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I just started episode 1 and I liked Rose in the main story but I like her even more now! I'll be honest and say that I never really understood why she was a popular character (whether that's due to playing AW1 years ago or forgetting idk) but I get it. I love her crackhead energy lol


Nice one haha


I really enjoyed it as well, each chapter offered something unique and id totally pay for more.


Absolutely ✌🏼


Agree. I almost regret paying for a season pass instead of paying full price for each expansion. Remedy is definitely a developer I don't mind throwing money at.


Seriously. We only get a game every 5 years anyway


How long is the DLC?


Took me a bit over 3hrs or something like that!


Took me about a hour or less per episode


Took me an hour and 30 minutes. No idea how people are getting 3 hours. Unless they were looking in every bush for a transcript idk what they were doing


If you are speed running while playing on easy or normal (or even hard if you are just thaaat good) yeah. Like just walking/running forward shooting at everything and not looking at the environment... then sure you get 1 hour that way. If you actually let the vibe of the game take you away, walk when you have to walk and run when you have to run while appreciating the designs, secondary voice work, secrets and easter eggs in the environment, etc. There is no way you get 1 hour that way.


I play on easy and I needed four hours haha


I wouldn't say I rushed. I looked around a bit. Got a bit lost. Still only took about 2 hours for me on normal. 2 good hours. I very much enjoyed it. My only problem with it was the length.


Umm when did I say I speed run or play on easy? I took my time and still completed it in 90 minutes. The puzzles were easy, and most of the surrounding area was blocked off anyways, idk what you guys were looking for lol


Took me some time before I had the password on the second episode with the prime numbers etc. And the lobby was also 15 minutes before I figured it out.


because you’re a casual


I tried to be open minded and assume you just somehow beat the game fast but now I’m pretty sure you just suck


Because I beat the game in 90 minutes when this other person in here was looking for manuscripts in the bushes and took her 3 hours? Wut


No, for calling someone a casual ya dummy. Edit: I said that bait used to believable and then they said “you fell for it” and their account got deleted, strange thing to do lol


you’re a casual too


Didn't meant it in a way of accusing you of literal speed running or playing on easy. Obviously you didn't stated that and I don't know it for sure 😆 I even said you could do hard difficulty and achieve that time. I meant it more in a general way. I was more accusing of just playing a little fast and not enjoying the time to it's fullest if anything. But anyway yeah lots of parts were blocked but still you get a lot of stuff to appreciate. Just in the first episode you get to connect how Alan's writing affected the main story with Rose and her view of the world while stopping to read the multiple posters and books or paintings in the buildings. Also tiny secrets like the hilarious voice acting of Alan that many people miss in that book in the forest near the house at the beach. And that's without going to the extreme of appreciating each environment with the small redesigns and different lighting or waiting for a npc dialogue options to run out because you want to hear everything. But at the end, I'm not saying you are wrong for achieving 90 minutes, if you enjoy it more power to you. Everyone has different tastes. 😁 It's just that if someone ask me how much the DLC last, I think a lot of us wouldn't say 90 minutes unless you go and play it a little fast. Being fair I would say maybe some time between that and the 3 hours. 🤔


I read the book, really not hard to miss


Yep, I meant that a lot of people don't press "interact" on the last page and they don't get to hear Alan doing the silly dialogue.


If you press the button does that add 2 hours to your playtime?


You tell me... or did you miss it by accident? 😏 But in all seriousness, no of course it doesn't dude. I said that what adds all the time to your total playtime it's to stop and appreciate the multiple easter eggs, designs choices etc. And that the book it's just one hilarious plus.




I mean, just looking around, not running. Really exploring as J cuz that's a core experience from C. Listening to dialogue. Pausing for 7 hours after the ending of Ep2 trying to cope/not go crazy/understand what the fuck Alan meant by "Hello s*****" cuz like???? What??????? Then gushing over every little detail in EP3 cuz that was making my Remedy/PoisonPill universe tinfoil hat mind go "WAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW OH MY GAAAAHHH OH NOOO WHAAAAATT????? YESSSSSSS!!!!"


Same, but also got all the trophies right away, except for the 'kill three haters with one explosion'. It's not super long.


