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Duke City Comic Con is already fucked. The organizer, Jim Burleson is a misogynist and publicly doxxes women who call him out on it I'm boycotting it and suggest others do the same


He doxxes ANYONE who call him out for anything. He's a.....I can't cuss loud enough to do it justice.


Damn, that's a fucking shame. We don't have nearly enough nerd cons going on here for the size of our population. Sucks one of the few decently sized ones is run by an ass hat.


Here for this comment.


This explains why the talent always sucks there. The target audience is 50+ men for a reason.


He'll also say he's booked people he hasn't, pulled that with Carrie Fisher. There was an anime con that Burleson didn't have a contract for with the hotel management that was cancelled the day of the event... like exhibiters told by the venue to pack their stuff and get out during setup. Any way you slice it, Burleson is a lousy event promoter, a lousy show runner, and a lousy human being. If you are so bored with your weekend that you want to support that cause MeToo went too far or MAH RIGHTS or whatever, it's a free country. Once you're over the thrill of bucking the trend, though, I think you're going to feel like you paid for an overpriced ticket to an underwhelming event. You do you, boos.


Also, acquittal is a very low bar


IF he is a misogynist then people should have specific examples and I’m willing to listen. But I do worry about saying someone is a misogynist if in fact he’s just a fucking asshole. I rarely meet misogynists that aren’t also racist, homophobic, xenophobic. Any combo thereof. If you’re ignorant or an asshole to one group you’re probably stupid and transfer that idiocy to other groups.


It's pretty hard to understate how awful this guy is, as documented by u/zzephie: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Albuquerque/comments/kwat65/what\_you\_should\_know\_about\_albuquerque\_comic\_con/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Albuquerque/comments/kwat65/what_you_should_know_about_albuquerque_comic_con/) I certainly won't go.


Thank you for linking. I read the post - and the link outs. He's a very, very bad person. People should realize that going supports his nonsense.


Fair enough. If all that is true and not embellished he is an asshole.


Booking Kevin Spacey is a good place to start the list


He is ALL of those things and more. I personally was doxxed by him and had my gender identity mocked by him to my face.


His scumbaggery is pretty well documented


So you’re mad they only listed one shit quality of his? And didn’t make a manifesto about it?


Good for you. I'm sure Mr. Spacey will be heart broken your doing that.


Since he's there to get paid and part of getting paid is getting people willing to give you money for autographs.. yeah, pretty sure he could sniffle a bit, considering he's crying over losing his house.


I did not pay anyone when I saw him. It was an invited event. No one was invited to pay any money to get anything. It was a blast. He sat out between scenes and talked. Now...... Helen Hunt.... OMG She sat in her trailer would not talk to anyone stayed away from everybody and had to be called many times when it was time for her to act. Haley Osment was a very funny kid, laughing and always smiling. I have never been to a comic con... But knowing Kevin Spacey will be there... I am definitely going to try and make that!


Defiantly or Definitely?


Right! Definitely just hate the auto correct feature.


Other than having played Lex Luthor in Superman Returns nearly 20 years ago, why *would* Spacey be a guest at a Comic Con? Is the organizer simply trying to generate publicity by creating controversy?


One of their comments on the Facebook announcement was along the lines of “he’s wanting to help heal the community. We hope the community will give him a chance to reply to their valid concerns”. Which feels very tone deaf and they probably know


Maybe they plan to invite Anthony Rapp as well to participate in a panel discussion with Spacey "to help heal the community." At least Rapp's recent role on Star Trek Discovery could more plausibly justify inviting him as there were tie-in comics for the show.


For what it worth, Anthony Rapp will be in concert with Adam Pascal at Popejoy Hall next May. Go see him then instead of going to this horror show of a gate show.


He played that alien guy in k-pax. The rumours (and now proven truths) have been a thing since the 80s on the east coast. It makes me physically nauseated to know spacey is being invited. Don’t go to a schvitz when he’s in-state.


