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This post was not revelant to the sub


The thing is, I don’t think there’s any indicator that a new revision is coming out. So a new one can drop this year or it can drop 5 years from now. It’s your call.


There are some pretty strong rumors that this fall will have a USB C refresh


like every year


Not really. I’ve been keeping track. For the most part it’s been “maybe but don’t keep your hopes up” but because of the EU USB C regulations they need to drop the lightning connector. There’s a significant amount of people writing to expect it compared to previously when most people were writing not to expect it. The


Thats not true. You can still sell it but new devices have to have USBC but old devices can be sold with lightning.


Aren’t we talking about buying brand new headphones?


well they could still sell the apm1. So they don‘t have to do anything. At least as far as i know.


Yea I mean in the US they can. But from what it looks like to me they gotta move it


No? In europe they can still sell old models afaik. Wouldn‘t make sense that manufacturers have to trash all their stock right.


Nobody has to trash anything. They’ve had years to plan for this. What will happen is Apple will announce new ones in like September. Stores will discount the old ones so they will sell off all the lightning ones they have, and from there on out it’s only usb c one’s available as new


It’s required by the European Union to standardize on USB C this year, so apple will need to comply. Question is if they are just going to slap on USB C or do a complete refresh.


From what I’ve read it’s just a usb c slap. Wish list would be a better battery and I know this is asking a lot….a power button. Shit, I don’t even need a new button. Use one of the existing buttons. Just let me turn them off. I’m so sick of picking them up and getting the *womp womp* I’m about to die sound.


Wish they would change the LED settings to be red for 35% or less battery yellow for 35-65% and green for 65% and above or something like that. The fact that the only indicator we get is a light at what like 15% or greater it’s green? WTF since when is a nearly dead battery green like yea go ahead and take these out for the day on either 90% or 16% you have no idea without checking from your phone first.


Wait for the next Apple event, then buy.


What new APM2? I’ve been casually looking at APMs for a couple years now and every time I do I see someone saying “wait for APM2”. Well, we’re still waiting.


Seriously just buy. Especially if you are deep in the ecosystem. I got them like 3 weeks ago and am obsessed.


Could you compare them to other comparable headphones from Bose or Sony?


Personally I’m waiting, but I have other options to fall back on while I wait, so I’m lucky. It sucks there’s no clear timeline for a refresh (or even confirmation that there will EVER be a refresh), but I’d be pissed if I spent this much money on a four year old device months before it was refreshed.


I got mine yesterday and I dont regret it in any way shape or form


Just buy them


If you're trying to save some money I would get them on sale from either Best buy or Amazon. If a new one does come out your going to be paying the full retail price. Sales will not show up for at least a year. At the end of the day they are really good headphones, not mind-blowing, but really good.


Best Buy has the bowers and Wilkins px8 on sale for 550 atm.


Wait. And when the APM2 comes out then wait again for the APM3.


I’ve been following rumors about a 2nd Gen APM for the last 2 years. A few weeks ago I pulled the trigger and didn’t look back. My guess is Gen 2 will just have USB-C and maybe the H2 chip.


Are you happy with APP? If so, I would wait.


Last year I had the same thought process and I am glad every time I use them that I decided to pull the trigger and get them. They are fantastic headphones. If they come out with a new version tomorrow I wouldn’t rush to buy them. I don’t need to latest whatever. But these headphones were a huge upgrade to my prior headphones.