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Area by Hyder Park is what you want. Walkable to Nob Hill, good elementary school, lovely neighborhood feel. Smaller houses in the area are going for the ~$350-400k range. 


The “official”/real estate name for that neighborhood is Victory Hills. And yeah, I agree. Good suggestion. The Tasty Tuesday summer food truck thing at the park sounds right up OP’s alley.


I wish they’d change it to something else. Every time I say Victory Hills most people don’t have a clue, but Hyder Park or Ernie Pyle folks always know. 


I grew up there. Definitely a good neighborhood. Best elementary school in town.


Yep! We bought our house without knowing anything about the neighborhood other than proximity to Nob Hill, and really lucked out. 


Thank you, that sounds amazing!


You kind of are looking for a unicorn. Many of the things everyone wants still are out there, but the world has changed. Sadly, the pandemic ended, or altered the status quo. Keep looking, because the so-called new normal dictates that some of the old things we took for granted are no more, and some of them aren’t as out in the open as they once were. Keep looking through, people are resilient and adaptable.


Summit Park area


To have #3 you'd have to look around UNM/Nob hill. Everywhere else is suburban strip malls. 


There are a number of areas around downtown, Old Town, and the bosque that totally fit the bill too.


Try Parkland Hills, Fringecrest, Summit Park, or the Raynolds Addition. $400k will be on the low end but there are likely still a few places out there’s


Check out Stonebridge on the westside. Affordable houses. Great school district, and walking distance to Travtor, Marble, slice and dice and a few other fast food joints.


And I just saw two beautiful homes go, one was a 3/2 on Tulane and I think it was $375k. Trust me, things are changing and if you’re from here or never lived in a big city you won’t see it. Prices will be going up.


Hi. Former Portland, LA and Brooklyn here. Nob Hill is our “coolest” neighborhood. Walk to good bars and restaurants and we have a co-op. Don’t live near the university. Think, SE. But there are many other great neighborhoods. Just not as central with stuff to do as Nob Hill.


Are there Nob Hill adjacent neighborhoods you recommend? I know for sure Nob Hill itself will be too expensive!


It’s not. I’m telling you these realtors are not that amazing. They can’t price things properly and that 3/2 on Tulane was a good example. Ridgecrest is nice but only going up (and about $200-$300k more than a Nob Hill home). Get a realtor that, like Austin Wolfe who is young and motivated and get him on the task so when a home comes up in Nob Hill you immediately know about it and he can FaceTime you from there. Now around Hyder Park is nice and I guess they call it “victory hills” but it’s not Nob Hill. Location always matters in real estate. And again I would not buy in Nob Hill in NE or NW. Way too many student rentals.


Rio rancho is nice little more up scale but 400k should be able to find. Stay away from south valley they call it the war zone


I wouldn't listen to a thing this guy says lol. South Valley and Warzone are different places entirely. As a resident of the South Valley for years I can safely say I felt less safe in the heights than I do down here.


I live in the International District (aka the war zone) and you couldn't pay me enough to move to Rio Rancho.


oh god no, you couldnt pay me to drive there.


LOL. The South Valley and the War Zone are completely different places on opposite sides of town.