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Many government and big pharma shills in this subreddit trying to sway public opinion. Evil entities


Even if this is true (the site has zero sources) that's still a whopping .00012%.


And written by a family law attorney with no background in medicine, for a “nonprofit”


Are you basing that on total population or only the ones that took it?


Have a read. https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/dna-contamination-in-covid-vaccines?


The only evil entities are the morons who spread blatant lies which are dumbing down the population and killing people


All sources are one article, which it doesn't even link to it's sources, it links to another article that links no sources. So there is no source. Bullshit.


Probably the self report system. Which includes "turned me into the incredible hulk"


Or my arm was sore. Or my 87-year-old great aunt with congestive heart failure and dementia and rheumatoid arthritis and morbid obesity and previously had two heart attacks and has stents from 15 years ago and type 2 diabetes... Got vaccinated and then 3 weeks later died of a heart attack. IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE CLOT SHOT!


Ask the first person that got a gene therapy "vaccine" in 1999 he died a few days later... and the other two subjects got serious side effects [Institute for Human Gene Therapy Responds to FDA -- Almanac Between Issues 2/14/2000 (upenn.edu)](https://almanac.upenn.edu/archive/between/FDAresponse.html)


Maybe that will become relevant one day when people have access to gene therapy vaccinations.




Apples and oranges here. The disease they were treating here, fewer than 20% of people make it to age 14.


I recall a dude claiming through VAERS that the TOXIC JARRRRB made his dick huge. I wonder what prison he's in now? 🤣


Qui bono? Making a false VAERS report is a criminal offence with no upside to the reporter. What motivation exists for anyone to do so? They're is however plenty of commercial, political and financial capital to be gained by promoting the vaccine as safe.


It doesn’t have to be “false” as in didn’t happen, but rather can easily be false attribution and it’s not a crime.


They're is no attribution as the system clearly states it doesn't imply direct causation.


Exactly, so none or all of these events could be related to the vaccine.


Indeed. But it states that correlations will be tracked and investigation into causality will take place if patterns indicate a possibility. Have you seem much evidence of those investigations?


Yes, the CDC lists them all: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/publications.html


The ones treating anyone experiencing issues who was vaccinated within 14 days as 'unvaccinated'?


That was specifically for comparing COVID mortality between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Thanks for showing that you don't understand how things work again.


No, have you? Sounds like there weren’t many correlations.


The CDC actually lists them: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/publications.html ***SPOILER ALERT*** Theres nothing scary


Oh look you’re incredulous to the fact that people lie all the time. Very naive and stupid of you. VAERS doesn’t require anyone to demonstrate causation. It’s a scam and a farce and you’ve fallen for it.


People tend to lie for a reason. I can list a number of financial and commercial motivations why someone could lie to reduce vaccine side effects. I'm struggling to see the case otherwise.


There are also plenty of financial incentives to lie and exaggerate the hazards due to vaccines. For example: Someone is promoting an alternative treatment or cure for covid. We have the wellness company selling expensive Ivermectin and supplement packages that cost many times what vaccination costs and require continued use. When they point out that Ivermectin is amazingly cheap to make it's telling that what they sell it for is amazingly profitable. To use as a political wedge issue to use against the government. Even in the republican party their is disagreement between a Trump that wants credit for pushing for a vaccine and the more conspiratorial wing that thinks that fauci is trying to murder them. Vaccine hesitancy used to traditionally track left so it makes a convenient fault line to organize around. A distrust in modern medicine and the focus on public health vs individual health. While there may be some motivated against the profit seeking business of medicine (thinking USA-centric) and the distrust of big pharma their never seems to be any suggestions for removing the profit motives. When the anti-capitalist complaints about big-pharma are not ever leveled at the supplement industry it's telling that the complaint isn't sincere.


People lie for bad reasons, too. Like to perpetuate pseudoscience and other bullshit. It’s mostly dumb people that do stuff like that and the VAERS reports are mostly very, very dumb.


That's not an argument.


Prove it.


You prove that vaers is full of false reports


You prove that any of them show a casual link. You know you can’t. Now prove that my argument isn’t an argument.


What an article purports to be true has nothing to do with making a false VAERS report. They don't write VAERS reports, they write articles.


