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My guess they are more yae x ei shipping since they don't ever delete that content


Ngl, I really despise that ship because it is beyond yuri toxic. They literally just completely rewrite their characters to fit their headcanon. It hurts to read what they claim the characters are, like you can have your ships. But don’t be a toxic, sexist lil shit and ruin their character


That's just most yuri shippers tbh. "She hates men", "Made for lesbians", etc. Proceeds to be straight up heterophobic and misandrist. But if you don't agree with them, you're homophobic, sexist, racist, and whatever you can think of. Then you get death threats, doxxed and get sent gore images. Yet, you're the bad guy because you liked a man and a woman more...


God I love how those people on (obviously) twitter claimed that Robin from honkai star rail was lesbian and then Mihoyo proceed to pair her with only male MC in all the promotional videos.


And now they're perpetually mad that Firefly is being shipped with TB by Mihoyo themselves, and marketed mainly with Caelus, even tho there some with Stelle too, but now they feel they can't ship Firefly with anyone else, so they proceed to the next step which is call everyone else incel.


God have you seen that thumbnail where asmongold photoshopped himself with robin and twitter was like "GET AWAY FROM HER"?


I have, I do watch him. It's funny to see them fall for the most obvious bait. These people are literally more parasocial than any self insert or harem enjoyer.


Basically how it goes


Honestly the whole "she hates men" as a reason to insist that a female character is a lesbian does nothing but paint a really negative image on them, in a way that makes misandry and lesbianism become so synonymous with each other. Its why I have such a negative view on lesbians. Heck, Undyne is still better than most lesbian characters I've seen in most media. Sure I'm no fan of lesbian romance, but at least Undyne is no misandrist, nor is her sexuality her only defining trait.


Exactly, the "she like women" and "she hates men" mean different things, but these people believe they're the same thing, and want to be validated on their hate, so they project their shit unto some anime characters. Ngl, been a while since I read Undertale so I don't remember how was ahe at all, but as long as her sexuality isn't a defining that of hers, then she's better than most LGBT western characters. On that topic, it's funny how some people want to force sexuality on anime characters or hate the existing ones, yet anime has better lesbian and gay characters in general. They're just "this characters is x,y,z. Oh and they happen to be gay." I do like lesbian romance, but I limit my consumption of them to Eastern productions for obvious reasons.


Literally those stupid ass -1000000 billion iq mfs who are mad sensitive af twitter/X kids


>But if you don't agree with them, you're homophobic, sexist, *racist*... Meanwhile around 3.4, a Yae main called me a "Turk-r0ach" in the game, solely for helping 3 Ei mains as a Zhongli main. (I censored the racial slur, but hope nobody would report me for this.)


Jesus man, I didn't even know about that slur. It really makes me so sad these people taint the reputation of Yae (and Genshin/Hoyo games in general) since she's just a great character, but no, now someone hear Yae, and mostly thing of Yae × Ei toxic shippers.


This is like unfortunately very true


It’s really close to the point idek if I want to have Yae on my team because of the pure toxicity she has in her community


look as someone who is bi curious, yuri and yaoi shippers gotta be some real shitty people sometimes and give the homophobes more reason to hate you


Funny cause Yea-Ei is technically a grooming ship, if you think about bit longer.


I've never thought about this, and now that you've brought this up... I can finally see why many people say that the Yae x Ei ship itself is kinda awful.


It seems the same way for navia and clorinde


Don't get me started at Arle x Furina I had to argue with someone why the fk is their headcanon real and I asked for a source and that Arle x Furina was a great relationship, yet I was pinned as "sexist" with zero evidence given to me as why in the first place. But luckily, people didn't back down and tried to tell the toxic person that ship may be ok for you but it's not worth to be praised on the general fandom public, so they deleted their comments


She gave furina a traumatic event and people ships them together


What is it with people making Yuri ships based on characters that hate or traumatized each other?


Stockholm syndrome fetish


Like. Keep that fetish to yourself


Yeah, I hear stockholm syndrome is nice this time of year. -Michael De Santa


~~Because Sesbian Lex is hot.~~ /s They probably see those characters as mere objects rather than actual characters and would pretend otherwise.


