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I've seen this more than a few times around town. I feel like it's an antisocial fetish among a certain group to attempt to annoy or inconvenience others through their cars.


Yep it’s antisocial. It’s their little “fuck you” at the world. I tend to get it more when I have my convertable top down.


Mommy didn't hug them enough as babies..... Or Daddy hugged them too much?


Can you imagine being so pathetically passive that you modify a shit car to make loud noises to annoy people?


I wouldn't call that behavior "passive", it's aggression by aggrieved, antisocial morons.


i'm not sure i can think of a dumber way to spend my time or money


So like a Harley?  


These assholes are so pathetic that the only attention they understand is negative attention


Do you think so, doctor? Of course that's what it is. The problem is that antisocial has become "macho," and the cops don't put these little boys on timeout.


Report them to the EPA. They are very aggressive going after people selling those rolling coal kits that screw with a diesel truck's emissions. https://echo.epa.gov/report-environmental-violations


No offense, but the EPA will not do jack shit. This is a local enforcement issue, just like forcing us to get emission tested.


You know most diesels that role coal are pre EPA emissions. The mass majority of dudes with new 100k dollar trucks aren’t going to modify them to fry their EGTs and lose a warranty on something that expensive.


It's very much a thing in Carlsbad, from where I recently moved. Anything except a company work truck is a candidate. I saw several of them parading around town the day Trump turned himself in in Georgia and got his mugshot. I felt like there was no way I could compete with their obviously massive manhoods, and could never satisfy my wife. In my despondence, I sold my 33 mpg 2000 Camry and got a diesel F350. It grew three inches and gained two inches of circumference that night, and our marriage was saved.


I had someone in a near brand-new super duty cut me off and roll coal on me the other day. Don't underestimate how dumb people are.


Well I mean if they wide open throttle it being a diesel it will have some black smoke come out. If it’s literal rolling cole [like this](https://youtube.com/shorts/v8LcrgiSNsY?si=IVHwh_K3S4e7ga83) that’s different. A diesel with DEF a DPF, and EGR will still produce some black emissions especially if it’s at wide open throttle, or they’re pulling a heavy load. I mean it’s a diesel after all and diesel isn’t as refined as gasoline.


Oh no, this was definitely more than a little puff of black. This was a suffocating, blinding cloud thick enough I could've stuck a knife out the window and cut it.


Not now, but even just a couple years ago it was *absolutely* a thing. Tons of douchebros did it with brand-new trucks. Lots of those modded brodozers are still on the road, “rolling coal” whenever they feel like it


Diesel is better for the environment as the carbon particulate settles to the ground and not into the air like gasoline emissions. Diesel is also cheaper to produce than gasoline requiring far less refinement of crude oil. But oil companies don't make as much money on diesel as they do gas so...


Wait, so if I see someone rolling coal with a dashcam and I get their license plate as well, I could get a reward and the dbag fined? Honestly, this is a reason for me to finally get one.


Getting a reward and getting them fined? God damn that would make my week.


Agreed, plus a lot of other good things could come from more universal dashcam ownership.


I believe Colorado has something like that in place already. Maybe it could be a model to your particular area.


Fascinating. Any links?


Not sure about Colorado but NYC does something similar for ideling vehicles and maybe if they're parked in a bike lane too?


You should get one anyway, I catch a lot of crazy stuff


Absolutely in favor. I wish the fines escalated rapidly as somebody gets more of them. Rolling coal is unbelievably antisocial shithead behavior. Throw the gd book at them.


Yes. But let’s start teaching Self-Awareness, Critical Thinking Skills, and Media Literacy in SCHOOL, because parents are raising fucking assholes


I mean, I *completely* agree in principle, but the reality is that, as a HS teacher, I get a kid 5 hours a week—minus all the time I spend convincing them to engage, put away their phone, pay attention, etc (this is an inverse relationship to the level of parenting at home), so….good luck to future us.


