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There is a map that shows which lights are owed by and also shows information when you click on the dot that you can provide information to when you call so they know which street light is out. https://www.cabq.gov/abq-streetlights/report-a-streetlight-outage


Wow that's actually a really neat resource, thanks!


Dalkia energy gets paid to maintain these call 504-219-3780 to report outages ideally you need to be able to pinpoint where the light is as accurately as possible.


Car accidents are the usual cause. a wire gets broken somewhere along the circuit... sometimes its sabotage, copper theft.. or sometimes homeless people tapping for power and popping breakers.


I'm an electrician and it's fucking insane how much copper theft happens in this city


Someone got up on the roof of the place I went to for physical therapy and stole the copper from the heating units, this town is wild.


Yes to all these I’ve seen some light poles get knocked over in 2022 and they still haven’t installed any new lights or poles.  Many get the typical grifter breaking in to steal the wires or just sabotage the wires And then the city and county and pnm And that other company all don’t want any accountability as you try to report a basic light that is out. But they want an essay of specifics. Many have given up reporting an outage. 


i find using the Abq311 app is the easiest.. and ive had an over 50% repair rate doing that..


As far as I'm aware the city won't replace or fix a street light until someone reports it is out.


it’s not that they won’t… but almost no lights are maintained by city… they are either PNM (roughly 1/3) or Dalkia maintaining these PNM as you might guess, sucks Dalkia is probably understaffed.


Exactly Had to put in a service request for a couple near our home PNM


"We could see if the current draw of the light suddenly goes way too low and then flag that light as needing maintenance. Instead let's do something incredibly inefficient and wait for someone to ask us to do our job."


At one point the city got a bad batch of LED bulbs that were turning purple then failing rather than lasting the decade or more that they were promised to. They might still be waiting for the new ones to arrive.


Still finding a LOT of these lights purple in various areas - especially Nob Hill, Uptown, and Journal Center/North Valley


So THATS why I see blue street lights. I always thought it was for some dystopian nightmare reason like making it difficult for people to shoot up under them, like how bathrooms in dive bars are.


I had to report the one on my street being out; they came out and fixed it


1. Copper thieves. The City is starting to switch to aluminum wiring to prevent this, but it's a slow process. 2. The City is also in the process of replacing all of the old lights with LEDs. The contract went to the lowest bidder, which also means they got the cheapest (and least reliable) products. 3. City maintenance crews are seriously understaffed right now. 4. These City employees don't work at night, so they only know about outages if someone reports them to 311.


Thieves stealing the wiring again?


Plausible. Thanks for the suggestion.


Most are made with clearly labeled aluminum wiring to avoid people stealing wires/killing themselves


What’s aluminum worth? You’d be surprised what’s stolen here . 


They'll get fixed mañana...


[this stretch](https://imgur.com/a/Q7nQsWV) has been out since MARCH, directly next to city hall. Embarassing.


Gotta just report outages to 311 or to their office. Used to work street lighting with Dalkia. I’ll say most outages are outside our control, such as, wire theft. Theft tends to be the issue 9/10 though for residential street lights it can vary.


I call 311 and they usually give you a request number and email you when the lights are fixed.


Copper wire


To throw in another perspective I haven't seen in this thread: some street lights in residential areas / not on major roads are the responsibility of the homeowner whose property the light is on. In my neighborhood there's one street light on the corner, and it happens to fall on my property. PNM called me and asked if I wanted to continue paying for the light as the new owner, and I didn't want to, so now it's off continuously. I didn't even know that it was my responsibility at first, because it was never disclosed in the purchase process for the home. So when I found out I'd have to pay an extra $75/mo for the light, I declined and now our street is darker. If someone else wants the light on, they can pay for it haha!


Wow, I had no idea.


No idea. I do know that when I tried to report the ones near me to the city, they said there was some out of state company managing them and I had to contact that company.


Some percentage of the lights are owned and repaired by pnm.


Report them via the 311 app, ive had over a dozen fixed by doing my part.


My husband used to service Walgreens and a lot of the street lights near them were actually broken open and he said the homeless Jerry rig them to charge their phones 🤷‍♀️


It's a nice start, light pollution sucks.


There are street light designs that can minimize light pollution and have been used in some American cities. [America Walks](https://americawalks.org/light-pollution-safety-lighting/)


Then why don’t we take the poles down and recycle them? This seems asinine to me.


You must live in Tanoan. Where I live, we NEED as much light as possible. You need blackout curtains


Because we’re trying to get Albuquerque to look like the set of an apocalyptic movie/game.


Mission accomplished


Tons of cities in TX will switch their street lights to judt be flashing red. If these are long mostly straight stretches of road it totally makes sense to just turn them off at night when roads aren't busy to help save power and fight light pollution.


You're not wrong, but I think OP is talking about street lights and you are talking about traffic lights.


Ahahaha reading comprehension is key I guess 😅


Just a long row of flashing red street lights is an insanely creepy visual. Now add some fog...


who is john galt?


Some dude who lives in Santa Fe


looks like one can look them up as to ownership here. [https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a554cd19e77a41d8b17a882fe59021dd](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a554cd19e77a41d8b17a882fe59021dd)