clue how, just do it” which is the same mentality of a child


I see, agree. A lot of people don’t understand how to deal with kids. People like op don’t get that the majority of parents don’t want their kids acting like that in public. Sometimes you have to ignore the bad behavior because it’s the attention that causes it.


Quite literally whatever it takes aside from violence. Either shut them up, or separate them from the captive audience whom you're forcing against their will to suffer for your poor parenting. It's not right to just sit there while your child is literally assaulting people's eardrums to the point that you're literally causing them physical pain just because you either don't know how to discipline children or you don't have the backbone required to consistently keep your children disciplined.


Stop hanging around school playgrounds mate😂


> It's not right to just sit there while your child is literally assaulting people's eardrums to the point that you're literally causing them physical pain How close are you getting to these kids?


Close enough to be put on a list. OP could be a pedophile.


That seems like quite the leap of logic, the guy doesn’t like kids and can’t handle his frustrations. What does that actually have to do with being a pedo? Honestly, this sounds like a projection.


You clearly don’t have children or are an awful parent with kids that will likely hate you when they’re old enough to realize it.


Dude not only doesn’t have children, he will never be put in the position to worry about having one…


Do you even have kids like what kinda entitled nonsense is this. kid's have fits it's natural and sometimes it's best to let them be upset do you immediately calm down when you're angry and someone tells you to chill out probably not


Take ear plugs if it’s so terrible for you.


"Whatever it takes aside from violence" isn't a suggestion. It's a parameter. OP asked for a suggestion.


For parents , when our daughter was 6 months we went to a restaurant , ... Leaving out the noise etc... at the end as we left a little early a couple came up and said it's fine do not stress Not everyone is like op


How about this instead: go fuck yourself


It’s a kid, they’re irrational. I suggest you get yourself a good set of headphones instead.


Username checks out.


Fuck off with this post


[Applicable Louis CK bit](https://youtu.be/C3ymk0KgiVU?feature=shared)


Isn't that the bad advice duck? The one for sarcasm? Or am I remembering wrong?


For parents , when our daughter was 6 months we went to a restaurant , ... Leaving out the noise etc... at the end as we left a little early a couple came up and said it's fine do not stress Not everyone is like op


You don't need to stress, you just need to not be completely worthless as a parent and make sure that you're not letting your child to be a nuisance to everyone around him or her because he or she knows that you'll never do anything about it. They don't know any better, but you do, and it's your responsibility to teach them better. When you repeatedly refuse to do so, it not only shows the whole world who you are, both as a parent and person in general, but the longer you let bad behavior continue because little Johnny or little Jane is "just a kid", the more you repeatedly reinforce in their mind that it's OK to act out because you're not enough of an adult to put your foot down and put them in their place.


Yeah enjoy your downvotes kid


I wish I could wish children on you, but you clearly don’t need to procreate (or probably be around children at all). Children scream and cry b/c they’re trying to figure out the world… you write reddit posts 🤷‍♂️


Naw, fuck you. You are just an asshole.


I’m sure OP’s autistic ass was a perfect angel as a kid.


Parents probably dropped them on the head a few times


I disagree with OP, too, but please don’t use “autistic” as a pejorative - that’s not cool at all.


Sorry - I know “neurodivergent” is the more acceptable term these days.


Part of raising children is taking them from an undeveloped brain to a developed one. There are milestones in their development that are out of a parent’s control, but it’s our job to literally help them through it. This includes irrational outbursts. Most of us are doing our best. Yelling, screaming, hitting, or “sedating” our children is NOT the solution to their irrationality. Did someone hurt you as a child? That being said, I’m not sure if your prefrontal cortex is completely developed either.


I have had public experiences that have made feel what you are feeling. There are good parents and there are bad parents and you are gonna have good days and bad days where this stuff will be harder to deal with. In public, we are all dealing with everybody’s shit. Either come to accept it and be able to deal with it or as others have suggested a pair of noise cancelling ear buds can be a life saver. Then be thankful that you don’t have to try and be a good parent when your child is making it almost impossible.


I agree that you shouldn’t ignore your kid having a tantrum, but your expectation of being able to have the kid stop immediately as a response to a parent’s intervention is naive. Also - trying to remove the kid from the situation results in more chaos/noise than resolving on the spot.


A creature that is unable tolerate the young members of their own species has, from an evolutionary perspective, completely failed.


"Am I the problem? No , it's the members of the captive audience who have to suffer for my stubborn refusal to discipline my children who are wrong."


Dude calm down. You do not have a right to a life free of inconveniences. You were a child once. People dealt with your bullshit. Now it’s your turn to do the same.


You sound like someone who nobody has had sex with, let alone have kids with.  Sometimes kids melt down. Sometimes the best thing to do is not give in. Sometimes people who have kids melting down are going through a very hard time. Sometimes, and this sounds like something that will shock you, it’s not all about you. 


I like how you say "it's not all about you" but you're too much of a myopic imbecile to realize that this statement applies to you. Your poor parenting effects everyone who is forced to be subjected to your screaming brat who has no concept of self-control because you as a parent choose to fail to instill it in them, and will continue throughout their childhood, and so they will go into adulthood insisting that they have the right to do whatever they want no matter who if negatively affects.