Can you try that again in English?


> Making a false VAERS report is a criminal offence with no upside to the reporter. Huh?


What benefit does anyone stand to gain by making a false VAERS report? It's not a difficult concept to grasp.


A more important question is what benefit do you get from intentionally misinterpreting the data?


Who is doing that, can you state categorically how it's been misrepresented. And if so how can you evidence it has been misinterpreted intentionally?


Would you care? You'll draw your own ridiculous conclusions anyway.


I'm not the one claiming VAERS is full of fraudulent reports..


For a whole ass .00012% if true.


I always wonder how much of this stuff is just straight Russian propaganda


What benefit does Russia gain from highlighting this?


Making us all stupid helps Russia.


Er, how?


You don’t think our average person being an idiot helps other countries?


Care to explain more about how a foreign state can turn someone into an idiot?


Looks like they’ve already got you. PROPAGANDA.


Victims of propaganda are the ones blaming the Russians for everything they don't like. Given Russia was no western media ownership, how exactly are they spreading propaganda?


Ah yes, the ole reverse propaganda. I had a Ukrainian coworker 15-20 years ago tell me how good Russians are at it. He said you won’t even know when they’ve got you. That’s where you are right now. Have you heard of the internet? That’s how they spread it, obviously.


Honestly? You can’t think of a thing that Russia would gain from this? How about Americans unnecessarily losing faith in its government. That seems like an easy one to identify.


So we get a different government. How does Russia benefit?


A divided America votes in an obviously incompetent Trump who is much more friendly to Russia’s foreign policy agenda. Do I have to connect every obvious dot for you. Trump doesn’t want to fund Ukraine. Russia is invading Ukraine.


But trump was and is pro vaccine. So your point is?


Who are the anti vaxxers voting for?


I don't think they are a homogeneous blob. Possibly not the dolt who thought it appropriate to state as fact to the nation 'take this vaccine and you won't get covid', or who wished a winter of death on the unvaccinated though...


You don’t know who anti vaxxers are voting for? Now I know you’re not having a serious conversation. I knew that your feigned ignorance was disingenuous.


Just to preface: I hate this anti vaxer BS; but the link works, and unfortunately, this does seem to imply that there were “injuries” on a large scale. “Out of the approximate 10 million v-safe users, 782,913 individuals, or over 7.7% of v-safe users, had a health event requiring medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization. Another 25% of v-safe users had an event that required them to miss school or work and/or prevented normal activities. There were also around 13,000 infants under 2 years of age registered in v-safe. Among these infants, over 33,000 symptoms were reported, with the most common symptoms being irritability, sleeplessness, pain, and loss of appetite. The data also reflects a disproportionate amount of negative health impacts, including medical events, following the Moderna vaccine versus the Pfizer vaccine and shows a disproportionate number of negative events reported by women versus men” [My source](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cdcs-covid-19-vaccine-v-safe-data-released-pursuant-to-court-order-301639584.html) [OPs](https://thevaccinereaction.org/2024/05/cdc-kept-780000-covid-shot-adverse-event-reports-hidden/#_edn6) Please, anyone correct me where I’m wrong and explain 🙏🏿


V-Safe is a self-report system. It’s just people saying something happened, it’s not a record of their medical events


Kinda like VAERS?


Find the interactive V-Safe dashboard below and click the DOWNLOAD buttons to obtain exclusive data obtained by ICAN. [V-Safe Data - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network (icandecide.org)](https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/)


Here it is, you can view the raw data: [V-Safe Data - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network (icandecide.org)](https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/)


Pretty straight forward article to me. You sound vaccinated.


You sound home schooled




Why don't the citation links work? This is a bad source. edit: Furthermore it looks like the truth is they didn't keep adverse reactions hidden but only free-text fields unpublished. Anything in the check-boxes, including the same users that filled out free text fields, was included in the VAERS reporting system. This is an incredibly disingenuous take on what actually happened and OP should be ashamed. Just a reminder the risk of myocarditis from a COVID infection remains a multiple higher than from vaccination.




Really. [Myocarditis risk significantly higher after COVID-19 infection vs. after a COVID-19 vaccine | American Heart Association](https://newsroom.heart.org/news/myocarditis-risk-significantly-higher-after-covid-19-infection-vs-after-a-covid-19-vaccine)




I just gave you one that showed the risk is 11 times higher than the vaccine.




