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He needs all the training he can get right now, so i hope he can train with/under Murata, Xbalanque, Columbina and Capitano to prepare him for Snezhnaya, Celestia Abyss Order etc lol.


Yeah even if i like him hes not ready at all lol I also Hope the beta voice Line of Venti will be True and that Aether will got the Pyro authority bc he really need that kind of power up


Do we have any evidence that supports the beta lines being canon? Until we do, I won't get my hopes up.


Well Dainsleif say in the first genshin trailer that the Pyro archon will reavel her "secret" to the Traveler, that mean 1 they are going to Friends but also that for once a Archon will reavel us there Secret and not hiding it until the end lol I know that have nothing to do whit the Authority But WE have the beta voice Line of Venti that implied that atleast Hoyovers have plaineds to give Aether a power up at Natlan + The Pyro archon secret and the fact that Murata is most likely a Himeko Murata expy and in Both Honkai impact and Honkai star rails games , Himeko is the sensei, leader, of the Mc Its bc of Himeko that Kiana beacome stronger and even unlock her Herrscher of flamescion form And for the Traiblazeur its Himeko who Ask him if he wanted to join the Astral express and beacome a nameless Himeko is a important character for all the Mc of Hoyovers, so the Pyro archon will surly be important to the Traveler developpement And he really need a power up now , Natlan is the perfect moment for that


Slide 4 and 6 100%


So Aether training whit sensei Murata and then succefuly take the gnosis away from the Fatui Will be nice yeah 👍🏽


Nono, the Capitano and Columbina ones, literally slide number 4 and 6


Ah my Bad (i forget how to count now ? 💀)


Just hope the archon doesnt die like himeko


I Hope too I doenst want a "final lesson" in Genshin...


If its gonna happen, i want the capitano fight to be like this - traveler uses all his elements to fight - capitano is much stronger than the traveler but the traveler manages to compensate with his skill and abuse of the elements - the fights is on a stalemate where capitano cant land a good hit on the traveler but the traveler does jackshit damage to capitano - the fight ends by capitano using his strongest attack that catches the traveler off guard and 1 shots him - capitano leaves and the traveler is presumed dead - the traveler is at the brink of death but survives by sheer force of will What do you guys think Is it fire or ass?


Fire But We all know this won't happen since Hoyovers doesn't care about the Traveler or the story and only cares about making cool characters so to sell so in the end I'm sure there will be the phrase "The strongest power is that of Friendship"


Fire 🔥🔥🔥


With the way things are looking for him, it's most likely the last slide


Going by the Fatui Wheel Theory, the next Harbinger we'll fight and/or possibly have playable should be Columbina. Because of that, and looking at how Capitano has joined the combat in Natlan, I think what will happen is we subvert the narrative rule of 'Any combat tournament has to eventually have the protagonist participate', instead Aether make friends with one of the tribes and he and Paimon basically root for that tribe's champion(s) as they fight in the tournament but the two are involved in more behind-the-scenes events that eventually brings us into conflict with Columbina. Maybe something like we're fighting Columbina at the same time that the friendly tribe's champion(s) is fighting Capitano. Just a very rough idea that popped into my head while reading this post.


I ABSOLUTLY love your idea 🔥🔥🔥


I'm more curious as to what Zhongli deals with the Tsaritsa is back then. Zhongli: The Traveler will travel across Seven Nations on their journey. They will arrive in Snezhnaya eventually, and you will grant them safe passage. This is my term to you, Tsaritsa. This contract for my Gnosis. Tsaritsa: Very well, I accept your terms, Morax.


Im not sure thats that bc the Traveler and Zonghli d'int know each other beafor he made this contract


I think the second slide has the greatest chance


I feel like him getting the gnosis is most likely as evey single time the fatui get to it first


Yeah that will be refreshing to have the Traveler get the win at the end and not the Fatui+ Snezhanya will be the next region After Natlan and it will be way more interesting if the Traveler have the gnosis


All my hope is gone and wasted due to how he's been written off recently so I'll just stick of what info we have on natlan that we would have a crazy lore drop from the pyro archon if what dainsleif says is correct.


