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Her grandson’s life is nothing to her 🤌🤌


Just crazy to think about…. I had my daughter at 19 into a VERY Christian family and if I ever did a damn thing to harm that kid I’m pretty sure my parents would burn me at the stake


Oh man same. I was raised strict LDS and got pregnant at 17. My dad was the one calling to make a prenatal appointment and was the one driving me back and forth to make sure that baby was ok.


Yeah a parents love is extremely strong and supernatural don’t get me wrong, but a grandparents love is something I simply cannot wait to experience myself. You get all the perks of the kid without the responsibility. You’re also older and wiser and most are more financially stable, so they have the opportunity to spoil like they didn’t get to do with their own. It’s a very sweet relationship to watch.


As the smallest in my village (albeit also the tallest, haha!), I crawled into an abandoned mine to rescue a kitten. I could never imagine hurting a child in such a barbaric way. Good on you for being brave, and all the happiness to you and your sweet baby girl!


The crawl was holy mother of god. We made it though. That fuck doesn’t deserve one second of my time in there!


I don’t believe that’s entirely true, I think she’s in deep denial and actually believes that the hospital is at fault. She’s also convinced Alexee that the drugs the hospital gave her killed the baby and that she’s completely innocent and that this is why she went to prom and has the audacity to wear that necklace. It’s also why I think the case will go to trial no matter what plea offer is made by the state. Rosa is a very overbearing, controlling woman and the dynamic between her and Alexee bears this out.


I think Alexee knows exactly what she did. I agree her mother has convinced herself it's not Alexee's fault. It seems to have been a very emotionally abusive upbringing in that house, and Alexee was clearly terrified to tell her mother the truth. In my experience growing up in a small town, it's the parents who think they have the best kids who have the ones doing the most behind their backs.


I can believe it. From what was seen in the police footage, Alexee was being cooperative and quiet. Rose, on the other hand was the one making things difficult with the cops.


>Rosa is a very overbearing, controlling woman and the dynamic between her and Alexee bears this out. This. If Rosa had not been in that hospital room, the baby would still be alive. There's no question in my mind Alexee only did what she did out of fear of her mother.


I agree completely. I think to some degree it was a matter of fearing she hadn't *really* fooled anyone with her pregnancy denial. I think everyone at the hospital with her knew she was pregnant, I just think she had stubbornly continued to deny and lie and they were passive. I think they took her to a safe haven hospital assuming she would just give the baby up secretly. I think if she had been alone entirely in that room she would have just done this. But she was dead set on proving them wrong since they were there, and having the baby in secret + getting rid of it would be her ultimate proof. I think her mom blames the hospital because she can't fathom they didn't intervene conveniently early enough to fix her parenting problem for her. I don't think they expected alexee would do something so unhinged. Idk how she was planning on pretending she was never pregnant long-term tho. It was so obvious she was, other students would gossip regardless and wonder. I guess just leave it all behind and start over in college?


i completely agree, interestingly enough there is no mandatory minimum sentence for murder 2 in new mexico, they have brought it to the legislator to change that 3 times and each time it has failed, so you could technically be sentenced to no time in prison for murder 2 in new mexico. which if her plea was, i did kill the baby but i did not mean to, that would be murder 2. i think their denial and fighting the charges instead of pleading out will bite them in the butt. if alexee took a plea on a lower charge she would do maybe 5-10 years at the most and be released. i get it, its prison, but anyone can survive 5-10 years in prison, actually innocent people have done way longer than that before getting released, so i'm not sure why they are gambling with a life sentence, no parole other than pure denial. maybe i am illogical and i do not think 5 or 10 years in prison is that bad, if i am wrong i am open to being corrected but the logic in me says not to even try to get lucky being found not guilty by a jury, ill just take the hit and do the time to avoid the possibility of life in prison. idk maybe im the crazy one there but i do not think so, i think ignoring the mountain of evidence that will be allowed into court is the crazy call. lol


They have to act like they are convinced the hospital is at fault or else they have no case (even though they never had a case to begin with)