Well that's a bunch of shit. Knowing what you're looking for absolutely helps you find what you're looking for. I'm very sorry COVID infections remain more dangerous than COVID vaccines.




"You need to demonstrate that the net positive of continued COVID vaccination has better outcomes than not vaccinating." "Because the vaccines don’t prevent you from getting the disease and don’t prevent you from giving it to someone else. " They do, however, greatly reduce the risk of severe illness and risk of hospitalization, critical care and death. And it wouldn't be a stretch to figure out less-severe illness also means less-severe damage to blood vessels since COVID is a blood-vessel damaging illness. If I'm not as sick for as long I'm probably not doing the same damage to by body over the course of the infection. "o what do they do other than causing measurable cardiac cell death in 1 in 35?" Are you claiming 1 in 35 people who received the vaccine have died? Because that's complete bullshit and would amount to a corpse pile in America equaling - with 81.3% of the population getting at least a single dose - of about 7.5 million people and buddy... You don't fucking got that by a country mile.




All it shows is an increase in cardiac troponin. Exercise also causes this, you don't understand what you're reading. They also didn't check the levels before vaccination.




>Troponin is released after cardiac cell death Yes, including things like exercise. >I prefer vaccines that don’t cause damage to my heart Good luck with that. Any immune response will cause this to some degree. >actually prevent me from getting the disease No vaccine is 100% capable of this. It worked well enough considering a lot more of the unvaxxed died.




Exercise: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27420587 "It can be concluded that both heavy and light exercise may cause elevated troponin, which have to be considered when patient are suspected to have a myocardial infarction." Mental stress: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3807660/ "we found a robust association between cortisol response and detectable hs-cTnT" Small pox and flu vaccine: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0118283 "Additionally, 31 SPX-vaccinees without specific cardiac symptoms were found to have over 2-fold increases in cTnT (>99th percentile) from baseline (pre-SPX) during the window of risk for clinical myocarditis/pericarditis and meeting a proposed case definition for possible subclinical myocarditis. This rate is 60-times higher than the incidence rate of overt clinical cases. " Flu: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30740511/ "Thirty three (2.9%) patients had elevation of troponin levels greater than 0.3 ng/mL. Most of the patients with elevated troponin levels had influenza A infection (90.9%, n = 30), of which H3 subtype was the most common (48.5%, n = 16). Fifteen patients (45.5%) had a myocardial infarction, 20 (60.6%) had left ventricular abnormalities visualized on echocardiogram, and four (12.1%) died while inpatient."




Sure we all have preferences. Doesn't always work out that way. I agree that continued use of the vaccine boosters likely offers very little benefit to the user, and might even be net harmful. However, upon release it was certainly successful. Case fatality rates clearly were affected by the release of vaccines globally and we can track that effectiveness by vaccine type. Here I'll help there other commenter out since it looks like you want to play "I don't know what you are talking about games." Common knowledge should not require sourcing but here you go. First link that popped up > It can be concluded that both heavy and light exercise may cause elevated troponin, which have to be considered when patient are suspected to have a myocardial infarction. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27420587/#:~:text=It%20can%20be%20concluded%20that,release%20is%20most%20likely%20physiologic. Supporting link https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30797799/ I'm not sure about other vaccines though. Would have to look deeper than first link.


AHA is funded by big Pharma: These sources provide information on how the American Heart Association spends the dollars so generously donated in support of our mission. Includes audited financial statements, IRS Form 990 and disclosure of support received from pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers. [American Heart Association Financial Information | American Heart Association](https://www.heart.org/en/about-us/aha-financial-information) Totally unbiased


The VAERS database is funded by the CDC. I thought you didn't trust them?


Your own source says they account for 4% of funding. Well done. Total non-corporate revenue sources account for over 84%. That was a hard fail, huh?


