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There’s a pay parking lot right across the street from Launchpad & is pretty well lit. It’s a quick walk from the venue to your car. I’m female & never had an issue at launchpad shows.


Ty friend!


Uber if you're comfortable with that and get picked up right in front where there are plenty of people. I can't remember if they close that street or not though.


This is the way


Parked there for a couple of concerts recently, as well as the lot by Sunshine for a concert there. Nobody messed with my vehicle at any of the three. Can't really comment on the personal safety aspect as I'm a 6'5" dude and nobody has tried to mess with me since junior high.




You'll be fine. Park across the street.


Do you know how much it is?


I payed a couple bucks for like 3 hours at a show I went to in March. It’s a meter app that’s pretty easy to use


It can be cheap however, when I saw slowdive a few months ago there was a concert surcharge and it was $12.  I go to shows downtown alone frequently and drive an old ass car. I’ve never been harassed or scared. Sometimes people ask me for a cigarette that’s it. 


The HC crowd will definitely take care of you!


I was gonna say, if any crowd has your back, its this one ( hopefully, the band looks sick af )


I’ve gone by myself to Launchpad for shows as a lady. No issues to report and I’d feel safe telling the bartenders if anyone was giving me trouble. Launchpad is fine; Sunshine is the one you wanna go with a dude and watch each other’s backs.


Hell, dudes should bring dudes to the sunshine for safety. I hate that venue. The sounds is always garbage too. They mix and level it like they seat 10,000.


Completely wise words. Never had a problem at Launchpad but ran into a couple at Sunshine.


Totally agree with this!


I would suggest you take an Uber down there and back. I would not drive my car down there and park it at night. The folks at Launchpad are friendly and I recently went to a show where a lot of single women were rocking out and having a great time.


I go see shows downtown fairly often by myself and I always use Uber. Have fun!


Good to know, I don't live too far from downtown so maybe I can get a ride or Uber. Thanks!


If you really want to save a few bucks and not have the Uber driver know where you live, park at Pres and Uber from there. Tons of security in that lot.


As long as you don't have a Kia and you don't plan on over-drinking, I don't think driving downtown is an issue (correct me if your experience is otherwise). Then again, I always bike unless I'm transporting someone else. Cars suck.


As much as I like riding my bike I wouldn't feel safe riding to downtown and back in the middle of the night, at least not by myself.




Crap. What am I missing? I work in Albuquerque every week or two and use a rental car that is almost always a Kia! What’s up with Kia’s in nm??


It's everywhere. Kia and Hyundai are very easy to steal. There was a useless recall and some lawsuits if I remember correctly


Oh. Ok thanks!


I'll be there too! Just park close, there's options. As you guessed, the people inside will be friendly. I saw SYSC there a couple of months ago (woman, went alone) and had a great time. Just be aware of your exposure to the pit if you're not looking to get pushed around. I saw Connie in there during the opener's set and she was not holding back. 😆


As others have said, parking across the street is usually a viable option for Launchpad / El Rey shows. If you're unsure about being in the middle of the chaos at the show, you're usually good if you stand towards the back or the walls. Not to mention the balcony if you're 21+. The LP is usually a cool spot to see bands a little more up close and personal. Vibe of the crowd will always depend on the show. Have fun!


Launchpad alone as a woman is fine! I miss going to shows by myself...spent most of my 20s there. Got a newborn now so it'll be a while before I can go back. Be safe and take an uber because while it's chill inside, Central and downtown is much more dangerous.


Please, everyone, tell me who said this-ish first: Hippies are mean people pretending to be nice. Metal-heads are nice people pretending to be mean.


I go by myself all the time! Im a fairly average sized girl and have never had an issue. I park in the big parking lot on central and 2nd near Sunshine theater and walk to whichever venue Im going to that night. Launchpad is a really fun spot! I try to only travel with the essentials when going downtown so I don’t have to carry a purse or leave anything valuable in my car.


I've been physically assaulted at the Launchpad by a man during a concert and they did nothing about it 🤷‍♀️he punched me on the face multiple times and gave me a black eye and broke my glasses. Knocked me out even, I hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.


Gosh ! That’s very terrible.


Thanks, I'm ok but it did give me some anxiety about being in crowds at concerts now tbh. I stay near the back now because I don't want to get caught in a mosh pit, that's how this happened. I didn't want to be in the pit and this guy at the Launchpad kept trying to pull me in and bumping me hard, so I pushed the guy away from me a little forcefully just to say "hey, I'm not interested," but he took it as aggression and just started wailing on me. It was at a RAIN CITY DRIVE (edit) concert in 2023. There's video floating around the Internet somewhere lol.


Wtf that’s bullshit. Brining aggression like that to shows shouldn’t be tolerated.


wtf. that's super fucked up.


Warner drive? Damn... Didn't know they still toured. A band I was in used to tour with those guys all the time. How do you even mosh to that anyways?


Oh shit I got the name totally wrong, Lord have mercy. I'm so sorry to Warner Drive I LOVE THEM, it was NOT their show and I'm an idiot lmao. It's RAIN CITY DRIVE!!!


