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of course there’s chubby people here it’s Reddit. Also I don’t think it’s possible to drop 20 pounds in one month unless you don’t eat anything but water and bone broth for an entire month. Still 20 pounds is a lot. lol. Not healthy.




Maybe removing a limb?


Nah, that's only about 8-10 pounds. My right lower leg is amputated due to a motorcycle wreck. I was muscle at the time, and it was only 8 pounds. But, I guess if you had THICK legs, it could work! I do enjoy my 🦿though. Snake bites don't bother me now! 😆If I lose the other 🦵, I'm gonna have my Shins made longer! I wanna know what it's like to be 7' tall!!!! 😁


Dang. Did you get MEBed?


Hell no. Boss probably had him back on weekend duty the following week and made sure he didn’t forget the 800MG Ibuprofen.


It's generally easier for a guy, but the odds of rebound weight are incredibly high.


It's possible depending on what percentage of your body weight is 20 lbs. If you're 6'4", 280lbs, then dropping 20lbs is not so bad. You can reasonably lose 5-10% of your body weight in a month.


I lost 12 pounds in a week when I got pneumonia in Marine Corps boot camp. That definitely wasn’t intentional or healthy, though. More recently I lost about 30 pounds in under 2 months before reenlisting in the Air Force. Ate less than 1000 calories a day and did a lot of high intensity cardio. I’m tall though, so it’s not as much of a challenge for me as it would be for someone who is shorter.


It’s possible, but not in a way that’s safe/healthy


It's pretty easy if you've got the fat to lose. About 90 minutes of cardio per day and limit your calories. The secret to weight loss is just stopping eating so fucking much.


Just so people see moath on this. Let's be be generous and say 2 full months and 20 lbs. You would have to drop 2.25 lb/week. 1 lb = 3500 kcal. So each week you would need to have a calorie deficit of close to 8000. Approximately a 1200 daily calorie deficit. You are probably not eating more than 1000 calories. It's possible but it's also outside the realm of safe. But yeah there's also water weight and stuff like that.


OP just have your wife leave you. you'll lose 31lbs in a month ask me how i know


You…uh, you ok brother


that was three years ago buddy, i'm fuckin gucci now! ![gif](giphy|3oFzlV2pq0nnFntAZ2)


Ok man just making sure dm if ya need a homie


thank ya sir, likewise.


man, i wish depression diets worked for me, they have the opposite effect


Work out, stop drinking, eat decent.


Technically two those of would work just fine


Put down the fork. It's that simple. Calorie intake needs to be less than calories spent exercising. Also, they're still writing the guidelines and said that everyone gets another 6mo reprieve after it's published (which hasn't happened yet). This was sent on 10 Apr: >**AF Body Composition Program (BCP) policy way ahead.**  Last year, AF/A1 issued guidance announcing the start of the BCP implementation for the Air Force, beginning 1 April 2023, followed by a one-year adaptation period. As of 1 Apr 24, the adaptation period is extended and remains in effect until the BCP publication is released. The forthcoming BCP publication (projected for release in the next 90 days) will update the guidelines and protocols for body composition assessments (BCA). For your awareness and sharing, when the BCP publication is released, there will be a 180-day implementation period from the date of publication to afford all Airmen a window of awareness of the final policy to ensure compliance. Finally, please ensure your commands are aware that previous guidance remains in effect and that during the original and extended adaptation periods, administrative actions are not authorized if solely based on the results of any body composition assessments. Field-level inquiries can be directed to Field-level inquiries can be directed to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).


Where was that sent?


instructions unclear. Transitioned to a spoon only diet of nothing but ice cream.


A healthy weight loss is two pounds per week. So, if you’re legit looking at two months, you could feasibly lose 16 pounds (maybe more) with a healthy diet and exercise. I’m talking 4-5 days a week. But it’s going to have to be exercise that keeps your heart rate up in the fat burning zone. Do some research. Stop eating shit food, and throwing back 8 tall boys a night. And as others have stated, you will need to be in a calorie deficit. Or, if you want to continue to be lazy, put a sauna suit on and sit your ass in there for a day or two prior. Might help a bit, but you also might die from dehydration. Godspeed!


The sauna will dehydrate them and they'll lose water weight, but not inches.


I was being facetious. However, the two do correlate a tiny bit. I’m not saying you’d lose 4 inches, but realistically he probably would lose about an inch.