Exactly, while I don't like abusive heterosexual relationships either, it always annoyed me when an abusive lesbian ship gets praised for doing the same things as an abusive hetero one. I bet if Arlechinno or Clorinde were men, more people would be more opposed to shipping them with Furina or Navia respectively.


I’d hope not, if they aren’t toxic abt the ship I’m fine. But it still bothers me a lil bit because Yae is Ei’s familar and Ei also raised Yae along side Saiiguu. It’s not my personal cup of tea and I’m bi, but I’m not gonna bash em. It’s just a decent toxic ship in my personal opinion.


That's basically IT. "Two hot character existing: I ship them!" And now i like to think that it's just Fetish, because it IS.


Probably not the intention. Probably a bonus/byproduct in their quest to seemingly make all tall female characters be perceived by the majority as a "cannon" Yuri character. When there's nothing good, they can either give up or scrape the bottom of the barrel. They chose the latter, even though it's pretty horrid. https://preview.redd.it/6fsbobd94u7d1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=b334c2cf70e86626fa9027fbaa1c64f62ac52a5b Still, it's the Internet so I'm not sure if these ships are just products of last-ditch efforts to bring "non-Shenlan" Yuri ship to Arlecchino, Furina, Navia, and Clorinde's shipping table, or is it because they genuinely like a toxic relationship dynamic (and ofc gets a free pass because it's a Yuri ship)




Yuri fans will call Aether x girl ships "mischaracterization" yet Shenhe x Yelan is a more blatant example that they are completely different characters in that ship In fact, Shenhe has one of the strongest connections towards Aether that it wouldn't make sense for her to be close to anyone else aside from her mom and sister.


Yeah....same for Ayaka and yet soom ppl ship Ayaka and Yoimiya (Yoimiya also has said such nice things about childe...but guess what? No one ships them cuz they opposite genders)


Don't even forget that Xianyun's Two 'DAUGHTERS' are Being shipped.


Based on this chart, it seems that Rosaria and Xianyun are the only tall female characters that aren't automatically slapped with the "obligatory lesbian" label, which kinda makes sense when you look into how their portrayed. Rosaria...barely shows up, and when she does, she usually disappears shortly afterwards, which results in her having very few character interactions overall. In fact she hardly shows up that I actually forgot she exists sometimes, and I think the same is true for many. Xianyun on the other hand while she is close to two female characters, those female characters are her daughters. The rest of her interactions seem to be with male characters, including Mountain Shaper and Moon Carver. Sure there's Madam Ping, but that's small potatoes compared to the amount of male characters she interacts with.


Agreed. Also, Xianyun has a genuine "mother" vibe and which is a big focus of her. She's also portrayed as a bird secluded in the mountains, taking care of her two daughters for most of the game's lifespan so far. Plus, there's Mountain Shaper & Moon Carver. But they might drag her into the Yuri circle if Hoyo decided to make Madame Ping a playable character. Rosaria still has her ship with Barbara, but she's unfortunately a forgotten character. Kinda hard for ships to grow. Plus, there's a bigger ship with Kaeya. So she isn't slapped with that label yet.


Rosaria is basically a nothing character, hell she hardly interacts with anyone.


Conversely, even if it's Aether, some hypocrites believe in the notion of "pick someone in his own size" in their silly romance fantasy - that he only belongs to Amber/Keqing/Ayaka/Nilou/Furina & NO ONE ELSE Even when I ship Aether with Eula & Navia, they have "serious issues" about Aeula & Aevia ships


Except even that logic has holes in it too, I mean they say "pick someone their own size" in shipping yet you have Amber and Eula who have an obvious height difference.


The Yelan/Shenhe ship is utterly insane but it’s not the first ship to exist based on literally nothing and only works if you rewrite the personalities. It only exists because of the crack theory that Yelan is Xingqiu’s aunt - she isn’t -, piggybacks off the Xingqui/Chongyun ship - that ship has its own problems - and has Shenhe actually care about Chongyun - which from what I can tell from little I’ve seen of her in game, she really doesn’t -, it also got popular due a Chibi comic that was made due to the fact Yelan and Shenhe share the same passive exploration buff in Liyue.


Yeah, I also pointed that too, like why is it healthy to have a toxic relationship?


