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It’s wild to think of how different the world would be now if Gore had won. It seems sort of fitting that the thing that ultimately fucked up so much so badly is called “Chad”.


Yep. I’d wager 9/11 probably would have still happened, and we would have sent some sort of military action into Afghanistan. But the Iraq war wouldn’t have happened. The country would have saved trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives. We also would have quite possibly not be looking at the same level of climate disaster. But you know… “don’t mess with Texas”


“Don’t Mess with Texas” started as slogan for an anti-littering campaign ironically enough. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Mess_with_Texas


The Clinton administration tried passing off intelligence to the Bush administration warning of an impending attack, which went largely ignored. Not saying the Gore administration could've stopped the attacks, but they would've at least tried.


Ehh not entirely. The bush admin made monumental fuckups following the attacks but much of the intelligence failure was done at the lower bureaucratic level. Sadly, 9/11 likely would have still happened the same because the people who made those mistakes would have been the same. There is a good chance Gore would have handled the aftermath much better though.


There were FBI agents sounding the klaxon, but were dismissed by the senior agent in charge *probably because they were women*.


Agreed. I do wonder if the Patriot Act would've passed in the same form or at all under Gore.


Yeah, that’s all good and fine, but imagine how much the shareholders at Halliburton would have suffered. /s, obviously.


I've been saying this for years. Fucking John Roberts and the Bush crime syndicate, man. They can all go to hell.


We could have done something about climate change back when we still had a chance...


Probably north of a million if we count indirect causes, sadly: https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/2023/IndirectDeaths


Gigachad: 👍 Dangling chad: 👎


Don't forget the second round of recounting when it was the dimpled chad.


Yeah, who knew a tiny piece of paper would change history more than most presidents?


Fucking Florida


The blame lies with the conservative justices several of whom are part of the conservative supermajority who decided counting votes accurately could cause harm to Dubya. Look at right wing voter suppression efforts nowadays and it’s obvious it’s all part of the same ploy. If the paper ballots weren’t screwy they would’ve found another excuse.


Theres a very difficult to find SNL skit where they look at different timelines…the Bush timeline and the Gore timeline. IIRC Bush was giving a state of the union from a bombed out Oval Office with fires visible in the background…and then Gore giving his SoU from the Oval Office where he talks of having solved the fusion energy problem, climate change a thing of the past, peace in the Middle East, etc I remember wincing after chuckling a bit.


Agreed, 2000 was literally stolen by SCOTUS who unconstitutionally ruled on a states jurisdiction(Scalia basically admitted it several years later), on a case brought by no one with standing, and with a justice who refused to step aside when his nephew was one of lawyers arguing case. Unpopular opinion but that was the day American democracy died. The only silver lining is that if 9/11 happened under a Democrat the GOP would have screamed til they lost their voices that POTUS (Al Gore) was 110% responsible for letting 9/11 happen and they would have steered us to an even more militaristic foreign policy, making sure a Democrat didn’t get back in the WH for decades. ….of course that would mean no Obama, but no Obama means no Trump….”flap of butterfly wings”


Gore did win. The court stole the election.


Man that's one of those butterfly effect things, world might be unrecognizable today if things had gone differently back then.


Don't forget that Roger Stone instigated the riot that ended the counting. Then he got pardoned by Trump for new crimes. Then he was a key organizer in the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol. If Trump wins he pardons his accomplices *again*.


If Gore had carried his home state he would have won


The same people that disingenuously mocked Gore “ha, you think Gore could have handled 9/11” gave me Trump for a plague. Ffs. Never forget.


It’s not like IRL that Bush handled 9/11 well. If Gore is president; Iraq probably not invaded. Afghanistan probably still invaded. The Saudi’s in the US aren’t flying out of the country immediately. Relations with Saudi Arabia become strained, Gore and the democrats move us away from Middle East oil by massive investments in the solar industry and train building.


