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Where did Alan learn his funky dance moves?


Lots of 80s aerobics vhs tapes to get the blood pumping and weekly salsa classes with the lads


There is no proof against this claim


Based on Dr. Darlings' music video this is actually highly plausible.


Nobody knew her name….


She turned up just the same....


There was a knock on the door


A thump on the floor


I buy it. Would be like, the least weird thing to happen in this franchise lol


Can you show me the champion of light?


If you were to look up in the sky and it was day, you would have it right there: The Sun. Now, Alan is trying to obtain it since it would bring him enough power to destroy the forces of darkness - that’s why Alan Wake 2’s first half is set in space.


But you said you haven't played the game


Might have lied a little there bud, I’ve only played the section where he finds the underwater darkness plant on Neptune and tries to eradicate it. Always failed the QTEs tho, so I’ve never been able to progress. I know the game gets easier from there


My man here has played the DLC. GET HIM


Space was dlc for the first game, which could be considered the first part of the 2nd game


We're all out, but we prolly have some Herald of Darkness still in the back


What do you think of Mr. Scratch


Underrated character, I have no idea why Mr. Mabals gets more love tbh


What is it, if not a lake?


A lagoon


Ah yes, goo lagoon


GOON Lagoon


It's not a lake, it's a lagoon I might reference this later on


Do you think that Alan should divorce Alice and marry Rose? If yes, then why?


Where was Alan when Alice was telling him to buy land in 2004? Out there in some weird forest being a weird guy; on the other hand, where was Rose? Lost in the forest with Alan, so no, those two aren’t even smart enough to survive an empty forest, imagine what would happen if they tried to pay taxes or buy groceries, smh.




That's... Weirdly on point...


What is this subs favorite song?!


Alan Wake main theme or something I dunno


Go to youtube and search herald of darkness ;) you will thank me


Which came first: Thomas Zane or Alan Wake?


Counterquestion: of the two, who is the chicken and who is the egg. Choose who is what and then respectively superimpose their faces on the chicken and the egg, et voila: you can choose your favorite as the definite answer 😍😁


Dude you're not supposed to actually give a genuine answer wtf?!


Holy shit


Completely based takes all throughout this thread


But how do I know whose face is Alan's and whose is Tom's?


There’s no need to. If you assign the egg to Alan and the chicken to Zane then Alan is the egg and Zane is the chicken.; the opposite is also true. You will be the only one knowing who is who, but you assign them to an object to distinguish them too, and then answer the question! 😎❤️‍🔥🤟


That's also weirdly on point lol Especially cuz I am pretty sure it doesn't really matter who came first, as long as both believe they themselves are real, then they are real


For real, sort of like a tulpa. If you believe enough in something, it’ll become a real entity.


Nut what if they have the same face, how would you know which is which?


Why is Alan so well trained with firearms despite being a writer with limp noodle arms?


When you’re writing you want to hear lots of “click-clacks” cause that means you’re being productive. Now, when you’re shooting to save your life, on the other hand, you don’t want to hear any “click-clacks”, cause that means you’re kinda screwed. 😁😄 Opposites attract each other, as you know - I just feel like Alan knows how to approach the two extremes


Your logical approach to these answers is killing me. Bravo.


He was a competition shooter, unironically


What are you talking about. Where is this mentioned in the games I need to know.


I forget if its in alan wake 1 or 2, but in his apartment in a flashback he has trophies on his shelf I laughed when I noticed it Edit - i think it was fairly early in alan wake 1, i think i saw it when i started replaying. Remastered version


No friggin way, lol. That's pretty funny actually. NICE COVER, REMEDY. Lmao


Thinking on it, it may just be in alan wake 1 remastered, I think thats where I saw it


To add to this, he also mentions it in Alan Wake 1 in dialogue after you shoot the first gun. About how the sound of the gun was very deafening in real life compared to the ones he was used to shooting in controlled ranges with head gear on.


Who are the Anderson brothers and what's their profession?


Wes Anderson, Paul W. S. Anderson and Paul Thomas Anderson, all three filmmakers. All three wanting to get their revenge on Alan Wake for stealing their movie scripts to write (as they say in the games) a “slightly inferior” book version of their stories. Alan beats em all in the games to shatter any possible proof of copyright infringement and make sweet big bucks as a consequence.


