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The whole damn city is centered around the bomb making industry


I wish it wasn't




Militarism, as practiced by the US, is distinct from self-defense. Dehumanizing some anonymous other as "jackals" that will "come to tear apart its carcass" is an appeal to fear that stands in contrast to working together to create a better, more caring, just world.


oh no, the people we've been bombing nonstop for 100 years would do it back if they could? I'm shocked! death to america


Why do you keep calling him “President elect Biden”? He hasn’t been president elect since the morning of January 20, 2021.


Disclaimer: I’m completely against Israel’s war and the genocide being perpetrated against Palestinians. That being said, we have bigger issues here in the US to be concerned about. Especially given the Supreme Court’s ruling today.


I would argue we can handle thinking about two separate issues at the same time.


I hate these responses. Everything is connected. Wanting to stop the war machine *is* connected to the chevron ruling because what is the chevron ruling doing but propping up corporations and who is ultimately propping up war? What is our money going towards when it doesn’t feed or house people? It goes to policing and war. We are suffering because of the billions of dollars we send to foreign wars, it is both possible and necessary to want better for others while also acknowledging your struggles are connected.


Good response. Thank you for taking the time to reply.


Indeed, The government of President Biden and the US military industry continues to provide support and weaponry to an Israeli state credibly accused of genocide and war crimes.


Much worse will happen and will happen here under the wrong person come November and if you are so intelligent and well informed about isreal. You should apply yourself to doing the same with project2025.






It's quite possible to simultaneously care about and work towards revolving many issues.


It’s kinda hard to be the savior of the world when your own fucking house is burning down.


i didn't ask for my house to play police for the entire world or run its economy tho


Yet after many comments you still will not even acknowledge the SCOTUS ruling. You keep dancing around it.


The SCOTUS ruling is bad. The government of President Biden and the US military industry providing supporting and weaponry to an Israeli state credibly accused of genocide and war crimes? Also bad.


Nice try...but I think the Republican controlled SCOTUS basically giving unchecked power to the president a huge issue. I like how you tried to turn this into a "Biden" thing. As if Biden signs the checks...(Hint: the Republican controlled House actually signs the checks there propagandist). You literally have Trump running around in the last few days calling his enemies in the US..."Palestinians".


President Biden is the leader of a government that is providing support and weaponry to an Israeli state credibly accused of genocide and war crimes. The administration of President Biden has the power to control International weapons deals. Once a transfer is informally notified to Congress, the leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee or the Senate Foreign Relations Committee can block it by placing a hold on the package. And /u/brigelsbie also seems to be misinformed.


The president is not the leader of congresa


Just wait until they realize every single modern integrated circuit in their cars, phones, computers and everyday infrastructure is manufactured with Israeli semiconductor equipment. Every chipmaker has it. The ethical capitalism goalposts never stop moving for some people.


So what?? All Israeli friends want the violence to stop. Every good person does. But they have the “Trump” of Israel in charge and he’s not listening. So stop with the blatant anti semitism. Plus, everyone should know. That people who post stuff like this on reddit may be Republican douchebags who are trying to divide Democrats. Don’t fall for this crap.


>So what?? The state of Israel is credibly accused of genocide and war crimes. The University of New Mexico should divest from and boycott those with ties to these atrocities. >So stop with the blatant anti semitism. Bringing attention to those associated with genocide and war crimes is not anti-semitism. This little to do with the Jewish religion per se and more to do with the actions of the Israeli government and military. >That people who post stuff like this on reddit may be Republican douchebags who are trying to divide Democrats. I assure you that I am most definitely not a conservative nor a member of any Republican party.


Will you please. Please. For the love of god grow up. We have SO many issues in this country and a Supreme Court who just helped a fascist. And women still make .75 for every dollar a man earns. We have a real problem with immigration and homeless and an environment that constantly needs protecting from Republicans but no, you want to discuss the Middle East. Such an easy to solve problem. And if only they would listen to you, all things would be better. I guess you won’t be voting for Trump because what Netanyahu is doing is Israel is EXACTLY the type of right wing fascist shit that Trump will do in this country. And if Trump gets elected he’s going to HELP Netanyahu create even more misery in Gaza. So pull your head out of your buns and get working for Biden.


The Biden led government and the US military industry continues to provide support and weaponry to Netanyahu and an Israeli military credibly accused of genocide and war crimes. And for the record, it's quite possible to simultaneously care about many of the issues that you mentioned.


Hey why do we have such a bloated military budget and such a small budget for social welfare? Do you think they’re connected or is that not a real problem?


There is a method for the poor lowly UNM employee with a pension fund rooted in these companies to wash their hands of it: Simply take each ownership position to which you disagree (and Honeywell blowing up children, any children, with my tax dollars would count for me) and sell the stock short using a separate brokerage account. Every dollar of blood money you make gets taken back. Every dollar you lose comes back clean. When you can’t achieve change at the ballot box, nor can you vote with your feet by changing employers, you still have the power to vote with your wallet.


This isn't really possible. The UNM retirement plan is managed by the state. Individuals cannot choose what companies are invested in and can't sell stock that they don't want. You also can't opt out of the system and get punished with taxes for withdrawing funds. So you're stuck.


You didn’t comprehend what I wrote. Individuals create a _second_ personal brokerage account, and use _that_ account to sell short an equal and opposite number of share equivalents in their managed portfolio.


You do realize there are costs associated with shorting right? This is terrible financial advice.


Yes, there are costs, but they’re backstopped by the main portfolio. This is not financial advice at all.


You can't sell the ERB stock to cover your position if you get a margin call. If the ERB holds x shares of Raytheon, and your percentage of that based the estimated liability they have towards your pension is y, and you go ahead and short y, you're going to be charged interest for the shares you borrow and short. If Raytheon goes up, your broker is going to ask you to add more margin to your account. You can't sell the shares in the ERB to help cover because you don't own them. The ERB does. And you can't take money out of the fund without incurring a severe tax penalty. All you're doing is paying interest best case scenario, and worst case having to put up a ton more capital just to maintain a neutral position. Maybe you're not giving financial advice but it is overall terrible advice. Probably donating a portion of the pension to a charity when you start to recieve it is a better way to stay morally neutral.