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From what I heard on the leak sub, keqing is just a placeholder for a character, the characters for the event are already known.


Really ? Then who will be in Keqing place ? Furina ??


If I remember correctly it can be either nilou, Emilia, or Kiara.


Ok i see, make sense, thank you 🙏🏽


From what I read about leakers they usually have keqing in place of a character, and timmie in place of npc.


Dang rip Keqing. Girl was the one of the first major ships with Aether, and a pivotal character in Liyue. Now we’re lucky if we see her once a year 😂


She was THE most popular Aether ship in the earliest days of Genshin Impact 


She hasn't been relevant in anything since the 2.X Lantern Rite if I remember correctly. She's my favorite, and it sucks to see her fall into irrelevancy.


Correct, Hoyo uses Keqing as a placeholder for new characters or character skins. They also use Timaeus as a placeholder for new/unique NPCs.


I think Keqing is usually replacing the new character that isn't released yet. So Emilie in this case


probably new skin for nilou or kirara


Let's be honest. How long has it been since we last started getting the spotlight as the MC? It was either Sumeru or inazuma when we last acted as the MC. Now, our job is to just accompany whoever is on the gacha banner and give Paimon our script so she can repeat everything we say.


Hope Natlan change this....


Sumeru was peak prefection on the MC


Idk why you expected something different since almost none of the events focused on Traveler.


Kinda true yeah,but why Wanderer....that mf alreaedy got all the spotlight in Sumeru now that....




"IM SORRY BUT THIS SHIT IS BEYOND MY POWER" https://preview.redd.it/66h5kxa9xd9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02fc339c5bc4257f021e2e0fb223e97bbc1f6df


4.8 Main Event Character Line paimon 211 nilou 171 navia 142 traveler 84 wanderer 77 kirara 38 mona 20 kaeya 17 collei 17 jean 8 This event seems more Nilou and Navia focused. Wanderer only on chapter 3 source: HomDGCat


Nilou with 171 lines? Let's hope we get some Aelou content, since she ranked quite low on a lot of ship tier lists. Bonus points if we also get some Aevia content.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Im surprise that the Traveler is one of the character that talk the most lol And Paimon still Yapping a lot like Always....sight


So Keqing has no lines? 🤨 Edit: nvm, saw she was just a placeholder 😞


Navia without her hat just looks weird.




It's not that bad, I mean I drew her without one


It’s not bad, just odd.


Idk what you're even on about. I see Navia is a part of the quest it's an instant W, plus Clorinde isn't connected to her at the hip, which makes it better.


I do hope Navia actually shows up in this event, especially since I don't see Clorinde anywhere nearby. I need to cleanse my pallette after Clorinde's Story Quest with more recent Aether x Navia moments. Not sure about Keqing though, if I recall correctly, she once filled a placeholder for Kirara, but since it's a medium female model, then it's hopefully NOT Clorinde.


They glued & forced these two together, including in Clorinde's SQ. But now that they want money from (I guess) Navia's rerun banner, they unglued them for a bit. This feels a little bit disgusting imo.


Tbh, I think Navia and Clorinde would have been better off if they never had any connection beyond the whole killing Callas bit. The childhood friends part felt tacked on midway that now Navia "has" to forgive Clorinde. Also Navia already has had plenty of ship tease with Aether, so to just push her with Clorinde honestly makes me feel cheated to be honest, similar to how Ningguang and Beidou got glued together RIGHT AFTER their respective Hangouts with their own ship tease with Aether, only Navia, especially in her Story Quest, is a lot more explicit. Plus, at least Navia isn't solely defined by her Dear Partner or Clorinde, she is shown to have several other friends such as Lyney, Lynette, Charlotte, Chevreuse, Chiori and Furina. In fact, she is literally what Beidou could have been if she wasn't so glued to Ningguang.


I do appreciate the fact Navia actually interacts with other people.


Agreed 100% with you. And how Hoyo still continues to write something that encourage everyone to remember Beidou as just "the one glued to Ningguang" is pretty bad. She had so much potential. Also made me feel cheated. When they want people to pull for Navia, they write her without Clorinde, and great for shipping her with Aether. When they Navia is no longer in the banner, they glue them back even after all they have written. Rinse & repeat. That's kind of dishonest marketing really: promise this great character with great ship with Aether, just to dump it later after they finished selling, until the next cycle comes around. It's a shame that this kind of writing will continue to make characters like Beidou & Clorinde only be remembered as the ones with "hot cannon yuri ship" fueling, rewarding, and feeding the egos of a certain group of people who love to lock characters to just their ships, and proves to themselves that being loud with their ship policing is "the right thing to do"