Been there, done that. BLUF: you have to run a caloric deficit. **Exercise**: you have to do cardio. Running is effective, but too much can wear down your joints and result in an inflamed patellofemoral tendon (speaking from experience) so maybe try cycling. I rode my bike to and from work yesterday (29 miles total) and burned 1000 calories. **Diet**: this is 2x as important as exercise, if not more. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. Cut out all the processed sugars and processed junk food from your diet. Cut down your portion sizes too. I recommend investing in some small-size plastic containers and meal-prep (my go-to is Costco chicken with broccoli and rice.) You'll be hungry and sometimes it'll feel like your stomach is digesting itself, but by eating less and doing cardio everyday, you'll see dramatic results FAST. I went from not even close to passing the PFA to having the highest score in my unit. I know what it takes: knowledge and discipline. **Message me if you want additional tips.**


Yes! OP, buy a bike. Don’t go to Wal-Mart, find a bike shop with employees that are cyclists and a mechanic that’s either a younger guy with gauged ears and tattoos or an old guy with an apron over his paunchy belly. Get a bike with at least Shimano 105 components and have them fit it to you. Get proper clip in shoes and pedals too, you don’t need to get carbon anything if you don’t want since you’re not trying to shave grams to make podiums. It’s going to cost around $1000-$1500 but once you see how much of a difference a good bike feels you will spend your life waiting for your next ride. Ask the bike shop guys about any no-drop rides in your area and ride with a group, it makes a huge difference. More effective cardio, none of the swollen knees.


I hiked 40 miles a day for long time


"You can't out-exercise a bad diet." The most important statement in that paragraph. Gotta eat right.


how often do you do that 29 mile bike?


From now until September, it’s going to be most days. I’ll take my car in on days where I need to (1) replenish clothes or (2) pick up groceries. The bike allows me to avoid traffic and get in a workout.


and you lost 20 lbs in 2 months doing this? that's pretty wild. Can you recommend any good bicycles?


It’s different for every person. The typical road bike doesn’t sit well with me so I ride a hybrid.


Bro, you've known about this for exactly **2 whole years**, when the waist measurement stuff started back up after Covid.


Cut the sugar and 100 kettlebell swings a day.


20 legit pounds in 1-2 months? Diet and exercise. You don’t NEED to live on 2500-5000(looking at you MX) calories to survive. You can do perfectly fine cutting 2-300 calories off your daily intake by removing fat cakes or dunkin runs and see steady weight loss. Factor in getting 7k steps and you’ll be about 600 calories in *deficit*. More than enough to chip away that scale. After doing that, your only issue would be to hold yourself accountable. However, if you’re asking Reddit for quick weight loss advice on something that will dictate mission readiness and your ability to serve down the road, then this should be a sign that you need to work a lot fuckin harder on self discipline.


From a medical stand point, The widely accepted safe weight loss standard is 1-2 two pounds a week. A 300 calorie deficit/excess translates to a single pound loss/gain. So cutting 50-100 calories a day keeps you in the “safe/healthy” realm I’m an idiot. *3.5k, 500-1000


A pound of loss is closer to a 3,500 calorie deficit, not sure where you got 300 from. You need to cut out more like 500 calories a day to lose a pound per week.


Maybe I’m just dyslexic af, I spent so much time doing that class work dead ass tired🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


I really do wish it was as easy as 300 cals/pound 😭


Bruh, I’d be sooooo fucking happy


A pound of fat is 3500 calories give or take. At a 300 calorie deficit you'd be at about 12 days or so for 1 lb of fat. Obviously you won't get all fat loss and it's not an exact science but generally a 500 calorie deficit is perfectly safe. Source.. we have a nutritionist on base.


Your not gonna like this answer but I was a skinny guy, became a chubby guy, and got back down and got myself in shape. Step 1, zero alcohol. Not one drop for 2 months. Step 2, water only. No other drink, nothing, only water. Step 3, steps. First week 6-7k every single day. Week 2 8-9k. 10k everyday after that. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just this alone got me down roughly 14 lbs and 2 inches off my waist in a little over a month. Step 4, A diet. Any diet is fine as long as you do something. I prefer a high fiber and protein diet. If you eat lots of proteins and fibers you will stay fuller longer and get the most out of your water consumption cause fiber helps your intestines absorb water and nutrients out of the food you eat. I also get full enough I don't personally have to do any calorie counting I just end up eating less overall. As a matter of fact when I wanted to start putting on lean muscle mass I had to count calories the opposite way cause I wasn't eating enough to build mass. Step 5 working out. I prefer calisthenics to weight lifting it's really your choice at this point and what your goals are. Always have at least two cardio sessions a week in there, a healthy heart makes all other workouts even better for you. At the end of 3 months doing this I was down 25 lbs and had gone from 29% to 19% body fat. Notice how diet and working out are the last steps. Right now start with getting yourself properly hydrated and moving more and getting caffeine and alcohol out of your system and you will start seeing improvements. Add the diet and workouts once you got those other baselines in place and you will be surprised how much easier it is to have the motivation to eat better and workout when your baseline is already feeling pretty decent. I know all that's easier said than done but start with the basics. No alcohol and don't drink anything but water.