And so that tracks that Jim burleson would invite him. That man is scum through and through and spacey seems like someone he would hang out w


here’s a nice burque welcome to all the bots popping up to defend [this pedo](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/kevin-spacey-admits-to-flying-with-jeffrey-epstein-bill-clinton-and-a-group-of-young-girls/ar-BB1o2t82) ![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized)




Let me put it this way. The crew of House of Cards threw a party when he got shitcanned.


Oh damn. Okay.


It just took a rumor of him being unpopular for you to cave? Everything you originally said was correct from what I read.


It wasn't him being unpopular. I used to work in DC with the union crew. They said he was "very grabby" with all the young guys. It's been an open secret for years what a slimeball he is.


Best I cam do is relay a story from a friend that saw him at a Hollywood party where he demanded to do lines of coke off guys dicks and the guys didn't want to and he was like, but I'm Kevin spacey, you do what I tell you to do. Third hand story but I was told it in 2010 well before other stuff came out.


I’d suggest you watch the documentary about Spacey that’s currently on max, then see if you’re okay saying it’s just media hype.


Pretty easy to be beat the charges when everyone accusing you dies.


It’s because you are guilty no matter if you are found innocent. That’s how it works now. Once someone says one thing about you, everyone will forever believe it.


yes u dumb pos plz defend a guy who rode on something called the Lolita express with Epstein


Reasonable doubt has become an enemy, not the vindicator it used to be. Why? Because there is no proving *beyond* a reasonable doubt when millions of unreasonable people have doubts. It sounds like Spacey did it, but it sounds like rich people push adrenochrome like heroin if you talk to some people. Anyone with physiological reference understands adrenochrome is a lytic byproduct of adrenaline and serves little more than to agitate the system. Anyone who thinks justice is dead might be making the same sort of analysis. It doesn't help that the guy who hired him on is an A-Tier fucko though, the local con dude? Hiring a sexual predator for security at a con, making obnoxious statements purveying anti-con energy, I can't even remember everything he's done but I'm pretty sure he shot a dude and narrowly passed through a case for second degree murder. I can't advocate for justice by the masses, but I can say I don't buy fuckin con tickets from an antimask chud. And that guy is completely irrelevant to the death of justice, he made most of his heinous statements and choices himself and quite proudly.




I should really do a follow up post to this because god each year theres more information to add to the list :,)




Ha I watching that show right now.


Not going even if they pull him. You don't platform sexual assaulters.


That’s funny, when he produced a movie here about 15 years ago the entire ABQ crew were notified that no one was to look him in the eye. Kid you not. Things have changed a bit since then.




There's a petition for him to not be allowed to come. ACC isn't super great, but it still needs to be a safe space for ABQ children. https://www.change.org/Ban_KevinSpacey_ACC2025


Why is this addressed to the mayor? Albuquerque Comic Con is a private venture. It’s not run by the city.


the civic center where it is held is run by the city


Of course it is. What power do you think the city has over who’s at a private Comic Con?


On what basis could anyone stop him from coming here? We have the right to travel.


Albuquerque comic con is a private organization. We have freedom of association, allowing us to enter into agreements and relationships of most kinds or withdraw as we please. Ethics, and morality tell us we have a responsibility to act in certain ways. Like not platforming possible pedophiles. We also have the freedom of speech to criticize others for their use of their freedoms- to implore them to act more ethically. Hence- petition. Edit: it is directed at Tim Keller which I didn’t see. But I think appealing to a more powerful figure is important for leverage. It’s also to be held on city property which I assume is given at a discounted rate. It’s also possible since this requires a „decision maker“ they just didn’t look further into ACC


> It’s also to be held on city property which I assume is given at a discounted rate. Not sure why you'd assume that? The Convention Center might give a discount to a school group or something. ACC is a for profit venture isn't it? What special treatment would they get do you suppose? Also, the city probably already has signed contracts, so it would not be cheap to back out at this point... just don't continue to invite or welcome this in the future.