That happened at Rain City Drive?! What the......I love them too but they're not even heavy enough for a mosh like that I feel like? I'm so glad you're okay.


Lmao that's what I was thinking too 🤣 I went with my sister for her birthday. I used to be a fan when the band was still "Slaves" with Jonny Craig as the singer but he got all messed up with drugs again sadly and they fired him.


Hey, was this possibly at their show in ABQ in late 2022...? I remember a woman ending up on the floor not far from me and trying to get Matt's attention to pause the show so we could get some help. Either way, I hope you recovered okay after that night! 🫂🖤


Yes it was! They finally stopped playing after my sister tried to get their attention for like 5 minutes because they continued to play through the entire scene and didn't do or say anything even when I was on the ground. She was trying to call an ambulance because I have heart issues, so she was worried that it had triggered a cardiac episode.


Oh my gosh, I didn't realize it was going on for that long! I'm so sorry. I was really worried about you for the rest of that night :/


Thank you for the concern! I'm ok 😊


You can ask one of the security guards to walk you to your car. They'll happily oblige. Source: I used to work there.


I’ll be going too! I park across the street in the parking lot, it’s a few bucks. Never had a problem. Walk with a purpose and just be aware of your surroundings like anywhere else


So long as you stay aware of your surroundings you'll be cool, and more likely than not you'll probably get adopted by the more seasoned "hardcore chicks" who notice you so you won't be alone. Burque has a pretty decent punk scene filled with solid folk, its the greater downtown area you gotta watch out for lol


Hi dear please bring and wear earplugs. Those shows are hearing-damaging loud. I've been going for years. Please please wear ear protection ❤️


I saw seeyouspacecowboy at a house show here and the girls ran the pit!!! Getting out of a launch pad show usually comes with a gaggle of people walking to their cars too. You'll be alright and have fun!


Launchpad is pretty solid. I'm assuming the same bartenders and crowd are there. Get your own drinks, not too many, and park right across the street or Uber. Enjoy the show!!


Be careful! I saw Static X alone at Sunshine once and got sexually assaulted in the crowd. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer! 


You're not the first time get assaulted there. Won't be the last either


There's even a very sad song about it


Yesssss, my first thought when reading this post


What song?


That night by atmosphere


And remember the teenage girl who was killed at Sunshine years ago? Who went to the bathroom by herself? ): 


I saw static x twice at sunshine. Rowdiest concerts I've ever been to, bar none.


Don't forget to wear your steel toed shoes.


I’ve done this plenty of times. Try to park as close as possible. Meters are free after 6 PM. Usually people do not mess with me or do anything crazy, but better safe than sorry. I also suggest just letting a trusted person know where you’re going and when to to expect to hear that you’re home. You’ll be ok, just stay alert as always!


You’ll be just fine. It *should* go without saying but Situational awareness is important wherever we are


I've been to a couple seeyouspacecowboy shows and it's always a very queer and women friendly audience. Unfortunately the local hardcore scene can occasionally be pretty full of sexism, but I don't see it being an issue at a SYSC show


Good to know!


Yeah, hope to see you there! It'll be a fun show. I'm so glad to finally see them headlining a tour


I would have an Uber take you. I've been follows around a few times downtown when I went alone. 


There is also free parking on Central right across the street. Where the parking meters are but they aren’t active at night. It’s not bad at all and that show should pretty darn safe since Roman Candle won’t be there 😂


lots of creeps in the crowds that think its okay to feel around when i was at a concert there; however, hc crowds may be better because the last hc show i went to i had no issues.






Wrong thread oops




Parking meters are free after 6


No, there’s nothing to be concerned about. I go to the Launchpad by myself all the time as a lady. If anybody gets really weird and makes you uncomfortable you can always tell a bartender or the bouncer and they are happy to help


There's no concern. You're fine. You got this. Have fun! 🙂


Obvi just keep your wits about you and be aware and you'll be fine


Chin up, be situationally aware & enjoy your life to the fullest!!! Take shit from no one & be super safe crossing the street as I've had people run red lights while I was crossing!


Hxc scene will take care of you. They have a lot of shows at RENs Den. Check it out sometime .


Hardcore crowds tend to have some of the best more accepting audiences of any heavy music sub genre


lol take an Uber and have the Uber drive you to the door guy, and wait… repeat in reverse. Danger, will robinson.


Try n find someone else to go along for some security. Also try some shows at Rens Den. Its a small local venue thats a very safe place for women. Lots of punk, metal, goth, d-beat, hxc shows. Lmk


Tbh Ren's Den seems to be one of the worst places in terms of abuse and sexism. The people running it are just kinda assholes too.


Sexism? It’s owned by a woman and one of the bands that plays there frequently is trans-exile.


That all may be true but doesn't change the fact that seemingly every week there's always some sort of incident. I've seen security target and brutalize smaller young women multiple times.


With that username … I don’t think so.


Rip 🪦