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This person is fostering an entire litter of unwanted puppies on their own dime and y'all are just dragging them for not letting them be dumped at a shelter? Reddit is toxic as hell jfc.


EXACTLY!!!!! We are fostering and ensuring that these babies do not contribute to the future dog population!!!!!


Thank you for helping these babies ❤️


We’re so happy to help them, I’m glad we’re able to take care of them until we find them forever homes!🥰


Can I get more pics of Matcha? I’m interested


Totally!!! I will have you text my roommate, she has all the photos on her phone! Her number is posted in another comment as well as the photos!! Matcha is the sweetest girl!


These dogs look too young to be fixed...


They are 2.5 months old now. It’s better to have them fixed before they go into the world and potentially create more bullies because of irresponsible pet owners that don’t get their animals fixed. So I don’t understand what your problem is?


I'm just letting you know because it seems like you aren't aware. If you fix a dog before 6month at the youngest it could create health problems in the future.


It is common practice for shelter and rescue pets to be fixed this young. It is not 100% ideal but it is what is done.


I understand that, believe it or not I’ve taken care of pets and have pets of my own. In this case it was ultimately better to get them fixed before getting them into homes. The shelter system would do the same if they were being adopted from there, like my kitten was.


This is true. My vet recommended that we wait until our boy was 12-18 months old before he got neutered. Doing it too early could have caused growth issues and other stuff.


Are you charging money for these puppies?


There will be a rehoming fee to ensure they’re going to a responsible owner and to cover the costs of the spays, neuters and vaccinations.


Well? Why are you playing hide the ball? Just say what the “rehoming” fee is. And you can provide all the paperwork that they have bee spayed/neutered? And why not tell us how these puppies came to be? I mean if you believe in spaying and neutering how did you have a dog that got pregnant? Did you find it?


If you aren’t interested in any of the puppies then there’s no need for you to be a dick. I’m assisting my roommate in finding home for the puppies, by posting them on my social media as well. Unfortunately the babies were the result of an accidental litter from a family member’s dog, and their mom has since been spayed too. Each puppy has paperwork from the vet for the spay or neuter. If you want more information you can contact my roommate at 505-403-5506, if you have any more questions, reach out to them.


Well, you just put up an ad “puppies!” Without explaining anything. How they came to be, what the “rehoming” fee is, etc. I am sure I’m not the only one who is trying to determine (since you didn’t put a lot of information) if you’re just some low class loser who breeds dogs, any dog, to get them pregnant and then sell them. You know that people do that right? My brother is that kind of loser, so I’m asking. And you getting touchy tells me I’m onto something.


WHY are dumbasses still letting dogs have puppies?? I did not realize that there was a dog shortage, the shelters are FULL of dogs of all shapes/sizes/ages , be responsible ! ADOPT and save a life, dont add to the problem


Again, if you saw my above comment it was an ACCIDENTAL litter of puppies from a family member’s dog who has since been spayed. We are trying to be responsible foster parents by making sure the pups are vaccinated and fixed before finding them their forever homes so as to not contribute to the problem.


Try and contacting Rez Dog rescue in edgewood. They might be able to help you get them out while you continue to foster them.