Another problem I have with this "ship policing" is just how hypocritical Hoyoverse can be about it. They constantly push two female characters together often at the expense of them interacting with other characters, yet they always keep certain characters of the opposite sex from even interacting or acknowledging each other's existence. When was the last time Jean and Diluc interacted or even mentioned each other? When was the last time Beidou interacted with Kazuha? Why haven't Itto and Sara interacted in game yet? Now I'm no outright demanding Hoyoverse to make those straight ships canon, but its baffling how they seem to go out of their way to keep them from ever being anywhere near each other, yet pairs of the same sex are constantly glued to one another. Just a more balanced amount of interactions is all we need, regardless of gender. And as for the whole shipping thing, notice how everytime a female character is shipped with a male character, you're likely to be met with a bunch of people saying "X is a lesbian" or "she would never" date a man. Like its that "unspoken rule" when it comes to how shippers view sexuality. Gay or lesbian? Hate crime to put in a straight ship. Bisexual? Only cares about the gay side and erases the straight side? Straight or even married to the opposite sex? They could be bi.


It was refreshing to see Eula interact with Beidou form the potion making event considering that Hoyo usually have Beidou glued to Ningguang and Eula glued to Amber.


Well, refreshing on Eula's part at least since not once does she mention Amber, but instead mentions the Knights as a whole. Beidou on the other hand, she made a reference to a friend who's identity is ambiguous. Even moreso because on one hand, it seemed like was leading up to Ganyu, but the later half implies its Ningguang.


Oh trust me im happy too Finaly we will get our Aether x Navia moment Whiout Clorinde Somewhere to ruin it i love this ship .....but Wanderer ruin everything...


I get it, but I don't take it seriously. We have literally no details of the quest, so it's hard to say he's even a main character or a cameo. I don't really care either way since I get to see my wife.






Is that Owen Hart? RIP that Legend 


One of these fays I'm sure (not really) that Hoyo will do something that actually forces me to dust off my account again, but it looks like I'll have to wait to see if Natlan is worth it.


For Me Natlan is the last chance


Honestly, even though I say I’ll have to see if Natlan changes anything, I’ve been so checked out of the game that I don’t know if I even care if it does anymore.


Yeah After everything that happen to the Traveler in the Fontaine chapter,as a Aether main i am kinda disgust of the game, so i Hope Aether will make the greatest Comeback in Natlan bc i am really tired of this shit....


Even when the traveler twins get a quest focused around them its super short and they still get treated like a trash tier NPC.


Heck, Hoyoverse treats random forgettable NPCs like the are the main character in Story Quests, often sidelining both the MC and the starring playable character. They seriously expect me to give a crap about this NPC who looks like another NPC I met earlier.


True. Main reason i stopped doing/caring about story quests. Haven't done one since Xianyun's and they drag on for too long only to focus mainly/entirely on random forgettable npcs (2-4 hour quest on stupid npcs). Like they need to stop wasting my time and get to the fucking point already! And Paimon needs to shut the fuck up as well with her constantly repeating everything they just said over and over again.


At this point i think the Traveler character is just doom...


Sigh, one of the characters i hate the most being the "MC" of an event... This is just so dissapointing. Thank god that WuWa does respect their own main character, cause idk how long ill be able to continue tolerating this aweful treatment in genshin by Hoyo


Even HSR treats their MC better, Caelus got a canon girlfriend, has badass cutscenes whenever he unlocks a new path(element), his paths are actually useful, etc. Heck, even the HSR community treats him better, there's a Caelus x Robin ship post on the HSR sub on hot with over 1,6k likes and tons of positive comment. When was the last time an Aether ship post got on the hot page of the GI sub?


Can you link the Caelus x Robin one?


This one here: https://old.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1dqoa9w/robin_taking_a_break_zinkaart/ It got 1,8k likes now.


I agree, playing Wuthering Waves reminded me how poorly and inconsistently Genshin's main character is written. Because of this, Genshin often doesn't even feel like a video game at all. Instead, it feels like a weird and cringy anime with minimal facial animations. I mean, what kind of game is it when the main character doesn't do anything and basically could be replaced by any other NPC? What are you playing exactly? I wonder if, apart from this subreddit, the only people left playing are those who are indifferent to the story and those who have never played a normal game before.


Yeah+ d'int Lil Bros Scaramouche alreaedy got a entire qest about him 💀 And yeah i start playing Wuwa and GOD!!!thats so refreshing to play a Mc who is badass,strong,loved and have this aura 🔥 especly After playing many years whit the Traveler who get humiliated every chapter , every region....