When we criticized bush back then we were told we were traitors and should leave the country… but yea not like it indeed. At least with gore we may have made a step to fix the environment before we lost the script. Then again Republican congress.


Seems like a weird thing to say when the administration we had couldn’t handle it either. Is their definition of handle being completely powerless to do anything but watch it happen? The president did what, approve the flow of federal resources? Made some speeches that were written for him? Gore would have done just as well.


Gore wouldn't have had Cheney in his ear, either.


Didn’t mean to imply bush did it well, that’s just what they said. “They” in this thought bush did it well.


No worries, I got that. I’m agreeing with you and being critical of people with that opinion.


Gore won, full stop. In that timeline, America is an amazing place


The nyt and others conducted comprehensive recounts post election under a variety of possible ballot interpretations for contested ballots. Under virtually all of them, Bush won. You would have to accept basically crazy conditions of counting to get a Gore victory.


Ah yes, the OG stolen election conspiracy. Gore was never ahead at any point during the original count or recount, and if the SCOTUS didn’t intervene, the manual recounts Gore wanted would have proceeded in the 4 bluest counties in Florida. For some reason people ignore the fact that Bush would have then demanded hand recounts for the rest of the state, where he would have picked up more votes just like Gore did in the blue counties.


Link me one single recount where Gore had the lead in Florida.


And Jeb should have been indicted for election tampering and fraud 


Brooks Brothers Riot.


Not to mention the brooks brothers riot.


Maybe Hillary should have actually campaigned in the swing states


Yeah she ran a shit campaign. Also she happened to pick the worst time to run. American wanted something different not the most status quo politician ever.


"Who's that superpredator?" - Hillary looking at this shit meme


Nah the DNC should have listened to the people and got behind Bernie rather than running a lesser of 2 evils campaign


Moderates are people too, and they have high turnout.


And moderates outnumber progressives 4:1. The progressives have this delusion that the DNC is making the party less progressive when the reality is the “establishment liberals” and “solid democrats” are the bedrock of the party and the DNC is catering to party. Bernie got destroyed in the Midwest primaries in 2020 and if you can’t win the Midwest as a dem you simply can’t win. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/09/1053929419/feel-like-you-dont-fit-in-either-political-party-heres-why


He got destroyed in 2016 too…it really wasn’t close but people gloss over that and/or try to blame a number of folks in the DNC. I was and still am a Bernie supporter but facts matter.


Yep. She had over 3 million more votes, but people act like it was handed to her.


Bro we were there. Whether they needed to or not they employed vile tactics and actively conspired against bernie sanders. Perhaps we shouldn't forget history lest we repeat it.


Didn't Debbie Wassername openly admit that Hillary was always going to be the nominee, regardless of the votes? The problem is Hillary had no chance whatsoever to take a single vote away from Trump. I knew Republicans at the time (my then father-in-law among them) who really didn't want to vote for Trump, and were very excited about Bernie. They would have voted for him, but would rather vote for Trump than Hillary. What the DNC fails to realize is that you win elections by winning the votes of people who might have voted for the other candidate. Bernie would have done that; Hillary did not. Joe only won because he has a penis. Otherwise, he and Hillary were virtually-identical candidates. I was sure Trump would beat him the first time, and there's basically no chance he won't win this time.


It was Donna Brazile, and yes.


And if Bernie had won the nomination then those moderate Democrats would've voted for Trump or stayed home?   Remember Obama ran a pretty progressive campaign for the time in 2008. And some primary Hillary voters still went to McCain 


The point is that Bernie wouldn't have won the nomination, progressives take it as a fact that the ONLY reason Bernie lost was some kind of establishment manipulation, when the previous comment's whole point was that Bernie would've lost the primary either way. The idea that Bernie wins the primary is the progressive delusion, not how Bernie would've won in a general (which is also not a given btw).


https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/01/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-poll/index.html >Sanders – who enjoys the most positive favorable rating of any presidential candidate in the field, according to the poll – tops all three Republicans by wide margins: 57% to 40% against Cruz, 55% to 43% against Trump, and 53% to 45% against Rubio. Sanders fares better than Clinton in each match-up among men, younger voters and **independents**.


