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Good thing it's now illegal to sleep outside federally, wouldn't want them poors having human rights


Right? Let's kick them when they're down.


It's great, poverty-jail-fine-criminal record -no job-more poverty-sleep outside-jail-fine forever




You are either mentally ill or high yourself if you think prisons dont also facilitate both of those things.


That’s amazing. ❤️


As someone who was homeless, hurrah!


That's awesome!!! That artist has a beautiful spirit!


I believe it was a few artists and local activists.


For everyone who participated, thank you, and well done!


Not a good look silver city, how much did it cost to remove those benches? i know its not FREE


That’s a great question - I don’t know what it cost the city to remove them.


City will just steal them. Since it's artists though, they should get a permit for an art installation intended to display the pros and cons of capitalism.


Because Silver City fucking rocks.


I mean, Silver City took away the benches in the first place


City council took away the benches and the people of Silver City gave them back.


Man that's terrible, nobody deserves to be in silver city.


Awesome 😊


I like the attitude, it shows society wants to do something for the homeless. If this is the best bang for the buck? then i’m all for it


It’s definitely a public move, which I commend. I know there has been some local organizing and some local government meetings regarding the loss of public benches. So, I don’t know about bang for buck, but the next step in what will probably be an on going negotiation. I hope it’s something the town can genuinely find a solution to.


There are a lot of beautiful people in the world.


Fuck yeah!


Way to support homeless 👏


Damn right. Don't F with the homeless.


Praxis ❤️


Way to go silver city! You can have as many homeless as you want from Albuquerque.


Good hopefully they take those ones to


Why? Unhoused people aren’t the only people who use benches in public spaces - lots of people do. It’s shameful the town mgmt blamed the unhoused and removed the benches without town input.


They are hobos and mostly substance abusers I have no sympathy for them at all


What about the homeless vets that fought for the country, and got fucked over? They just hobos and substance abusers? How about people who lost their homes to natural disasters? People who lost thwir homes to fires? How about people like my step grandma who got screwed over by the landlord of their home?


For the most part they are all drunk waiting to to die if they wanted help the va offers it idgaf about your step grandma wtf does that have to do with any of this if you couldn’t let your step grandma stay with you when she was evicted then it becomes a you issue lmfao




psst, making sure they have something to sleep on is helping. Also helps all of our other neighbors who may be on a walk and need to sit, or may want a place to sit and chat, or sit and read, or sit and contemplate life. Or just sit. Benches benefit everyone and make the space more accessible to those who may want or need them.




No. No, it is not. Having to sleep on the ground will not suddenly make housing affordable or cure mental illness. Benches don't "enable" anyone. JFC.


Ah yes because as we all know, park benches are the most luxurious of beds. I too would love the opportunity to sleep on a fine all weather hunk of metal intended for sitting. This is totally what someone would consider worth staying homeless for, the privilege to not be on the literal ground. If it was enabling, one would think it would at least be appealing. It's just easier to keep warm, dry, and clean if you're off the literal ground.




if they had anywhere else to go, ANYWHERE, they would. i watched unmpd put a man in the car for sitting on the sidewalk behind unm. no bench, just sitting there. god forbid they have a place to rest. i met an ex-homeless man who told me he’d have to walk around every night because he would get dogged on by business owners and cops for sitting anywhere. do i have to go on?


It provides a third space for all community members to use, including the unhoused. It makes a visible and public statement of the community’s unhappiness that the town mgmt pulled the benches without community input or solutions.


Shut the fuck up




Thanks for your thoughts MAGA boi.




Sorry bud, your post history screams MAGA whether you feel you are or not. I saw the debate and am not a Biden fan but if your alternative, is a lying criminal who will say anything to fool rubes like yourself into voting for him because you think the libs are too woke and coming to take your guns you are beyond help. Good luck sir.


so you're gonna vote for the guy that has a 180 day plan to essentially make him a dictator instead? lmfao.




I do believe it’s local artists, a few of them.


Okay. I believe you. Well let’s ask small business owners how they feel about it? It’s so exhausting this black and white. I can be pro them removing those benches and not hate homeless. Both things can be true at once.


My understanding is that local businesses agreed to host the new benches.


We need to put the needs of people who are down and out and need a little compassion over people who you know, are contributing to society. Plus they are capitalists, eww.


“Hey there’s a person who is desperately vulnerable, sick, and suffering. Fuck him, I can’t wait to make his life harder”


Why do you hate homeless people?


because they're a sociopath and both arrogant and ignorant enough to believe they could never end up in the same circumstance.