I don't tbink she believes that the hospital is at fault for a second. No one does. Not even her lawyer who invented the defense. His job is to find a defense for his client. He doesn't have to believe it. He just has to argue it to the best of his ability. Both Rosa and Alexee now know exactly what went down in that bathroom. They just don't care. It was an abortion to them. They are playing sad because there is a murder charge in the mix. Alexee never wanted that baby, clearly. And Rosa wouldn't have wanted her to have it either. Her “perfect” daughter couldnt be a teen mom. It was that pressure that gave Alexee the incomprehensible fear of her mother finding out she was pregnant that her brain convinced her to hide and ignore her pregnancy to the extent of silently birthing him in a hospital bathroom and then silently ending his life in a plastic trash bag. Planning to go about the rest of her life like it never happened. The delusion is real. Thankfully, others are much smarter and thinking much more clearly than her and when they pick up a ten pound trash can that is normally much lighter, it draws attention and here we are. I will be so furious if she is somehow able to weasel her way out of this. There's a part of me that feels for that sad, young, and scared girl, absolutely terrified to be found out. I can empathize with that feeling. But getting from there to what she did, I can't mentally get myself to that conclusion. I just can't. Alexis’ case made slightly more sense since she was at home when she gave birth. Still wrong. But Alexee was in a goddamn hospital. The main location where babies can be turned over no questions asked. She could've found a way to pull the nurse aside, tell her the truth, they would've found a way to have her mom sit out so she could have her confidentiality. She could logically have had that baby, with her mom in the waiting room, the baby getting proper care and put into foster care for adoption. All with her mom never finding out. She wouldn't be the first or last to do something like that. There was zero reason that the child needed to die. I was born to a teen mom at 19 as well. She was in a very strict Mormon household. She wasn't ready for me. Her parents sent her off to a home for unwed mothers to finish out her pregnancy and hide it from her younger siblings, neighbors, friends, and church members. She had me, put me up for adoption and here I am today writing this 35 years later. I'm grateful I didnt end up in a garbage can myself.


In the bodycam video where they go to the house to ask Alexee if she wants to talk to the detectives or not Rosa goes on and on about “Why haven’t you investigated the hospital for injecting her with morphine and tramadol and Zofran!?” She believes the lawyer’s bullshit because when it comes to trauma the mind only lets in what the person can handle and denial is one of the classic coping mechanisms.


It's crazy that she even threw Zofran in there, as if it's not the medication used to help with severe morning sickness.


Well, nothing was crying, so….


Even after all this time it still makes me physically sick to read those words.


My blood boils. I understand exactly.


Imagine if we could all go around killing people because they weren’t crying, so 😼


“It came out, I thought it was poop but it wasn’t” -Alexis Avila


It's seriously no wonder that her daughter wound up this way. She's as much a monster as Alexee.


bitch please. wait till she hopefully gets locked up. baby killer WILL be touched 🤷🏻‍♀️


She deserves not a moment of peace when she gets locked up


I been locked up w a girl that killed her baby and everyone hated her and called her a baby killer everyday. She would walk around with a picture of her baby on a cup


A pic on the cup? to act remorseful?


Yesss it was so weirddd. She would walk around the pod like she was the shit. In jail everyone has the same exact cup you can buy off commissary so people would put stickers or write their name on the cup so it doesn’t get stolen or if someone else grabs it. She would stack the 2 plastic cups on top of each other and place the photo in the bottom cup, it was a pic of her daughter.


you know who else has a photo of their child and a memorial in prison? Scott fucking Peterson. im so glad the trial isn’t over, i thought she was free.


How does he have a picture of a child that was never born and wasn’t recovered until he was in pieces?


Ultrasound picture?


what kind of twisted piece of shit do you have to be to show off a picture of the baby you killed


Lets up she is locked up soon. So Tired of seeing her free




Right, that girl needs to pray go God she doesn't because they will kill her.