I have no clue like 95% of the females love aether not other girls


It literally explains why they started misandry, because they got in one or multiple toxic relationships and then start hating. If only they looked inside themselves I mean the evidence is right in front of them… they obv like toxic relationships 😭


Simply thinking about her causes Furina nightmares. It’s nuts.


Ha, sounds abt right


I still remember some of those toxic fans being extremely mad after the release of Navia her teaser where she was searching for her partner Aether to give him an invite. The whole teaser was just wholesome, but somehow that caused that much negativity...


They portray them as man hating lesbians for some reason


Over a year ago on a previous account, I was posting various Aether shipping content. One time I posted this artwork on the YaeMains subreddit: https://preview.redd.it/fqy3rsp4ot7d1.jpeg?width=1984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46973068b9a7dad029325bdea1853022da797d0 They removed it but that's not the crazy part here. The basis they gave for removing it was that "The Traveler Was A Minor" 🙃.


Thank you for this, imma save this pic now <333 And the traveler… a minor? Bro literally- Nevermind… they will literally yap peak bs to justify deleting that content 💀


cough cough 500 year coma cough cough


The Traveler is obviously a minor. They wouldn't even let him drink alcohol /s


What a load bull- A blatant example of "rules for thee but not me" And yet they ignore the fact that Ei knew Miko since she was a pup.


Exactlyyyyy I’m sayinnnn


He isnt a minor though? Hes said to have witnessed the birth and death of multiple stars. He has to be at least millions of years old. Clown ass mods.


Shipping her with a short man (who can look a bit cute sometimes) is obviously more immoral than shipping her with someone who saw her since she was just a baby. /s


That’s the most bullshit logic I’ve seen.


Ei literally watch yae grow. She was like the family pet.


simple answer: Toxic Eimiko shippers


https://preview.redd.it/qt31wsfymt7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997b943026489b18f82de07836a27bc23250ea01 Just pure facts


Most likely heterophobic a-holes, simple answer


Ok somebody needs to put order 66 on those toxic yae x ei shippers


https://preview.redd.it/i9q3l3lgnt7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f8a5c444587edfb981024c6eee570300f3deb1 Ong frfr


It's just a normal thing for fandoms to be exposed to things that could harm their "canon ships". Especially when it involves Aether x girls and EiMiko is one of the most toxic ships among toxic ships. https://preview.redd.it/n1xxyml06u7d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f828735c9cf557e93f8b64dc0ba39e72e744d788


So true, man ☹️


Ahahahah indeed


Why does any other ship demonize aether? Toxic yurifangirls


Yuri shippers when their dad kisses their mom. 👺👺👺👺👺


Pretty much


They probably didn't have a father figure in their life. That's why it's alien to them 😂.


Bold of you to assume they even have parental figures in the first place.


Mina be like


Wait what? The mods themselves love taking down Yaether posts?! Sorry, I've never been there so I don't know the situation. It'd be different if the mods allowed the posts to stay up but it got downvoted & piled on by... ahem.. those shippers, but this sounds 100% like mod abuse.


Oh yeah the mods are the worst, that instantly thought I was a dude when I shipped Yaether. And was mindfucked when I told them i was a woman 🫥


The instant assumption that if ur a girl that plays genshin, ur automatically “lesbian coded” is by far what got me close to deleting the game and never interacting with the community


Mods assumed that "Aether x women" shippers = men. Turns out that the mods/shippers have more sexist prejudice themselves. It's sad that the wider community have devolved to this state, where it's automatically assumed that any women playing the game meant they're only attracted to women. Sorry that you've jumped into this game only to be responded this way by the community. I feel sad for you.


I start playing genshin and etc this year in Jan, it’s been a roller coaster with the community.


I started probably 3 years ago, diving in blind because Beidou, thinking that this will be just like any other typical Anime & Gacha game community. That meme of Aether picking Ningguang as the reward for saving Liyue also helped made the community look innocent & typical enough. Nothing wrong at all with this game's community, amirite? Oh boy was it a ride. Unfortunately, it feels like there's next to none outside of this community calling them out with their toxic shipping behavior.


If I recall correctly, Yaether is supposedly the most popular Genshin ship in the Chinese community. I can't remember where I heard that from, though.