That's a poll of 1,000 people (0.0003% of the population) from 7 months before the election with Sanders only topping Clinton vs Trump by 3 points and the poll had a margin of error of 3 points. That's as far from conclusive as you can possibly get. I'm a die-hard Bernie supporter, but thinking this poll means anything is ridiculous and just demonstrates how little you and other Americans understand statistics and polling.


Sshhhhhh!!! Nooooo!!! Don't bring up facts that show Hillary was a horrible candidate who tried to buy her way to the 1st woman president title and made sure that nobody would stand in her way! Don't mention the fact that the DNC was literally funded and bankrolled by the Clinton Foundation! Bernie was obviously a SUPER weak candidate. Look at how few billionaires were able to buy him! It's crazy to think that the largest low donation grass roots presidential campaign in history could stand a chance against the ruling billionaire class. Silly silly citizens.


I don't understand why so many far on the progressive wing don't understand why many voters are "let me hear both sides before I decide." It's a normal human reaction when people aren't fully informed on a topic, and very few people immerse themselves in politics to such a degree they know for sure.


Are Bernie's policies that far left?


In America, yes.


Which is, coincidentally, where the election is taking place.


in the rest of the world, no


I voted for him in primaries. I will vote for him for senator in November. One reason I moved to Vermont was so he could be my congressman (wife is from here as well)


As much as I love the Bern, he is 82 and will be 88 (or 89) by the end of his next term. Do we really need another Feinstein? I think it’s time to let the next generation take over.


I wish all the older guys that are actually doing good work would start putting young talent front and center. We NEED younger, smarter people in these offices.


Stop saying the rest of the world as if a couple of Scandinavian countries are the only other countries in the world. out of 195 countries, 37 have legalized gay marriage, accounting for only 20% of the world's population. The cost of education around the world is rising, and you'll find only 12 countries offering free college. These policy proposals are not universally welcomed in most countries, and America is not some weird beacon of conservatism.


People somehow how this bizarre idea that Bernie would have won if not for the DNC interfering. I mean, it's impossible to know for sure, sometimes the unexpected happens, but Bernie only really polled well among a specific demographic. People just sort of assume everyone loved him, when that isn't the case. Moderates wouldn't have gotten behind him, most likely.


In 2016 lots of people voted for trump because he was the anti establishment candidate. Bernie would have provided a similar outlet for people. It’s arguable considering how close that Hillary came, that he would have pulled the extra votes.


As someone who is progressive, this is the issue.


You should be proud that no one will ever dissuade you of this thought, no matter how often people show you that the math doesn't add up. Faith is very powerful!"


The DNC did listen to the people, though. She won the primary and had more votes.


But the DNC started pushing her as the winner from day one. They pretty much said she had all the superdelegate votes on lock in the early states. I mean, consider the hype surrounding our first female president. EVERYONE wanted to be holding that card. I understand why it was done, but it backfired. IMO, If it had come down to Bernie vs Trump, Bernie would have won. The party would then be flush with first time voters, and the next four years would have built majorities. His economic policies were too strong. His plans to reinstitute corporate tax rates that work for the people instead of the corporations would have raised our outlook. The work towards universal healthcare would have brought more benefit than people can imagine when it comes to working families, who currently pay as much for healthcare coverage as they do for rent. Bernie probably would not have been able to accomplish all he wanted, but the ball would be rolling instead of being deflated.


We can agree the DNC made terrible decisions getting involved, while also acknowledging that Hillary was always going to win the 2016 primary. Bernie supporters fail to see it for what it is, the DNC trying to force an early capitulation by Bernie so they could rally support around Hillary. It was wrong and unethical, but it's also not crazy by any strectch to understand why the leadership thought it was the right call. [All you have to do is watch Bernie pledge support to Hillary at the convention and watch his supporters completely ignore him, to get why at that point there was some real damage done by Bernie not dropping earlier.](https://youtu.be/XbtUCQtbIWk?t=131)


The people voted for Hillary, not Bernie.


