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Don't count me, I played and enjoyed all :-)


Same AW1 is still my all time favorite game and I loved American Nightmare.


For me, AW1 is best because it's first. AW AN is about differenceness. AW2 is most art and atmosphere. AW2 DLC is (and I think the second will too be) mind-blowing fun


I was vaguely familiar with 1, but I LOVE Control and had played the AW Control dlc. I wasn’t really interested in AW2 until I watched my partner play through the first bit and saw that the FBC was involved (the first part in the watch station) I decided to play it but watched this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ff0UORQcVPY to get the information and job my memory of the Control bits. Now AW2 has eclipsed my love for Control and I’m obsessed, but I still don’t really have an my desire to go back through and play 1.


I played one way back in the day and again recently before playing Alan Wake 2. Imo they are completely different games with some connective tissue but 2 is almost a standalone game. Of course if you skipped one you are missing some vibes but 2 stands alone pretty well I would imagine.


You really feel the genre switch and the progression of Remedy when you go betweeb 1 and 2


I tried to play Alan Wake Remastered but couldn’t get into the gameplay (I may try again down the line) so I just watched a no commentary video that covered all of the cutscenes and important dialogue and played the AWE dlc for Control to prep


I played AW2, then AW1, then did AW2 final draft. It was a fun experience.


Definitely do Control and the AWE DLC. It really sets up AW2. And the FBC stuff in AW2 will hit harder.


Me too, got AW1 on sale for like $10 so had to get it. Then I went back to replay control dlc to put the pieces I missed together on my 1st playthrough


I always was mildly interested in AW, so when the sequel was announced I decided it was time, so I bought AW Remastered and like it, then, since I have an Xbox Series X, I play American Nightmare, Quantum Break, and Control. When AW 2 came out I saw the recap made by Sam Lake on IGN to made sure I wasn't misremembering something and play AW Flashback on Fortnite, which honestly was a waste of time. So yeah, I was very much prepared


Nice! QB is the only one I haven't played. I heard bad things about the gameplay and the difficulty of the last boss. How did you find it?


Honestly, not that hard. At the beginning a little bit, but once you unlock more powers the game becomes fair, not easy, not hard. Honestly, looking back at all the games, AW 1 was the one I found had the most difficult and annoying combat, it felt clunky. As for the final boss I don't recall being difficult nor having a hard time defeating him. I know this sounds very vague, I'm sorry, it's just that, apart from the live action episodes, the game itself is kind of forgettable, it sits in an awkward position between the more slow combat from AW and the fast combat of Control.


Cool. I'll check it out. It's on games pass, so might as well.


QB has great acting and fun gameplay that Control greatly expanded and improved upon. I enjoyed it right up to the final boss at which point I gave up the game and just watched the final scenes on YouTube since I knew it was the very end of the game. While it is difficult, the more annoying thing was that the boss checkpoint is before a long cutscene which you had to watch over and over again every time you died.


I had never heard the final boss was difficult until these post, I remember it being pretty much on par with the rest of the game but haven't played it since it 1st came out


I don't think I have ever fully finished AW. I tend to run out of steam around the 5th chapter. I just don't like the action oriented gameplay. I prefer to walk around and scan the environments. II suits my play style more.


Not me, lol In epic you get Alan wake 1 for free


shocked by how many people couldn’t get into AW1 here… the story is so gripping for me. My investment in the stories and in the world is what interests me in all remedy games. It never even occurred to me that AW1 gameplay was somewhat repetitive or dull as people point out.


iirc, I played AW1 around 2011 on my brother's PC. I vaguely remember the last part in the lighthouse, Barry with his red jacket, the hotel part where Alan stayed. I never touched AW1 after that, so before playing AW2, I recapped the story of AW1 from a YouTube video.


I have played about 25 percent of Alan Wake 1 before I jumped into Alan Wake 2, cause I just couldn’t wait! Had also played the entirety of Control and its DLC’s before hand. And watched an Alan Wake 1 recap from Sam Lake before gameplay. The game mostly made sense to me but I think I’ll finish Alan Wake 1 for a deeper context on some things.


I played AW1 back in 2021. I bought my Xbox Series X in 2020 when it was released and I always wanted and was interested in playing Alan Wake , but I was dumb and such an annoying fanboy of Sony so I hated the Xbox lol. Anyhow , since then in 2021 I got the Series X I could now play AW1 and I did but to be honest, I quite didn’t like it as much as I had anticipated. The gameplay was horrendous and repetitive as hell. I played Quantum Break later and loved it 😍. I played Control and loved it too, then played Alan Wake 2 and omg I am still obsessed as hell like Rose Marigold is ❤️


I bought AW 1 during a Steam sale in 2013 for €2.79 (-90% off), not expecting much, but it became my all-time favorite game! When AW2 was announced, I replayed it 3 or 4 times to prepare for it. :D AW2 is a great game and I love it, but I would like more battles against "taken" people like in the first game.


I played a few minutes of Alan wake the remastered version and decided to just watch a YouTube video on it. I just recently beat Alan Wake 2 for my second playthrough such a fun game. But yeah I just learned about the universe through YouTube so my understanding is from YouTubers that put the work in to compile it all into a couple hour watch on AW1 and Control


Never played AW1, and the only reason I’ve heard of AW2 is how difficult it is for pcs to run lol. But I love the game and I’m starting to play AW1 now


I played AW2 without knowing anything and instantly got hooked. I didn’t understand the references or characters back story. So I played Control and AW1 and it all makes sense. AW1 is kinda rough to play through given the year it came out but I actually really enjoyed it. Control was fun as well. If you don’t feel like playing it just YouTube it.


i tried 1 after beating 2 and i couldn’t get into it lmao, the gameplay is not for me


I tried playing AW1, but i found the dodging mechanic very janky, and I'm not a huge fan of horror, so the atmosphere creeped me out. I think I kept dying in one section ans that put me off. I really liked Control, and I'm enjoying AW2 but I can only play it in small bursts.


I bought AW1 remastered and completed that and the DLC’s prior to starting AW2. Was a good experience!



I played AW1 when it first came out and ended up dropping it about halfway through. I was really into the story but I found the combat too difficult. I came back to it on pc about 3 years ago and finally made it through the whole game. I loved it. Then I played Control, then Quantum Break and AW2. I love the whole RCU and I can't get enough.


Never played one. Two was a masterpiece


I played Control first, which made me pick up AW1, then played American Nightmare, then the AWE DLC in Control, and now AW2.


Along with Quantum Break, AW1 isn’t my favourite games but it’s super interesting to see Remedy experimenting with and developing concepts that mature through their catalogue. One can see common influences (Twin Peaks etc.) coming through. Aside from being innovative and fun in its own right, AW1 is worth playing to experience the studio’s development (if you care for that sort of thing!)


I kind of forced myself to finish the main story because the combat got frustrating at the end and there was so much of it but I really enjoyed the DLC. I did that a month or so before launch and then I watched some videos on it because I wanted to be more prepared for AW2 and couldn't force myself to replay it, at least no so soon


I payed remastered for the first time just a week before AW2 release, to make sure I know the story well enough. I liked it.  Before I have been playing Control and QB, and I am a huge fun of those games


I do i do i do


I played all except aw2.




I tried to play it but gave up after 4 hours. The gameplay is so boring


If it helps, you can prop your phone up next to the screen and watch a video of Subway Surfers.