HS teacher here too. No amount of effort that I put into making engaging lessons like escape rooms will ever rival the billions of venture capital put into scientifically tailoring social media for engagement.


EXACTLY. I’m an experienced and, frankly, good teacher. Kids who engage in my classes grow in all kinds of ways as they learn stuff academic and social. But I cannot fucking compete with TikTok.


Also, these "Tiktok teachers" that make dances with their chemistry classes, for example. Are all flash and no substance. It should not take six weeks to make a ionic bonding naming rules dance. That's a whole unit of information worth of time. People that don't know what's going on are absolutely dazzled! It's bullshit.


Yep that's a big part of the problem. Add to the list Respect for others.


Well you can blame Republican parents for that. The “fuck you and fuck everyone and every group” attitude comes from THEM. Hate hate and more hate.


Thus the “media literacy”. We live in an America where full grown adults think Hillary Clinton sells the bodily fluids of children out of a pizza parlor basement. They simply cannot discern between fiction and reality


And someone is to blame for that and I’m putting that on our government for not funding and paying public school teachers what they are worth. We have a generation of idiots and it’s terrifying and not getting better.


Teachers should earn more, have paid-for continuing education and paid for master's degrees, but that won't fix public education. Teachers at the best private school in Albuquerque (30k a year tuition) make what a Level II public teacher makes. Why do they teach there? It's not for the money. These parents have made education a priority and the kids love to learn and have goals. Yes, it sucks that a kid has to have wealthy parents to get a great education, but you don't have to be wealthy to be a good parent. Screens are the main problem, and we're seeing the effects. Every public school teacher knows the unspoken secret that 80% of the students drag down and prevent a quality education for the 20% of students who want to learn. 35% of teachers will quit this year, not retire, quit. I know exactly how to fix education as much as it can be fixed. Look at MAS charter school in Albuquerque. It's not perfect, but it's pretty great for a public school.


Glad you said it because it needed to be said! Probably the same parents who think rolling coal is cool. People who cannot behave with a modicum of decorum in public need to just stay home…..and not breed.


Yeah! I agree! You got some curriculum materials to share?


I had a distant neighbor in California with one of these obnoxious trucks. It had vertical pipes, big fat ones. Wouldn't you know it... a small watermelon fit in there perfectly.


That last sentence is delightful


[Report a smoking vehicle.](https://www.cabq.gov/airquality/vehicle-emissions-testing/report-smoking-vehicle)


Thank you.


What I think would be a far more enforceable approach is to make the modifications for "rolling coal" (idiots) illegal, not the act of doing it. It should be illegal under the clean air act ordinance that force the rest of us to go get our cars emission tested, anyway.


Yep. I like it.  It would be much in line with getting in trouble with the emissions people when one has their catalytic converter stolen. If people are getting in trouble as a victim of crime here, they can assuredly find ways to actually hold bad players accountable here. 


I am 100% FOR a nuisance-exhaust ordinance. 1) it's disgusting. 2) it's dangerous--have you ever been in a cloud of that exhaust at night in the rain? Zero visibility.


It’s also incredibly cancerous.


My assumption has been it was a 'i don't believe in climate change' statement, hence targeting EVs, but never understood how that crosses into either not believing or not caring about kids with asthma....


Sadly. Everything in this current day world is cancerous.


Yea. And also there should be some ordinance or penalties for reckless driving and speeding 30 mph above the posted limit.


Can we add: illegal tint  Illegal modified exhaust  Illegal tinted taillights Illegal add on headlights Broke cracked windshields Unsecured loads No registration No license (or suspended) No insurance And yet some want coal rolling added to the list of stuff we don’t already enforce 


Can’t tell if this is posted out of sarcasm or ignorance. Use the /s next time if the former please. There _are_ ordinances and penalties against that.


Oil in the exhaust creates white-blueish smoke. What you're talking about is burning an excess amount of diesel, which can lead to incomplete combustion and the production of more soot and smoke. 