Wonder if Rosa is threatening the jurors. 😛


I’m surprised no one has beat her out on the streets. I would’ve thrown my drink at her at the very least if I spotted her




Do not make threats! Do not encourage or instigate violence or threats of any kind!!


Too bad she didn’t feel the same for her grandson! 🥺


And too bad her daughter didn’t feel the same for her son. Makes no sense






Even if the kids are legal adults who are responsible for themselves🥴 When i was 18 i would be so beyond fucking embarrassed to hide behind my mommy while talking to cops. GROW UP GIRLIE. Alexee laid down and made a baby like a grown woman, she committed murder, and when the real grown up consequences came she runs and hides with MOMMY?! Shameful.


I agree, I was the same growing up but it’s pretty common for younger adults to have absolutely zero shame in hiding behind mommy and daddy well into adulthood. It’s actually pretty sad.


She reminds me of Casey Anthony’s mother. She lied and protected her murderous daughter all of her life. She also said she didn’t think Casey was pregnant when she was as big or bigger than Alexee. She told her friends and family that Casey was a virgin and was just puffy from a hormone issue. She and Casey had the same dynamic as Rosa and Alexee. Casey constantly lied and Cynthia just covered for her lies or also lied to protect Casey. Even now she thinks that her granddaughter died in an accidental drowning and that Casey didn’t murder that poor child. One difference is I am sure Cynthia did love her granddaughter.


I think the difference is Cynthia couldn't believe her daughter was a murderer but Alexee's mom *wont*. If that makes sense.


Yup there’s a big difference between refusing to believe and just not believing


People that posts things like this are always so trashy.


We know you knew and helped her get rid of the baby you can’t save her in jail


I hate saying this, but that baby smothering monster and her mother deserve nothing but hell to pay for his sweet passing!!


Is that supposed to be her in her profile picture? 😂 looked nothing like that in the police footage. Catfish. She is evil and so is her daughter.


https://preview.redd.it/55e7kjs2n16d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=670585b1d7a87f2e0874306bbd8c4a017956d74f This is what someone replied and then quickly deleted 😂😂 this has to be Rosa or some shit. They have 1 karma. “Grieving” please 😂 their biggest worry was getting charged and arrested.


She’s actually very beautiful (my opinion) was she supposed to be dolled up when they were grieving and going through all this?!?


We got new copypasta, boys!




Tone your shit down, Rosa. Forget which user to use? 🤪


Lmao I was just retyping what that other person said you 🤡 😂


Definitely sorry to ruin your day though






Right?? It doesn't look like her at all!




Nothing about this is helpful to the community in any way.




Knew a mom just like her. The little brats she was raising could do no wrong either and she acted just like this. It's really toxic and full blown narcissism.


I do too. It breeds sociopaths.


Literally. She would GASLIGHT bleeding and bruised children that what her kids did was "an accident, boys will be boys, leave them alone then" these were children in HER CARE because she ran a daycare.


My ex married a woman like this. I had to revoke my ex’s visitation because of the abuse she was inflicting on my daughter. Her own children are completely messed up; the son is a raging sociopath and the daughter is just like Alexee in her mannerisms.


Yep. So sorry you've also experienced this.


Is she stupid? Why would she post this publicly on facebook?


She stupid but she’s not doing anything illegal


That isn’t even the point here?


Then what is the point


The fact that she is saying she'd kill for her own when her own newborn grandson was dumped like trash Hypocrisy is the point here.


Yes she is a lady who is very disgusting and very stupid. My point was that that her posting this is dum as she is already under the public microscope. The makes her look worse but she can post it because it’s not illegal. That’s it. I thought there was some other point about this that I wasn’t getting.


I didn’t imply it was illegal and nobody under my comment did either so I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion.




Pointing out her hypocrisy is not insinuating that she shouldn’t have free speech. You and the other person are making weird defensive jumps about her legal right to say dumb shit when nobody has mentioned it.


No but she already faces public scrutiny so why make it worse for herself?


She didn’t say it was illegal 🙄 She’s making a moral argument. Not a LITERAL one.