I usually do trophies on my 2nd run


I always try to get as many as I can, without really looking at them haha. And then when I'm done I go back to get more (if they're fun, some games I can't be bothered).


Took me a solid hour on nightmare just to beat the bad boy bossfight.


Having read your replies I do not like your tone, unnecessarily rude and aggressive. However, I actually agree with your underlying point, I am also surprised that people took 3 hours to play this DLC, each episode felt quite short and kinda a bit underwhelming. I was expecting something as epic as ‘Herald of Darkness’ or the Control DLCs.


yup, control had way better DLCs and why do we have to play as Jesse in Alan wake 2 DLC’s when we didn’t get to play as Alan in controls dlc? I’m getting tired of Jesse


>and why do we have to play as Jesse in Alan wake 2 DLC’s when we didn’t get to play as Alan in controls dlc? I’m getting tired of Jesse Gee I dunno, maybe they're building up to something they've been talking about forever, a little something called the RCU? What a horribly unpopular opinion by the way, Jesse is a huge fan favourite and is just as much of an RCU main character at this point as Alan. Shes not going anywhere anytime soon.


Alan is 10x better, you’re opinion is invalid


Jesse will have a big part in Control 2, and having her in the DLC (and very peripherally in the main game) is a part of building up to that. Constructing the wider RCU. (Very few Remedy fans would say that they "had" to play as Jesse, it seems. Most people either didn't mind, or then were happy to be able to play as her again, considering to comments here so far). The idea that the first DLC is made of self-contained episodes with different playable characters was also a different concept in comparison to the Control DLCs. Apples and oranges. By comparison, The Lake House will be a more "conventional" DLC in terms of protagonists.


Did you just say the main character will have a big part in control 2??? lol no shit 🤣


My point is that the DLC is in part about preparing the ground for upcoming Remedy games, first of all Control 2, and building up the RCU in general. Thus it is understandable that Jesse Faden is also a part of the DLC. (While Jesse will *likely* be the main character of Control 2, it is not IMO at all certain that she will be. The story might well be told primarily from someone else's perspective, or at least have two or more protagonists.)


Just like how control was preparing for the ground breaking Alan Wake 2… but did you see us playing as Alan in controls dlc?


Like I said, the Night Springs DLC has a different concept from the more traditional Control DLCs. Separate stories/episodes with different playable characters. Night Springs is an anthology TV show like The Twilight Zone, and the DLC is in keeping with that style. Comparatively, The Foundation and AWE were more direct continuations of the overall narrative of Control, and The Lake House will be closer in concept to the general narrative of AW2 than Night Springs is.




Yea something like 2 or 3 hours max


Depends. You have tons of ammo. So you can speed through it by blasting away. I've had fun replaying them. First time, I was a bit conservative with ammo because that is how you play AW2. But the second time, I just blasted all the bad guys. So fun!


The first 2 episodes were cute and fun, but I set my expectations for something new with >!Jesse Faden!< a bit too high. Episode 3 was fucking amazing though. One of the best things Remedy has ever done. The entirety of it. >!The coffee being a representation of The Hiss was great too.!<




Loved all 3 episodes, but especially episode 3. >!More callbacks to Quantum Break are always welcome.!<


Yep Ep is verry good 👍


Liked it, funny but I expected more of it. It was bizarre to play Jesse without her powers but I understand this is its own thing. I think.


Yes it's not the known/canon jesse. This is just glimpses of someone wake saw and was trying to use her as an escape attempt. All of these episodes armt things that happened or any real glimpse into the lore/world. It's just him writing failed escape attempts. Like American nightmare. Another blip on the loop


I feel ya, but hard to complain when it's free ya know


I loved what was there, but to be honest I was surprised and disappointed by just how slight it was. Probably took an hour and a half at most. If this has released as a bonus a couple months after the game I think I would have been fine with it, but 8-ish months out I think I expected something a little more substantive. Episode 1 was clearly just a joke, and it was a very funny one, so I wasn't surprised that it was so short. Episode 2 barely felt like.... anything. I accidentally solved a puzzle before I was supposed to here so maybe that contributed to the brevity, but even then there wasn't anything interesting here beyond, well, Jesse. Episode 3 was of course the most interesting, but it was barely longer than the first two. I also feel like there was barely any gameplay in any of these. It's not like I loved the main game for the gameplay, but just tossing infinite resources at you made it feel like they wanted to just make these short films or something and then remembered it's DLC for a game. I really hope the Lake House has more going on. I obviously don't expect like a 10 hour epic or something, but it would appreciate if it provided something that felt more like the main game and lasted longer than an hour and a half.