That's a really arrogant and broad statement that leans pretty heavily towards hate speech... you know the rule of thumb, if you replace the descriptor is with something that can't be controlled (skin color, sexuality, race) and it comes off sounding kinda wrong.. it's wrong. And how dare you assume where others do and don't lend their support to small businesses? Or judge people for the circumstances they are presently in? What are YOU personally doing to make a such a difference, you know, other than saying yeah raise my taxes and waving a hand at someone else to make the problem theirs to solve?




Oh please, tell me more about how I feel and what I think. It's always so enlightening.


How about instead of a snide (and invalid) comment, *you* enlighten *me*. I am speaking anecdotally of course, but as I stated below I HAVE dealt with, a whole lot of them. They are almost exclusively, objectively terrible. I will never not be kind to them, or anyone else for that matter, but I will not pretend they are some virtuous victims of anything but themselves. I also understand a lot of it is caused by mental illness, but again, it is up to them not to make it other people’s problem. They are not animals, they are people. And a lot of people are just shitty. At least attempt to change my mind or keep smarmy comments to yourself.


>The Homeless are not a collective of good people down on their luck, a great many of them simply are just pieces of shit. An atrocious, unfounded, and dehumanizing comment.


What caused you to have such a strong opinion like this? Did you work with this specific demographic or something?


I walk my dog a lot in a somewhat sketchy area, and I’ve interacted personally with enough of them, even been very generous to some of them, and they are almost exclusively terrible. The men at least. A couple of them in particular like to camp outside a church down the street and I’ve caught them destroying property and leaving water gushing down the street when they find a hose faucet. Downvote me all you guys want, I am not cruel or hateful towards them. I’m simply stating facts.


Thanks for your reply. I was just curious


Oh brother. Hate speech. 😂😂😂


It’s not hate speech because they can control the situation, they can get a job!


A lot of them do have jobs. the housing market just price houses at ludicrous amounts even for run down homes. Minimum wage is like what 12 an hour. Most houses cost millions and mortgage rates are something you cannot afford on 12 dollars and hour.


According to the US Interagency Council of Homelessness, approximately 40-60% (in other words, not an insignificant number) of homeless people have a job. They have also found that there are 0 counties or states in the US where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a modest apartment. On average, they'd have to work around 90 hours a week to afford a one bedroom apartment. Fuck off with your bias friend. It's disgusting and does not look good on you.


They're pieces of shit drug addicts who don't give a fuck about anything, so why should we care about them? Help the people that need and want help. The rest can go in camps to work and pay off their debt to society. Albuquerque is a shit hole because of these people


Albuquerque is a nice place, you may see it as a shithole because you look in the mirror.


Another atrocious, unfounded, and dehumanizing comment.


😍 yes!! Haha


Those poor bums


I assume you mean bum like booty? Because lots of people use public seating.


Yeah that bench looks uncomfortable. That bench will cause some sad bums


It’s an Aldo Leopold bench: “The iconic Leopold bench… underscores how even a piece of furniture can have a connection to the environment. Its design is indistinguishable from most other benches. However, the Leopold bench model holds functional usefulness not readily apparent. By sitting backward, with legs through the opening, the backrest now provides sturdy support for the elbows while using binoculars or cameras to observe nature. The benches are meant to be outdoor furniture that would weather and blend in with the surroundings, eventually returning to earth.” (Cited from: https://www.ridgessanctuary.org/the-humble-leopold-bench-a-history-of-conservation-and-giving-back/#:~:text=Its%20design%20is%20indistinguishable%20from,or%20cameras%20to%20observe%20nature.)


Thanks for sharing that!


That’s anti-unhoused. Who will be using their camera or binoculars to observe nature? It’s bad design, should be big enough to sleep on


Aldo Leopold did a lot of conservation in the county which Silver City is in. Additionally, they are sturdy, core effective and easy to build. It’s a stop gap solution that also pays homage to the area. ETA - And who is to say the unhoused are not on their phones, observing nature, using cameras, binoculars, reading, snacking, just spending time in them? They are functional furniture.


That’s the best they can do for the local homeless? aWesOme!


It’s a public display of unhappiness that the town mgmt removed the benches with no input from citizens. It’s a first step and it was quickly and effectively input. Is it the “best”? I don’t know; we would have to ask the unhoused community what they need and want. Is it a start to more community action - hopefully.