It’s true tho


Yuri and Yaoi fans continue to do more harm than good I mean, they do this, people who like Het stuff get mad, and start bashing Homo stuff And the cycle goes on and on It just drives an eternal Samsara circle of hate, and ultimately breeds more Homophobia than you would think


Agreed. I've always thought about this, wouldn't acting like this do more harm than good for their cause? Wouldn't it backfire & bring the opposite of their desired result? Now when people think of Yuri & Yaoi, what comes to their mind will be a picture of ultra-obsessed fans who doxxed people & hand out death threats like it was candy.


Spot on, It also gets bad when artists get threats for drawing straight ships The Hoyo fandom is unfortunately guilty of this It also just makes people feel bad about liking Het ships, and makes them uncomfortable, which you want to avoid in an inclusive community


Yaoi fans have been pretty chill for the most part. They do their business without annoying others. Fujoshis are way better than Himejoshis.


Actually yeah true Fujoshis seem way more chill, I guess I kinda just lumped them together for some reason Point still stands though Also should be noted the venn diagram of people who like yaoi and who like yuri is kind of a circle


It most definitely isn't a circle I can tell you that. Many men like Yuri and don't prefer, many women like Yaoi and don't prefer Yuri. Some people prefer both. But they aren't even the problem. The problem is the twitter folks who make it sound like these characters are real people. That's the issue here. It's ok to feel relatable to a character in-game. But these people act like said characters have feelings and are alive. "I don't like Sunday's design" These "people": https://preview.redd.it/3x4dposxwv7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0d3d9f9c71eaabfc37f96f2808566e20d878a18 They are obnoxious teenagers who have 0 issues in the real world and want things to happen their way and no other way. And it only affects the Yuri fandom for some reason. It's sad but thankfully they didn't spread to other fandoms.


This behaviour is like those of some members of the LGBTQ+ community (Disclaimer: I'm not against LGBTQ+). So I'm not surprised at all. (Side note eimiko is really enjoyable when Aether is in it 😏)


I see where your Going https://i.redd.it/lasvwdiwpx7d1.gif (Aight i need therapy)


There are many reasons and arguments for the fact that “They are lesbians.”, there are many arguments and I will disprove some of them now 1. They have known each other for 500 years of course they do be lesbians They indeed knew each other for that long, however, Ei raised Yae after kitsune Saiggu perished, and it became her obligation, so technically speaking you're shipping daughter and mom 2. Yae/Ei are misandrists of course they would hate Aether Ei and Aether were on a literal date in her first quest and in the second she entrusted us with her most dear secret and helped to decommission the shogun I don't think Missandrist would do that, Yae also flits with Aether, not on one occasion, so misandrist theory doesn't make sense 3. They can't just show it BSc of CCP laws Oh trust me, genshin breaks a lot, and I mean a lot of CCP laws, so this isn't a excuse 4.Dynamics with Aether are nonexistent Please look at the point 2. This should cover most of their arguments, feel free to refer to this if someone complains that Yaether doesn't make sense


[For those who wonder what CCP laws does Genshin/Mihoyo breaks](https://youtu.be/kI103CxhOpk?si=ZK1-jqr5Jn-k-jVX)


True the ccp just doesn’t care at this point, or just made a deal to steal our data. Either way I’m happy if they steal all of our data if we get our ships canon.


Literally, as long as it brings money they don't care


Also someone apparently reposted this to the YaeMains subreddit 😭






Wait I think it just got taken down lmao


Bruh, they got called out and engaged in fire control


They banned me even tho I didn’t make the post 💀




Genshin just makes too much money for CCP to care, so they only act if there is an outrage in China like there was about character outfits.


I believe after that fans were like “Why did we shoot ourselves in the foot, Let's not do that again.”


I think we all know why. "These" people can't coexist with anyone outside their toxic delusions. I mean, look at the current drama with Star Rail. They literally bashed Caelus and called him unnecessary and supposedly ruined Firefly's character. What did Caelus do? Literally just walk towards her, and she smiled for i dunno 5 seconds. "These" people don't want to share. Our toxic delulu buddies keep complaining on Aether being shown on trailers and promotions, but if you look at Star Rail, who shows both MC, it proves that even if they show their female MC in trailers its not enough for them. They want to bash Caelus and Aether for just existing. They used the same copy pasted brain dead excuse on every whining they do. "Ruin their character." "Unnecessary" "waifu bait" "i don't like it" "its better if it's the female MC" They literally can't give a good excuse on their rant, so they are all the same words.