Episode 1 was very entertaining. The fanfic is one of the best/worst things I've ever read. It's even better if you read it in a Max Payne/ Alex Casey voice. Episode 2 was a letdown for me. This felt like it could have been the preview demo for Alan Wake 2. The coffee conspiracy plot was funny, but the whole level being just "unlock the door" got old very fast. Episode 3 was the clear standout. I haven't played Quantum Break, so I only know the most vague references to it, but I still found myself in awe of every single aspect of this episode. Remedy is going full multiverse, and I am here for it.


I loved it and def recommend but felt so shafted by episode 2. Didn’t even compare to eps 1 + 3 and it was my girl Jesse.






Episode 2 is the darker one I like it too


It just seemed least creative to me. And the warehouse part was annoying and useless.


Agreed. Felt it was lacking


Agreed, and the >!confirmation that Alan and Tom are the same person from different universes is huge!< I loved the ending of Episode 3 Edit:Ok maybe I was too presumptuous, but c’mon, that’s clearly >!tom and Alan in the same panel while we are being told that an individual exists with different lives in alternate universes!<


I wouldn't necessarily take anything that happens in Night Springs as gospel. We still don't know if the multiverse is an actual thing in the Remedy-Verse or if it was just part of the plot for the Night Springs episode. I'm hoping it isn't real, mutliverses are overdone now, we've had 10/15 years of every single major franchise try to start one and it's a very lazy way of getting out of a corner that a writer can write themself into. The multiverse being an explanation for Tom/Alan and for Tim Breaker to just be another universes Jack Joyce is incredibly lazy and I would have expected a lot more from Sam Lake. I hope it's not actually why things are the way there are in game. I much prefer the idea that it's all one universe but there's paranormal shit going on, not some hand wavy multiverse stuff.


I absolutely hate that pop culture has made something profound like the existence of a multiverse boring and cliche, but Remedy has been backed into a corner by losing their IPs that they clearly love, I’ll forgive them in this case and here I think it’s done thoughtfully and tastefully. And there is clearly some paranormal/mythological shit going on that goes far deeper than “it’s all a multiverse”. But to each their own interpretation, we’ll see what the future DLC and games bring to the table


I'd rather they just exclude the franchises they haven't got. Alex Casey is a fine replacement for the name of Max Payne and Tim Breaker is a way better name for a character with time based powers than Jack Joyce. That's all they need to do there. So long as they don't just be like oh and they're all different versions of each other from different multiverses, that's what I'm worried about. I want something more unique and paranormal.


That’s fair 👍


We definitely know that the multiverse is real in the Remedyverse. It’s been something that they have been laying the groundwork on for many years over multiple games, and it’s an integral part of the story that they have been telling. It was confirmed in Control, discussed in American Nightmare, and referenced at various points throughout AW2, to say nothing of the questionably canon Quantum Break and Max Payne series.


No we don't know it's a multiverse. It's been a connected universe, they're two different things. As far as we know, Control and Alan Wake have been happening in the same universe. There is nothing besides Time Breaker that has anything to really do a multiverse unless I'm forgetting anything specific. Max Payne is implied to be a character that Alan Wake wrote meaning again, it's connect universe. Quantum Break is the only one that requires further exploration and uncovering and could potentially have multiversal connections.


>There is nothing besides Time Breaker that has anything to really do a multiverse unless I'm forgetting anything specific. You're clearly forgetting about Dylan's dream about Mr. Door in Control.


