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Door locks exist for this very reason. Also, as far as embarrassing moments, walking in on someone using the restroom is pretty far down the list, many more embarrassing things you can walk in on :)


He should have locked the door. It wasn’t your fault and you immediately walked right out and apologized. It happens sometimes when you live with other people and they don’t lock the bathroom door


Definitely more embarrassing things to walk in on. Always lock the door kids


OMG like it’s sooo embarrassing omg . Usually we lock the doors but I guess this day he didn’t I didn’t blame him it was my fault OMG I FEEL EMBARRASSED


It was your fault he didn't lock the door like you usually do in the house? Sounds backwards to me. If the default expectation is that people lock the door when using the restroom you were of course ok in expecting no one to be there when the door wasn't locked.


Not to downplay your feelings, but don't beat yourself up. Everyone goes to the bathroom. Not everyone even cares if they get walked in on. My family would just walk in on you if they had something to say. Also... Have you never run out of toilet paper and had to have a family member bring you some? You're fine.


you will be ok, just thank Jesus that it wasn’t something worse you walked in on


We don't have locks where I live. What we do is we keep the door open at all times. If the door is closed it means the bathroom is occupied.


🤦‍♀️🙄it’s not that big of a deal!




Seriously. Like ok?


Right to prison! Tell your family goodbye!


please stop . i overthink way to much


Ok ok, I talked to the judge of embarrassing moments, and they said they'd let it slide.. this time!


Try not to worry about it. It was just an accident. He should have locked the door. Don’t be so hard on yourself.




Unfortunately I came from a family of 6 with one bathroom. That door was always open bc people needed to shower and get ready at the same time for events. It will be okay. You already apologized.


My advice... Say sorry and move on. It was an accident and it doesn't have to be a huge deal.


I flew to Ireland to meet my family-to-be and get married in my fiancé's church. The very first day, I accidentally walked in on my new father-in-law because he hadn't closed the door all the way. I thought I would die of humiliation. I'm turning 64 this year, so I didn't. It's not that bad. In fact, if you pretend it never happened, he will too.


He's your brother. He's 12. There are wayyyy worse things to walk in on lol I was flashed in middle school by one of my classmates, because another boy thought it would be funny to pull his shorts down while I was talking to him. Unfortunately, his boxers came down with them. Since he was standing on a chair, his dick was right in front of my face. Everyone involved made the shocked Pikachu face, laughed hysterically, and moved on. It's only awkward if you choose to make it awkward.


I don't know, man, that flash would've had me freaked out. 😂. Anyway, you sound like my wife. She has really bad anxiety and has so many scenarios created in her head before she can even process what happened. Just apologize, and probably delete the photo unless it was just the flash. Families walk in on each other all the time. Now, if you make it habitual to the point that it's beyond a one-time accident, then you will have to deal with consequences. Just remember, accidents happen. All you can do is be honest about it, apologize for it, and make amends with yourself that you are human and will make mistakes but no matter how big or how small they will be, I'm a good person and will do my better in the future.


yeah I didn’t take a picture , I apologize after I process about what happened lol and I apologize right after


That's good! I'm glad you apologized and took responsibility for it. Just remember to make peace with yourself as well. Plus, it could've been worse! Just remember life is chalk full of them, the good news is that they don't last forever but as you get older, you'll appreciate them because they make wonderful stories too! 😂


I mean this with all the love and respect..please seek help. If this is something you are having a hard time getting over and it’s causing this much anxiety you may be dealing with some underlying mental health issues. I’m not trying to diagnose but ruminating on events like this can be a symptom of OCD.


Straight to jail.




please stop I’m not like that .


They are just messing with you. Nothing will happen.


Hands up, you're under arrest!




Things happen. Apologize. Then never ever let that happen again. You will be fine.


It was an accident. Maybe knock next time.


It happens. Deep breaths. We’re a one bathroom household and sometimes people have to go while you’re showering or whatnot. Nobody loves it, we just take care of business and move on.


You didn't do it on purpose. Its okay. What I must appreciate is you are considerate enough to say sorry. But its really okay!


I had a female coworker accidentally walk into the men's room as I was washing my hands. It was hilarious how embarrassed she was. Had she walked in thirty seconds earlier, we both would have been pretty embarrassed. Just feel fortunate he was actually using the toilet. Had it been something else, that would have been much worse.


it's not that big of a deal lol


my brother used to come open the door while i was pooping and then walk away, leaving it open. i think youre okay.


I live by myself, so I don't lock the door, but if there is more than one person in a household, people ought to lock the door. As long as it's a one-time thing. You'll be fine.


The way you wrote this makes me wonder if you walked in on him in the bathroom **NOT** exactly using the bathroom. If he was genuinely going to the bathroom there are far worse things that could have been seen, even if he wasn’t using the bathroom and doing other things, its still something that happens, yes it’s odd and weird being sibling but, 💩 happens


You already apologized once. It's probably better to simply never mention it again. On the upside, you walked in on him peeing. Not doing anything else 12 year old boys might be seen doing in the bathroom.


It's his fault for not locking the door, also dw it happens to all of us. I've walked in on my younger brother taking a shower with the door open




This is normal and I think almost anyone that lives with others have had someone walk in on them. Unless you are rich and everyone and their own personal bathrooms and never uses a communal one. Dont make a big deal of it. Apologize. The more weird you make it the more weird it will be.


How are you supposed to wipe yourself if you’re not allowed to put the lights on? That’s really weird.


It happens. Tell him to lock the door when he's in there and don't give it another thought.


OMG, that sounds so embarrassing! 😱 But accidents happen, and it was totally unintentional. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. It's great that you apologized to your brother right away and made sure he was okay. It's clear you care about his feelings. Don't worry, time will heal the awkwardness. Just keep being kind to him and yourself. And hey, if you can both find some humor in the situation, maybe it'll turn into a funny story you can laugh about in the future! 😅


These sorts of things happen when you spend a long enough time living with people. It's genuinely just something to apologize for and let live in the past. 


It’s embarrassing, I’ll admit that, but if you’re apologizing too much you’re dragging it out making it more embarrassing than it needs to be.


You say "my bad" and move on.


Accidents happen, it’s no big deal. Just apologize in the moment and let it go. No need to hang onto it. It was just a simple mistake that anyone could’ve made. He should’ve locked the door, you could’ve knocked first, but it is what it is.


You must register and identify yourself as a RSO now. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules


It’s not too deep just apologize and move on and maybe knock next time 😭


One bathroom household Portapotties that don't lock right It's happened to me A LOT over the years. On each side, walked in on people and had them on me. It really is a "lmao, sorry" and then move on with your life situation.