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Pentagon announced last year it lost another 3 trillion and nobody cares. We give them a trillion a year and they have never passed an audit. They are laughing at us.


Facts. Also they don’t care 😩🤣🫡


So what's funny about it?


I just have a different sense of humor bud.


This was back when we weren’t spending a trillion dollars every 100 days


I remember watching an interview with 2 republican congress and they were asked about the 3 trillion Rumsfield announced and they said " that can't be, you must be mistaken it must only be B a billion not trillion" they didn't even know!


Pentagon also had a disintegrated plane that’s got the wingspan width of 225 feet yet blows a 90 foot circular blast zone into only section of the pentagon that had been renovated to withstand a terror attack. My dad is CIA. Just saying lol


I mean all they need to do is release vids of the plane hitting. There must be hundreds of cameras around that building. If it was a plane they would have shown it nonstop to drill it in that terrorists from Iraq attacked us!


You mean the ones that are easily found? 😆


Amazing a plane disintegrates after hitting a six foot thick granite wall at 400 mph.


Yeah good call — it has the width of almost a football field yet no show for wings and disintegrates into a hole smaller than a basketball court


I absolutely love how you say that as if that’s not how that works. You know building 7 happened right? No plane no nothin the shit just blew up. That’s a way better argument.


You make as much sense as a politician lol


We knew Saudi Arabia did it and attacked a completely different country 🤷‍♂️


Saudi arabians yes, the nation? I honestly don't know.


The Government uses the Bureau of Fiscal Service from the Department of the Treasury for such accounting which was never being done by any accounting firm or government agency in any of the buildings affected by 9/11. Moreso, what Rumsfeld actually said was: “The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector. But not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” He was discussing outdated technology.


Thanks for this. It sucks to have to scroll way down before finding... The ya know.... ACTUAL QUOTE.


Shhhhh let them have their delusion moment ...


You mean Joe Rogan was talking out of his ass?


No this blog post is irrefutable evidence. Everything to not acknowledge the real conspiracy that Saudi backed and financed terrorists were so easily able to hijack and crash planes. Who am I kidding; 7/11 was an inside job!1


7/11 is a part time job


But you also get to work inside!


Yeah this is thoroughly my problem with rogan he’s smart enough to be woefully dangerous. It’s odd for someone who is super into martial arts to not realize that a little knowledge can be more dangerous than none.


Honestly people who don't at least believe it was partially planned are morons. Personal favorite is how they couldn't find the black boxes but recovered the passports of the terrorists. Ya, that tracks lmao The only plane to fight back also just happened to be the one headed for the white house? The rest sat back and watched? Everything about the pentagon. People saying they planned it in a day as a deflection are also morons and have it backwards lmfao. They said that the day before not the other way around, Jesus christ.


Building 7 isn't a little bit suspicious to you? "We made the decision to pull the Building ". Do you know how long it takes to set up a Building to implode into its own footprint? Not suspicious to you?


Building 7 is very suspicious to me lol. I don't know if you picked up on my tone, but I clearly believe it was planned.


....and they just happened to be doing those military exercises at the exact same time. In the air.


If you think the best plan “””they””” could come up with was crashing fucking planes into skyscrapers, your brain has been melted by the internet. Somehow the people oppressing you are both the most cunning but also the most idiotic people alive


How was it idiotic if the majority bought it? Theoretically for argument sake wouldn't that be exactly what they wanted? I was alive when it happened it had nothing to do with the internet..


I'm pretty sure he means once the internet proliferated it quickly distorted many conspiracies in fact all of them. I think it's safe to say the internet exasperates all conspiracies.


I get that, but that's a completely separate point. The internet had nothing to do with my belief on this as I never bought the official narrative for a second and was alive at the time watching it unfold in real time.


Same. Saw the 2nd plane hit. Felt like a movie. I was only 20, but I knew life was forever changed.