That’s not true. Way back in American Nightmare, we got the first mentions of the multiverse, with the scientist discussing the possibility of multiple worlds interacting. Control went much further into that, introducing us to multiple different realities as well as providing a character who has the ability to see into different worlds. We even get a name drop of Mr. Door and an explicit discussion of his passage between worlds. We’ve seen extradimensional doppelgängers in multiple forms. Hell, right from the original Alan Wake, we have the Dark Place and the discussion of the creation of other worlds within, with Tom sealing himself and Barbara in another universe (that explicit mention might not be until This House of Dreams; it’s been a minute for me). Max Payne *is* implied to be a character that Alan wrote, and is *also* stated to be real in another world (although the collective Alex Casey’s may have successfully supplanted that at this point). That’s not a connected universe; that is, explicitly and by every definition, a multiverse.


But those worlds are implied to be within our universe. The dark place is one of these worlds, as is the Boards white empty space. The oldest house is technically one of these worlds too. They're worlds not universes, you're misinterpreting the information.


No; they are explicitly stated to be other worlds. Thresholds (aka Overlaps) are areas where two different worlds interact. The Oldest House is not one of these, exactly; it’s a Place of Power, like the Oceanview Motel and Casino. They seem to be the OoPs to the regular Thresholds’ Altered Items; they follow their own rules, manifest in multiple worlds, and seem to serve some purpose. We have three Places of Power so far, all three of which have been explicitly stated in-game to provide passage to other worlds: the Oldest House has had multiple thresholds over the years, linking to various dimensions, the Oceanview Motel and Casino possesses doors connecting to the Dark Place, and Night Springs has manifested into our world, acting as a vessel for the story of American Nightmare.


Dylan Fayden meeting with Mr. Door pretty much confirms multiverses. “In one world, there’s a writer who wrote a story about a cop. In another world, the cop was real" This confirms that Alex Casey (Alan's book character, not the FBI agent) actually really exists and lived everything Alan wrote, but in another world, which i think is a sneaky way to make Max Payne canon in the Remedy verse.


But not necessarily. A multiverse is a specific writing trope and door stating many worlds exist doesn't't mean multiverse. It doesn't not mean multiverse. Given the supernatural theming and powers at play in the remedy-verse these don't necessarily imply multiverse, they could be something else entirely on a supernatural level and not a multiversal level, the only ever actual multiversal thing is Time Breaker. If people want to assume Door is refering to the multiverse then that's cool, you may be right but my point is that just because it sounds LIKE a multiverse, doesn't mean it is and the reasoning for that is that so far, everything that could be perceived as multiversal has been explained as supernatural/paranormal.


When we talk about multiverses we're not meaning literal universes like in the MCU sense. Remedy's concept is that there's many parallel worlds, layered on top, besides or even inside each other. We're using the "multiverse" term for convenience sake, but ofc the RCU is much more loose, abstract and meta in nature, because it also takes into account our "real world". All you described doesn't contradict Max Payne being alive in one world/universe while being the book character Alex Casey in another world/univese.


Hundred percent agreed. Time Breaker does a similar thing for Quantum Break if they aren’t able to actually get the rights.


I'm so looking forward to whatever they're cooking for the Max Payne remakes. They'll definitely go nuts with ways to tie everything together.


I don't feel that this is what they were saying at all. Bear in mind that we also see Mr Scratch in that same panel, and we already know that he's just Alan possessed by The Dark Presence.


Or, as in AW1 and AWAN, just a copy of Alan made by the Dark Presence based on all the darkest rumors people spread about Alan.


The Mr Scratch from AW1-AWAN and the Scratch from AW2 aren't technically the same individual. Originally, *Thomas Zane* (not The Dark Presence) created Scratch as a way to reassure people in the real world that Alan was safe until he was able to escape, but as you said, Scratch became corrupted by rumours of Alan being a womanizing serial killer, and Alan's attempt to stop him in American Nightmare led to his supposed death. The Scratch in Alan Wake 2 is not the same character. He is only Alan, possessed by The Dark Presence and exaggerating his worst traits and insecurity, and motivating him to use his power for his own benefit. The reason that Alan *believes* him to be Scratch, is because Alan doesn't get to actually *see* him while in The Dark Place. All that he knows is that a manuscript is being written that he has no recollection of, and that a man who looks like a more vicious version of himself is trying to get to Alice in the real world. He puts two and two together, and while he isn't entirely wrong about a lot, he's incorrect in thinking that it's the Scratch that he'd attempted to kill off beforehand. It's best to think of Scratch in AW2 as more similar to the way we see Alan in the DLCs for AW1. It's still Alan, but a version tainted by his own worst qualities that is hurting others due to it.