Too bad her daughter doesn’t share this same sentiment. 🤌🤞🖕


Nobody is scared of you, Rosa.


Kinda wonder if the local police should take that as a threat.


If they really want to nit pick they’ll bring it up in court to argue but I doubt that would get far tbh. Depends on what they need the jury to see and believe


Objection. Mom is not on trial.


Yep lol. Moms Facebook posts that are just reposts, not in her own words, and has nothing to do with the case will be thrown out immediately


The First Amendment would have issue with the government trying her for something like this.


Yeah I could easily see like an interview with police and then asking, but no lawyer will take the post seriously and it’d be struck so fast.


Absolutely. What else would it mean?


Who's she threatening?


No, they shouldn't. It's not a credible threat becasue she's not threatening anyone specifically, and similar "hurt my kids and I'll hurt you", and "I'd kill to protect my children" comments are posted a hundred (thousand?) times a day. And besides, it looks like she just shared someone else's post like dozens of other people probably did. So they could go after her for this and it'd be tossed out of court, and then she can sue them for violating her civil rights.


She will cover up her child’s murder, duh!


What about her Grandkids life?


whaaaaattttt these people...


shame her daughter didn’t feel that way.


Is that her ugly ass mom?


Apparently grandchildren don’t count


The same way her daughter killed and disposed of her child like he was nothing… boo your own daughter touched your grand child and was crying in her mugshot and now her life will mean nothing once she gets sentenced to life


She’s a freakin nut. And judging by all the mug shots of hers that I saw on TikTok, she DOES go to prison with a smile on her face 🙂


I was thinking the same thing! I remember seeing all her mugshots and she wad cheesin' hard!


Rosa… is the cognitive dissonance that strong?? We are verging on the edge of delusion here, girl.


That's awfully ironic and hypocritical, all things considered.


not *grandkid though


How come I can't ever find her?




Her grandson means nothing.


This is what I say to people with unleashed dogs


If only her daughter had felt that way..


She’s a 🤡


She's got some fucking nerve.


The AUDACITY of this woman


I don't envy her even a little bit. To be the parent of a child who commits a crime must be difficult enough without the unexpected virality making things worse, considering all the surveillance, harassment, and threats that must've come along with it.


I wouldn’t call it unexpected. When you publicly act like a nutcase on police body cam or post dumb crap online, of course you’ll make the virality of your daughters heinous crime worse and get more backlash.


Her mom has been to prison multiple times so not surprising. My mom was obsessed with the Casey Anthony trial when we were little kids, and she always told me if i ever hurt one of her grandchildren she'd kill me basically. And i was nowhere near childbearing age!! (She didn't mean an abortion either as she is pro choice)


Think of it as a warning sign from a mentally unwell person as that's what it truly is.


Not her grandkids though. Just her murdering kid


I wish the cops arrested her for her Karen behavior when she was blocking her daughters arrest. She acts all tough, but she would have been sobbing like a baby once they threw cuffs on her.


The mother is just as looney as the daughter.


Well, how about her grandkid?


Its an issue with empathy..seems like the running theme tonight.. See, people who are devoid of empathy (lack a conscience) only respond to potential conseqences/ punishments/ personal discomfort, that would happen in response for their crimes.. So, any time you see someone posting something like this, understand, while they might be using humor, they are also potentially openly saying that they lack the empathy to follow the laws as well, and that the consequences that they imagine they would face, are not too bad for them to go ahead and hurt someone else. In this case, I guess the grandma (is that the grandma??) Is saying something of that sort, and idk if shes talking about her adult daughter or her dead grandbaby. She may believe something different that the county autopsy doesnt reflect, also. Or that the autopsy findings failed to consider... Idk if the baby had a second one. Its also grief. Its the anger stage. Normal.


So what about when your daughter takes her own kids life? Then what?


I guess it’s like IRL fan fiction.