The people voted for the stock market...lets be real


....And they lost.


The Democratic Party had already decided, and they made sure to turn the tide against Bernie every step of the way.


Nah, you'd like to think that. The reality is that the DNC knew that Hillary was going to pull this off regardless and Bernie was fracturing support the longer he hung in. While they should have never meddled, their efforts were to get Bernie to capitulate and limit damage. And you could argue based on voter turnout, that their heads weren't entirely in the wrong place here even if their actions were.


Progressives really need to stop and ask themselves, “if our ideas are so wonderful and well regarded, why do we lose elections so often?” There’s no self reflective thought going on in the far ends of the modern political spectrum. No need for reality to get in the way of feelings.


Seriously dude, after losing Roe don't you think that maybe its time for a change in how things are being handled.


I think it’s definitely a time for change. I think the progressives haven’t convinced the American public that they are the change needed that can fix things. They simply haven’t amassed anywhere near the political weight behind them to win elections and legislate anything at all.


They should’ve listened to the people who also chose Hilary… Bernie lost in 2016 even when you ignore the superdelegates.


Bernie never had a plurality of support, you dingus. At no point did he lead any of the polls. FFS, bernie bros were nearly as cult like and deluded as the Magahats.


Is it worth pointing out that HRC got the nomination because more people voted for her?


A quick fact check. Regardless of who you support/don’t support, Hillary won the primaries and beat Bernie. This is what got her the party nomination.


Thank you came to say this. They screwed over Bernie so hard.


In the primaries, BEFORE THE DNC, Sanders had 10% as many votes as Biden. Socialists don’t vote. Moderate democrats do.


Yeah, the DNC screwed Bernie by making him get fewer votes. Remember when he said super delegates were undemocratic so the DNC conceded to his conditions then he wanted to use super delegates to benefit himself?


Bernie was never going to win, DNC meddling or not. This is frankly becoming the modern version of the South's "lost cause."




The thing is the DNC has a process for voting a candidate. And Hillary won the process. Bernie didn’t win the primary votes Hillary did. I love Bernie Sanders. He did not win the votes from his party members. Unfortunately, the DNC is not a universal democracy machine.


>The dnc should have listened to the people Well thats the first problem right there.


There’s a good chance Bernie would have been better with the electoral college. 1/10 Bernie voters didn’t vote for Hillary. If we had nominated Bernie and all of the neo-libs had “voted blue no matter who”, we could have stopped Trump. Unfortunately, neo-libs might have had to deal with the possibility of a public health insurance option though. Oh, well, let’s just keep moving to the right I guess.


So you agree that Hillary lost because of the Bernie bros?


Fuck all of the way off.  Downvote all you want, Berniebros. The fact that you couldn’t stand voting for a woman is a large part of why we’re in this mess. History will not look upon you kindly. 


Uh. Hilary handily won the popular vote which means more people voted for her than him. Blame the electoral college.


Meh, you play the game with the rules in place ahead of time. Every election has always been about who wins the electoral college. Not as if this was some technical thing that let Trump win the election. It's why candidates spend vast majority of time campaigning in only a few swing states.


The electoral college has one stated purpose, and when it finally comes up, they did nothing. There’s plenty of blame to go around for Trump, but the electoral college definitely deserves a healthy share of it.


The Electoral College keeps less populated states important. It give them a say in elections. I don't know of a different "stated purpose", but it definitely gave those states the power they wanted when the constitution was written. The US may never have happened in the first place if that bargian wasn't struck, so... success?


The thing that boggles my mind is how candidates win or lose entire states. You get 51% of the vote in 11 out of 20 districts, and 30% of the vote in the other 9, you get to win that entire state.


Yeah. There are only a handful of states that aren’t winner-take-all at this point.


They were intended to be a final safeguard against a populist conman lying his way to the presidency.