> Originally, Thomas Zane (not The Dark Presence) created Scratch Wrong. For whatever reason, anyone entering the Dark Place automatically generates a Scratch. We see this happen in real time when Saga goes into the dark Place and Other Saga, the manifestation of all her darkest fears, comes into existence. There is also a solid argument that Thomas Seine is Zane's Scratch, which is why Seine works with Scratch to write *Return*. >a way to reassure people in the real world that Alan was safe until he was able to escape, There is no evidence for this assumption. In fact, just from AW1 alone it seems clear that this isn't the case. You don't choose to name a character after [The Devil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Scratch) without intending him to be evil. >He is only Alan, possessed by The Dark Presence This is such a bizarrely dismissive way to describe literal possession by a monstrous creature from outside of reality itself. But you are correct that the two Scratchs are not the same. Scratch in AW2 is what happens when some aspect of the Dark Presence possesses Alan and forces his body to do what the Dark Presence wants. >It's still Alan No, it isn't. And that is the point of possession stories. It may be your body, but it *isn't you* and **that** is what is so terrifying about these types of stories. Scratch from AW2 is the Dark Presence given flesh to carry out its will on the physical plane.


>"Anyone entering the Dark Place automatically generates a Scratch" Right, like Mr Door. Or Tim Breaker. Or Odin and Tor. Or Alice. Or Nightingale. Besides, your point is clearly wrong from the start; Scratch didn't write Departure, full stop. The scratched out version that Alan erroneously thought was written by Scratch was in fact written by another version himself, and was "scratched out" by a completely different version, which he then shot. It's literally in the game. Besides, when Scratch originally appears at the end of Alan Wake 1, there's no indication either way as to who created Scratch. We're both guessing. However, considering that Zane's introduces him by saying "Don't mind him, he's Mr Scratch" and the context that he introduces him before Alan goes to sacrifice himself, it's implicitly quite clear that he's introduced by Zane, who knows that Alan will become trapped, and is comforting him with the knowledge that Scratch will take his place. Zane, for all of his cryptic nature, is an ally in the first game. If Scratch were to be a threat, he'd have warned Alan. >"There is no evidence for this assumption." Yes, there is. I've just listed some evidence above. While the fact that he shares a name with The Devil is clearly foreshadowing his eventually evil nature, and suggests that Remedy had it planned for the start, it doesn't at all preclude Zane from having created him. If anything, Zane likely wouldn't have named him at all if he stemmed from The Dark Presence. Furthermore, Sam Lake himself said that the name "Mr Scratch" stems from the fact that his name is only pronounced as a series of scratching noises. >"This is such a bizarrely dismissive way to describe literal possession by a monstrous creature from outside of reality." You ignored the entire rest of my point in quoting me, and acted as though removing the rest of the context somehow implies that I don't truly understand the implications of how the possession affects Alan. You then just agreed with my point and reiterated exactly what I said. It's hard to not see this as a completely bad faith argument, picking over semantics for little reason. It's actually funny that you accuse me of being reductive in describing the possession, when your concluding statement is pretty off the mark. It's not as black and white as "The Dark Presence forcing Alan's body to do what it wants." Scratch's motivations and desires stem from the absolute worst of Alan's self. It's not like in the first game where the Dark Presence is a generic doomsday villain that seeks to destroy the world; Scratch in AW2 frequently shows himself to be an exaggeration of Alan's insecurity, need to be worshipped for his writing talent, and his anger. That's why Alan is able to lure it back into himself at the end of AW2; it's a fragmented aspect of Alan that wants to be in control, and wants what the worst version of him would want. >"No it isn't" Except that it is. I feel as though you've entirely missed the mark on Scratch as a character, because the plot explicitly shows that Scratch is, as said above, the worst aspects of Alan, played up and given life. When he creates the Deerfest change to reality, you have to think critically; if he's not a part of Alan, then why did he create a world where Alan's books are beloved? Why did he possess Alan again at the end of AW2 while Alan is taunting him to? Why didn't he possess Saga, or Casey once more, or jump to anyone else? He is a part of Alan. He's an aspect of The Dark Place, yes, but shaped by Alan's worst traits. Even his dialogue makes it clear that he's what Alan would be if he chose to indulge in his abilities, and wallow in the selfishness that comes with it. He frequently states that it's "his story" and "his ending." In fact, when Scratch starts chasing Alan in Deerfest, he says "you are home" "we made this" and "our story, our ending." Most damning to your point is that Scratch himself literally says, "we are one." He tells Alan that together, they can have fame, worship and Alice. So yes, he *is* Alan. You've missed the mark entirely in your assessment of what apparently makes this possession story so terrifying, because it's exactly the opposite of what you're saying. It's not that Alan is being enslaved as a vessel for some strange, otherworldly presence to destroy all that which he holds dear. It's the fact that buried under all of his positive traits and heroism, there is a deeply jaded, cynical, bitter man who is hurt, and hurts others when his darker side is given form. Hell, Alan already hurts people by roping them into his story, so there's precedent. We all have our interpretations of the game, and they're all valid, but yours just seems entirely off the mark on what the intention was, and what is explicitly shown by the game, personally.