> We have freedom of association, allowing us to enter into agreements and relationships of most kinds or withdraw as we please. Yes, and Comic Con chose to contract with Spacey for his attendance. If Comic Con were to breach the contract, they would be liable to Spacey for damages. If Mayor Keller were to interfere, the city could be charged with interference with advantageous contractual relations. Why do you think the city would have given Comic Con a special discount rate? It's fair to publicize Spacey's presence at the event, not go and warn people, but asking the mayor to stop it is just silly.


Kevin Spacey was exonerated iirc? Didnt it turn out that he was just a gay dude? I am confused. Edit: Anyone care to reply instead of blanket downvotes? Yall really burning the witch on this one huh? Edit2: watch the interview before you burn the witch. https://youtu.be/qktc4-9mXXc


He was exonerated in the British court the trial was at regarding 4 men's accusations, however, he still admitted to molesting a 14 yo at a party and 30+ men came forward with sexual allegations. 


That was the one that turned out was 18 though right? Im not trying to write an autobiography buy if I still cant watch house of cards imma be pissed tbh. Edit: it was a different allegation i was thinking of. The recent interview with him he says in court they proved the anthony rapp allegation never happened.


Idk, it's been like a year since I've read anything on it, but I'd always seen Rapp described as 14 at the time. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-07-28/kevin-spacey-news-acquittal-cancellation-anthony-rapp-house-of-cards


This is all wierd and the courts said he was innocent so... iunno. That said, comic convention... probably not the best choice to get back into things.


The system also let Cosby out of prison so 🤷 You be you though


Facts. We live in the worst timeline. Ffs. Edit: i just watched the first part of the morgan interview and he says they proved in court the anthony rapp thing didnt happen. Flat out.


It was a civil case and it was determined that Rapp didn't prove that it did happen to that jury. I would note it is historicaly difficult to win cases against famous celebrities, but Spacey may not have done that, I don't know.  However, in another case, A judge in Los Angeles this summer approved an arbitrator's decision to order Spacey to pay $30.9 million to the makers of "House of Cards" for violating his contract by sexually harassing crew members. And he has been accused too frequently by too many different time lines and areas for me to believe his innocence.  But that's me. 


A flood of anecdotal evidence can seem to be evidence in it's self. But good to know the Anthony Rapp thing did not happen, according to the court.


Lol he tried to use that as some sort of lame excuse


For banging dudes? Thats what gay dudes do though.


children cannot consent to have sexual encounters with grown folks. 14 years old is a child. if you are an adult having sex with 14 year olds you are committing a criminal sexual act. 


That never happened with spacey according to the courts.


Rapp was 18


He’s been convicted of nothing. He’s only had acquittals and trials delayed. On what basis are we saying he’s a pedophile??? For the fifty millionth fucking time an indictment or complaint are meaningless accusations without a verdict.


Various accusations from many credible sources. He may not be liable legally but the freedom to associate with people is a dual relationship- you can enter and exit at any time. Would you stick by a friend or let him speak at your wedding if he had a trial for sexual assault on a minor?


There are 956 registered sex offenders living in Albuquerque. Why the focus on Spacey as some unique threat?


How many of them are getting invited to make money as a guest at Comic-Con?


I'd be more concerned about the people actually convicted of sex offenses who are here all year rather than an accused high profile person in town a few days.


Optics. Celebrities, infamous or otherwise, garner attention.


Won't catch me anywhere near there. People bring their kids to shit like this?


They do. And if they happen to find out who/what is behind things, it's usually very, very late in the game. People ought to get the info out.


and that's a giant nope from me and just another reason to boycott this con.


In my Dave Chappell voice- “Better not bring your kids!”




No thanks


I saw this today… SMH.