That's partially true, but mostly the cover story. Really, the electoral college is a left over necessity of the horse and buggy era, but just like the Senate, the nature of the electoral college is designed to level the playing field amongst the states and that's been the case since there were only 13 of them. Basically, the rounding errors that occur when you quantize votes empower smaller states with fewer delegates. Assuming that it's not winner-take-all, a state with 2 delegates that swing 51% towards one candidate might mean that those 2 delegates vote for the same candidate. A state with 16 delegates and a 51% vote for a single candidate might mean that 9/16ths vote for that candidate. It naturally dillutes the power of more populous states, just like the Senate.


> The Electoral College keeps less populated states important. It give them a say in elections. Funny, years ago, my dad made the same argument (he was repeating a typical right-wing radio talking point). I said that, if that's a good reason for the continued existence of the electoral college, then we should give extra voting power to racial minorities, so that their views are also represented. Give them a say in elections. He didn't have a response to that.


I wouldn’t either because that’s stupid


My brother that’s not the zinger you think it is lmao


Our country isn’t named the “United Races of America”


Kind works the opposite imo. Who cares about campaigning in Idaho. Plus, now that most states are solid red/blue only a few swing states matter. Don’t seems the electoral collages’s purpose making the smaller states “mean more” is having the opposite effect


It's about percentages. Idaho's smaller number of delegates means that you can quantize votes towards a single candidate.


But the solid red/blue state’s population is like “my vote doesn’t matter” which discourages voters. What would the total vote(thus the results) really look like if the majority of the people who forgo voting(because why in a solid color state) would actually vote instead of sitting it out. I really believe the EC causes more issues than solves.


That’s a what if that doesn’t matter. You can’t change the system. You have to figure out how to change the outcome within the system.


The electoral college is obsolete and antiquated. It’s too easily abused, so it’s more a risk than an asset. Ask yourselves what would happened if the fake elector plot had gotten Trump elected. Imagine trying to fix that with Trump claiming victory with one key aspect of the electoral process apparently supporting that. We would be done.


Yeah, if the EC went away and popular vote decided, the GOP would have to adjust to compensate and that could be a good thing. They'd have to pick up millions of votes in more urban areas to compete. IMO, Get rid of the EC, elect on popular vote, implement RCV to validate 3rd Parties, implement age cap of \~70, require independent redistricting commissions to attempt to reduce partisan gerrymandering to the extent we see. (i don't know a better solution on redistricting at this stage other than take it out of the hands of legislatures with self-interest). Not to mention some campaign finance regulation to reduce corporate and foreign influence (i dont know the solution to this yet, it's deeper than just 'limit') All pipe dreams, but a man can dream right?


I think this meme is for the people who didn't vote for her...


I think she would have won both if she actually campaigned in the swing states and not the places she’d get elected no matter what.


She and everyone who works for her knew about the electoral college though. She didn't even bother with some places and played the game badly. She acted like she was entitled to the Oval Office and it bit her in the ass.


Her birthday tweet to herself was the funniest example of this


you might as well say "blame human nature" because that's not going to change and it lends itself to no action other than apathy. by the way a lack of action also contributes to anxiety and depression. vote religiously and get involved in local politics. you can't save the world by yourself, but you can be one of the raindrops that causes the flood. and you can feel a little bit better about yourself.


Wow. I can't even. BlueMAGA is real. [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/14/16640082/donna-brazile-warren-bernie-sanders-democratic-primary-rigged](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/14/16640082/donna-brazile-warren-bernie-sanders-democratic-primary-rigged)


No electoral college, no United States.


If you cut through the "snappy comebacks", this is really a valid opinion.


