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Genshin is probably the first time I am seeing a MC not getting treated like a MC and more like an NPC 💀 And apparently this is good story telling


I wish Genshin treated the MC better. Like goddamn, what did the Traveller even do to deserve this? I get that Hoyo wants to hype up new 5 stars, but come on, don't just leave your main character in the dust. Compare the Traveller to the Trailblazer, and you can immediately tell which one gets more respect. In my honest opinion, Genshin really failed with the mc.


I can only assume Genshin has managed to attract the normie crowd and hence they want to turn genshin into a game that panders to them and keep them engaged. And probably they want to cater to others in honkai games. In the end mhy profits lol


Meanwhile Trailblazer getting Ws left and right getting a canon love interest and the story is actually about them.


Honestly if I were the Traveller I'd have just given up at this point. After all, we're just a witness. Teyvat isn't gonna need us lol. I'd just be like, "All of you can handle yourselves. See ya." ...Okay, maybe that's a little edgy or a bit much or something, but it's close to how I feel and probably what I'd do if I were in the Traveller's shoes. I mean come on, 2 of the highest ranked Fatui Harbingers are in Natlan, our next destination. And after losing miserably to the 4th, you'd know that you stand no chance at that point, so it's only fair that the thought of giving up would appear in your mind at least once.


You're right.


Ok, I can see some people also complaining about Traveller's writing on that sub as well. Good ! Good to know people out there too have brains and are seeing the glaring problems, now I hope their voices will be loud enough.


This leak comes from white and only 2/10 times is the leaker right so we shouldn't jump to conclusion for now. Now I know our boy has been getting bad writing and treatment from Hoyo themselves. But we have to be hopeful that at least one employee in the company that can convince the writing and game develop team to make our boy more relevant in game and story. Even if the chances are slim, we can increase it by voicing our opinion in the next survey. We can't let our boy suffer like this no more -\_-7


Will they care?


They should but a the same time they choose to ignore. If tgey refuse, well uninstall the game and play WuWa. Thatll make them scared 😈


Good idea 😂


I dont know whats going on with Lumine Mains, but if they are also okay with this kind of treatment, then they really are just playing for waifus. Of course, not all of them, but i really never heard of any Lumine players complaining about the predictable lazy writing of the mc right now. We should join together as Travelers to rant on their surveys. Even if you are not a Traveler appreciator, this is still the stupidest writing ever. Dont even get me started on them making hundreds of past lore of Teyvat that really doesn't need expanding if they won't be relevant or brought up ever. Now im seeing leaks about Capitano being not from Teyvat? What happened to the importance of descenders?? The strongest human title doesn't make sense if he actually is a world traveling entity. They are just throwing lore left and right. Look at Arlecchino, her lore seems pretty important but the short animation doesn't explain, her story quest is not even about her, and im afraid her crimson moon bloodline will probably be not that important in the sea of many lores. Let us be reminded of the garbage in the recent writing.... "Hey Traveler, this is the abyss plans....reunite with your sister in an emotional moment.....wakes up and doesn't remember the plans or the reunion." If you read that and think it's stupid, well unfortunately its real writing that happened and i wish i get a refund of my time playing through literal nothing burger. These writers try to be some dark souls writing by making many important lore on equipment and artifacts but present story is garbage. The Remuria story has such an epic backstory and its even better than Fontaine's archon lawyer/prison simulator story...oh i supposed there is a flood i guess. The solution was there....no one really needed to do anything. Focalors already planned and knew that Neuv would get his powers and help, and that's about it..... The story started from mysterious alien Traveler searching for his sister and helping each nation's problem in an epic adventure to eating popcorn while watching new gacha 5 stars show off their skills to save the day. Then there is Paimon repeating everything we say but with a voice. The absolute disappointment that is Clorinde's story quest. It could have been cool but its just about this npc. And her damage is so low that its significantly noticeable when you compare her to Navia and Arlecchino. Clorinde struggles to hit 4k on her skill hits while Arlecchino's skill hits are 30k per hit on a normal combo and she heals and all her passives increase her damage and low skill cooldown....you can tell they really wanted to sell her so badly and make a profit. Her being playable doesn't even make sense since she barely did anything in the story.


Remember the times when Inazuma's plot was considered bad? Compared to the plots of subsequent regions, it seems very cool. At least Aether was shown much cooler there. With the exception of being knocked out by gas during the attack on the Fatui factory, he was able to fight the Archon twice and defeat the Fatui Harbinger single-handedly. Of course, there were minuses with the narrative, but if compared with the last chapters... But people complained about the plot, and, it seems, the hoyos listened and replaced the writer. But in my opinion, since the middle of Sumeru, the quality of the script has dropped extremely significantly. By the way, do you know who the current writer is? As for this leak. If the Traveler is right and only a camera, then I will cope and assume that he is a camera only because he simply stumbled upon this battle and did not understand what was happening and that is why he did not engage in battle.


Seems like this isn't very reliable leaker from the comments, but i will definitely write more feedback in surveys :D Something like Traveler thoughts should be always voice acted, it's basically quality of life feature etc etc


Reminder that this comes from White, a famously unreliable leaker. Take everything they say with a grain of salt or as straight up misinformation.


And if what they say comes true?