Stelle is shown FAR more than Caleus is in Star Rail in both official and fanmade content. So when Hoyo finally starts giving Caelus some attention, the Yuri fans immediately nerd rage and starts complaining. I've seen some post saying that he shouldn't exist. That's why im glad that Aether gets the main attention in official content/trailers cuz if he didn't he would be in the same exact position that Caelus is in since the female protagonist in Genshin/Star Rail already dominates the fanart/fan content and almost every content creator always chooses the female protagonist in these games as well.


Streamers don't really care much about the story, and many are playing because it gets them a lot of views. They would easily jump to the newest and latest gacha like many. They just pick the waifu mc to look at them. In fact, im pretty sure the yuri shippers are mostly self inserts who don't really care much about Lumine as a character. As a character, Lumine loves Aether a lot while her playerbase is mostly Anti Aether. Most Aether players actually care about Lumine as a character. My opinion is based on the fact that Aether mains would refer to haters as toxic yuri shippers while Lumine mains would just outright hate all Aether players because....they're enjoying the game and having fun with all the fan arts and fanfictions. You can tell which side is self inserting more to enjoy yuri fantasy when they always 99% of the time start the drama by provoking and insulting. They literally get super heated when their yuri ship isn't presented. That's literally obsessive behavior. Im pretty sure even harem lovers won't lurk into subs, screenshot, and start making a whole ass rant about why an entire community is trash. Thats super petty and most likely an attention seeker.


They genuinely should stay away from Gacha games, or Anime in general. They're not going to like it if they see what is the norm.


In the newest star rail update there was even more, Firefly >!held hands with the MC and princess carried them, those people will hate it so much!<


CN community will literally outlast the western


That’s insane. Honestly from what I’ve seen and heard the community at large despises any ship with Aether that isn’t with a guy. Every ship involving Aether and a woman is outshined by a same sex relationship, even the more popular ships like Aether/Keqing is overshadowed by Ganyu/Keqing. Hell I’m surprised that Aether/Miko/Ei isn’t more popular seeing as Ei canonically supports polygamy.


I can see people running away with that sentence if it were a normal Anime or Gacha community. But of course this is Genshin.


Yes, yes it is. How unfortunate.


I could honestly see that lol, Ei just doesn't seem to mind while Yae would probably see it as entertaining enough to try.




I HC every woman is pansexual/bi, so I can respect other’s opinions while also believing that characters like Yelan, who I love wholly, are into men.


W person 💜🩷


Straight ship = Bad - Most Yae x Ei shippers in the Yae sub (probably) It's like a similar thing with Bronya and Seele in HSR, Straight Ship with those two or one of them is sometimes attacked by those who ship them together.


You literally answered your own question, there's EXTREME Misandry in that subreddit. That alone is already the answer.


Except for our AetherMains subreddit, I feel like the rest is Yuri and Yaoi fans more than straight ships fans


Aether always being a goat, even in the subreddit


You know almost all of them Headcanon Yae miko as a lesbian who hate man 💀


Like the hating men part, is beyond delusional in of itself. Like what is she? The shrine maiden of misandry?!?


Yeah lol 😭 + Yae is Friends whit some man like Ayato,Itto,Gorou and ofc Traveler Yae doenst hate man ,she is just a little mean and like to tease her Friend that all 💀she not a Misandre not like them


Yae is just mean to everyone, it works towards her nature as a Kitsune, they’re mythologically assholes.


Yeah exctaly


But still fudging attracted to a blonde person


If she hates men, then why does she tease Gorou? That literally makes no sense to me


Yeah me neither 💀but you know i dont think they even Care about the game or the character personnality , the only thing they Care is the character sexuality (which is not canon)


Fr, I hate that a lot. I've before said this but I Don't hate Yuri shippers, BUT I do hate when they claim a certain headcanon like Yae x Ei is canon and attacks people who don't agree. I know it's not all Yuri shippers, but it's a lot of them who do this.