Cut a chin off


All this time, I didn’t know meta was an acronym


Easy answer, have your friend break your jaw then take you to the ER. They will wire your jaw shut so it can heal correctly. Then, while you enjoy a liquid diet for several weeks, the pounds should come off easily. Happy I could help.


You need to track your calories. You have to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. There are calculators that can help you determine the average amount of calories you burn based on your weight and activity level. They aren't perfect, but it'll get you a start. From there, you need to either increase your calorie expenditure (work out more), consume fewer calories (eat less), or a combination of both. 3500 calories is the equivalent to 1lb of weight. So, if you want to lose 1lb per week, you'd need to get your caloric consumption 500 calories per day under your caloric expenditure. To lose 20 pounds in 2 months (we'll say 9 weeks), you'd need to be over 1000 calories in deficit daily (1111 calories). That could be eating 500 calories less AND working out to burn off 500 calories every day, eating 1000 calories less every day and working out the same (or none, depending on your current workout schedule), or eating the same and working out enough to burn more than 1000 calories a day.


You sure that calorie per pound number is correct? The nutrition class I just finished cites 300/pound gained or lost


3500 calories equalling a pound is pretty standard across the industry. It isn't a perfect measurement (much like BMI), but it covers a lot of use cases and is a good starting point when trying to lose excess weight. MyFitnessPal uses 3500 calories per pound when it calculates calorie goals based on your weight loss plan.


Here’s some news that will further your procrastination; body composition assessments are still in the Freebie stage as they didn’t release the guidance. It will be no consequence for a minimum of the next 180 days


Diet and exercise.


Buy a cheap food scale, measure EVERYTHING, Don't order out. I dropped 15 lbs steadily in 3 months


If you have to spell out your acronym, what is the point of using it?


Stop being a fatass? Don’t eat trash…at all. It costs more than you’re used to but you’ll live longer. No, tornados aren’t a food group.


OMAD (one meal a day) 1200 cals. Light cardio lift weights. You will drop weight very quick.


I know everyone has a different body, but my biggest problem was always too much sugar and carbohydrates. I went from 170 to 199 in 4 years because I ate like crap and drank sweet tea 3 times a day. I lost 20 lbs from the beginning of March till now. I cut off all sugar, reduced my carbohydrates to almost nothing, sleep 7-8 hours a day, and cardio 5 times a week in the morning. I weighed 178 this morning. My diet was the biggest issue, and once I actually made the commitment to reduce my food consumption, everything got easier relatively quickly.


Whoops. [https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/04/09/air-force-extends-enforcement-deadline-for-new-body-composition-test/?utm\_source=sailthru&utm\_medium=email&utm\_campaign=mil-ebb#:\~:text=Though%20the%20department%20said%20it,Air%20Force%20spokesperson%20Master%20Sgt](https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/04/09/air-force-extends-enforcement-deadline-for-new-body-composition-test/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mil-ebb#:~:text=Though%20the%20department%20said%20it,Air%20Force%20spokesperson%20Master%20Sgt)


My most effective was also my most not recommended, but it was going on keto and keeping to under 20 net carbs a day; under 10 if at all possible. It resulted in severe constipation and destroying my gallbladder, but I lost 60 pounds in two months.


Cut carbs completely, lower overall daily calorie intake, only drink water (black coffee as well if you want caffeine). Also, be active every day. Whether you lift weights, walk a few miles, jog, it doesn't matter. Just be active. You will start dropping weight, but 20 lbs in one month might be a stretch. Diet is the big one, though.


LOTS more details are needed, but if you want some advice and don't feel comfortable sharing info about yourself feel free to pm me


Stop drinking alcohol and soda. Start counting calories and ensure you are in a calorie deficit at the end of the day. Workout 5 days a week. Ingest protein with every meal.


