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Read this first. If you do it yourself there are three stages and one form for each stage. It gives you the links. But if you have kids you should talk to a lawyer first. https://selfrepresentation.nmcourts.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/62/2024/01/SRL_Divorce.pdf




Absolutely. Also, these guys might be able to help you out as well. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this, but things WILL get better. https://newmexicolegalaid.org/victim-services-family-law/


Damn, was not expecting your profile to be like that


Yeah wtf... lol!




Oh! Wow.


Call the court and ask to speak to the Self Help desk.


This is the best advice. Those folks were immensely helpful for me. The divorce process in this state can be super easy if you don’t have kids, though some stuff might take a while to happen. You can also just go to the clerk’s office and be like “yo I wanna file for divorce” and they’ll just give you a packet of stuff to fill out.


Just from the way you phrased this, I would suggest you find an inexpensive attorney to help you. Court personnel are not always helpful and I had to teach more than a few about court procedure and rules. So I would not depend on them. Good luck!


Okay thank you


To add a little more, here’s also what you could do if you don’t have a lot of funds. I might try New Mexico Legal Aid (or whatever they call it here). Call or stop by UNM law school and ask if they have students working under a licensed attorney who do things like help with a divorce for people who can’t afford an attorney. They do have many programs that help seniors, vets, people with low income to do things like divorce and wills and trusts. If you have children then you will need to find an actual divorce attorney.


Thank you again


I got divorced earlier this year. I tried figuring out how to do it on the internet, but really everything I did is what was recommended to me by the clerks and the self help desk at the courthouse downtown. My best advice to you if you’re doing it pro se (meaning without a lawyer) and you don’t have kids is to go to the self help desk. You just go to the courthouse on Lomas and fourth (second judicial district court) and the self help desk is pretty much right in front of the entrance. You can’t bring any electronics in, so keep that in mind. You can park on the west side of the street directly adjacent to the courthouse, just go into the bondsman’s office and give them $3 and you can park all day.


Oh wow thank you so much buddy


I handled my own divorce about a decade ago. We had no kids and no assets between us. It was also a no fault divorce. I also essentially kept all liabilities on my side because I did not want to give him any reason to ever speak to me or appear in the same room as me again... I would not recommend doing it pro se if this all is not the case for you. But basically: 1. File a petition for dissolution of marriage. Ideally you file this along with a marital settlement agreement that lays out division of assets. I also filed my final decree at this time. 2. You will get a case assigned. You will receive a summons. You will need to have your spouse served with a summons as well. I had a friend serve my ex his papers for me - anybody can do it except a blood relative, I believe? Double check that though. 3. You wait until your court date. During this time your spouse should file their response with the court. 4. During court, final details for the settlement are hammered out. I don't know anything about this because my ex husband never filed a response with the court. So, 5. I filed a request for default judgement because the papers I filed were the only ones to hit the court. This basically waived the hearing and allowed the judge to review the settlement agreement I filed unilaterally. The judge approved this and I received my final decree about 6 weeks after I filed this request.


If your spouse files a response, they may also schedule a pro bono settlement negotiation session, where a facilitator will walk through the settlement agreement with you and your spouse and fill in the blanks with you


I think this is a test


Despite the downvotes I’m pretty confused as to why they’d be asking this. 35 days ago OP posted something stating they’d been divorced for four years so… maybe they married someone again? Idk kinda sus if you ask me?


I went down to the courthouse… office… or something? And they printed up all the forms I needed and walked me through the process. It was very easy.




Thank you


So the profile explains the divorce…. Good luck with that!!


Thanks yea I’m too kinky


If you like, DM me. I am a paralegal and I offer legal document preparation services for a small fee. I specialize in family law.