Dude- read through the rest of the comments. You’re an asshole. You strike me as the kind of guy who masturbates to anime while eating Cheeto’s. Good luck in life, because you sound like you need it. 


You know what, I've changed my mind. From this day on I will base my worth entirely on the completely worthless input of immature, irresponsible, imbeciles like yourself who could not possibly care less about what you're raising your children to become by turning a blind eye to their every bad behavior, by letting them do whatever they want and refusing to discipline them or say the word "No" during their entire childhood. You lazy, stupid, intellectually incompetent people are in no way unfit parents who should have your children taken from you, but are the ultimate example of parenthood and the whole world should look up to you in complete awe and lift your spineless style of parenting up as the gold standard.


Mommmmm! Someone let their kid make noise again!! And I was about to beat my level!!!! Make them sedate those children so I don’t have to hear it!!!! They were not immediately stifled!!!! And being me more cheetos!!!! ROFL. My dude nobody is on your side….maybe you’re just wrong here. 


Keep pushing that mob mentality, you stupid, arrogant hood rat. Ganging up on me for standing up for what's right rather than regurgitating your thoughts back to you and telling you what you want to hear isn't the flex you think it is.


You’re right.  It’s not you. It’s literally everyone else.  Oh no…wait. It’s you.  ROFL- immediately stifle or sedate children who you personally find annoying.  My God. You’re insufferable. 


You're the one promoting parents letting kids scream literally at the top of their lungs for as long as they please and not doing a thing to stop it, but I'm the one who's insufferable. Sure, kiddo.


No- I’m recognizing that parenting is a full time and difficult job, and that you don’t know what’s going on in other people’s life.  As an example- once my wife had someone complain that our three year old cried too much on the plane. This was, sadly, on our way home from my mother’s funeral and she was exhausted. It was a four hour flight, the only one we could take so we could make it back to work, and it was midnight. He had watched two movies and while the plane landed he was exhausted and not allowed to watch more because we had to turn off electronics. She didn’t immediately sedate or stifle him as you suggest (because that would be fucking ridiculous). And who said anything about as long as they like? Your initial post says, ‘immediately stifle your children’.  Heck sometimes letting your child scream is the right thing to do. For example. Let’s say a parent ia doing the grocery shopping. This is their one block of time to do it. Their 4 year old starts to have a meltdown because they want some sweet thing. Should the parent abandon their entire grocery cart worth of shit? Or should they calmly explain that they don’t get to have that and not let the tantrum bother them. Then the child realizes that won’t work and does not try it again. I suppose you could immediately stifle them (whatever the fuck that means) but then what does the child learn from that? That when someone gets upset it’s ok to…do whatever it is you’re suggesting? Honestly- you’re an asshole. You seem like a real prick and a terrible human. The world is not about you and you’re not the main character. Go rethink your life. 


>The world is not about you and you’re not the main character.  And yet you don't think that applies to you. Your child has no hope of learning that lesson when they are allowed to scream at full volume in a crowded area, ust because they didn't get something they wanted and you're too much of a limp-wristed little fairy to put your foot down and establish that throwing a tantrum is never, and never will be acceptable behavior, and prove it by following up with consequences, whether that means they get left alone in the store, whether it means they get a spanking, whether it means they're grounded, whether it means taking away access to electronic devices for a while, whatever, but as long as their actions either have no consequence or only inconsistently have consequences, their takeaway is inevitably going to be that they might as well keep doing what they want for as long as they can get away with it. When you teach children that they can do whatever they want without being disciplined, you're taking an active part in raising a "main character". You don't know what's going on in the lives of the people whose ears you're allowing your children to assault, nor do you or will you ever even remotely care, and yet you think I should I care what's going on in your life that you think it's appropriate to go full free range and refuse to show those around you the utmost basic gesture of respect kids in line, no matter how tense you're making the people around you by refusing to doing so? >And who said anything about as long as they like? Your initial post says, ‘immediately stifle your children’.  Are you autistic or something? Do you really genuinely not understand the concept of context? The greater point is don't let them be unruly, but you gauging by your response, you apparently either think they should be let roam free to terrorize the store as they please or lack the intestinal fortitude to stop or correct their behavior in literally any way other than wagging your finger and saying "Now now, we don't do that", which will inevitably lead to them doing the same thing again because they know, just like adult criminals do, that what you tell them not to do only has as much power over them as the punishment they're given (or not given) in response.


Roughly 8% of this planet is in the age range where tantrums are a commonality, and that's being extremely conservative. The fact that you haven't been able to handle what is bound to be a literal worldwide experience tells me that your version of "doing what's right" has the exact same mentality as the child screaming that his shoes aren't the right colour. The child has the excuse of being a child. What's yours? Your insensible ramblings are shameful and the one thing good that comes from you poking your head out of the filth you come from is that you reassured us you won't have kids.