Same goes with Yaeyato and I don't know why they delete both of them, both are cute :/ It seems like they only accept Yae x Ei :/


They made a whole campaign of harassment against Yaeyato. They hate straights that what.


toxic yuri fans hate men


I don't know. I don't object to it, mostly because I just don't really care for Yae, but I guess the mods just hate Yaether ships for no reason.


Ur slowly becoming a goat, ur like the dark horse of the subreddit frfr 🩷💜🩷💜🩷


This is why I'm only part of Aethermains and Caelusmains


My man 🗿🍷


Because according to the toxic fans, every waifu in Genshin is gay and not allowed to be shipped with dudes for some reason


"You will only ship Yuri. Women can't love men. No straight ships allowed." https://i.redd.it/8cbugtlcst7d1.gif


Fr how they treated me, the slurs of been called as a chick is insane


Truly. It's absolutely insane. I absolutely do not like that it feels like they're trying to control what people should like. People should not be degraded with a slur like that just because they like some ship. God forbid people have different tastes than them.


Always the yuri subs. Gonna need another Tian kazuki treatment for these subs.


It'd be amazing to see if Yae somehow got in a major storyline & had a big moment with Aether (without any connotation for Yuri), and successfully brings on an avalanche of Yaether fans & artwork.


https://preview.redd.it/c9b3m7785u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdaccce5618b81ea66026d4798f5bbce0c4a67f4 This?


Don't forget this https://preview.redd.it/hghj6lo6hu7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3658f715466e0ae4710e33119afb7eb9bbfb9e


Ur such a goat


They hallucinated themselves into thinking that she was talking to Ei in the QRTs (even though all of this kinds of posts have always meant to address the traveler) 🥶🥶🥶 And they still have the backup excuse of "it's just an official post, it's not cannon"


It’s so dumb and delusional frfr


At this point we need to award these people for their mental gymnastics. The fact they go above and beyond to make excuses or deflections when evidence points away from their "canon" (read: headcanon) is commendable but for all the wrong reasons.


The fact they banned me from the subreddit speaks massively


Coping mechanisms i guess?


The funny thing about this post in JP, it was given a hashtag for lover's day, which seems rages some of the yuri fans.


https://preview.redd.it/646l0sg95u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29eac7491906ce6637c7ef4402c13d28fa19f28 And possibly this?


Sadly even though this is big, it's still not big enough for them. It'd be great to see when Yae x Aether get the same miracle that rocketed Furina x Aether to the forefront of the community, making it an undismissable ship.


Doubt it. First thing that happened after Ei's release , in Story Quest 1, was The Traveller taking her out for a date - no additional meaning, no superficious agendas, just us taking Ei out to sniff some sun. And although it definetely made Traveller x Shogun more popular (mostly Aether , though, rarely see Lumine x Raiden) , Ei x Yae is still either close, or surpasses them in content amount. You have to realise that most toxic shippers, of whatever variety, don't really care about the media and what happens in it unless it fits their views.


People want representation so badly that they project onto the closest possible thing they can find to it, and this often comes from media that depicts the concept of close female bonds. From a certain perspective, Yae could be flirting with Trav to gain a leg up when the world inevitably ends. From another perspective, Yae formulating a plan to bring her "girlfriend" out of a depressive isolation can support the concept of YaexRaiden. There's so many possible interpretations of different character relationships that - with the exception of 1, *maybe* 2 characters I can actively name - the character's feelings for one another are wholly ambiguous. Those three characters are: - Shenhe = She loves Trav. This is not even up for debate due to the Interlude. - Lyney = He's really heavily danced around the topic of romance a lot more directly than any other character over the course of a regional arc. Obviously this one would be TERRIBLE considering how young he is, but There's almost no other character who has used any similar phrasing or implications directly stated in dialogue. The closest you'll find is character ascensions, stories, and the "About: Us" bits, but those are all subject to interpretation. It's really hard to justify to someone who believes they're right of a possible alternative.


Factsss asfff, thank you 💜, I’m just so against the hate


You can add Yelan to that list I think, going off her “More About Yelan V” voice-line, granted it’s not blunt, she’s careful about how she words and ultimately leaves it up to Aether/Lumine what they are but I think it works. Also Ei canonically supports polygamy, so that’s something to consider.