Total corporate funding is comprised of unrestricted gifts, special event and program sponsorships and fees from program-related services. Corporate funding represents approximately 15.7 percent of the AHA’s $1.2 billion total revenue. [2022-2023 American Heart Association Funding from Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies and Device Manufacturers](https://www.heart.org/-/media/Annual-Report/2022-2023-Annual-Report-Files/FY_2022_2023_AHA_Pharma_Disclosure.pdf)


Yes. Total corporate. You said Pharma. "AHA is funded by big Pharma:" Pharma is 4%. See? Now you need to move goalposts. LOL


I also want to point out the AHA has done more to help people than you ever have or will.


Yeah it's done a lot to help kill people. Their dietary reccomendations are a huge reason for heart disease and death in this country. Fucking Cheerios are healthy to them? You gotta be kidding me.


I can't tell if this is satire or not.


Yeah high carb breakfast cereal being endorsed by the AHA as healthy sure sounds like satire. But sadly it's real


[Cheerios Nutrition Facts - Eat This Much](https://www.eatthismuch.com/food/nutrition/cheerios,1006/) "y carbs should I eat a day? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318617 Carbohydrates: How carbs fit into a healthy diet - Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/carbohydrates/art-20045705 "Current guidelines recommend that 45–65% of a person’s daily calories should come from carbohydrates, or carbs. That’s equal to about 225 to 325 grams of carbs if you eat 2,000 calories a day." LOL, they're fine you desperate and sad weirdo.


Lol that's terrible guidance. People who do low or no carb diets lose a ton of weight and have other health benefits. Aside from elite athletes, carbs are not needed. The entire point here is the medical establishment does not have our best interest and health in mind. And your refutation of my point is, guidance from the medical establishment to eat a ton of carbs. Totally laughable.


[V-Safe Data - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network (icandecide.org)](https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/)


Why not just provide the source data? [VAERS - Data (hhs.gov)](https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html)


These weren't reported to VAERS they were reported to V safe, different data set.


V-safe is a vaccine monitoring system that allows vaccine recipients to report adverse effects via text message. It's basically VAERS but in text message form. And just like VAERS, literally anyone can say anything they want and there's zero verification that what they're saying is accurate. The CDC didn't want to release V-safe data because many of these texts contained personally identifiable information. There's no conspiracy here.


One guy reported that a vaccine shot turned him into The Incredible Hulk, and they left it up until he told them to take it down lmao.


Well then that’s just proof that all 780,000 reports are full of shit then /s


Not at all. Just pointing out the issues of a self-reporting system.


It was deemed fit for purpose when it was introduced...


There are limitations. Maybe you'll learn how VAERS works. At least you're putting faith into the CDC and FDA for a change. ***I'm turning off notifications now. Happy reading!*** VAERS, established in 1990, is a collaborative effort between **the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)**. [https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-voices/vaers-critical-part-national-vaccine-safety-system](https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-voices/vaers-critical-part-national-vaccine-safety-system) **~What are the limitations of VAERS?~**  *Reports sent to VAERS may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, and unverified information. Only after experts have reviewed all the facts and looked at all available data will they make a determination about the cause of the event.* Investigators may or may not reach out to the individual who submits a report to VAERS. VAERS experts may contact health systems or facilities for information related to a report to ensure they have all available information. This has sometimes led to confusion for individuals who have reported serious events, as they assume the ball was dropped. Even though the person who submitted a report may never hear from VAERS, without fail, work is happening to obtain more information about reported life-threatening events. **~How Does VAERS Work?~** Both the CDC and the FDA take every adverse event seriously. We investigate all events that potentially indicate a safety concern.  VAERS relies on individuals, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public, to submit reports of adverse events following vaccination. Some of these reported events may be true adverse reactions to a vaccine, while others may not be related. These reports, which range from mild reactions, like soreness and fatigue, to more severe complications, are reviewed by VAERS staff within days to identify potential patterns of concern.  The fundamental question in vaccine safety is if an event is directly caused by a vaccine. To understand whether an adverse event is related to the administration of a vaccine most often requires careful examination of the facts underlying multiple reports to VAERS. Further studies are often conducted involving comparisons of the rate of an event to rates of the same event in populations that have not been vaccinated, or who have been vaccinated at a different point in time. Since most events that occur after vaccination also occur in people who are not vaccinated, these comparisons are critical to sorting out whether vaccines may have caused a particular event. Our experts also look carefully to see if there are differences in reported adverse events between what men and women, or between different ethnic groups to determine whether particular populations may be at risk. After an adverse event is reported, the information is processed and sent to the CDC and the FDA. Physicians and scientists there collaborate on evaluating the reports. In the case of reports related to the COVID-19 vaccines, for example, FDA and CDC experts assessed relevant data from serious reports and shared important findings with each other. (Serious reports are defined by the following outcomes: death, a life-threatening adverse event, inpatient hospitalization or extension of existing hospitalization, a persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions, or a congenital anomaly/birth defect.)  Scientists perform further analysis using other safety systems such as the [CDC's Vaccine Safety Datalink and Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Project](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vsd/index.html), or in the [FDA’s Biologics Effectiveness and Safety system](https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/safety-availability-biologics/cber-biologics-effectiveness-and-safety-best-system) and data obtained in collaboration with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In addition to information obtained by VAERS investigators, these systems are better able to assess health risks and shed light on whether the vaccine caused the adverse event. 


