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What is this Jeanther posting Sunday? *Not complaining tho*


I have a counter argument: Mondstadt Mondays.


Hmm now that's not a bad idea


What about Wealthy Wednesdays and Thundering Thursdays?


If I was a mod I would make something similar


Petition to make you mod rn. OI MODS ! recruit this Chad right here, he deserves the position !


Don't force them into it


I know, was half joking there. (It would also be pretty funny if that actually worked.)


I can apply for it next recruitment i guess


Those sound awesome.


We reckon that ship's got a special place in your heart. Enjoy the ride :)


I was about to play WT but screw that I am writing another chapter, it's about time anyway


When you finish it, could you share it if u want? Would love to read it.


Every chapter I upload, I share here so do not worry


Yo, if you post some Yaether content I’ll send you 20$ CashApp frfr


I use Paypal


In that case 30$ PayPal


I think bro is desperate


M m me?-…. D d d desperate (UwU)~ I I would never ara~~~ I j j just n n need Yaether c c c connn t t tenttt… D d d don’t, b b b b b b bully m m me b b baaakaaaa~ 😡⚡️




My reaction to that information: https://preview.redd.it/6prq7brzs17d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e988564bc116b8d8cf9e42f27035ba01ab539b23




I need my Yaether content BAD


Fr , even I made a post recently haha


I like your username bro.


A beautiful pair Aether gonna reward Jean for all her hardworking


Aether, my guy, always with his moves Marvelous art! Thanks for sharing this!


You should thank the artist who made this :)


Short king being top will be the best night imaginable


Or…Best Knight imaginable. I’ll see myself out now.


Know, know, **I** will see myself out now




Source: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4466622


He's not top...until they get horizontal, if you get what I mean


“I don’t want you to think about *anything* except us, for the rest of the day Meine Dame.” - Aether.


"No problem, Mein Liebling" - Jean


Aether smiled softly, pulling out the Serenitea Pot and grasping Jean’s hand as they were teleported inside of it. He held Jean’s hand as they entered the mansion. When they stepped inside, they were met with the sight of what he had whipped up shortly before he visited the Acting Grandmaster’s office: a simple round table sat in the center of the room, containing two chairs on either side, on the table itself rested a tray containing a steaming Mushroom Pizza. Jean smiled softly, showing her appreciation by placing a loving peck on his lips. “Thank you, Meine Liebe,” she said as he helped her sit down. A smile graced his lips as they both dug into the meal. As they finished, he took her by the hand and lead her to the bathroom, the smell of vanilla candles and soap hitting his nose as they entered. “Oh, Aether,” Jean said with a small flush to her cheeks as she took in the romantic sight. No more words were said between them as they slowly undressed each other, entering the tub and letting out a mutual sigh of bliss as the warm water touched their skin. Aether rested his back against the wall of the tub, pulling Jean back so she rested against his chest, he placed a soft kiss on her shoulder, a sweet moan leaving her lips. “Enjoying yourself, Schätzchen?” he asked softly, nuzzling her neck gently. (If you want to build off this you can)


Holy shit, this is Absolute Cinema 😭😭😭 You are so good man. Also I might use some of this for my FanFiction, I appreciate it bro


Yeah you can. I appreciate the fact you think so highly of me.


you are an amazing friend, perhaps a brother figure to me


Thank you, I appreciate that.


Jean: ohh~ Aether~ let's make every single moment count tonight, I want this to last forever~ *Jean then proceeds to lick and kiss Aether's neck*


Aether moaned, twisting Jean around so she was facing him, placing a soft peck on her lips. “I love you Jean,” he said stroking her face gently.


"i love you too honey, show me your 100% power-" - Jean


Aether smiled, gently pushing Jean away from him so he could get out the tub, reaching his hand out, he helped her stand. He reached for a pair towels, they then dried off in relative silence, offering loving kisses as they did. When they finished, a small gasp left Jean’s lips as Aether picked her up in a bridal carry and began to walk upstairs. Laying her on the bed, Aether hovered over her, a gentle smile on his face. “A hardworking woman like you deserves to be pampered every once in a while, Jean,” he punctuated his words by leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips.


Jean: "oh aether when you talk like that- you make a woman go mad, ahhh yes" \*the intensity increases even more\*


*Hours later* Aether ran his hands through Jean’s unkempt and sweaty hair as they cuddled.  “You do know how to treat a lady, my lovely knight,” Jean said with a smile as she rested her head on his chest, tracing invisible circles on it.


Aether: "you're so warm" aether said with a smiling blushing face, Jean sleeps on Aether's chest to rest, as the blond pair lower their intensity. Sorry I'm a horrible poet 


Well, well, what do we have here


Aether:stop over working yourself


the word is dom, unless you're implying that aether gets pegged *all the time*.


He does get dominated by the electro mommies


One would think, however according to the Alchemical Ascension event, Lisa really lights up whenever the Traveler uses more confident and assertive responses as opposed to more humble ones. Lisa surprisingly would elect to be dominated by the Traveler (Aether or Lumine).


Lisa isn't flirty anymore? Damn I'm sad now. No more "cutie" :(


Oh she still flirts, but it’s less teasing and more genuine, especially now that the Traveler flirts and even teases right back. Lisa’s latest birthday card and letter point this out.


I just readt it right now, she still seems teasing, especially the amount of times she put "~" in her letter lol


The dead giveaway is her noting both the time passing along with there having been no response from the Traveler to her many letters regarding whether her potions, especially her Harry Potter luck potion, had helped them with finding their sibling (as of 4.7 Story Quest, it appears to have done so). Now she does recover and then displays her usual confidence when talking about dinner with the Traveler. But, the Traveler games Lisa back by not responding and instead sneaking a surprise gift (a Fontaine Desserts and Treats Recipe book) to Lisa while she’s napping in Jean’s office. She wakes up surprised and is almost dismayed by the prospect of having missed the Traveler’s visit. Of course, with Paimon being bad at hiding, Lisa is pleased to find the Traveler is still in town. Lisa games right back wondering if the Traveler was planning on just watching her prepare all those tea time treats by herself and invites them and Paimon to help her prepare the birthday treats for their birthday tea together. Apparently the book is a reference to Traveler and Paimon’s newfound love of Fontaine desserts from when Navia cooked for them during that nation’s Archon Quest). It’s a really cute and more active interaction between Lisa and Traveler than in previous birthdays.


Damn... Respect to you for writing all of this man, you put so much effort 


Thanks 😊 I am a lore and story SuperFreak.


Are you a FanFiction writer aswell? Just being curious 


He short


Nah, he'd be dommed so hard and immediately be indoctrinated with the Knights. https://preview.redd.it/lspbnae67z6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff8502043e758012065f6d2c1b52fce346827d2


Jean will summon Lisa, and Aether is back to being bottom again