The attitude you're displaying is perfectly aligned with an undisciplined, entitled child who grew up to be an undisciplined, entitled adult. You were never taught to behave property in public, you were never introduced to the concept that other people exist and that it is therefore not acceptable to just be as disruptive and inconsiderate as you please, and it shows. You are what happens when fathers first fail to use the condom that they should have used and then fail to discipline that they accidentally created. You can't help the fact that your father chose not to use a condom, or perhaps that it broke, but you can choose not to be the entitled, undisciplined scum that you choose to be.


I'm beginning to think that you're an active troll or a well designed bot. There's no way you can be this self-righteous or this self-involved and be a real human. I appreciate whoever coded you. Or I'm disappointed you exist. Either one.


You're sitting here repeatedly personally attacking me, and then you call me the troll. I want you to talk a second and get your singular brain cell working as hard as it can to try to explain how that makes sense. In the mean time, go back to munching Doritos and guzzling Mountain Dew while you play D&D in your parents basement.


Please don't procreate, ever. The world doesn't need more fucked up humans, and I guarantee yours would need years of therapy.


I agree, it doesn't, and yet here you are.


Pot meet kettle


You have mental problems, dude


I also hate when children act like children


Since having a kid, I can immediately tell if other people have children when they make comments like this.


Probably posted by someone who has zero problem listening to music on their phone….without headphones Hey, guess what? Kids get upset, they make noise. There’s no magic off switch for the noise they make. Get over yourself


Tell me you’re hopelessly single without telling me you’re hopelessly single.


From the other side of Walmart "AAAAAAAAHHHHH WAAAAAAAHHHH"


This person obviously does not have kids. “Control someone’s every act, even a child, oh and use sedatives to do it if necessary”. Are you kidding me?? Either an internet troll or you need to breathe deep and accept that kids are unpredictable.


This is my favorite worst take this year.


lol. OP, you’re such a dim witted twit.


Jokes on you, when my kid cried or was loud in public is a reward for putting up with other people's kids in who did the same thing. Jokes on you that some peoples kids have development issues or other psychological/emotional issues in life or in public in general. Jokes on you that kids being loud is NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR and that you are supposed to learn temperance and patience but clearly you have issues in that dept, have you ever thought about talking to someone about your issues?


Gotta shove an iPad in front of them like everyone else.


If you're that incompetent as a parent, you should probably put your child up for adoption.


Easy there tiger. I was just making a joke about iPad kids.


try touching some grass or maybe even a woman. maybe one will consent after you pay them because i dont think they would otherwise with how bitter you are


Try choosing not to be a completely and utterly worthless troll., and then try expanding your life past a constant cycle of seeking after sexual conquests since you seemingly can't get past the notion that life should revolve around sex, or that sex is the answer to all of life's problems.


You really are bitter, huh? when did i say life revolved around sex? im just saying you sound like a incel.


Ah the classic "When did I say/I never said". for when people want to backpedal in a way they think people won't pick up on it. Also, here you go back to assuming that everyone else is as obsessed with sex and the pursuit of it as you are.


my sweet beautiful prince, you're just strawmanning. why dont you go punch babies that cry too much or something. also if im such a troll, why reply? goofy ass. i bet you cant even do a backflip


Strawman isn't a verb, and the fact that you're illiterate enough to need to be told that shows how ridiculous it is for you to make such a pitiful attempt to talk down to me.


"strawman isn't a verb" 🤓 that just shows you have nothing else to attack about what I just said. Im glad people like you rarely have children. If you did have children, you would have never made that hopelessly unfunny meme. thank you for the 5 minutes of entertainment I get by reading your cringe responses.


As a parent who's children are well behaved in public , I am with you on this one.


A lot of self-righteous people who embody r/IAmTheMainCharacter in this thread... Other people exist, and they deserve to not have their meal/movie/whatever ruined, regardless of how it's happening or why. If your spawn can't behave reasonably in public, that's on you. Your inability to parent is no excuse to fuck up someone else's good time.


I used to think this until my brother had an autistic child. Despite all best intentions, and nurturing, their child is sometimes very hard to handle. Honest question: Do we as a society then expect them never be able to bring their child in public for everyone else’s comfort and sensitivities?


They make noise canceling headphones for many reasons, including when you’re commuting on public transit. 10000x easier for adults to buy a pair of headphones than expect families with autistic kids (or toddlers, or kids with downs, or siblings, etc) to stay out of sight. I think OP is just having a bad day.


If you think children shouldn't share public spaces, then it's you with the Main Character Syndrome. Kids are kids. Sometimes they shout and scream. If it makes you feel better, it's far more stressful for the parents than it is for the bystanders. 


Using the word "spawn" is an instant neckbeard indicator. 


Op get mass downvoted by shitty parents?


Keep fighting the good fight OP. You are not alone.


I mean, you're in the shittiest company of halfwit Incels. But you're not alone I guess. So there's that.


Well I'm happily married and childfree. But also often annoyed by people who chose to not quiet their kids in public and let them run around wild. And also annoyed by people who jump to defend/not hold people that made a choice (parents) accountable.