I'm out now, but for breakfast and lunch, I would have a 20-oz protein shake. I worked out before breakfast 5 days a week for around 30 minutes. Light weight but high reps, full body, minimize rest between sets. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I would run a mile and a half followed by half a mile of interval sprints. I wouldn't have anything else to eat but a healthy dinner. 6 to 10 weeks of this, then after I passed my test, I was good not to exercise until next year. Was it the easiest or best? Probably not. But it worked for me, and I would get a 90+ for when comparing my numbers when using the chart for 10 years younger.


become friends with your ufpm and just have them enter whatever numbers you want-er, i mean, diet and USAF approved exercises.


Here’s what you do if you are overweight. Step 1. Volunteer to be the waist measurement guy and hook up some people. Step 2. Have another chubby buddy be the alternate waist measurement dude. Step 3. Profit.


Diet, drink only water, and work out a little bit. Intermittent fasting also worked for me. I was losing about 5lbs a week. I also probably had a borderline eating disorder because I was taking stool softeners at the time too


Multiple sets of fork put downs till failure. Daily.


3,500 calories equal 1 pound of body fat. To lose 1 pound a week you’ll need to reduce your intake 500 calories per day or reduce your calories but burn more energy working out to equal the 500 cal daily deficit.


Don’t eat. If you need to drop 20 pounds you probably ate the next 1-2 months of meals in advance.


working out for 1-2 hours a day and cardio. Make sure you track your calories


I lost 10 lbs in a month. That was really fast. I was extremely uncomfortable for the first two weeks. But I've kept it off for a while. If you are obese find your metabolic rate and consume 500 calories less thent that. Then burn 500 calories every day by spending 30 minutes to 1 hr doing cardio could literally be walking. Finally spend at least 30 minutes weight lifting everyday. If you do this you'll lose about 2lbs of fat every week and probably quite a bit of water weight if you don't eat like shit. You will feel like shit, be tired all the time and occasionally light-headed and dizzy as your body adjutst and figures out it's not dying. All totally normal. I'm also not a doctor but cool thing about being in the military, you can go talk to one for free. I did this and had to wait 6 weeks to talk to a dietician.


Liposuction is a sure fire way to lose 20lb


No fast food within 3 days of test...will help Come to think of it....do 3 years. Water rentention tho is a thing. Cut it 3 days out if u r close


Terzepatide from a compounding pharmacy. Done.




I got a shake for you, I lost 100lbs in about 11 months with it every morning, also got me off blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds. 3 TBS chia seeds 1 TBS hemp hearts 1/2 cup oatmeal 1 tsp psyllium husk powder Protein powder of your choice, I use Orgain chocolate fudge. 800 ml water It's about 30 grams of fiber in the morning, which fills you up and keeps you feeling filled. You're gonna wanna drink a lot of water with it, but you won't be as hungry the rest of the day, meaning you won't over eat and you'll be in a caloric deficit. Just keep adding protein through the day and you'll be golden like a shower.


Caloric deficit to lose fat. But it won't be much if you are only given a month. Possibly about 4lbs of fat loss at a healthy deficit. Try what fighters do to make weight. They basically dehydrate themselves/fast. Is this healthy? No. Do I recommend this? Also no. But is this perfect for the lazy people who literally put no effort into themselves and BS their way thru life? Sure...


Just look up how wrestlers cut weight before a weigh in. Super unhealthy but it works


You'll gain it back, weaken yourself during the month, and be cranky, but cutting way back on calories will make you lose weight fast.


they pushed the official waist measurement back again until at least Oct


Put in the work and stop being a lazy fuck, if I can do it so can you. Lost 20 pounds in 3 months.


20lbs in one month is crash diet tier loss and it absurdly unhealthy. If you drop 20lbs that quickly, you should be in an office talking to a doctor/dietician.


Serious answer? Should have given yourself more than a month. -20 lbs in a month is more unhealthy and damaging to your body than the 20 lbs. Best thing to do is start watching what you eat now, fatty.


Time for fasting. If it's bad, people go in really, really dry.


Not chubby but I use to be. Idk if its ideal but I fast like crazy. Your waste shrinks alot after a 36-48 hour period without food or anything other than Water or Black Coffee. Ngl though it’s definitely alot of struggle and will test your mental fortitude


***This isn't medical advice*** I'm not chubby but I remember the days where people used to use preparation H on their stomach and plastic or sweat wrap around their stomachs and or wear sweat suits under their ABUs, and walk everywhere. Weeks before there PT tests. They'd fosure lose that inch. Of course you must mix all that in with an unsustainable crash diet or it wouldn't be legit. But all of those things I've witnessed. It's not advice! Find caloric a deficit that won't nuke your entire quality of life and keep it there for 6-8 weeks while maintaining a decent activity level or cardio and strength.