I like how this game works.


Not confirmed. Not only do the two guys in the comic panel just look like the 2 versions of Scratch, you have to remember that no one in Episode 3 is the same character as from the universe that the Temedy games take place within. So saying that anyone from Episode 3 is someone from the main games is nonsense.


Why didn't I know that you can blast the legs out from under haters? 2nd playthrough as Rose I did nothing but leg shots to see the haters go sprawling.


Rose is the only best girl! Alan should move on from his dead beat wife and go with Rose.


My DLC is bugged with the same problem the main game had but I thought was fixed: The UI gets stuck when examining items in the world. Then because these missions have such long in between checkpoints, having to reload the game sends me we back to the beginning. Sucks :(


Just a beautiful DLC in all aspects. I love how they are rolling in more and more nods to the other games. Can’t wait for the next expansion!


Alan Wake 2 is probably my favorite horror/suspense game of all time. I absolutely love the creativity and imagination and how all of Remedys games connect. I haven't got into the DLC yet but I can't wait. Remedy is at the top of their game. Bring on Max Payne baby! Can't freaking wait


I had to replay episode 1 for my kids, since it was really just clean enough and fun enough for them. They got to see the end of episode three also with the 8bit and text based gaming. Episode 1 still remains my tops. Really embraces the twilight zone fun feel. They're all very good though.


Each chapter was something I wasn’t really expecting. Absolutely loved all 3. The first one was great to kick off the show with a bang. 2 gave a really interesting crossover, and 3 really makes me think they are wanting to bring quantum break into the universe


I really liked it but episode 2 was just...pointless.


Time Breaker, what a way to integrate QB without officially integrating it. It’s always been my theory that the characters within the Remedyverse are different versions of the same people and for Sam himself to tell us that, amazing.


Video games don’t normally make me laugh really hard, but after just shotgun blasting people left and right and seeing a deer come out of nowhere with Alan’s voice guiding me to my lover was so out of nowhere I couldn’t help myself. It’s great


I liked it but was disappointed with the length


I felt that as I went through the DLC, each chapters playtime got shorter and shorter. My very very hot take is that I wish these were released over a period of time rather than in one go.


Can someone tell me if 2nd dlb will be also like this with short episodes? I would prefer 1 long way more


I'm a pretty slow gamer typically, especially with survival horror stuff I like to search every square inch of the map and find every secret. It took me like 30 hours to beat the base game. There's not much incentive to in the DLC though. You get like 1000 bullets and can just mag dump everything. I can see folks easily ripping through each episode in \~30 minutes if they're less concerned with exploring the side stuff. I finished it surprisingly quick, more or less in one sitting. It was good don't get me wrong. It's just very short, and recycles the same areas we've been to so it seems fairly low effort. I remember AW1 DLC adding like significant missions and new ideas. I hope the Lake House is better. I think they could have done more with Night Springs DLC. Soundtrack was pretty sweet though.