Then they were right? What do you want me to say lol


>Traveler = Camera It'd be at least a bit more palatable if the "Camera" is well liked & appreciated by the characters it's capturing, but since it's Hoyo it's more likely that the "Camera" is just there to capture the moments of those characters making out between themselves instead... because that's somehow instantly equates to Great Writingâ„¢


There are people who think 50 Shades of Grey is well written.


"Traveler=Camera" Holy shit that's just the saddest thing I've ever seen on this sub. Forget Honorary Knight or Hero of Liyue or Swordfish II Captain or Sage of Beur.....our real title is "The Cameraman". And not even the invincible cameraman from the memes. Just the fraud who gets knocked out so the other characters can shine. Folks who love Aether... It's about time we give up and just stick to fanfics and doujins to see our boy get some love.


Honestly, that's where I am rn. I've damn near given up on Aether


I didn't lie when Aether got Drake'd by the Kendricks of the Hoyoverse (Community, Devs)


Fucking lmao. Called it. What the fuck am I even playing this cringe ass game to begin with if this is where it's going?


This is probably the most believable leak considering the Travelers treatment (especially recently). Hoyo won't let the traveler do shit except job and/or sit on the sidelines and let the 5\* characters that Hoyo wants to sell to you look cooler and do all the work/important things. Same old boring formula for the #7935th time. Also, Natlan is already starting sound like repeat of Fontaine cuz Xbalanque and Murata sound more and more like red/Pyro Neuvillette and red/Pyro Furina with each new leak we get on them lol.


I am so glad I dropped genshin after that Arlecchino fiasco, this is just so sad. Compare to the Trailblazer who got a canon love interest and having consistent plot relevance and Rover being a complete badass that havoc ultimate form, is literally Shounen level of coolness with a scythe and black wings, then theres the Traveler who’s literally described as camera man by the leakers.


I felt like traveler has been going downhill after Inazuma. The humiliation from Arlecchino really put the spotlight on them, especially when Arlecchino mains and FatuiHQ started trolling/attacking Aether/Traveler mains for it and calling them 'frauds' (this is one of the many reasons why i dislike Arlecchino and blocked both her and FatuiHQ from showing in my feed).


I just gonna wait until Natlan come out then, see if it true then goodbye Genshin


You're leaving our Traveller? Ignoring Hoyoverse's plans, bro that's fraud behaviour. You were never apart of us then. Leave now if your faith towards Aether is that thin smh.


What does this mean, guys? Are we really going to be a cameraman? I assumed we were joking. I believe in the future survey, we will provide a lot of feedback.


We've been a joke. You didn't know? I want to have hope as much as the next guy but when you have damn near nothing, it's hard to say "Oh, it'll definitely happen. The Traveler will totally get better."


Just accept it .We as traveler just witness not op mc #999


Did you get this saying from me?😆


I kinda accept what you said, it's true though our mc not op


It's quite depressing that they no longer even wish to include the traveller in the narrative. What are we going to do with the camera? After finding the sister, we can view the entire adventure like a movie.


So what, it's confirmed that the Traveler is basically useless now? What else is new atp?


quite a drastic reaction from a leak my hottake from this is that its just going to be like Raiden Shogun's 2nd Story Quest.. The initial story had a trial Raiden Ei to fight her puppet, and the Traveller was just behind the scenes (Traveller = Camera). I am not that riled up by this.. this abstract connotation.


That'd still be pretty terrible


Why tho? In that very quest, we were privileged to witness the eternity Makoto wished for Ei to see.. Ei was open to us, she had no problems telling the past through the leaking Leylines we saw.. Yae even trusted us to bring her back, when in doubt, Yae could prolly do it herself. The traveller really got to shine in her 2nd Story Quest. Its not all about combat really. The lack of context behind that "traveller = camera." The context, the build up, the progression could be anything where the Traveller could shine.


I mean...if Traveler wasn't there, nothing would've changed. Raiden still would've fought the final battle, Ei still would've won, Makoto still would've given the touching speech, Ei still would've decided to open herself up to the world more and she still would've walked out of the domain. We didn't really....do or say anything. Paimon could've listened to Ei for all the difference it makes. I don't think it's all about combat either. But we didn't really do anything non-combat either.


"Traveler wasn't there, nothing would've changed." Bro, casually destroyed the traveller's whole existence in one sentence. But still tho, my viewpoint still stands. Its really hard not to see Ei was grieving and at the turning point at that time, for me at least, she really needs somebody to talk to, since we already done most of the work in the AQ and her first story quest. In light of your argument, at most we just sped the process of the battle so we could be omitted out of that.. maybe we really are just the catalyst.. maybe, we are destined to bring Paimon along the way to be a comfort person.


And us being the person she needed to talk to barely makes any sense. We don't even talk back. She could take a ball, draw a face on it and stick it on a broom and talk to it. Same difference.


Finally, a Traveller enjoyer who thinks for themselves and is fundamentally correct 👑


If this the treatment we got at first of natlan story , what they will do with capitano ! They gonna humiliate the traveler as much as they can for no reason , at this point why they really made a mc while they make the other characters are doing everything !! The traveler say it by himself maybe he wasn’t meant for this world


Is first trouble domain is mean the whole story of natlan from 5.0-5.2 ! This doesn’t make any sense what about the beta voice lines saying pyro archon will give the traveler her power , or dain saying the she will share secret with traveler all that and in the end we will just watch again the dragon sovereign take care of everything !!