Finally someone who knows what they are talking about 👍


It messes with the throttle body and fouls the spark plugs, too.


Those poor spark plugs on these diesel engines... /s


There are no spark plugs on diesels……


No throttle bodies either. It’s a joke.


It is Reddit… That comment would not surprise me for someone talking about something they know nothing about…


Yall sound poor.


Very much so I live on the streets


To be fair I grew up out there as a kid and I get it. But now I have built alot and I don't want people telling me how to spend my money. Same way people shouldn't judge you.


I don’t really live in the streets lol.. was just a smart ass response haha! I own a home and do decent enough for my self….


While I don’t disagree with the douchiness of rolling coal. I can’t see a random picture of a truck from a regular Joe carrying the weight to warrant that penalty.  It would have to followed up by the police and we all know that’s not going to happen.    


Have to agree with this take. Aggressive enforcement against coal-rollers? Might as well ask for Mayor Keller to wave his magic wand and give us all rainbow ponies.


All said and done, I’d rather have a rainbow pony than “rolling coal” enforcement. Not defending their actions, I just really want a rainbow pony.


He has been such a do-nothing disappointment.


Shit this should be a federal law. They’re deliberately tampering with federally mandated emissions control (especially on newer trucks) - to say nothing of this occurring elsewhere - is a menace indeed. [There have been serious incidences in the past for coal rolling.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/43060/coal-rolling-teen-that-hit-cyclists-charged-with-six-felonies)


The amount of push back this post is getting is troubling. Rolling coal has an inherent disregard for your fellow human, introducing smog and pollution into our common air increases global warming and cancer rates. individually, it's not that much, but it's like lighting matches inside and flicking them onto the carpet, just because you haven't lit the house on fire doesn't mean we should ignore your bad actions. the right to do something that offends someone should not encroach on someone elses right to breath, which is why banning it or attaching a fine is a reasonable action against this kind of bad behavior. If your car is doing it on its own as a mechanical issue, then of course they shouldn't be fined. that would be like getting mad at someone for lighting a match and then dropping it on the carpet on accident. they apologize and try not to do it again. but if you're dropping a match every 10th time you strike one? or every 20th? that stops being accidental and shows the apology to be made with bad faith, which is what a lot of rolling coal people do.


“The amount of pushback..” How are you determining this. For whatever reason I’m not seeing any voting at all.  


I have this link saved to my home screen: https://www.cabq.gov/airquality/vehicle-emissions-testing/report-smoking-vehicle


In many states they make you do ANNUAL inspections on: your exhaust, your tint on your windows, blinkers and of course making sure you have a license plate. Why can’t we do that? I mean the “I don’t need a fucking license plate” is NUTS. This totally enables crime. You hit someone and take off? No one got a plate. You rob someone and jump in a car? No one gets a plate #. So please, and I’m a Democrat, we NEED more police here. We need more enforcement. No good city lets you drive around with no plates, modify your shit car so that every person in Albuquerque can hear it (because you’re insecure and need to feel “manly”) and commit crimes with little consequence. APD I’m for you and I will always vote for anyone who is for hiring more police.


> Why can’t we do that? Because our political leadership lacks balls, and the cops are little boy-men. It's a fucking toxic combo.


This town has a small but real population of redneck dickheads, who behave with little accountability or regard for others. For reasons (that include the cops really working this population to recruit new cops), they don't seem to have the police pay any attention to their bullshit. If we -really- wanted to see some shit happen, we would start a group who'd hit the council meetings and bitch out the cops for failing to enforce the law. Scumbags are scumbags - rolling coal, "throwing hands" (that idiot's post was a riot), blacking out their license plates ... ... the problem isn't really the laws that are or are not on the books. It's the cops just allowing them to behave like high school wannabe bullies.


They come in from Edgewood.


That would make sense if we actually had a functioning law-enforcement mechanisms around here.