The 9/11 conspiracy was a conspiracy. The gov put out the idea they secretly were behind the attack because they couldn't be seen too incompetent to prevent the attack


At the VERY least they were aware(which they were) and sat back doing nothing and took FULL advantage of warmongering and profiteering after the fact. If you really think that's that much better than cool. I don't myself.


This is where it begins and ends for me. The only cover up is they knew this was coming and either acted too late, gambled/guessed wrong, or enabled it by some messed up foreign policy snafu that made something like this more likely -- THAT'S the cover up. Not that jet fuel can't melt steel beams, or building 7 was blown up, etc.. it's that the administrations incompetence in avoiding, (or enabling it) was going to be on full display. That kind of conspiracy in hiding human errors is one I can buy -- the rest is just hysterical noise.


I low key believe building 7 but I can totally respect your opinion forsure. I could easily see you being in the right honestly, but I can't shake it.


For instance the gov tricked a bunch of people into thinking the passports that were recovered came from planes that crashed into the buildings when even their black box couldn't be recovered. False, the passports came from flight 93 not from the tower planes.


They claimed to have recovered more than that lol


Digital copies, not physical ones, there's no way they could have recovered them from the other crashes. Don't let the gov keep rolling you.


I don't buy a word of any of what the government has said about it, or most anything, so sure, guess they are "rolling me".. lol




It's common knowledge that many arbitrary things survive plane crashes. Fingers, tickets, food. It's not a new concept. And yes, they can survive collapsing buildings too. But my absolute favorite part is how convinced they are that everyone else is stupid. 😂 The US has literally overthrown governments with minimal effort. The US has literally gone to war with Iraq over bullshit wmd Intel. The US government can do literally anything it wants and there isn't a goddamn thing any of us can do about it. There are armed conflicts raids assassinations happening by some very skilled secret squirrel people globally by tier 1 groups. They do not need our permission, nor do they need airplanes hitting fucking towers dude 😂😂


They don't need planes, but if it prevents Vietnam style protests why wouldn't they?


🫵🤡🫵🤡🫵😭🤡 you don't seem to remember how much of an impact 9/11 had on American society that people still feel to this day You are an ignorant clown


Yeah they were able to plan and carry out 9/11 in 24 hours. This is how you can tell he hasn't accomplished anything in his life. He has no idea how much planning goes into doing complicated shit


Rogan is stoned oprah for bros


Joe Rogan is a click bait cynic. Just hype and pretend honest inquiry. Pit he’s to the audience who buys the junk he advertises. He is an honest commentator to the same degree as Carlson Tucker.


Fck Joe Rogan and everyone that believes his bs.


None of what he said is true. The world trade center never had anything to do with the US budget or accounting. ALL of that is done by the US GAO and they didn't do it in those buildings. There is also a mountain of evidence that 9/11 was YEARS in the making.


Building 7.. And the pentagon section that alledgedly was hit by a large commercial aircraft had the investigation records.


Ah yes a place that exclusively deals with the militaryb(an entity that has ZERO authority over anything that isn't military) was housing investigation records into the federal governments accounting issues. Do you people hear yourselves?


This is a misunderstanding of language. The money wasn’t missing it was unaccounted for. Meaning we did not have an accurate record of where that money was being spent. In the following year all but a few billion of that amount was accounted for. This is actually how after the fact accounting works. Let me know if you need a link.


I’d love to read up on it! I don’t have any views about this matter, but it seems absolutely ridiculous to me that the government doesn’t have the architecture and records in place to track where every cent is going.


What’s even more ridiculous? It’s still the same today. > Rumsfeld says, “Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building. Because it's stored on dozens of different technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.” - Sept. 10 2001 Here’s us one from 1980 https://www.gao.gov/assets/fgmsd-80-66.pdf Or 2016 https://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2016/07/31/Pentagon-s-Sloppy-Bookkeeping-Means-65-Trillion-Can-t-Pass-Audit Same story. Different day. This article does a good job of explaining the various forms of fuckery occurring https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2019/01/09/holding-u-s-treasuries-beware-uncle-sam-cant-account-for-21-trillion/?sh=2d78221f7644


No you have it all wrong! They had a room with a pile of cash that they were counting and crashed the plane into it to hide the missing money. You gotta think like a 3rd grader to make sense of this.