That's too many words for these morons to read. They just want to hear "Fauci bad" or "vaccine bad"


It is fit for purpose. You just don't understand what it's for


For monitoring responses to vaccination programmes.


Adverse doesn't automatically mean serious or life threatening. 780k literally means nothing. You just see a large number and don't realize it's actually a small number. Remember we have 360 million people in this country. We're talking ~0.1-.2% of people who received a shot in America might have had a self reported reaction of some sort. Those reports can include anything from made up nonsense to possibly a few life threatening reactions. And every fever, rash, upset stomach in-between.


780k can literally mean anything. Did you vet the data and follow up on every one of the reports? No? Then why are you acting like you know it’s all nonsense?


Yes that is what I said, it can include but is not limited to, nonsense, mild, moderate and severe reactions and death. I don't have to vet anything to know that. And again... You're not understanding how numbers work. 0.2% chance of an adverse reaction makes that safer than a colonoscopy. You have a 0.2% of being in an accident while driving.


Nothing and anything mean two very different things. I understand that .2% is a low incidence rate. Do you understand that as a young healthy individual with natural immunity, it is still a completely unnecessary risk, regardless of how small?


That's 0.2% across all demographics. The numbers would be even lower for HEALTHY young people. Ultimately we know COVID is more damaging than the vaccine, across the board. Regardless of age. Also guaranteed you don't actually understand what natural immunity is. Your immune system is often what causes damage when you're sick. Some immune cells are blunt instruments. There's a reason we prescribe things like steroids.


First of all I am not arguing that an actual virus is less dangerous than the vaccine. The difference is I accidentally contract a virus, I don’t go to the doctor and ask for it to get injected into my arm. Second, I do understand natural immunity. It seems you don’t understand how mRNA vaccines work. The immune response you get when you contract covid is what the vaccine attempts to mirror. Like I said, after you’ve already contracted the disease, the vaccine is nothing more than a minute completely unnecessary risk.


You absolutely would, it's called rabies. If you don't get vaccinated for rabies after exposure during the latency phase, it's 100% fatal. That's how all vaccines work in some way or another... Ultimately some part of the immune system is reacting to some part of the either virus, protein, antigen or in the case of mRNA vaccines, a protein made with your own cells. The immune system then recognizes that protein as an antigen that later allows a more efficient reaction to a pathogen. And not true. Natural immunity isn't always permanent. Reinfections can and do happen with COVID. That's what organisms that replicate a lot do, they adapt. Which is actually part of why viruses naturally become less deadly with time. We adapt as well. Vaccines are more a shortcut to that. Also natural immunity is what causes adhesions and aging of tissue. That's what inflammation is. Obviously it's beneficial to us when fighting off disease but that response itself can cause other problems. This is how scar tissue forms.


I felt like I had been hit by a truck for about 12 hours and my arm was a little sore after my first shot. I could have reported it to VAERS, but I also wasn't alarmed because **I UNDERSTAND HOW VACCINES WORK** and I'm not a fucking idiot.


You made a typo on the last line


Vaccines prevent disease. This one doesn't. This vaccine was touted as an amazing new revolutionary technology. But out the other side of your mouth you say "it's how all vaccines work!" No. The vast majority of vaccines are not mRNA. Do we not remember the articles gushing over the amazing scientific achievements in the development of this? And now it's just like any other vaccine and not amazing? Which is it?