I'm a cyclist and have taken to carrying a palm-sized boulder in the back pocket of my jersey. Haven't gotten to use it. Yet!. My thoughts are a truck rolls coal. I take out their back windshield. Just an observation..... The dudes who roll coal at cyclists are usually fat dudes.


I used to ride the road from the RailRunner station to Algodones on my bike. For some reason the diesel trucks LOVED rolling coal there. On a few occasions they would hit me with a cloud then drive ahead and wait to do it again. Absolute douche canoes.


I heard it's also a side effect of having a small peenus


Ever since someone pointed out how much they looked like a small scared squid shooting ink and running away.. its all i can think of when one of these idiots does it near me.


I’ll take an easy $1000 a week


i called ABQ 311 number and they said you can report noisy or dirty diesel truck exhausts via 311! tell them the plate number and they’ll be sent an order to go for emissions testing (which diesel is usually exempt from but they want to enforce it on modified exhausts). who knows if that’s gonna be effective but….maybe it better than nothing though?


Sad this is an issue in Albuquerque. I see this all the f-ing time over here in eastern NM, and to be a target, you just have to be not-a-truck. One good thing here is there is not a lot of traffic, so I can profile these a-holes and just stay far enough away. One pulled out in front of me on the highway to Clovis the other day for no reason other than to cut me off, and I knew right away - I could tell by the douche move and the lift kit and the oversized exhaust - and I slowed down and changed lanes in time to miss it. One kinda neat thing is that another a-hole truck not of the coal-rolling camp started riding my bumper for no reason - plenty of room to pass on the left - and when that a-hole finally did pass, he caught up to the coal-roller and got blasted. I’m not gonna lie, that was very satisfying to witness! But in general, f-ck those guys.


it should revoke their emissions test too. the problem is that most of them come from Rio rancho, which doesn't require an emissions test.


Diesels are emissions exempt


Are they? Changing that seems like the simplest option in that case.


Albuquerque doesn't require them either for Diesels.


i am all for it… $500 seems like a great fine for this, especially if it is possible to intentionally make your vehicle do this… that’s absurd


I feel lol I’m seeing this less and less, but I’ve always fuckin hated that shit. To me it’s akin to blowing cigarette smoke in someone’s face. It’s just childish. If I’m not mistaken, it’s terrible for your engine too. I’m all for modding your vehicle. I don’t care if your truck is 12 feet tall and sounds like a freight train. But that smoke makes me wanna fight someone lol.


I’m with you 100%. Also douchebag describes them perfectly.


Just confiscate the vehicle till the owner has it modified so it can't do that shit.


[New Jersey did something like this to a guy who deleted his emissions.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/diesel-ram-owner-crushes-truck-after-state-orders-deleted-emissions-fix)


Wholeheartedly approve.


Would never be enforced I know people driving without vehicle plates meaning no emissions, insurance or registration. Not being a contrarian but this type of enforcement would never happen and that’s by design.


We can dream.


The design is by our lawmaking bodies who say vehicle inspections are a form of discrimination against the poor or poc. Their words, not mine.  They also just reversed thousands of suspended licenses hoping most would go back into the working pool, as if a non license was stopping them.  We constantly waive court fees and court fines to those they deem too poor to afford it. There just is absolutely no deterrent against being a selfish lawless jerk here 


Why do people even like this? The black smoke makes you look gross


What are the chances of actually being enforced people drive without license plates all the time.


Some of these idiots even video themselves doing it intentionally to mess with bicyclists and upload it to TikTok: [https://road.cc/content/news/cyclists-boycott-after-owner-filmed-rolling-coal-292193](https://road.cc/content/news/cyclists-boycott-after-owner-filmed-rolling-coal-292193)


If you want to actually see something done about this (make it illegal to have the modifications to roll coal), go hassle the New Mexico Environment Department [https://www.env.nm.gov/contact-us/](https://www.env.nm.gov/contact-us/) They could enact an addendum on the already existing emissions laws.


The existing laws already cover modifying exhaust.


Then we're back to enforcement problems, in a city with a police force that won't even pull over drunk drivers half the time.


