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I personally even prefer the xm4 over the AirPod max. All personal preference. Should try them out for yourself if you can find them in person or if you know people who own them ask to try. Was super helpful for me!


Obviously you’re in the community with AirPods Max fans. I’m a fan too. From the moment I tried my partners’, I was blown away by what felt a truly Apple experience and bought my own. I’ve loved them more than any headphones I’ve had before. I’ve used them probably every day for (nearly 2 years) and they’ve been flawless. The way they feel physically (sturdy and heavy yet somehow light as air), the incredible ANC and magical transparent mode, the sound they produce without any need for eq (not that that’s an option;), the instant-on and seamless transferring between devices. However a friend of mine who bought some on my recommendation had recurring problems with connection and ended up having to buy a replacement pair after having them for just over a year. I felt for him but felt he’d been dealt a raw deal. Until mine started having the same problem 2 weeks ago. All of a sudden they refused to power on without having to “forget device” and re-pair. Though even the re-pair wouldn’t work first time every time. Once they were working I then couldn’t count on them to stay connected when I was listening. Once they disconnected I’d have to repeat the pairing process. Exactly the same issue my friend had been having. I tried most fixes suggested on this forum - removing headband and cleaning connectors and ports, putting them in the freezer etc. But none of these made any difference. I’m currently travelling (Japan) and found the whole situation very frustrating. I missed their flawless operation terribly. And their cocooning sound. I was on the fence about buying a new pair but after reading so many people having similar problems on this forum thought it was foolish to spend A$900 on another pair when there was clearly some kind of tech flaw that would quite possibly happen again (with no official acknowledgment from Apple). So I purchased a pair of Bose QC Ultra (tax free in Japan) at A$480 and haven’t been disappointed at all. Apart from the sturdy construction they feel very comparable. I’m considering these an interim pair until AirPod Max gen 2 arrive (assuming they do). But I couldn’t be happier with my choice to go with the Bose at this juncture!




Obviously AirPods Max if you ask here


Do you even know what community you're posting in? What do you think people is going to answer? EVERYONE in this community would want to get the APM 2, and ask you to get it - that's not even a question. But can you wait for it? If not, then buy the APM 1.


Sound tesys sometimes show that the Sonos ace does better at noise cancelling while the xm5 does better sound quality wise. Bose qc ultra is just best for traveling which I do a few times a year.


Sound quality is proven to be shit on the Sonos. Especially looking at the price, and the year of release. One more thing to look at is the sustainability. Looking at the APM it's f*cking nuts how long they can be alive. The question still remains - do you know what community you post in? Like... 1% of the members here has tried the other headphones. People here use APM, and love them. That's why they hang in this community from the first beginning.


I bought the Max because they seemed to be the best wireless headphones available. If you find one that is better, let me know.


XM5 or wait until AirPods Max 2


i have the sony XM4s and love it with the fact that you can adjust the EQ on sony’s whenever you want (same with XM5 of course). i got used to the sound of my XM4’s with my EQ settings very fast. of course id love to get the airpods max some day but when i test out the airpods max at the apple store or my friends, it sounds either similar to me (because music can’t really change THAT much at the end of the day) or they’re just too bright for my taste now and will bring ear fatigue. it’s up to you if you think they’re worth the money in the future, but you can do just fine with the other headphones at lower prices at the moment.


(I’ve only used APMX & XM5s) Between the 2 the APMX has better sound overall and better noise cancellation. The transparency is decent but better on the XM5s. Overall APMX is better if you don’t mind the weight difference