Well to be fair the Traveler writhing as been Bad since the begening of the Fontaine chapter arc And i heard that each Nation have is own writhing team so Maybe that will change at Natlan


> I heard that each Nation have is own writing team I won't believe this, but hypothetically, if this is true, they need to bring back the team who wrote sumeru(maybe make some changes like Traveler using the elements) because sumeru archon quest is written much better than fontaine archon quest. The traveler isn't just there to be told what to do but rather he is actually important in the Sumeru archon quest to the start and finish. Getting back on the topic, the traveler's power is basically what the plot needs him to be on and how he used(lack of) the elements. They will make something up or just write the scene in the way they want it to be and sacrifice the consistency of the traveler's power in order for the plot to move forward(spoilers for jjk:>!Like in jjk where Gojo Satoru has to be trapped in the prison realm in order to move the plot because he's just that powerful!<). The traveler will never be consistent in terms of lore strength no matter how much we wished it to be.


Second slide would be epic but I don't want to hype myself up if it happens to be like last slide


Traveler wields THE KNOOK


Aether will take the gnosis But give it back after snezhnaya archon convince him to do so Therefore revive the celestia aka the unknown goddess Aether shock and ask the past archon which reveal thee fact that the 6 past archon try to seal the unknown goddess after khaenri'ah incident. Also make colaboration with abyss lumine possible because celestia ruin everything (yup i dont read much ) Let me cook for a while.




Personally, I think the traveler will start reawakening his original powers by using the Gnosis. I think that the siblings are at the level of Archon's, by the way they adapt to each element and their burst in some way or form is similar to the Archons/Sovereigns along with how strpng they are in combat with little use of elemental power compared go others, and when this happens it wpuld be discovered that he knows or has a good idea of who exactly was the 3rd descender. While in Natlan, there's a good chance that another Soverign will regain their original powers, and the Traveler will discover that he most likely has visited Teyvat long before the Heavenly Principles arrival is somehow related to him and Teyvat went under a entire different name. Also stars can change after a extremely long time so he probably didn't recognize it






Traveler will again be used as marketing tool just like in Fontaine


They will Really fuck UP theyre game story if they continue like that


At this point I don't have any hope as Traveler main. When I started playing Genshin back in 3.5 everything seemed to go very well for traveler, and then Fontaine came


Well just like you said the Problem is Fontaine Aether was pretty Peak at Inazuma and Sumeru so just lets hope Natlan will not be like Fontaine


Tbh if Natlan will have same vibe as Fontiane imma probably stop playing Genshin as I play mostly for lore.


Yeah me too, Natlan is the ultimate last chance for me, if its trash like Fontaine i will stop playing the game


Greater question is how are they going to get themselves fucked over by the government liyue they became wanted criminals, monstadt nothing really happened, inazuma Ei tried killing them or something I forgor, Fontaine they went to court I don't know about Sumeru


Lol Traveler cant have some Time for Himself at the begening of a New region lol I


How the hell did you write that so fast lmao


![gif](giphy|nMT2qCwjIwgR2TwChn) I have my secret 🙂‍↕️✋🏽




I Can see him getting in the middle of a fight btw two diff tribut


I think he will bring peace to the land, by receiving training and perhaps the gnosis from the pyro Arcon. However something will bring us to work with or agree with the fatui, which will lead us to scheznaya and perhaps present the gnosis the the tsaritsa.


I think too + If you look at the other region the final boss is never the Fatui Monstad= Dvalin, Lyiue=Osial, Inazuma= Ei Fontaine= all devouring Narwal stelavor Only Sumeru the final boss was Scaramouche (but he quit the Fatui so that doenst count) So im pretty sure Natlan final boss will not be a Fatui but an even more dangerous and powerfull treath


Honkai impact players getting PDST


I just want Aether to have babies


Yeah....but whit who 🤔




I got you https://preview.redd.it/k57syzx6vlad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a9c93fb88c68fc99583305c2a56154e795953d




Do not Say more 🗿 https://preview.redd.it/7u8bassyvlad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a7f0e0b8df097d1f1f953c8b6148177ebf977cf