Happens the same with Zhongli X Ningguang, Beidou x Ningguang fans start insulting you or calling you homophobic that mihoyo already confirm they are together and things like that, curious because i think mihoyo has not confirmed any ship yet. In my experience Genshin Yuri shippers are the most toxic of all shippers ( obviously NOT ALL fans). I don't have anything against any ship, is just fandom, I have my own weird ships, but Yuri shippers are like "Oh 2 girls in the same frame they must be lesbians" Is funny because, in the past Yaoi fans used to be more toxic and yuri fans more quiet now It seems to be the opposite.


The moderator said nothing about this and just deleted the post? If this violates the rules, then the moderator MUST state the reason. If they don't do this, then they are biased, and moderators have no right to be biased and must strictly follow the rules. A biased moderator should be stripped of their powers. I think something similar happened in Arlecchino Mains.


Also they banned me for “inciting drama” I didn’t make the post in YaeMains. So idek what they are yapping abt


I understand. I just hate bias and double standards. They just need to add a rule against Aether x Yae ship and rename their subreddit. I hate it when moderators use their power to achieve personal goals. I perceive this as corruption from real life. Moderators should be punished for this. Maybe this situation should be made public? In the Arlecchino Mains situation, this helped. And they accuse you of "inciting drama"? It's their fault in the first place! Such people infuriate me so much: they made a mistake, but for some reason you are to blame, because you pointed out their mistake.


Like it’s already a public discussion but YaeMains are managed by misandrists. Like the mods called me a 26 yr old dude or sum. I’m not even 26 and I’m not a dude so W sexism ig?


It's just that if this happened to me and my ship, I would be very angry and would try to make sure that the moderator is replaced with a competent one. Why should it even matter how old you are and what gender you are. You posted the art. Does this violate subreddit rules? No. That's what's important. I still hope that this will get the same level of publicity as with Arlecchinno, when that situation was even talked about on YouTube. Because what happened then, I consider the triumph of justice and the victory of Aether Mains. It’s just that Aether Mains should not exactly spam the Yae subreddit with a ship with Aether, but rather moderately, post a couple of times a day. In this way, Yae Mains moderators will make life more difficult for themselves and ruin their reputation.


I honestly could care less tbh, I’m not really in the sub I’m just there for random Yae content. But it’s wayyyy too toxic tbh


Oh no trust me, it’s a very toxic community. I called them out in the mod mail after they banned me, they tried calling me out on some obvious bs. And muted me so I couldn’t say anything back 🙃




They hate it?!


Obsessively so


OMG no way?!


yeah i'm noticing a trend. there's also a case of Misandry on the ArlecchinoMains subreddit. and i'm not just talking about that one meme that was posted


I've been thinking that maybe the kind of characters like Yae & Arlecchino attracts certain types of people.


They're convinced that Miko hates men. (If you go through her profile quotes, the only man she expresses so much as mere annoyance with is Ayato.) They're convinced she's a lesbian. (Very unlikely, she has expressed no particular romantic interest in her own gender, and heck, in recent appearances of the character it seems that Hoyo is catering to the Chinese fans who really like Aether/Yae Miko, as she's gotten notably flirtier with the Traveler.) Yae Miko and Ei are a canon couple... somehow. (The idea of this in and of itself creeps me out because Miko was a kid when Ei was already an adult, very groomer-esque, if you ask me.) And let's not forget that one livestream where the voice actors had this skit of Miko and Ei hugging. Which I'd argue should be taken as the voice actors messing around, \*not\* as confirmation as to Miko and Ei's canonical relationship. But of course that's how the Ei/Miko crowd took it and swore it to be irrefutably canon. But, I mean, this is the same kind of crowd that furiously insists that Yelan/Shenhe is canon despite the fact that a) at this time those two characters have never interacted with each other and b) they don't even have 'About \_\_\_' lines referring to each other in their respective profiles.


Yelan/Shenhe only got popular due to the crack theory that Yelan was Xingqiu’s aunt and the Chibi comic that was created simply because Yelan and Shenhe have the same passive exploration buff. Miko hating men is utterly absurd, if anything she’s a jerk to *everyone* which is fitting as she’s a Kitsune.


Ei and Miko hugged whaaaa? I wanna see the stream


It was the 2.5 Special Program, if you're curious to look it up yourself.