The Wuwa MC does get treated better, but for now, they kind of feels that their lacking a bit. Probably because of the main quest being a bit dull due to Kuro being forced to rewrite the game in such a short amount of time. They should have kept the original storyline. The story was great. But yeah, Kuro MC is being treated good, hopefully Aether can get some of that treatment like Caelus and Rover


Yeah i agree whit you, but this is just the begening and for a begening Rover start very well And For Traveler...well out of all the gacha Mc Aether is my favorite but Hoyovers is killing the character, ive Heard that there is a beta voice Line of Venti where its state that the Pyro archon will give her power/Pyro authority to the Traveler so for me Natlan is the Last chance to have the Traveler getting something cool and be treated well by Hoyovers if he got Nothing in Natlan then i will stop playing the game, defenetly...


They should give Aether some animations, at least for his burst. It would be nice. He's the only 5 star that doesn't have a burst animation


If it was only that... The Traveler also doenst have the state of a 5 stars thats why all hes kit are trash .... I suppose they will give him a Animation Burst on hes true power kit ...so at the end of the game...


I dont really like Scara either, the majority of his fanbase is 18 year old girls who like guys like Scara, and plus that mf is an emo ass, Japanese looking ass n***a with no PARENTS Like bro this ugly ass n***a Scara


Hold up! Keqing and Navia in the same place? Oh and Hat Guy is there too. Navia without her hat? What is this place?


Wanderer is only in one act of the story so don’t worry even he had spotlight it’s an random event let’s hope we get a spotlight in importan AQ in natlan rather than events , and navia is there so I think the event will a W for aevia enjoyers including me


Bros i Hope we will get some Aevia moment


Till now there is no moment Navia appears without some aevia moments it’s reminding me of ayaka




I seriously think they completly forget her.... She is also the only one btw the free first character to not have a skin 😞


First character always deserves love 😔




Glad for you Bros 🥲👍🏽


And your only source is... from a leak of which even you are unsure of? You got to be fucking kidding me? It's one thing to be disappointed with a story writing, it's a completely separate thing to ACTIVELY SEARCH for things to be wrong or disappointed about from a fucking **story** **leak** of all things of which you don't even have the actual clue of what goes on in it.


Whoa whoa calm down 💀 What make you think "im not sure" I will not post anything if im not sure its true lol


>We don't have a lot of information about it >It **seems** about some information >Like it's implied You tell me what any of that means, I'll wait Also the very fact that it's a story leaks from God knows where. And no, speculation means shit when it comes to story leaks.


Its just mean we dont really now what is going to happen in these qest that all 💀 And yes its implied that Wanderer will be in the spotlight and the qest will be focus on him


>Its just mean we dont really now what is going to happen in these qest that all And what part of that is you being "so sure" about? Are you even listening to yourself?


What im "sure about" is that it was implied that Wanderer will be the Mc of the qest 💀 you really have bad Reading comprehension skill


That is contradicting You cant be sure of an implication without proper evidence to back it up. So how can you go around saying as if it's true and being so sure when it's an "implication"? You don't know if it's true Also did I forgot to mention that it's a **story leak**? Those aren't always true, especially this early.


1 the leak himself implied that Wanderer will be in the spotlight 2 i think everyone know that leak are not 100% sure , but WE have image so theyre IS great chance that those leak are true


Oi jackass it’s a LEAK aka information that MAY or MAY NOT be true


Thanks for stating the obvious, Sherlock. My issue here is dude acting like it's true, jackass.


Hoyoverse not gluing & shoving Clorinde to the side of Navia?? That's impossible! Fake news! https://i.redd.it/v6a2ynmlyh9d1.gif Wait till Hoyo writes a surprise Clorinde popping out from the ground like a plant to the left of Navia. >!/jk!<


Navia can exist independently of Clorinde, Clorinde is the one who can’t exist independently of Navia.


So much so that you can literally remove Clorinde out of Navia's life, and it wouldn't really change much about. Sure Navia won't have any childhood friend, but I'm certain it won't stop her from befriending others I've mentioned before.


It wouldn’t no, Navia has to much of a friendly personality to not make friends.


This sub sure loves doomposting about events and stuff.


You really need help my friend.. like real psychological help.. you're self inserting way too hard into the character.. and not only just self inserting, this is peak MC syndrome..


What .... What are you talking 💀 you completly crazy lol 🤣🤣🤣


What make you think that im self inserting myself in Aether lol 😂 + i hate when peapol say that Aether is a self insert so trust me im not and im just sad and angry BC those Time Aether beacome a side character and i like the character so OFC im not happy of the way Hoyovers treat him that all 💀