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Even hoyo knows that if they don't include the traveller in the art then it wouldn't be perfect, Aethernity stays winning 🗣️ 🔥 🗣️ 🔥


Some Yuritards on Twitter are crying because they want Yae in the art instead Aether 🤣


I love it. Let's see if this will turn into another drama like Caefly with a certain vtuber.


I would love to see that vtuber getting obliterated by twitter again


Which VTuber?


I'm guessing Mina Aoyama? She's a hypocrite who ships Firefly only with Stelle and when there's any official content with Caelus, she complains about it reducing Firefly's character to waifu bait


Female characters are instantly reduced & degraded or problematic when they're paired with a male character. But it's always empowering when they're paired with female characters, and also automatically qualifies it as having an excellent deep meaningful writing.


Yep. That's just it. Wait till the same happens to wuwa. Everyone is currently shipping Jinhsi with Sanhua. But every official content, from her character description to her demo, hints at feelings for the MC. Just need to wait till they change their tunes and start calling her an incel waifu bait


yuritards being hypocritic is nothing new. We really need to remind them being straight is *normal and not a warcrime* regardless of whatever hoyoshit tries Like lmao, hoyoverse is also shit enough to force yuri everywhere. Genshin is played by kids? Put yuri. Actually, why not put yuri in tears of themis as well then?


https://preview.redd.it/3m01whaf8v8d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96ca92db41642d037cf0cc93fe99d5decf7613c That didn’t take long


July 1 couldn't get here much sooner






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"Bomb the man." What a way to celebrate the festival of positivity & being your true self.


I discover one yuritard that is beyond delusional saying aether is the lesbians protector?¿ Anyway they need god


Yeah, they look like a bunch of aliens because they probably didn't know how they were born without mating 😆


No posting of content that is used to incite drama or cause conflict.


uhm, hey, I know we all hate on overzealous lesbians as the next person but your line is crossing into the homophobic territory.


At this point they're just providing more fuel for this conflict. I expect a few replies from this post will appear on Twitter as "proof" anyone who likes Aether is a homophobic nutjob. In fact, I'd be surprised if FatuiHQ doesn't have a post claiming exactly that by now. (Just, you know, replace every third word with fraud and/or goat.)


yeah I'm glad that some people still understand the bigger picture here. I myself am mourning the loss of nuance on the internet as it has been an endangered concept for a while now.


i thought that sub was fun, but while it is, it is mostly shitting on other subs or characters


I said it before, and I will say it again. The word "homophobic" never exists in this world, and nobody is homophobic. However, the reason why we put a nickname for them like that because we have been attacked or provoked by them before, just only one thing they know we're not Yuri fans and have different with their "headcanon". If u want gay or lesbian arts, go create ur own pages without insulting or mocking each other while u post in the main account, of course. Both sides will include


yes I'm fully aware, and I *did* say that I personally disagree with the people I call "overzealous lesbians" - or, less politely, referred to as "yuritards". just like y'all, I'm not saying that there's anything *wrong* with yaoi/yuri ships but when people start pushing these ships a bit ... too ... hard (e.g. ArleFuri being one of the crack ships of all time, only agreed upon because it's "toxic yuri" and thus somehow exempted from being a deplorable crack ship) and publicly get into arguments on social media over their headcanons, that's when it becomes a problem. and it would be alright for us to stop *at that line* but then saying that "they look like a bunch of aliens because they probably didn't know how they were born without mating" as you said is basically a homophobic argument, and I think it's not healthy for us heterosexuals to say that in any context. just my two cents. tldr: yes, "yuritards" are probably a category of their own, but no, it's not okay to make homophobic remarks in the name of bashing "yuritards".