This is a fucking hilarious answer I honestly can't get enough of this thread


Bro he said THOMAS ANDERSON this changes everything


This one always escaped me so maybe you can help me out. What is the clicker and what is it’s purpose?


It’s not specifically explained in the games, but it’s a universal remote control Alan is given by his dark counterpart, Adam, while he’s in the Cave of Knowing. This remote control lets him rewind parts of his life or even go forward in time, to see what will happen and hopefully prevent it. Game-wise this explains a lot of the flashbacks, and helps Alan by allowing him to see what will have good consequences and what will not. If he ends up on the brink of death he also can rewind and go back, which is some sort of in-world meta explanation of how videogames work. Genius addition, I say.


Hang on is that just the plot to click with Adam Sandler


Uhm…uhhhhh…mhhhhhhh…no…it’s not….🫣


From my limited understanding of the game, this isn’t far off. Bravo Surprisingly the real answer is far more unbelievable than what you just said haha


I guess I’ll have to eventually play through the games and find out then 🙏 you have me intrigued


Alan wake 1 is very dated and the concepts at play weren't nearly as mature as they are now so don't judge to swiftly Iif you do play. If you wanna play Alan Wake 1 and 2 you'll also have to play Remedies Control in between Alanwake 1 and 2 to understand everything.


Oh wait! Control and Alan Wake are related?? 😳 I played some of that game at my friend’s house a while ago


Oh buddy you’re in for a treat


Sure hope so!


Both control and Alan lake 2 are awesome games. Control is way more wacky and gives you superpowers and shit, it's arguably the more fun of the two but they're both very dope


I’ll make sure to check them all out eventually :) from what I’ve gathered from this thread, and I genuinely know nothing that hasn’t been written here, it’s going to be absolutely insane (especially AW2), can’t wait!


Haha I thought mentioning Control might pique your interest even further since the game had more commercial reach than Alan Wake 1. Yes, Alan Wake and Control are in the same universe. The federal bureau of control are in Alan Wake 2, and one of the dlcs for Control brings the story of Alan wake into the mix for Control. If you go to your friends again and play Control before you buy it yourself, make sure you ask him to show you some of the pages you find around the game that flesh out the control universe so you understand what kinda weirdness we're dealing with here. I don't want to spoil much but Control is very SCP containment esque if you're familiar with it. Also the ultimate edition of the game is on gamepass right now which includes the dlcs.


Oooo, love everything SCP. You’re making me very excited about the games, ngl. Will have to binge-play through all 3 of them after my exams


You're going to have an amazing time. Control and Alan Wake 2 are genuine masterpieces. Alanwake 1 is also still really good but Remedy have just been elevated to another level as game developers since then is all.


If you enjoy good games you’ll enjoy Alan wake highly recommend.


I find it funny how Remedy games are so weird and out there that you always manage to somehow stick the landing. Sure, you landed like two fields too far, but you sure did land Like this answer kind of works with Mr Dotch


Who is Ahti?


Ahti the great is a magician Alan has to fight to get the book of shadows. He uses his profession to utilize and profit off of his magical powers. After Chapter 5 of Alan Wake II, and after the bossfight with him, it’s revealed in a document that he was Alan’s long lost uncle, who ran away after, while playing “I took your nose” with Alan as a kid, he accidentally really stole his nose. This explains why Alan looks like Voldemort with hair in some flashbacks, before he had plastic surgery done in Korea.


Funnily enough, Alan Wake and Kingdom Hearts have the same basic concept of "literal light vs literal darkness"


So you were drawn to stories early on?


Yes, ever since the anxiety-inducing masterpiece The Three Little Pigs when I was 3 years old. Maybe we’ve all been Alan Wake all along…


What does represent the shadow people and why are they THAT mad when you light'em up with your fleshlight


Aight, Imma get into some lore, this is going to be pretty complicated, so stay with me: Absence of light = darkness Absence of darkness = light, at least partially Also that’s a 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 way of writing flashlight, my man 😳


What is the significance of the phrase "It's not a lake, it's an ocean."?


