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Distracted by the gorgeous sky in this video.


Yeah everything in that video is absolutely gorgeous except the Burque ass activities in it.


They looking for a call to Ron Bell


I thought it was attorney big al (attorney "Big Al", is Attorney Ken Klein!)


I take solace with the knowledge that some people are too dumb to reach old age.


Yet the ones that do drive abq


Learned a new saying the other day. "I am impressed by the variety of life some people have"


Darwin award material right there.


Never forget that half of people are below average.


Hey at least they have a license plate!


lol! but, is it valid or 6 years’ expired?


What an asshole


Person just asking for a road rage situation


I hate people that turn right on red and pick the lane with the closest vehicle in it


You mean… turn into the lane they’re supposed to? I mean this was a dumbass turn to make, but he made it correctly.


Everyone is an asshole in this video. Everyone just needs to do better. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Hard agree. Just slow down, for fuck’s sake. You can be annoyed all you want but honking is for emergencies, not you being an impatient dipshit.


You think the cammer is too? Seems like they were just going along in the right lane and got cut off.


I mean, we see them slowly making the turn. Anyone could predict what was going to happen. Should you just slightly adjust your speed a little or do nothing and then aggressively lay on the horn? Oh, and then the cammer moves to the right turn lane anyway. It just doesn't make sense to drive around like that.


And the cammer is taking the next turn which means he has to slow down anyway.


"Gee, I wonder why ABQ has one of the highest deadly road rage incident rates in the US?" "Ah, okay."


all it takes is one peak into this comment section 😂


Despite the poor behavior displayed here thanks for not escalating the situation.


When people honk at me I assume they are trying to warn about impending danger somewhere so I just stop and start honking too. Can't be too safe.


Yeah OP you should've just cut off the car in the left lane that passed you guys almost immediately. It's not like the stupid idiot pulled out in front of u then slammed on her brakes. Totally your fault OP for not paying attention to the road, and getting so close to her 🤦‍♂️ /s


Dumb asf but he definitely had time to slow tf down


So what!? OP shouldn't have to. He has the green light, he's turning right at the next intersection and he's within the speed limit. What if OP was in a semi or just a HD pulling a loaded trailer? Again, within the speed limit and within reason to believe nobody is going to pull out in front at last sec AND THEN break check. What excuse is there when that young lady is killed over HER OWN ignorance. This world is going ass backwards. I get that ur saying "dumb asf" but ur also saying "but" as if OP is somehow in the wrong here. As most of the commentators saying OP is in the wrong or he's somehow at fault. He did no wrong here and wouldn't be blamed if he had slammed into that idiot


Yeah that white car had absolutely no reason to brake check the OP unless they did something before and it's not in the video. That idiot could've caused a major accident and for what....?


“You should have cut off the car” I hope I’m never on the road next to you.


WHOOSH!!! Did you not see the "/s" I hope I'm never in a car next to you either, considering you cant comprehend English.


Sorry I didn’t understand your virgin Reddit humor. Touch grass weirdo


Lol if you're on reddit and don't know /s, that's on you. Take your fuckin judgment elsewhere. You're the dumb one here.


lmfao you REALLY need to get off the phone and outside more.


I honestly couldn't possibly care less what you think I need to do. You're still dumb and that's good enough for me.


Yay keep replying, my popcorn is almost out of the microwave 🍿


But I'm the one that needs to go outside lol.


Currently getting paid to talk shit on the internet rn, couldn’t care less.








They shouldn't drive mommy's car like that.


It looks to me like you had plenty of time to slow down, and instead chose to roll up on them with your horn blaring. Brake-check expected.


If it were me I would have started slowing down before I got on their bumper...


Honking was more important than living.


Yeah. Person turning was incompetent or a jackass. OP is at least as bad.


How is OP as bad, when he was cruising in the right lane like a normal person and gets cut off? He slowed down as he should before getting brake checked by the person in front of him.


OP held down their horn and rushed the bumper of the person who cut him off as revenge. OP didn't slow down one bit until several seconds after it was clear the person was going to turn in front. OP created a road rage incident. Both people in this video are dummies.


Maybe not a person but a bad driver lol. I counted roughly 5 seconds after the person started to turn in front of them before they went on the brakes


He wasn't cut off. He had plenty of time to reduce his speed which he was going to do anyway for the upcoming right-hand turn.


Yeah that's what they should've done. Unfortunately both these people are bad drivers, I'd stay away from both of them.


He speed up to scare them for daring to enter his lane. OP is just mad the lift truck he took a 6 figure loan for doesnt give him ownership of the road like the saleman promised.


Actions like this sometimes end badly when the wrong individual is involved. Try to not teach lessons to random individuals.


Someone has a big ego


As much as I hate when people pull out in front of me, you had plenty of room to go around.


No one from New Mexico actually knows how to drive properly


I went back and looked again, this moron SPEEDS UP when he sees the car entering the road. You deserved the brake check, learn to drive.


coasting downhill creates more speed in case you didn't know. In this case it was 1mph 🤣


Doing 41 at the start of the video, doing 44 before you slam on the brakes. Not from the down hill and clearly intentional. Had you hit him this video would be evidence against you, youre just too stupid to realize it.