Every Genshin character can be multiple genders, but the way Yuri and Yaoi fans keep proving they all 💯 gay and lesbian over and over again seems like an insult to the character's genders not gonna lie. When they see someone who disagree with this, they label them as "homophobic"


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>Anyway they need god Yet they reject him. https://preview.redd.it/813c9wj66w8d1.jpeg?width=3640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccaa10605c1a43eb7d7720367753ab916446a9c4


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Yuri fans: Er... um, uh, th-that fox statue behind Ei represents Yae! Keep on whining, heterotards!!!1!


Many such cases 🤣


The cope is real


Your comment Gives me Joy (knowing that there coping hard)


Ah, their tears of salt is tasty.


Inb4 wait for tomorrow on Yae's birthday to get a new round of super cute Yaether material


95% of them are fine with Lumine or gay harems but can't stand anything straight related ("boring", "ugly fat self insert neck beard homophobe") xD Those who are a bit smarter tried to hide it, but their profile history reveal the truth


yae also has some stuff with aether iirc


No posting of content that is used to incite drama or cause conflict.


Tell those Yuri tards to fuck urself lol


> Even hoyo knows that if they don't include the traveller in the art then it wouldn't be perfect, Aethernity stays winning according to this perspective, including the observer (or traveler) in the artwork is essential for it to be considered perfect. This approach values engagement with the viewer as a crucial element of artistic success.


Is Aethernity popular in the CN fandom ? If so, then it would explain why Hoyo would be willing to do this. Since the CN fandom practically has a LEASH on Hoyo.


Yaether first, Aethernity second in CN Fandom


He looks so happy seeing Ei, what a bean


I mean they haven't interacted in game for a while, it would be nice for Ei to show up in an event. Though given her role as the ruling figure of Inazuma, the likelihood of Ei showing in Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru and Fontaine is very slim indeed.


Unfortunately, Raiden rarely appears in events and when she does its only a 2 second cameo appearance and then she fucks off for the rest of the event (Nahida gets the same exact treatment in events btw). Which is why the traveler rarely talks/interact with her now. Its really frustrating.


They're so perfect together my god 💛💜 https://preview.redd.it/7mn8tl41iu8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e5b04c9c9eb9998347548c0dac93b9eab422bb


They stopped putting the traveler in chibi birthdays but couldn't do it for this one cause it was too peak.


Or prevent the ton of hates on Twitter


AETHERITY AAAAAA! https://preview.redd.it/iyjdcbhiju8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b676e5d30aa91a35c87f8f9cad64b64a2b239e9b


She wants aether to show her how he does his braids


Is this new? Also if I recall correctly, aren't Ei and Miko's birthdays just a day from each other?


Just released


Oh, I thought Hoyoverse forgot about Ei's birthday for a moment 


Tomorrow is Yae's. My expectations are not high but I hope its also as good as this Aethernity post.


But wasn't Miko's birthday much earlier this month or am I misinterpreting that time she was holding a Kamera and asking to take a picture with the Traveler?


Yeah Miko's birthday is on the 27th right after Ei's and as for that post it was something different


Hoyo made the wise decision to put Aether back on official arts. 🙏🏻


Rare Traveler spotted. I swear do "those" people genuinely believe they are nice people??? Do they genuinely think that being toxic and attacking other people really make them look good? If they could just be brave and say they are bullies and outright mean, then at least it's somewhat better. Unfortunately, I think they truly believe they are in the right and that attacking creators and artists makes them good. Guess they are active again. I saw a hate comment on Mazu's post, and she draws Aether AND Lumine's ships. So clearly, they just attacked unprovoked as always.


Lest gooooo


Been a while since the last one.


Ei today, Miko tomorrow


Is this a coincidence, no? https://preview.redd.it/i4d18amxiv8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b12ff06dbf6cf363187ec5a14a62da981cba07




my favs!


Hanging out with her Aethernity. Miko really wanted her to enjoy it with him. I hope some Yaether content will be there too. It's fun to see the Yuritards cope.




i thought hoyo wasn't going to include art work with traveler?


The comments on the post are hilarious because the kept asking where the “real” art was.