Actually that's you saying "it's how all vaccines work". You're making a straw man argument. All they said was they understood how vaccines work. You people also clearly don't understand how a virus works period. When a virus infects a cell, it uses its mRNA to take over and produce its own proteins. With an mRNA vaccine your cells make a very limited amount of a single protein. You have your own natural mRNA. That's how we exist. Infact revolutionary part of a mRNA vaccine has nothing to do with the mRNA. It's the envelope that allows it to be injected and have a systemic effect. We've been manipulating genes for literally decades now.


> Vaccines prevent disease. This one doesn't. Preventing disease is different from preventing inoculation. All vaccines work to train your body to fight it off. mRNA vaccines work the same way.




lol vaccines don’t “prevent diseases”, dipshit. They slow the spread of diseases that are already present in the population. Just. Stop. Lying.


Yes the CDC and the overall government response to Covid was 100% truthful, and they did an outstanding job! There's was/is absolutely no reason not to trust them!!!


Straw man. Nobody said that.


So what exactly is the person saying? Cause it looks like they are saying that they were happy to get the vaccine, and even after the side effects showed, they didn't panic at all and they had full trust in the government, and he's calling anybody who didn't have full trust in the government an idiot


Explain how mRNA "vaccines" work?


![gif](giphy|11tbqNLytB25q0|downsized) Use your fingers and do it yourself. You have the internet at your fingertips.


[Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work | CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/how-they-work.html) That was easy.


The lipid nanoparticle carrying the messenger RNA enters the cell membrane, it's a gene transfection: "the mRNA (able to translate and codify for the superficial spike proteins of the virus involved in the human pathogenicity) by working from the way backwards of s-proteins, is isolated and included in a lipid nanoparticle.10 This nanoparticle is injected intramuscularly into the human body and once attached to the host cells, inserts its mRNA into the cytoplasm (not in the nucleus) in such a way as to reach the ribosomes and use them for synthesizing the viral spike proteins. This process is called translation.9 Proteins then achieve the cellular membrane and evolve in two types: the MHC-2 (antigen presenting cells) and the MHC-1 related to another antigen which is present in all the nucleated cells of our body." [Overview of the Main Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines: Mechanism of Action, Efficacy and Safety - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8418359/)


Gene therapy involves altering DNA which is within the cell nucleus. As your source shows, it only enters the cell membrane. It's not a gene therapy.


Gene transfection.




Sure they did..


How all of them and Fauci aren't in prison already is a mystery.


Why would Fauci go to prison? Lol


Perjury, subornation of perjury, violating laws that prohibited federal funding of gain of function research, embezzlement, etc...




Because why would they? You're blindly agreeing with a headline because it supports your world view without actually doing any research into the topic. This site is junk with junk sources.


No, I'm agreeing because the evidence is clear that Fauci engaged in perjury, subornation of perjury, violation of laws prohibiting federal funding of gain of function research, engaging in a cover-up using tax payer dollars to gift researchers who disagreed with his spin to do a 180 turn a week later and then get millions in grant monies, etc. Start paying attention to current events and you won't embarrass yourself like this. [https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/564803-rand-paul-sends-official-criminal-referral-on/](https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/564803-rand-paul-sends-official-criminal-referral-on/)


Lmao that article itself says the claims are unsubstantiated and only talks about gain of function. Not exactly a solid citation.


No, it really isn't. Aren't you embarrassed to be so fuckin stupid?


So's your mom.


Is it, they all got rich af behind it all.


Gotta love those unverified sources


Go to the CDC's own website, called VAERS. Is that verified enough for you?




Nope. VAERS is self-reported and not double checked. Anyone with a modicum of research experience would know the difference.


>VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of possible health problems—also called “adverse events”—after vaccination. As an early warning system, VAERS cannot prove that a vaccine caused a problem. Specifically, **a report to VAERS does not mean that a vaccine caused an adverse event**. But VAERS can give CDC and FDA important information. If it looks as though a vaccine might be causing a problem, FDA and CDC will investigate further and take action if needed. [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html)


A dude reported that the vaccine turned him into the Incredible Hulk, so no, that’s not verified at all.