FUck hillary. She was a horrible candidate and should have reached out to Bernie Voters. She didn't. After she got the nomination she threw bernie up to the mezzanine and didn't even have him speak at the convention which was stupid of her. She is an egomanical asshole who is supposed to be some standard bearer for feminism when she STAYED WITH HER POS CHEATING HUSBAND for political gain. hillary is trash


> She is an egomanical asshole who is supposed to be some standard bearer for feminism when she STAYED WITH HER POS CHEATING HUSBAND for political gain. And who also worked hard at discrediting multiple claims of sexual harassment and even assault by her husband, Bill. Perhaps if the *other* Bill (Cosby) had enlisted her support he would not have gotten in all the trouble he did.


And that right there is why America is in the situation it is now... Instead of making a choice, they stayed home and gave Trump the White House. Instead of picking the lesser, they were stubborn and now have to deal with the mess that resulted. GG.


Also, she tries to get violent video games pulled from US shelves.


People love to call each current election the “most important” election of our lifetimes. Nope. 2016 was the most important and we blew it. Everything since is just clean up.


2012. Obama lost the moderates and still won. And since then the democrats thought they can just ditch what they think, and count on an excited base and a "minority coalition". Except they didn't have Obama anymore. Edit: typos




Sorry, did Bush also try to end democracy and become a dictator? Must have missed that.


The Supreme Court kinda decided the election. It was a big deal and Gore only conceded as to not destabilize the democratic process. Sounds adorable now.


No, nope, sorry, no. The Democratic Party shouldn't have forced Hillary into the candidate position when Bernie Sanders was polling higher against Trump than she was in almost every state. They completely flubbed the 2016 election by failing to prepare for a Trump candidacy and failing to consider the depths of frustration and anger coming from folks on both sides of the political spectrum who were so fucking desperate for a populist candidate that they flocked to Trump after Hillary won the nomination. The national Democratic party screwed the pooch royally in the lead-up to 2016, and they have kept screwing the fucking dog's corpse up through today. Now personally, I'm voting in November, and I'm NOT voting for a lying fascist who after 8 years still doesn't understand how a fucking tarriff works. But MMW, unless there's a DRASTIC change in the Democratic landscape between now and November, the Democratic Party just handed Trump the presidency yesterday.


Forced? The Democrat voters in the primary chose her. Nobody forced. She got more votes.


Yeah forced. The party leadership endorsed Hillary and they threw all their funding toward her campaign and against Bernie's in the run-up to the primary. They pre-picked the winner and used their influence and their financing to ensure that she won the primary. They spent a lot of time, energy, and treasure to emphasize her and de-emphasize Bernie. Remember the DNC email hacking scandal? Those emails revealed collaboration across the DNC factions to align their support behind Clinton.


Do you mean the sociopath who wanted nothing more than to fulfill her lifelong dream as a War President? The one who lost to an orange clown because she was too lazy to campaign in critical swing states? That one?


She was responsible for chip, which was pretty cool. If you ignore her war crimes and classism.




Nah, we should've summoned the spirits of the underworld to resurrect George Washington.


I did my best


I think about this often actually.


Some of the same people saying this are now talking shit about Biden. The real lesson people should learn is: Vote for the Democrat. They may be boring, or misspeak sometimes, but they are not fucking fascists who have a plan to take away people's rights in Project 2025.


"but but but hillary wasn't a good candidate-" motherfucker the democrats could have nominated a house plant and it'd have been a better choice than trump shut up and eat your damn peas. If you don't like it, push for voting reform so we can vote in methods that let us pick the actually exciting 3rd parties or whatever while still groaning and saying "Well if it comes down to it i'd prefer shit on my hands VS having my hands burnt to cinders" also look up the details on Project 2025


Hillary should have been a better candidate. Obama should have made more of an effort to get his SC pick. Don’t fucking look at me with my one measly vote.


Wtf more could Obama have done? Senate literally refused to even have the interview, they never were gonna allow the liberal black man to appoint someone to SCOTUS.


Your one vote is the only thing in your comment that you had any control over.


The majority of Americans did, as well with Gore.


