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Here’s a card list for the core set https://aeonsend.fandom.com/wiki/Aeon%27s_End_(Core_Set)


It looks like you’re missing some of the legacy cards. I don’t know offhand if those are in the reset pack or not. The deck where you said, you have odds only may have the evens on the backs.




The reset pack contains cards from several different decks, so it's possible they're in there.


Reposting my response from your other thread, as it's mostly still all viable. The only thing I'd add here is that it looks like you have all the mages and nemesis from the main box, but are still missing some core cards. I don't recall how high the deck goes, but it's larger than the 137 you have listed. You should be able to tell what's missing by going through those AE cards in order. Each mage should have 1 signature card, you should have 38 crystals, 16 sparks, 22 basic nemesis cards as well as about 50 specific nemesis cards. I think it's a bit over 300 total. I don't see the 4 mages from Legacy but those are replaced in the reset pack. Also if you only have odd numbered E cards, then you're missing all the instruction cards which are not replaced. The core 2nd edition should have come with 8 mages, you can check contents [here.](https://aeonsend.fandom.com/wiki/Aeon%27s_End_(Core_Set)) The 4 Legacy mages are the same as what you'd find in the reset pack, with most of the board empty with room for customization throughout the campaign. Cards listed with I II etc are all from Legacy. The base game I don't even believe had stop decks, but all those cards are just numbered or have AE at the front, depending on your printing. The rest you listed are from Legacy. You should have Ia, Ib, Ic, Id, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, E, L and an END deck. Cards with E are part of the evolve deck, some of which are replaced with the reset pack but I don't believe most of the deck as many cards are just one off effects and not cards you'd modify. The campaign is pretty unplayable without this deck. The only cards I believe that are replaced in a reset pack are: E5, E13, E17, E19, E21, E35, E49, E53 and E59. The L cards are the campaign introductions and conclusions, as well as some player/nemesis cards that get marked up during play. If you had a reset pack you'd replace L6-13 and L20-26. If you don't have any of the L deck, you wouldn't get most of these replaced and functionally don't have your campaign guide for the story. The rulebook contains little/none of the story, it was all printed on the cards and tells you when to add each deck and how to build each fight. If you're missing Ib and Ic you're likely missing most of the cards you'd need for the first chapter, some of which carry over. Most of the player cards in Ib are replaced in the reset pack, though not all. These are mostly crystals and sparks, plus the turn order deck and reference cards. I believe everything except the sparks are replaced in the reset pack. Ic is the boss deck from the first fight and wouldn't be replaced. You could skip most of the first fight if you needed to, it's mostly a tutorial fight, but it helps to teach the game if you're new to it. It sounds like you have a very unplayable Legacy that even a reset pack wouldn't fix, I'm sorry to say.


Thank you for the detailed response. I've found I do have all of the core game, as far as I know, and as you said missing a bunch of the legacy stuff. Eh, it is what it is, seemed like a real nice guy so I won't bother him about it, mistakes and accidents happen. And he had also gotten it secondhand. As long as he enjoys the games we traded for, I'm going to consider it even.


Fair. The reset pack would get you some of the cards you have missing, and at the very least you can import those nemesis into your main game, as well as many of the market cards. If you don't have a copy of how to carry over content, there's a scan [here](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3009047/after-campaign-booklette) that tells you how to do it. At the minimum, you should get 6 (7 if you follow [this homebrew for chapter 5 boss](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2134685/spoilers-tweaking-the-ch5-nemesis-for-use-in-gener)) new nemesis for regular fights. It sounds like you're missing some or all of the basic nemesis cards from Legacy so you wouldn't have those, but you can make custom mages and carry those over, just keeping in mind they end up stronger than normal mages and are better used in the expedition mode you don't have that was introduced in New Age. This is also explained in that end of campaign booklet I linked.