I guess that excludes grand children. It's ok to put hands on them Smack their body on a wall while chewing umbilical cord Smacking baby's skull while sawing cord with paper towel cutter Excludes grandchildren being suffocated to death and thrown away As long as it's not your precious Angel Alexee Right


She must have an irony deficiency


Cool personality. Just kidding.


Whelp, baby killers don’t have it easy in JAIL. So yeah alexee will get it alright !!!


Posting to give fair warning ‼️‼️


She should be in prison. Her kid should be in prison. They should get their asses beat daily in prison. These are the kinds of criminals we should be doing medical and cosmetic testing on instead of animals. I’m not a humanitarian and I tend to be unethical at times,especially when it comes to animal abusers and child abusers and a couple of other groups.


It's unfortunate that her daughter didn't feel the same.


the cognitive dissonance is astounding


Pffft my life means nothing to me and I don’t have any kids. Just crippling depression. Checkmate.


I hope life gets better for you 😊.


❤️ I was being snarky and they I realized the sub.


Oh that's good, it was getting late and I was tired when I read your comment but now I see 'checkmate'. I'm glad all is well.


I appreciate you. There are not enough people like you in the world.


Thank you very much. While I'm on this earth, it's my job to help people to be happy.


I hope you never lose that spark. After 20+ years I’m struggling to find the point. People like you keep me going.


It's not always easy, toxic people everywhere. Sometimes, just one right word to them makes a difference, it's also good for our own souls.


So ur grandsons life meant nothing to you..so ur CHILD KILLING UR GRANDSON MEANT NOTHING TO U wtf is wrong with people


Well, you can go to prison for your grandson, then. Witch.


Oh come at me, you don't scare me Rosa!


If only her daughter felt the same way about her own child.


it’s ironic cause her daughter did the opposite lol


Too bad her own kid didn't feel the same way. If she did, we wouldn't be having any of these conversations🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Shame her own daughter didn’t share the same sentiment.


too bad alexee didn’t feel the same way




Nothing about this is helpful to the community in any way.




what’s different about her now than a year ago?




Don't be a bully!! This includes name calling....


I'm sorry. Truly I'm sorry.




Don't be a bully!! This includes name calling....


not sure how calling alexee a POS is bullying/name calling? but my bad, i’ll watch my verbage next time.


Complete narcissist


Like she's untouchable 😂 she can get her ass beat too


They’re morons


Virtue signaling


If only she was like this for her grandCHILD


These be the same people that will low key let shit slide…


Really too bad alexee couldn’t have the same sentiments about her own damn kid 🤪 bet she still goes to prison with the “smile on her face” Smh




I have a feeling that mommie dearest overreacts to small things.


Uhhhh… Rosa is on another dimensional plane of some alternate reality because she clearly orchestrated it cause seeing Alexee THAT pregnant in Cheer you cannot tell me or anyone she didn’t know. And Alexee knows what she did. No doubt Rosa is abusive hence why she tries to infantilize Alexee even though she’s 18 because of power. But still sometimes it takes a monster to create another monster.


Rosa no one is scared of you 🤣🤣 tu hija Betty la fea mato a un bebe babosa pendej las dos!! 👊🏼


“i would go to jail with a smile on my face for my children” then go to jail for the one your daughter killed


I’m interested to see if she takes the stand. The nurses on duty for sure will and that will be damning. Almost feels like she has to- I want to know what she meant. “We talked about this baby” what was she referring to. Million dollar question


But what about your children's, children? Rosa no one believes you.


This mindset is and was the problem in the first place. Let your child live their life without having your voice in their head controlling them. Rosa have you not learned ANYTHING from this situation…..


Like this really just validated my theory that Rosa fucked alexees head up her whole life to the point where she’d rather kill than stray from the script…


Mother of the year..🙄




My grandma raised me and she was/is a very strict overbearing person who isn't easy to talk to but when I found out I was pregnant she was right there with me, thru the adoption and everything. It seems as though alexee was in a similar situation, I think it's a cop out ro use her strict mom as an excuse for anything cause from this post alone her mom obviously loves her unconditionally