Every comment blaming OP when this clown is literally brake checking after being the idiot.... people are ridiculous in this sub


You’re the idiot who would rather test the crumple zones of yours front end than just slow down a bit. Be kinder.


yeah looks like they are speeding?


Dashcam says 44mph and the speed limit was 40mph


and when cars enter the road you have to slow down. its the reason roads have lower speed limits that highways. you created the problem you are here to complain about.


So yeah, speeding. Slow down.


4 over really is between life and death. Idk how OP lives with himself!


hilarious that you think going the speed limit is the difference between life and death at 4mph over. If it was 20+ over? no one is gonna defend OP 10 over? half and half... but you can absolutely still die driving safely.


Flew right over the sarcasm there. 4 over isn’t going to kill you if you know how to drive your vehicle. Other people like the POS on the white car are going too.


I mean we're pushing it on calling that speeding. When I lived in Vegas we lived my the mantra "8 and below, you're fine; 9 and over, you're mine" (referring to cops of course). I'm not saying 47 or 48 would be okay but some variability in the first 5 is really not all that different.


Just hit them


One of these days I'm gonna Pit a mf.


"I'm gonna speed and get all butt hurt when someone who is driving legally gets in my way of speeding.". You're gonna hurt someone or yourself, son. Slow down.


Why don't you check out episode 3? :) no speeding in that one


I'm not looking for these posts, they just pop up like zits and so I pop them... I don't care to look for clout chasing losers.


Well either way, thanks for contributing your opinions 😘


You're welcome, princess.


You poor thing


Many off ramps have apparent blind spots at these right turns. This is one of them. You don’t notice cars until they pass over the overpass and going 5 over.  I40 and rio grande and i40 and 12th have added no right turns on red signage. Even i40 and Carlisle has them. Why doesn’t this intersection?


Looks like the lane next to you was empty, like changing lanes was a clear option


Beat tf out of them




Into the lane that is also occupied? Look how quickly they get passed on the left once they hit the breaks.


Tf you talking about? OP was cruising up to a green light and got cut off by an entitled prick who should have waited a few seconds for traffic to pass, instead they saw OP and cut them off anyway. And *even if* OP was traveling over the speed limit it is irrelevant because they still very much had the right-of-way. Stfu


Yeah, the car pulling out was in the wrong, but I didn’t see OP slow down until he was right on him. This is ABQ drivers in a nutshell. “It’s my lane, I’ll crash into you to make a point.”


You’re right. He was definitely trying to make a point.




It doesn’t matter where they’re coming from, if they’re too old to drive properly they shouldn’t be on the road. If they’re too old to care about road rules they shouldn’t be on the road.


*or be president


it was a 18 year old girl in the driver's seat 😂


And you’re going to hit her when you had plenty of time to slow down? She’s 18, man.


🤣 why would you assume I was trying to hit her?


Because you’re speeding and didn’t slow down until the last second. Do you have kids? Do you want them on the street being taught lessons like this?


Not usually one to judge on this but, username checks out


OP had every right to make that point, and they were in complete control of their car. You need to let other people know when they do something wrong/dangerous on the road otherwise nobody learns anything. Unfortunately this person felt so entitled to do what they did they had the added audacity to brake check. Fuck the white car all the way.


Less ego behind the wheel, Skippy. You'll live longer.




I'm pretty sure those off ramps are "no turn on red" so even making that turn to begin with puts them in the wrong. The rolling stop and pulling out in front of traffic & not getting up to speed are just the cherries on top


San Mateo does not have "no turn on red" going from EB I40 to SB San Mateo. Carlisle does.


Oh that must be what I was thinking of. Still, I think you need to exercise particular caution when turning from an off ramp, especially on a red






Yeah, plenty of distance to adjust, and that was speeding.


OP is doing 43-44 in a 40 according to their dashcam, you're *really* going to call that speeding?


Good call. I didn't see that on the bottom.


I was planning to turn right at Indian School. Had to have decent coasting speed to make it all the way to the beginning of the intersection.


Slow down dummy.


I tend to slow down entering intersections. Too many sick close calls. Op seems like a dare devil. 


Not just devil may care, he sped up intentionally to try to scare the other driver. then got brake checked for it, and ran like a coward to post the video on reddit. Giant man baby in every way.


Speed limit is 40, OP is doing 44 according to dashcam. That's really not speeding.


44>40 it is in fact speeding. Now the limit is the maximum you are supposed to go, when cars enter the road you will have to go slower than that. OP clearly saw a car entering the road, you are supposed to slow down at that point, OP did not and waited til the last possible second to be a dick, and got brake checked for it. OP could prevent all of this by slowing down. you can too, slow down dummy.


Just to let you know, the correct angle bracket would have been 44>40 since 44 is greater than 40. You wrote that 44 is less than 40 😉


Oh boy one typo better jump off a cliff. So clearly you can see you where speeding and caused the entire problem to begin with. Slow down dummy, ill slow down with my reddit comments too.


Please don't jump off a cliff! That sounds very dangerous


And next time someone enters the lane at a completely reasonable speed and distance dont speed up to try to scare them loser.


Regardless if yu see a car turn out in front of you like that wouldn't it be smart to maybe slow tf down


Some dude that doesn’t know how zipper lanes worked cut into the lane causing us to stop abruptly, who tf taught these people anything?