V-SAFE DATA [V-Safe Data - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network (icandecide.org)](https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/)


For anyone undecided about how they think/feel about vaccines, this subreddit is the #1 best place to go to get convinced that vaccines are safe and effective.


First you can't trust The Epoch Times, which has always been affiliated with the secretive and relatively obscure Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong. It's also heavily embedded with the ultra right wing of the republican party and with Trump. Second there's nothing in this latest report that gives us a percentage of people who had a serious reaction to the Covid vaccines. Was it one in 10 or one in a million? It doesn't say. That's what is really important because I could live with a 1 in a million chance of myocarditis since the risks from Covid were more prevalent and could be much worse.


If there's an outbreak of E. Coli in just a few bags of lettuce we recall all of that batch. If there's a percentage of vaccine users who are injured or killed by a vaccine we...keep it out there? Also what is "ultra right wing." Trump got like 70 million votes. Are 70 million Americans "ultra right wing"? That's preposterous. The Epoch Times has a conservative slant but does good journalism. If you want to criticize their work, go for it, but an actual argument instead of discounting the source, written by actual journalists.


Lettuce is not a vaccine. It doesn't save lives.  Besides, exactly how many people were killed by the vax?  What are their names and how did they die? > Also what is "ultra right wing." Trump got like 70 million votes. Are 70 million Americans "ultra right wing"? That's preposterous. Not preposterous at all. Do you actually think that the vast majority of Trump voters are like Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, or the Bush boys? Of course not. The fact is that the inmates have taken over the asylum. > The Epoch Times has a conservative slant but does good journalism. The Epoch Times is a piece of journalistic toilet paper. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/epoch-times-falun-gong-growth-rcna111373


“Thevaccinereaction.org” lol what a fucking joke haha


I don't know why this sub came into my feed, but it looks like a mess. Half seems to be sane, and the other is downright psychotic with the antivax bs. Who divided y'all this much lol.


But....but...it's so safe and effective...they said... so glade some of us think before we followed the heard off the cliff


Yeah that's ~0.1-0.2% of doses given in america. On a self reported system. Including everything from made up nonsense to rashes and yes, probably a few life threatening reactions. We're talking about numbers that make vaccines safer than driving to work. Safer than a colonoscopy. Heck dogs are more dangerous than vaccines. 4.5 million dog attacks happen a year in this country. 800,000 require medical attention.


Please educate yourself because you don't know what your talking about. Died suddenly was just a fluke right? When did that start happening? Oh ya that's right around Covid time after their shots. Name any other time in history were players fell dead on the field? Go ahead..I will wait 🤔


Literally always. Go spend 5 minutes doing research on sudden cardiac death prior to COVID. It's always been a thing, especially in athletes. In fact it's the number one non accidental cause of death in athletes. Ironically it's actually down over the last 20 years. They literally make you get a sports physical for this 👏🏻 exact 👏🏻 reason 👏🏻


This is the same with all vaccines. Reactions get swept under the rug, doctors don't report them or you're told it's a coincidence.


Hey idiot, all drugs have adverse reactions for a small part of the populace. I’m allergic to penicillin and it could kill me so does that mean it should be used for no one then?


Hey idiot, I didn't say that. Have a nice day!


Biden announces sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers [Biden announces sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-announce-additional-vaccine-mandates-he-unveils-new-covid-strategy-n1278735)


You are lying. Here is a page on the CDC website informing the public of all of the reported and verified adverse events of the vaccine: [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html)


Nowhere there does it indicate the probability of occurrence.


That's not what u/Cherita33 claimed


Healthy people are not profitable!


Stupid people are, which is why the vitamin/supplement industry makes billions of dollars by slandering real medicine.




> 25 percent of responders reported reactions to COVID shots that were serious enough to require them to miss school, work or other normal activities or required medical attention or a hospital visit. So a little less than 200k were so bad they had to call out sick from work? This is our concern? Out of 230 million people? So .1% had a reaction even worth discussing and far fewer had severe reactions?


And how many of those people would have had similar or worse issues contracting the disease itself first? Greater than 0%, despite what the morons in these threads think. And that's not just my own opinion, but affirmed by a guy I've known awhile who happens to be a doctor and is also hyperconservative politically.


There's not even proof these events happened because of the vaccine either