Im sure it was just a coincidence... Like the room in the pentagon investigating missing military money and building 7..... Right?


Was building 7 also doing some sort of investigation?


SEC records for the enron investigation


Yeah, in a single day they organized the whole operation to destroy computers holding information that was assuredly backed up on a server. But to suspend rational thought for a moment longer, if you did want to destroy those computers, wouldn't it be infinitely easier to simbly break-in and destroy them? Maybe infect them with a virus? Maybe set off a sprinkler system? Nope, instead they decided to hick jack multiple airliners and fly them into four places to damage a few computers. .People who believe these theories are morons.


Wrong sub bro. Logic doesn't exist here.


What? I thought this was a comedy/satire sub. You mean this isn't a comedy/satire sub? Well, I'm heartbroken. ☹️


G.O.D. = Gold, Oil, Drugs , it’s why 9/11 happen, the day before , Taliban in Afghanistan banned poppy and by 2013 Afghanistan was #1 in opioid exportations , the day before America said they couldn’t track 2.3 trillion, then we seized all that gold from Iraq, and since ISIS, Army Rangers are in Syria and have stolen that countries oil and sold it to other countries.


You have any proof on stealing gold and oil?


-Iraqi Oil https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/05/23/middleeast/iraq-oil-money-us-invastion-intl -Seems like America returned the gold it took. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2003/5/27/iraq-money-and-gold-retrieved -Here is the deal on Syrian oil https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/03/delta-crescent-energy-syrian-oil-391033


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So your own sources show that the US didn't steal gold from Iraq and soldiers didn't steal Syrian oil. Your entire post was lies then.


Yes they did steal the gold and then gave it back and yes they did steal Syrian oil and are selling it to other countries


The gold was kept safe so ot wouldn't ve stolen. You know, like the thousands of artifacts abd treasures that were stolen by Iraqis. The gold that was meticulously counted and watched? The oil that the Kurds in Syria were having trouble extracting and selling? That oil that was then able to make the Kurds more self sufficient? Why don't you look at that deal, it's very favorable for the Kurds. So yes, you literally told outright lies in your post.


We the people will never ever know the truth


The only truth you can take to the bank!


What? Sorry I don't understand what you're saying.


The owner of the towers made a good chunk of change on buildings that were losing $


The only thing funnier than the premise is how the video is edited lmao


The Pentagon cannot be audited.


Pretty impressive they cooked all that up in 24 hours




Not exactly new knowledge here.


Fahrenheit 9/11 really does make the most sense to me. You watch that and then take a step back to observe just how pathetic and evil these government officials are. Not one serving time or subjected to the same punishment as any one of us peasant trash would be. We'd be out to death being involved in something like that, but these fucking politicians get to relax and go about being human parasites...


Fuck Joe Rogan. He's a hack and fraud.


I believe something went down


Yeah. Religious extremists decided to kill people exploiting a massive security flaw.


No, something worse! We were in on it otherwise the towers wouldn't have imploded perfectly with micro explosions.


Perfectly, as long as you ignore the ten blocks covered in carcinogens.


Quit listening to this potato.


Rumsfeld also said they shot down a plane over pennsylvania no one talking about that


So Joe is fos






So I'm watching a show about the Illuminati and then this post shows up. 🤔


Funny that Joe is voted as “revealing” this when 9/11 truthers have been pointing this out since 2001…


This is some really old fucking news.


Soon everything that ever happened in the past never happened and half of the world will believe it.


Anyone who still debates 9/11 conspiracy theories at this point is pretty low IQ.