I won an award for most weight lost in a month (25 lbs). There is no secret. It’s simple physics. We lose 90% of our mass as exhaled carbon. Eat less food such as toast and apple for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, and chicken breast for dinner. Breathe more by doing aerobics like jogging or cycling for an hour per day.


Easy. Just don't eat.


20?! lol starve I guess. Chicken rice and lots of cardio will help you drop inches.


Drop the rice, and for 20 probably the chicken to.


Willpower and math(calories in vs calories out) Eat protein, fiber, water, and drastically reduce carbs. Obviously, keep exercising.




Just get away from processed foods. Don’t drink anything other than water/tea. And go for a long walk everyday. You’ll drop at least 10 pounds in a month.


Low cal diet would do the trick. Keto also works wonders in the short term. You'll also lose an inch or two if your dehydrated AF. As long as you don't have a PT test the same day, lower your fuids, avoid electrolytes (water retention), and hit the sauna


10,000 steps a day, if you can do 10 minute walks after every meal it would be ideal and seems to help. Strength training for 30-50 mins 2-3 times a week. Track calories and stay 200-400 under BMR, plenty of water, focus on protein and fats, but minimize carbs. No out of control cheat days, and minimize drinking alcohol. If you’re going to indulge don’t over do it and stay within your allotted calorie count.


So, it’s possible. Definitely don’t use this as a fix action every time. Did this once and I’ll never do it again lol. On a weekend, do a salt water flush. You can google what this is. Be sure to drink this on an empty stomach. So, do this on a Saturday morning and drink a broth for the rest of the weekend. Wear one of the waist sweat bands all the time, even when you sleep. Now intermittent fasting. I worked in an office where I could go to PT at 9. I tried to get a pt schedule to work out right before I started to get hungry. Start 15 running then work weights then last 10 mins sprint. Eat your lunch right after you work out. This meal is the only meal I would have carbs and it is the largest meal. So fish or chicken and brown rice. Have a small dinner a salad with chicken. In the evening I walked at a brisk pace for 30 mins. Cut out most sugar. No soda, no alcohol I went from a 40 in waist to a 32 in a month. Also, do your waist measurement first thing in the morning. If you have any questions I’m more than happy to answer what I can.


First off, can we talk about how “meta” is an acronym? No way in the only one who didn’t hear of that one…


Lots of salads with either no dressing or fat/sugar free (or nearly free) dressing (several brands of Italian dressing). So many people drench their salads in fattening dressings and complain about not losing weight.


I dropped around 15 pounds before shipping out to basic by just drinking half a bottle of water a day and working out. It’s dangerous af so be careful.


Honestly, I did this and lost 14lbs in two weeks, as a test me and my buddy did it if you REALLY want to know what we did I can tell you but it’s not really healthy, although I DID feel amazing I was consuming 800-1100 calories a day but the training is what killed me


Keto, 10 lbs of water weight another 10 lbs of fat loss per month




I find it’s a good cutting diet even airmen going to the chow hall can live on vegetables and meat and some Michelobs and white monsters 


No fat people allowed. Byeeeeee


Eat one chicken breast a day, drink lots of water, start smoking…


No sugar, no drinking. I stick to complex carbs. Don’t be a simpleton with that easy to get enriched crap. Sweet potatoes and lentils are great for starters. Wear extra layers when you work out to up your body temp. Also use the sauna after every workout. And don’t be afraid of the stairclimber. It’s hell, but works great. Good luck lol


To burn off 20 lbs, you need to lose the equivalent of 70,000 calories. Average dude eats maybe 2500 calories a day? If you want to drop 20 lbs in 30 days, you'd need to cut 2333 calories a day. So, starting now, you only get 167 calories of food a day. You are gonna be very hangry.


I recommend a calorie deficit and running multiple miles per day. About 5 miles per day should make you lose 20 pounds in a month depending on your calorie intake and diet.


Go keto, increase water intake, cut out sweets, exercise


Not really weight loss but I’m a naturally thicker around the waist, shorter female. I’ve managed to take a couple of inches off by sleeping the night before in Saran Wrap and hemorrhoid cream.


Eat a vegan dinner, sugar free monsters in place of everything else. Not a hypothetical, I did this. Works like a charm. Just be ready to be stressed, angry and frustrated all day. 




This isn't a permanent solution, but if you need to "drop weight" just don't drink any liquids the day before you weigh. It'll suck but the number will go down.