The lake is in actuality an ocean in the same way we can define our own experiences as both dream and “concrete” life, something subjective and completely internal (conjured up by the mind) opposed to perceivable reality. These are just words (a lake could be an ocean to who has never seen the latter, or viceversa, for those who have only ever known the concept of ocean), but beyond them we can find out how our collective experiences form a body of water much bigger than what is subjectively describable, something that doesn’t have to be an “ocean” per se but is more easily understood as one. We live out our dreams and give them platform through our actions, whether coming from our tangible thoughts or from an unconscious desire driven by the dream itself, maybe one we forgot / a “mysterious mood”, or the “curious numbness”, as Schnitzler would write. We see things but our comprehension of our surroundings is limited by our internal environment, the “dream”, or the “lake”. Which means that despite the differentiation that could be made, entering the ocean would be an “impossible” experience, in the sense of understanding, since when we’re so driven by these internal perceptions (the lakes) it may seem harder to make sense of others’ dreams, somewhere out there, intangible, in the vast and dark ocean of the unknowable. But maybe there’s a way, in some sense, to understand it all - stories, even if subjectively experienced, are the only thing we have giving us access to other people’s history, minds, experiences… and that’s why storytelling has been perhaps the most universal and everlasting art the human mind can have, to inspire sympathy and keep us going… …but anyways, got a little confused there - it means that there is more to the story of Alan Wake, it will get more complicated (not a lake, but an ocean) because there…there will be a third game. And you know, me see videogame me buy buy. That’s it! :)


For someone who didn't play the game... You sure sound like you took in the game better than most of us 😭


That’s probably the best compliment ever, ty. Can’t wait to play them.


Geez man. That was good.


Is it a loop or a spiral?


It’s a spiral because it doesn’t repeat, it just goes further down while repeating the same form, but it witnesses an evolution. Now, however, what’s at the bottom? Maybe an explanation for Mr Scratch? 🤔 Maybe Mr Mabals? 🤔 Is the spiral representative of the community’s descending sanity after these games? 🤔 Maybe we’ll never know 🤔 or maybe we will 🤔 maybe I know, and cannot tell you 🤔 maybe the real Alan Wake were the- *echoing sounds of bullshit slowly fade away* 🤔


Bro how are your answers actually making sense?


They aren’t, wake up bro. We live inside a dream, you need to wake up before it’s too late. There’s no Alan Wake, you’re just living inside a sleeping God’s imagination. Fortunately you found this thread. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. You’re the only one who can save us, bro. Wake up. Wake up.


Wake up? Wake? *Alan* Wake?!




Literally the plot of an episode of Night Springs in Alan Wake 1.


At this point I might just start believing in Mr Mabals


It will happen again in a town called….what?


Silent Hill


in a town called City 17


Do you personally agree that it is indeed a dark ocean summoning?


I do personally agree but I don’t condone it in any way


you sound just like Agent Estevez


Who is mr. Door ??


Can’t disCLOSE this information, I’m sorry 😞 just be OPEN-minded for when the next game comes out, the reveal is surely going to be polarizing. Yet, even if it’ll split the community in half, it might open the door to new spin-offs and other games in the same universe.


since barry was gone in the first part and apparently became way fitter ( as we learn in AW2) will he EVER return? WHERE TF IS BARRY?


He canonically became a S.T.A.R.S. member after getting fit, and got involved in the team Alpha rescue mission over at the Spencer mansion, just outside Raccoon City.


I heard he opened up a sandwich shop


Ahhh yes, the Jill Sandwich™️, super cool place


Your opinion on the bestselling Alex Casey novels by Alan Wake? What do you think of the "new" trilogy Departure, Initiation and Return?


The Alex Casey novels are great, they are revolutionary and offer great insight on their genre by deconstructing the usual narratives and subverting the reader’s expectations. The story is also very good by itself, probably cause it reminds me of my fav book, Goosebumps: Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes. As for the new trilogy, they aren’t particularly great. Alan might have lost something. Departure is a very slow opening but it gets you decently excited by the end, especially when you realize what’s coming next. I like the first half of Initiation because The Joker being the main villain adds a great opportunity to flesh out Batman’s arc, + the writing is occasionally great, although a bit silly and off-putting. Return is very avant-garde and I don’t like it much, but it has found its niche. Anyways, if you want a true hot take, I’d say Alan Wake’s early wattpad books >>>>>>>>> everything that came after, especially if you count the second 50 shades book as something that he wrote (I know it’s uncredited but we all know the man created it, his style is all over the damn thing).