The only "conspiracy theory" I fully believe in


Don’t forget that Building 7 collapsed for no reason, and a British reporter reported it collapsing before it even did, then got her feed cut.


Building seven never existed. Everything is fine




yep happened and all the gold in the basement got trucked out leaving one empty truck in the rubble. They never saw it coming. LOL


Highly edited clips of Joe Rogan taken at face value without a single moment of reflection or critical thought is exactly the kind of research I expected to find on this sub


Choosing to comment and interact with only these short clips rather than acknowledging the journal articles or multiple hour long documentary’s that have been posted on the topic is the exact kind of research I expected from you.


I’m interacting with what **you fucking retards** post here to see if you can actually prove a single fucking interesting thing that makes logical sense. Post a documentary or “journal article” that actually proves anything and isn’t full of dogshit. It’s always the dumbest fucks that have to say “uh uh my answer is in a article somewhere far far away and I can never point to literally anything specific” It’s the misinformation equivalent of “my girlfriend goes to another highschool”


My point is that I have, and you chose to not interact with it… because you choose to be willfully ignorant. Even with that point aside the hypocrisy in your original comment here is absurd. You act like you you’ve done anything to further research these claims or think about the implications of what was said.


Oh I’m sure you did **amazing** research. The best research. And I haven’t? Well for one I looked through the comments that raised numerous problems with this highly edited retarded clip that you mouthbreathers just accept at face value. As always retard, provide a logical argument that proves literally anything. I’d love to interact with it if you weren’t too fucking stupid to even provide it. You can do all this research apparently, why don’t you go research how to actually formulate a logical argument.


I have done extensive research on this topic… far more than looking through the comments. It’s pathetic how you think that’s enough and then go around acting like you’re better or more knowledgeable than others. I find it odd how often you use that hateful word. You do realize you’d be banned by now in any other sub for that right? I assume you do and just understand there’s free speech here allowing you to freely express how much you hate people who think differently than you. This illuminates your character almost as much as how you ran away from our last interaction the second you realized how dumb you sounded. If you’d like to continue feeling like you’re owning some mouth breathers in this sub then I’d advise you do so with significantly less disrespect. Treat this as your first and second warning. Anyways… I’d like to see what type of mental gymnastics come from you after seeing this article: https://agenziastampaitalia.it/immagini/activethermitic_911.pdf Logic (for the willfully ignorant who can’t extrapolate this on their own): There was Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from 9/11. Thematic material comes from thermite. Thermite was used in the demolition of the collapsed towers on 9/11.


I didn’t look at whatever your link is, but why is it that I don’t you see you responding to any of the comments pointing out the misinformation in the clip that was posted?? And you actually posted a logical argument at the end, holy shit AMAZING. I love to see it. I can’t strawman it now because it’s laid out nice and clear for evaluation. Why can’t you just **start** with that? Do you believe your syllogism that you posted is both deductively valid and also sound?


Of course you chose not to click the link… that seems to always be the case with you whenever the link contains any evidence that’s genuinely compelling. Do you really want to know why I didn’t interact with people who commented specific criticisms of this post? Primarily because they shared their specific criticisms and opinions in a way that moves the discussion along whether that means they provided a link or explained what they know and their reasoning. (Unlike you who simply is here to spread hate to individuals that disagree with you). Secondarily because this video does get a part wrong, the quote wasn’t said a day before the attack. Personally, I don’t think when this quote was said really matters, the main point is that a plane flew into the part of the pentagon responsible for documenting these missing trillions. I don’t think it’s worth interacting with people who still don’t understand that, or people use the misconceptions or lack of understanding of others to further confirm their own bias. I’m likely not going to further this conversation. Just remember what I said earlier about treating people with respect… if you care at all about being apart of this sub.


