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This is the interesting bit *His team believes further research could unlock the mystery in a similar way to how an Argentine navy submarine, the ARA San Juan, was found on the seabed a year after an implosion sent it plummeting into the depths of the South Atlantic on Nov 15, 2017.* *They found the vessel after detonating grenades in the ocean to emulate an explosion on the submarine, then cross-referenced the signals from those with sounds picked up by hydrophones when it imploded.* *As a result, they found the wreck at a depth of nearly 3,000ft 290 miles off the coast of Argentina.* *“A similar exercise, using either explosions or airguns of energy levels equivalent to those believed to be associated with MH370, could be conducted along the seventh arc,” said Dr Kadri.* They found some signals back then and now want to test further ***In their research, the Cardiff University team has identified one signal that coincides with the narrow time frame when the aircraft could have crashed into the ocean on March 8. It was recorded at the Cape Leeuwin station.***


so how do you emulate the sound of three orbs hitting MH370?


pew pew pew


The paper as you at least mentioned said there needs to be more tests. But, it also was within the window.


This will most likely not lead to anything. In another 10 years people will still come up with ideas to what happened and where the plane is.


Why dont they try and find out instead of assuming it wont work?


>***In their research, the Cardiff University team has identified one signal that coincides with the narrow time frame when the aircraft could have crashed into the ocean on March 8. It was recorded at the Cape Leeuwin station.*** And they confirmed that one such microphone did.


One possible candidate on one microphone, but without hearing it on the other, it must not be correct.


That's a bizzare logical leap for something you just learned existed a day ago.


That's rather peculiar logic. It's impossible for one microphone not to have heard it, but it's probable that one would hear a phantom, unrelated impact? Seems a rather strange conclusion to come to, particularly given that the University seem to believe it warrants further investigation.


"There's no way a microphone would miss it" "No it has to be TWO microphones!"


No, it would indicate that it was an artifact if one sensor was anomalous when the energy involved should have activated multiple. You know the implosion of the Titan? Picked up from miles and miles away. Less energy involved, amigo.


Alternatively, the other sensor malfunctioned. In fact, we know for a fact it's missing data from a half-hour window of time.


The US Navy maintains a separate hydrophone network that is sensitive enough to have heard that impact from halfway around the world. Somehow they didn't hear anything either. You know what's strange, they share data with public networks for certain locations. The closest location to the signal that the university is referencing is Diego Garcia, imagine that? Lmfao, someone is not sharing what they know.


Prove it. Nebulous claims aren't evidence of anything.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOSUS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOSUS) Oh damn that was hard, and the University referenced Diego Garcia in the article, ffs. So funny how angry you guys get.


I'm sorry, perhaps I should have been clearer - you claimed someone is hiding what they know on the plane's disappearance. I'm asking you to prove that.


No, it is just that the Navy would absolutely have the data showing an ocean impact, but they have not provided it to put the issue at rest. Before you believe that their network went down, I assure you, if that were to happen, it would be assumed sabotage, and pre-emptive ship movements would be very obvious after that. It just be that the US Navy does not know much more than we do, but they do know they have no data showing an impact. Or, they do, and they are hiding it for some reason.


It doesn't matter what you believe, it's crazy that ten years later we are reading an article like this. There are numerous news sources talking about it, like "Hey, maybe these underwater microphones we use to detect stuff could be used to detect something that has the energy of a small earthquake." [Here](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-60529-1) is the information for the study published May 2, 2024 that prompted these articles. We have underwater microphones, we have ONE signal inside the time frame, we know what the energy of impact would be, we have a precedent of detecting crashes using these microphones, and we have a gap of ten years between the disappearance and this study. There is an extreme discontinuity of logic


Yea, but have you seen what Taylor Swift is up to? Much more important, lmfao.


The hydrophones have been analysed previously. There is also a suspicious 25 minute gap in the DG records. >The locations of signals found using HA08s data do come with high uncertainty but still require further detailed and careful analysis. Unfortunately, on top of the noisy recorded signals, 25 minutes of data from HA08s is missing. The signals we have analysed indicate that the there was a 25-minute shutdown that has gone unexplained by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation, which is responsible for the hydrophone stations. https://theconversation.com/mh370-new-underwater-sound-wave-analysis-suggests-alternative-travel-route-and-new-impact-locations-110664


I just saw today a report that a station may have recorded it, (of course, one day after this post), and I can't remember the station that recorded a possible noise, but the other station in the area, Diego Garcia, did not record the noise. This was from my work feed, but are they serious right now?


Because it got teleported through a worm hole into another dimension by floaty orbs!! 😂😂


Of course there was no recording of impact. We all know where the plane went. Just watch the videos.


Sorry for adding more evidence in your favor to the pile?