> > > > > Yae Miko and Ei are a canon couple... somehow. (The idea of this in and of itself creeps me out because Miko was a kid when Ei was already an adult, very groomer-esque, if you ask me.) Heck, Ei still treat Miko as nothing more than a child in her voiceline about Miko. It even starts with "That girl" instead of "That woman" and the entire rest reads like a mother who's talking about her daughter. It becomes even more funny when they desperately trying to use HI3 as an excuse for their ship, when Yae Sakura and Kalpas were a thing, as well as Yae Kasumi and the Captain. 🤣


Tell the tje full name of the sub. And i will flood them with gb of Yeather content


It’s literally YaeMains, they have a pretty big following it’s pretty easy to find 💜


Bro? (Totally would love that)




That didn't happen to me.


You just have too much aura for it to happen to you, my master.


Because they have a lesbian fetish


It’s heterophobia


they are gay or jealous and wanna pinned down and pegged by yae miko from genshin till they can't move anymore. or both


Valid, I would too tbh


you answered it you'reself


Rabid Yuri fans


Because Aether x Ei is the official ship right now, and by pairing Yae to Aether it'll make Yae as the third person in the love triangle and this will make her looks bad.


I mean yeah the game has both hints for our fellow straight shipper and yuri/yaoi and shits but those yuri/yaoitard just cannot accept that both gender ships are there and are possible. But who am I to say with all of their toxic and delulu bullshiet. And I swear the worst thing is having friends that love those bullshiet toxic yuri ships, it is just pure disgust for me, but still, all of their responses are just “I ship who I want” and “why bother when people shipping 2 chunks of pixels” 🤷‍♂️. I absolutely cannot stand the same sex shipping fandom.


There is a reason why they are the most infamous thing when it come to shipping. Their toxicity is unmatched. And the first thing people think about when they say they hate shippers too.


I don’t think that Ei/Miko is a good ship. Tbh though I can’t imagine Yae beeing interested in any partner like relationship unfortunately while Ei totally fell for the traveller after she became Ei to us


This is why I dont like shipping dude, there is always gonna be toxic ass ship wars, I am not hating on people who have their ships, its just shit like this is bound to happen.


Fr, imma just be in my own lil hole, doing my lil genshin tings 🫠🤍


Just toxic Yuri shippers .


Because they want yae x Ei


The way i read all of the 263 comments


Are you okay? 😭💜


It's probably the "YAE IS CANON LESBIAN LEAVE HER ALONE" crowd. While it's implied that there's something between her and Ei, it's never directly confirmed. That's the way Hoyo likes it, keep it vague by sprinkling crumbs to keep fans speculating and interested in the game. Because it's never confirmed, it's not canon, but they have a very hard time believing that, that's why any ship involving Yae with anybody other than Ei is met with hostility. I recall somebody getting bullied on Twitter (Yes it's called Twitter, shut up.) until they deleted their Yae/Ayato artwork. Headcanons and fan fiction are fun, but unfortunately, there are those who can't seem to understand that they can't just weld their fantasies onto the actual storyline. TL:DR mass delusion and mob mentality.


They keep stringing them along because they know it makes them money, either through exposure or pulling for certain characters, which usually always fails as the game is designed to screw you over. It’s like what happened with James Woods on “Family Guy” where Peter and Brian trap him in a box - twice - by luring him to it with pieces of candy.


it’s like the story in one game where the main character, a girl, confronted a religious cult whose head personally killed the main character’s family and forced the MC to watch it! .....but they ship them! Let's throw the cannon in the trash and make them lesbians! seriously ? -oh, I forgive you for burning my entire family in front of me when I was still a child, everyone makes mistakes!


I've noticed the blatant toxic yuri simping a fair bit, and I barely interacted with the fandom during my time playing. It's rather disheartening/annoying, but it is a bit refreshing I find a subset of the genshin community that's not like that. By the by I love Yae and play Aether so I suppose by proxy that makes me a Yaether shipper? Not sure it counts but I like the art here so better than nothing.


Cause of toxic Yuri stuff and Lowkey preferred ei x zhongli it’s my personal favorite but I don’t get mad if people disagreed or something I just keep to myself with that