Yeah so I didn’t look at the link **then** because I didn’t have time but I have since. When someone posts an article that directly debunks the claims made by Joe Rogan in the shitty edited clip, you ignore it because “it doesn’t move the discussion”, how convenient for you. Now that I have more time dive into this link I have a number of questions. For starters, since you’ve done exhaustive research, I’m assuming you’ve also looked into any academic criticisms of the link you’ve posted as well yes? Or did you just find something that supports your narrative and stop there? You also didn’t answer my question about if you believe the logical argument you posted is both valid **and** sound. And lastly, remember what I said. I don’t give a single fuck about how fragile you are. If you need to be coddled and have your hand held that’s a you problem. You can call me whatever fucking mean name you can possibly think and I truly not give a fuck so long as you **also** contain a rational argument of some kind or actually attempt to prove something. You call me whatever the fuck you want so long as you make a point. I don’t need you to be nice to me for me to accept truth. That’s one of many differences between you and me.


I didn’t ignore the criticisms of this post, I directly restated them to you and told you what I think about them. I just don’t feel the need to talk to the individuals that posted them because I have nothing further to add to the conversation. They are correct in their assessment that this wasn’t said a day before the attack, I’m not going to chime in to tell them how they’re wrong because they aren’t… I rather chime in to tell you how insufferable and uninformed you are. Just to make one thing clear, I’m not fragile. I could care less about what you call me… however as the sole moderator of this sub I need to make sure that I put in an effort to make sure we follow reddits content policy at least close enough to not get this sub banned. Spamming the sub with nothing but hateful messages, especially ones that use derogatory terms and provide nothing of substance to the conversation, is how things spiral out of control. If you wish to stay here start providing a rational argument of your own. Otherwise keep the same energy on any other sub and see how long you last.


BS. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/rumsfeld-did-not-reveal-loss-23-trillion-day-before-911-2023-09-14/


Children. Tiny minds breed this nonsense and tinier minds buy it. Propaganda is a weapon. Believe it


Boeing Laundered the money, even supplied the planes to target towers.... Onion....


What about all the gold?


Apophenia is a hell of a drug.


Even more interesting is the story of Larry Silverstein. He bought the World Trade Center buildings six weeks before 9/11. He then got unprecedented insurance that covered the WTC in the event of destruction from terrorism. Did he know something, or was it just a shrewd business decision? Who knows.


It was bombed in a 93 terrorist attack and was probably the most famous buildings in the US.  Also, terrorism insurance is pretty common.


It’s amazing that people believe this BS.


I have not a fuck to give about anything Bro Jogan says


We all know it was an inside job. Anyways, in the words of a wise prophet "and you ain't gon do shit about it".


I don't understand why people believe conspiracy theories that don't make sense. It would take many months, years, of planning to pull off 9/11. Not to mention at least a couple thousand people sworn to secrecy. If the point of 9/11 was to hide 2 trillion dollars of missing DOD funds why would you publicly announce that 2 trillion dollars of funds are missing one day before the scheduled fake terrorist attack that has been a year in the making? Wouldn't you not mention the funds at all and then let the attack happen so it erases all the evidence? Also do people really think that this type of accounting is only stored like on a single floppy disk somewhere?


Are you forgetting it set the stage to put boots on the ground all over the middle east for 20+ years?


This is false you idiots. It was revealed a year before 9/11. You are being lead astray. My only request is please don't procreate.


These people will spoon feed you details like this decades later, never revealing the fact the *two towers* were *built to fall* and to be *merged into one* according to the occult worldview *that are leaders worldwide adhere to.*


I believe that was in Building 7 Joe, you know the building that collapsed and wasn't hit by a plane into it's own footprint.


After a fairly significant fire...smh


And after the interior of the building had collapsed first, leaving the walls unsupported: https://youtu.be/4LUDXpMhkNk?si=oCmZiKIgqejXfYpo


Ok I will concede there are one or two discrepancies and coincidences here.


There are more discrepancies here than misspellings in your post.