No thanks


OP, you're a fucking idiot. Hillary Clinton is the person who put us in this mess. Her goons in the Democratic Party rigged the 2016 Democratic Primary so that she would win. Democracy was lost at that point. To have voted for her in the 2016 general election would have been condoning election fraud. The real person you needed to vote for in 2016 was Bernie Sanders. Unfortunately, you establishment Democrats are always content pushing the most disliked and unqualified candidates for office. You refuse to learn or admit mistakes. This country is a shit show because of you.


You sound almost as delusional as the MAGAhat people. Bernie never even came close to winning the primary and the Bernie bros just made excuses for it the entire time. It's sad and dumb. Yeah, I think he's a good man at his core who would never do any of the awful shit that Trump does but don't fool yourself into thinking Bernie was ever anywhere close to winning the primary. Nobody rigged Bernie's loss. He was never going to win in the first place.


This times a million. They literally robbed a sweet old man who only wanted better for the country to run Hillary instead. The perpetually unlikable Hillary.


Most of us did!




Hilary ran her campaign in the worst way possible. Like a narcist "I'm not Trump". Also ALOT of MeToo staffers came out and accused Hilary for threatening their lives and keeping them silent on Bill Clinton sexually assaulting them. Let's not forget Hilary is accused of killing people who were going to testify against her that it literally became a meme online for a VERY good reason. She is also a corporate Democrat meaning she is deep inside the lobbyist's pockets! So don't you dare think things would have been better with that lobbyist puppet in the white house.


This post is so unbelievably stupid. America is in this mess right now precisely **BECAUSE** the Dems chose Hillary as the candidate in 2016. They chose one of the least likable politicians in the American political sphere as the alternative to a dangerous fascist who plays on peoples fears. They played political games amongst the establishment then, they did it again in 2020 by selecting a man who couldnt possibly serve two terms, leaving them with the choice in 2024 between; losing their incumbent advantage **or** selecting a walking corpse as the 2024 candidate. The Democrats are a shortsighted and polticially inept party, and they put themselves and America in this situation. And its playing out exactly how it was always going to.


Hillary was one of the most popular politicians in America until the conservative slander apparatus know as the national media took aim at her while consistently treating trump with kid gloves, all while Russia stoked the fire. I bet you can't even come up with a reason why you dislike her, can you?


I wasnt fucking old enough 😡😭☹️


But voting Trump into the office of the President was Nasir al-Wuhayshi's dying wish!


the Jill Stein crowd where you at


There was no way we could have known. /s


I did vote for Hillary, but she wasn't strong enough of a candidate. The Democrats should have nominated Bernie.


I voted for Bernie first lol


The Clinton’s are shitbags.


I agree with the sentiment of the meme…but since when are black women “AdviceAnimals”


Should have been Bernie


Agreed Hilary should have won, but the DNC has always been fairly good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. There's no guarantee another geriatric (or near it) wouldn't have been a DNC frontrunner at this point.  Though at least we would have had a liberal majority supreme court by now.


Hillary, while eminently qualified, and probably the most capable candidate that has run in the last 20 years, was never gonna win. The right did too thorough a job of absolutely smearing her throughout her career. It was wholly unjustified and filled with patently false accusations, but enough middle-right independent voters bought into it and the latent misogyny that still permeates our culture made it nearly impossible for her to win.


Democrats always blame their losses on progressives. They insult them and still expect them to turn out for their guy/gal in November. Their outreach sucks


But….but…..her EMAILS!!!!!


We did. Millions and millions of us did. And we will again in November provided she girds her loins and steps forward to lead.


We all shoulda backed Bernie


Supreme Court shouldn't have put Bush in office.


Nope. Fuck that entitled bitch. In hindsight, obviously, I was wrong. But in 2016, I preferred the trainwreck before I'd welcome her in. Bernie could have convinced me to go to the polls. Hilary acted like it was her birthright


And people don’t realize how many democrats were turned off because of her and voted Trump just to spite. I know a handful of lifelong Democrats who just said fuck it, let’s try something new.


They were complete idiots


I feel like Elizabeth Warren would have had a great shot. She was a blend of Bernie and Hilary, but without all the baggage.