No, you’re engaging in a straw man.


Meanwhile I have to take my Prius to get emissions checked 🙄


Well, I mean it has an ICE so it has emissions. I get that it’s pretty unlikely to fail though. I wonder if any prius has ever failed? Maybe they should have a sliding schedule so hybrids only have to be checked every 4 years or something.


I register it at my parents house in a different county because it has a check engine light but I get 45mpg. Guaranteed I'm blowing less emissions than these behemoths on the road.


A bad O2 sensor can be sufficient to cause failure. It happens.


As someone who owns a super duty, because I've wanted one for 20 years and could finally make that happen, I'm sorry my peers are such fucking douchebags.


I don’t understand some peoples hatred of electric vehicles. It’s almost like they’re being paid by oil companies, but think about it. The fewer people buying gas, the less demand, the price goes down. Each electric vehicle is one less car in front of them at the gas station.


Those people have no personalities outside of the things they own and being a dick.


Some people are definitely full born blind hatred of EVs, but they’re definitely a step in the right direction. Not 100% perfect either lol. (Need an eco friendly way for lithium and we’re not at a point where we could eliminate oil and gas. Only thing I’m really worried about is the electrical grid over time. The amount of people that would get off work, drive home, and plug their car in at roughly the same time… sheesh that’d be a big draw of current lol. Makes me wonder if the Californian mayor who said no more gas vehicles by 2028 or w/e thought of that haha. But seriously, EVs do be cool.


Because it's a cult.


As the demand goes down the price will go up. In a decade or less gas will get up to 10 bucks a gallon.


That's not true. Lower demand creates more supply. Do you remember during the pandemic lockdown when nobody was traveling? Prices droped. Refineries were even laying off employees. Crude oil producers were PAYING buyers to take their oil. Prices DEFINITELY go down when there is less demand and more supply. Basic economics.


Yeah I took econ 101. Oil and gas is very different than typical commodities because they've got so much pull over the government. Gas will never go below the prices we see today I don't think anyways it'll probably go up because regardless of supply the oil companies are going to make money. At one point crude oil got below $0 a barrel and yet we were still paying over two bucks a gallon for gas in most parts of the country.


The people ur reporting are the cops....


The ones that are rolling coal are going to be responsible for state wide emissions testing ! They are asshats at the least !


Albuquerque police can't even enforce license plates. This proposed ordinance would never work.


This proposed ordinance doesn’t involve the police.


I swear people have lost the ability to read.


You know what they say about big trucks with big exhaust pipes? Small dicks, big assholes.


Have you been to Florida? That’s the entire state. lol.


All for it. Priuses are targets for hostility and crime. I know because I had one and sold it, because I didn't want to deal anymore with rolling coal, and I also had my cc stolen. Was a good car.


I hear you and I’ve thought about it since I own both a Prius and a Tesla (yikes!) but I think it would make that group even more aggressive and motivated. I think the best thing to do is to ignore it but I could be wrong.


Make it state wide, not just ABQ. Happens all the time here in Farmington


This or modified Camry's and Nissans with the stupid ricer exhausts. Things sound dumb but they all think they're Vin Diesel. Same with bikers. They have zero awareness.


We have a drug, homeless and murder problem but yeah you're right let's focus on those "IdIoT RePuBLiCaNs" rolling coal.


Found the guy.


The guy more concerned about human life than micro managing mildly annoying idiots. Yeah I'll be that guy.


I am not entirely sure what is happening out in public for rolling coal to be brought up several times in a week, but calling for a new ordnance or reporting people individually to the EPA is probably not as worth the squeeze as some posters think it will be. I'm not entirely sure why someone would want the city/APD operating *more* surveillance cameras, rolling coal is much less common than it was once the EPA started cracking down on it and it isn't 2008-2017 anymore (that seemed to be the peak of it.) It'd probably gain more traction to simply push for emissions standards that already exist to be enforced, and I definitely don't think someone should be rewarded for this. That just invites Karen behavior. I've seen buses smoke out more people on the street than anything else, lol.