Sadly you know people will still go see him just to say they did… fuck that guy


I dont get where people pull this "the courts proved him innocent" nonsense from. He was found not guilty. That does not mean innocent. That does not mean exonerated. Either way this whole situation is a whole bundle of ick. I will not attend ACC anyway but there are plenty of ways to hurt this asshole and his sham of a con. Inform the guests said to be attending that Spacey will be there and see how many of them back out. Find their sponsors and urge them to pull their funding.


Doubting if I should go to this one, especially seeing the organizer is a terrible person.


When you hire a guest for shock value....


How is this clown not in prison. With Epstein island etc…


he is not in prison because none of the charges stood up in court. Anthony Rapp built his case on text messages. He refused to turn over the phone. turned out, he deleted certain text messages that did not support his story. Then, the phone disappeared. Then Rapp decided to plead the 5th to any further testimony, and was dismissed from the case. Epstein provided his plane to the Clinton foundation for an 8 day humanitarian trip to Africa in 2002 to raise awareness about AIDS and help mothers get medication. Bill Clinton invited Kevin Spacey. They and the rest of the individuals on the trip met with medical personnel. They also spent a day with Nelson Mandela.


Well, because he was not proven to be guilty, I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ummm… nope.






What move or comic is he even in?


He was Lex in Superman Returns.


Oh ya I forgot lol


His Facebook page is quite the wild ride: https://www.facebook.com/share/2NExfYSG2kc5xvxd/?mibextid=qi2Omg


One schmuck is trying to get up another schmucks back through cash. An age-old story. We hold up those we admire. It sucked previously, and if you know the story, you already boycott the event. Someone please tell us who does better and would better the community through our geek dollars!


Dudes a creeper and rapist




Are you surprised? Jim Burleson, the organizer of this is a piece of shit. Of course he invites other pieces of shit to this.


Oh boy 🤭


I started a Facebook group and a Change.org petition to submit to Mayor Tim Keller to let Spacey and ACC know that we will not allow this man to enter our state and put our children at risk. Here are the links if you would like to join and sign the petition. Please share the petition!!! (Make sure to use this link specifically as all other links to the petition seem to be broken for some reason: https://www.change.org/Ban_KevinSpacey_ACC2025) [Petition to Ban Kevin Spacey from ACC 2025](https://www.change.org/Ban_KevinSpacey_ACC2025) [Boycott ACC 2025: Ban Kevin Spacey from Albuquerque Facebook Group ](https://www.facebook.com/share/U9MFasEAq6pyxpo3/?mibextid=A7sQZp)


maybe put some of this effort in helping the city. Start a petition to help the homeless, help addicts, help famillies that need support. Why in the world would you waste your time on this? Just don't go. Ban someone? This city is the last place that needs to be throwing stones.


Spacey has been sued, charged, accused to death and absolutely nothing has even been proven.


Cosby went decades without facing any consequences for his actions. Even when he did, they let him out.




And Cosby was released from prison, what's your point? Spacey is still a child molester and a sexual predator. 


Spacey was **acquitted of all nine charges against him** in the UK. And cleared of all charges in the US. Some people just think they can get money from nothing. Bring false allegations against another just because out crooked justice system allows it. I met Mr. Spacey while they were filming "Pay it Forward" here in Las Vegas, Nevada. Very nice man, we talked between sets. I think it is a great thing to get him back out there. Good actor.


Accused but not convicted.


Accused but not convicted is true... But an innocent man he is not, illustrated by the way he handled the whole situation. While this may or may not sway someone, good thing there is plenty of other reasons not to go to this particular "Comic Con".


And hey, Burleson was acquitted too. Doesn't make him innocent or a good human that I want to support with voice or wallet.


OJ was acquitted too, but we all know better.


Btw.. i thought the charges were dismissed?


What’s wrong with it? He was cleared of all charges in a court of law in London. Hoping he makes a comeback in the film industry




People have options.


What's the problem?


Gonna be lit!




So edgy.


I’ll be there


Wicked!!! Finally, a reason to go.