I changed my voter registration to Democrat to vote for Bernie in the primary. I refuse to vote for Hillary as even now I hate her.


We did vote for Hillary. She won the popular vote. He won the electoral college.


We did. To the tune of 3 million votes more. Electoral College boned us.




No. The DNC should have worked with Bernie and left the rivalry to the candidates, however Bernie would have hurt their wealthy funders pocket book slightly so that’s a no go. The Democratic Party has had atleast a year to key up a new presidential candidate. But nope. What worries me is I am going to vote for Biden as I would have voted for Hillary had I been a citizen then, it’s to stop trump


We did vote for Hilary. It didn't matter.


The Butcher of Libya? Didn't she win the popular vote anyway?


The Democratic party nominating process is basically "It's your turn" with little consideration for qualification or electibility. Get rid of the super-delegates and let the voters decide. Hillary should never have been the nominee.


That's exactly what happened. Bernie lost, deal with it.


Hillary won the popular vote, people did vote for her


Everyone I know who voted for her were on the fence and nearly didn't voite or voted for trump legit if anyone else was up there I think they would have beat Trump.


Bernie should’ve gotten the Democrat nomination.


Fuck no Hilary isn’t a good alternative any you are mentally ill for thinking so


They should have let Bernie be the nominee Heavy handed interference tipping the scales for preferred candidates is a strategy that is backfiring before our very eyes Who could have seen it coming?


In 2016, like, half my friends were like "I can't vote for Hillary, she's a war criminal" and the other half were like "It's her or Trump. Do you have any idea what a Trump presidency will do?" and the first half said "don't care, I can't vote for a war criminal". And when Trump won, this half held their head high and said "at least I didn't vote for a war criminal". I am no longer friends with these people. Now, the half that begged and pleaded for them to accept reality, and then cried about Trump winning are saying "I can't vote for Biden, he's a war criminal" and I don't have any more friends saying "it's him or Trump. We already know what a Trump presidency will do". I'm so very tired.


Hillary was a terrible candidate. Can we please stop this lie like she was this amazing person or candidate?


Hillary should not have rigged the primaries, she just had to have her time, man fuck her


I blame the "neither party is good I'm gonna vote 3rd party/not gonna vote" people. Trump voters are a cult that treat him like a God and will vote for him no matter what. Democratic voters who say they don't want to vote for the current democratic leader for this or that reason are just giving the election to Trump. A 3rd party will never win and republican support is unwavering on their side. A 3rd party vote is a vote not just thrown in the garbage but a vote given to the other side.


Not sure if this is satire or not?


If every American voted, the republicans would never win another election, and they know it. Unfortunately too many people just can’t be bothered, because “politics doesn’t really affect their lives”.


Y'all should have not railroaded Bernie. “I knew—everybody knew—that this was not a fair deal.” - Harry Reid (2016) “We heard loudly and clearly yesterday from Bernie supporters that the process was rigged, and it was. And you’ve got to be honest about it. That’s why we need a chair who is transparent.” - Tom Perez 2017 Investigating “...whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process”, “I had found my proof, and it broke my heart” - Donna BrazileSen. When asked if she agreed with the notion that it was rigged? “Yes,” - Sen. Elizabeth Warren “For their part, the DNC and Wasserman Schultz have characterized the DNC charter’s promise of ‘impartiality and evenhandedness’ as a mere political promise—political rhetoric that is not enforceable in federal courts. The Court does not accept this trivialization of the DNC’s governing principles. While it may be true in the abstract that the DNC has the right to have its delegates ‘go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way,’ the DNC, through its charter, has committed itself to a higher principle.” - The Court


We did. Hillary won the popular vote.


Maybe she should’ve marketed better?


It should have been Bernie but the Hilary folks were selfish




DNC shoulda put Bernie through like he earned


The Dems should've given the American people a better candidate than Hillary and Biden. Both were terrible. All they have is "We're not Trump". This alone can't and shouldn't be enough.