It will be enforced just as much as the “no begging on street corners” ordinance. Our city councilors pass a lot of laws but put no effort into enforcing them.


Different animal entirely. People begging on street corners don’t have too much disposable income. Noxious exhaust is not speech, whereas begging is.


People drive without plates, insurance, registration come on be realistic.


I would argue that rolling coal is in fact a political statement, a disdain for climate science and support for the fossil fuel industry. I don’t agree with it, either in the statement or its presentation, but it is a political statement. Begging for money, especially by able bodied, is just looking for a handout, not a political statement. Camping on city councilor’s front lawns would be a political statement. Either way, my comment was about the pointlessness of passing laws in Albuquerque, it is political theater without any real intention of creating change.


> I would argue that rolling coal is in fact a political statement. I suppose it could be considered as such, but it certainly should not be considered protected speech. > Camping on city councilor’s front lawns would be a political statement. Would burning down the councilor's house also be a political statement? If so, should it be considered *protected speech*? Should the "political statement" nature of camping on the councilor's lawn absolve you of liability if you damage his lawn? *Protected speech* does not directly cause physical harm to people or others' property. Whether it's a "political statement" or not, rolling coal does cause such harm, and thus should not be protected. This is not about the message itself, but the method used to deliver the message.


I didn’t advocate for violence or property destruction in any of my scenarios. I don’t think any of them are protected speech. I believe political statements are done to draw attention to a situation, with the intent of creating a change to the status quo. I don’t think begging on a street is done for political reasons. Rolling Coal likely is. I don’t agree with either activity. I am not a lawyer. All I am trying to say is that our city government makes a lot of laws but without any intention of enforcing them in a meaningful way. Creating special city laws banning rolling coal will be just as effective as the ban on street corner begging that was passed a couple of years ago.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.


> rolling coal is much less common than it was No, that's *your personal experience.* Other peoples' personal experiences are different.


You can report them to the Epa


yes please.


This city doesnt even take dwis seriously, they wont do anything about this.


Would the reporter’s identity be protected?


In the crimestoppers tradition, I would think so.


Honest question: How easy is it for a non-licensed mechanic to look at a vehicle and identify if it needs an oil change or has been purposely modified as a coal-rolling douche mobile from a mechanical perspective (besides the metal ball sack hanging from the tow hitch of course)


Inspections aren’t what I suggested. Such an approach would be fraught with all kinds of problems. Sorry to respond without a thoughtful answer but I don’t think the question itself is relevant. Catching them in the act seems to be proof enough for me.


Ok so dash cam video kind of evidence is preferred and catching a driver intentionally coal rolling is the goal then.




I will do it ☝️☝️


I have so much experience with this corrupt system


I've been seeing this daily. Had no idea it was purposeful until my husband explained the trucks are modified to do it. It's so depressing how selfish, rude, and inconsiderate people can be. My asthmatic son had even commented about how bad it is for the air quality. 


i’m curious though… does this apply to only people who modify their truck to do this or to anyone who just thinks driving a hemi dually which belches black disgusting smoke is cool?


If it quacks like a duck…


It’s not oil being dumped into the exhaust. Diesel smoke is visible. Pre 2008 trucks had no visible smoke mitigation. 2008+ vehicles use a diesel particulate filter which “cleans” the exhaust, at the cost of fuel efficiency and engine longevity. When you calculate the mpg lost with a DPF with the emissions saved, they are actually worse for the environment.


If the Golden Rule is dead, which it seems to be, this is a good back up plan. I'm in.


I’d start with educating yourself how “rolling coal” actually works. They are not “sending oil to the exhaust”.


Sure Rolling Coal is annoying but this just another money grab by the city. They’re always inventing new ways of fucking working class constituents over.


I only see MALES exhibiting this pathetic behavior.