It's about family, and that's what's so great about it.


Must have a lot more in common with the Fast and Furious franchise than I had thought then 🙏


I feel like I need to post this image on r/peterexplainsthejoke


Ngl, you absolutely need to. Especially for my sake, cause I need some explanations myself.


What does FBC stand for?


Bruh, easyyyy. A full blood count (FBC) is a very common blood test. It's also sometimes called a complete blood count (CBC) or full blood examination (FBE). A full blood count can provide information about a range of conditions. 😁


What does Yötön Yö mean?


Finnish version of the catchphrase Alan Wake uses throughout the games - it roughly translates to “they’re right behind me, aren’t they?”, even though in the original english version it’s more like “soooooo, that just happened”, before he lets out his usual tough main character scream and starts blasting the creatures of the night back to where they came from


Not to mess with your shitposting, but it actually translates to nightless night


That’s pretty cool; I googled the actual meaning after responding and I was surprised that it was actual finnish 😭


There’s a lot of Finnish stuff in the second game




Thor, I’m sorry, but I can only pass you the remote control after you’ve done your homework. The tv is off-limits until then ://


Whats the story Alan is writing?


Alan Wake.


That's before or after his first book "Alan Sleeps"


Arguably after. But could it also be….before??😳😳😳 or perhaps….at the same time?? 🤔


never seen a single one of these threads that was actually funny in my life. 


I know, it’s a shame really. We all suck 😔 and fun is a non-existent concept 😔😔😔


Why did Steve remove the GPS device from the hovercraft?


Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you, my guy


Makes sense, I guess that's why Alan didn't feed the goat before the underwater section.


What’s the name of the cult?




Is Tom Zane and Scratch the same person?


They’re actually twins - 👯‍♂️- I understand stuff like this might be confusing at first, but twins can get very easily offended when you think one is the other or viceversa, it strips them of their identity. You just have to get used to them and after a while you’ll see the difference, don’t worry. They’re also great buddies to call for a night out, always fun to be around! :)


The heart. Where is it?


Your heart is in the front of your chest. It sits slightly behind and to the left of your sternum (breastbone), which is in the middle of your chest. Your heart is slightly on the left side of your body. It sits between your right and left lungs. Alan’s heart is also located there, usually, at least.


You know what? You're not wrong.


Happy I could help 🫡🙏


Do you think Warlin Door’s talent is better used as a late night talk show host, interviewing guests, highlighting interesting artists (writers, actors, musicians, etc), and experimenting with new and interesting ways to let those artists express themselves (that musical interview for instance) or is he better at working as a producer on more polished prime time narrative shows (that slick Night Springs reboot was really cool and gorgeous imho but I know for some diehards of the older b&w classics it was heretical 😂)?


I don’t like him much - I myself am a diehard fan of the old b&w classics, and his modern take on that made him less of a door and more of a knob in my eyes. Still on the lookout for him to invite more relatively unknown musicians to open the shows though, or close them, whatever. He knows how to do that stuff at least - nomen omen ig


less of a door and more of a knob??!! i’m a fan of everything the guy’s done myself but CHRIST that’s a solid burn! RIP Warlin Knob, burned to a crisp by a reddit post F


I don’t like him much - I myself am a diehard fan of the old b&w classics, and his modern take on that made him less of a door and more of a knob in my eyes. Still on the lookout for him to invite more relatively unknown musicians to open the shows though, or close them, whatever. He knows how to do that stuff at least - nomen omen ig


Alan wake (plot wise) is slowly becoming the kingdom hearts of horror and I'm all for it


Is Zane Wake and also Scratch?


Is it actually a lake?


Who is Mr. Door?


Jim Morrison!


Where is Zane?


Haven’t really followed the 1D members after the band broke up, but he’s probably recording a new album or something. Did you know Alan Wake ghost-wrote at least half of their discography? That man’s got some hits in him


Never liked 1D, but Zayn made a song called “It’s You” that is hauntingly great. Thomas Zane is who I need information about, though. If you could let me know, it would help me help my friend Alan


I despise threads like this on any sub, who cares what you have to say when asked?