I was just driving behind one of these trucks. What a douchemobile. And it has a sticker that says, "Blow Me." I was amazed it didn't have those stupid testicles hanging from the bumper. I guess the ballbag was in the cab this time.


I re-watched Firefly recently and was amused to see that the Reavers were rolling coal. In space!


They aren’t modified to send oil to the exhaust. The black smoke is fuel that isn’t burned completely. It can be attributed to something as simple as more aggressive tuning than factory or a combination of aftermarket parts. In an ideal scenario the truck sprays enough fuel for the amount of boost supplied from the turbo so that it is completely burned. In a real world scenario that isn’t always possible. Some platforms aren’t that precise especially older trucks. So typically when they lay into the throttle the truck doesn’t burn all of the fuel until the turbo spools up at a higher rpm which usually takes a few seconds. So during that time the truck will dump some smoke until the turbo builds boost and cleans it up. There are some guys that run injectors and turbos that aren’t paired well and will never clean up at wide open throttle though. Either way I think a city ordinance for it is silly. The smoke isn’t harmful in a temporary exposure scenario like OP described. We don’t want to end up like California or the majority of cars on NM roads couldn’t be registered.


I would expect they would fail emission test.




They don’t modify their vehicle to send oil out of the exhaust lol. It’s just a function of more diesel fuel being delivered to the engine faster than it is capable of burning which causes soot. It can and does happen with completely stock trucks just as well as modified ones. They will never pass an ordinance or pay a crime stopper fee because the government doesn’t care about you or the truck doing it to you..


Can’t stand those assholes.


They seem to be more prominent the closer you get to Rio Rancho. I drive a hybrid and get rolled pretty much daily on the way to and from.


ive never had it happen to me but i see it happen all the time. sometimes its funny to watch because i cant do a single thing about it. its ridiculous sometimes. the amount of smoke is crazy haha.


You can actually report them to CABQ’s air quality program on the cabq website.


How are they going to prove it wasn't photoshopped?


It’s video, which is a lot harder to fake.


A Tesla can save dash cam footage by hitting the horn. They love rolling coal on a Tesla.


Lol. Dorkiest shit I’ve read today.


Ah don't worry eventually your cars will all have GPFs on them and probably have all the same issues diesel have had for years. There's a reason people delete the dpf systems off their trucks, some more legit than others.


Eventually all cars and trucks will be electric.


Ahhh... to live in a world of dreams and hypotheticals.


What about inadvertent black soot due to a faulty sensor, faulty fuel-mix computer, or other mechanical problem that the owner is either unaware of, or just occurred when the video was taken? Edit: FYI - I do not own a diesel pickup truck (or any diesel operated vehicle). I do own a hybrid however — just not a Prius.


Include either a warning before the penalty hits or include an option to prove the vehicle is fixed to nullify the fine. That second one can probably be faked, though.


Modern trucks don’t have this problem suddenly when they happen to be lined up to gas a group of people at the bus stop and then miraculously clears up afterward. If your shitbox on 24” rims genuinely has this problem, you shouldn’t be driving it, either. And you should be penalized.


Not likely in newer trucks as sensors that would affect that would cause a diesel truck to not even start. Hell, if you run out of DEF your diesel truck won't even start.


You would have to make this an ordinance first which probably wouldn’t pass city council. If it did then you would need to setup a reporting system, email or something more sophisticated and staff that system. This all costs time, money and some political capital. It might be better if you could just have a general traffic violation reporting line and toss this in there as another ordinance that can be enforced via community reporting. That way there is enough need to justify it and get support for the idea. I am also not sure how well any of this would hold up to any legal challenges. Also not sure if we then cross into a big brother self police state where we all paranoid that we are being watched.


The ones doing it excessively it's a teen thing. The ones that aren't that only deleted the DEF system I don't have a problem with as they cause a LOT of mechanical issues. In my decade of trucking, that systems been responsible for the vast majority of my breakdowns. Sensor goes bad, good luck going faster than 5mph.