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It wasn’t aliens




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5 years ago I would have been with you on aliens. There’s lots of evidence of UFOs and other stuff out there. However looking at the world we live in now and how things have changed, it is so clearly not aliens. It’s better we believe in some magic men rather than a potential hard pill to swallow, that being there is some nation state out there with significant technological capabilities(people will say they break the laws of physics, and those people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about :/ ) And America isn’t the top dog, neither is whatever other state we know about. There is no grand plan or man behind the curtain, your the one who puts them there.


Mr. Alert Indication, I agree with you that these are not interplanetary aliens. But you are woefully mistaken if you believe this phenomena of UFOs and alien abductions is produced by a foreign nation state (or a faction of the US government). These are most likely interdimensional entities that live here and around the planet, just as the various ancient scriptures and accounts describe


See there is just no evidence of that. You can say they are supernatural cause we don’t know what it is. But making a huge jump to inter dimensional beings when there is simply 0 evidence for that. 0 evidence. ZERO. All there is are UFOs, don’t let your monkey brain fill in the blanks cause u get to reptiles and expanding earth theory real quick.


There are absolutely firehose-levels of evidence over the last 80 years of the UFO and alien abduction phenomena, so you don't know what you're talking about.


Now let's move on to your definitive claim below: >But making a huge jump to interdimensional beings when there is simply 0 evidence for that. 0 evidence. ZERO. All there is are UFOs Really? Zero evidence for anything beyond "just UFOs"? Buddy, this is not a claim you want to be making given the last eight decades of evidence of activity well beyond "just UFOs". I'm not even going to comment further on that one for now because that is just an untenable position that is completely devoid of rationality. So let's move on to "interdimensional" beings, also known by some as "angelic" beings (bearing in mind that the word "angel" is a job description, which means messenger, not a description of biology, so these beings would in fact still be extraterrestrial beings). So there's "zero evidence" for these interdimensional beings? Woo. I've decided I'm going to keep this very succinct and simple, because if I don't I'm going to write you a novel's worth of repudiation and I simply don't have that kind of time. So here's my answer to you: The fact that, for every single culture, in the entire world, in the entire history of the earth that we know of, has accounts of these beings, that is not sufficient for you to think that there's at least something to consider here? And members of your own government, including former high ranking intelligence officers and members of Congress right now have been briefed on evidence that suggests these are not interplanetary beings but "interdimensional" beings. They have said as much. And the general public has not been cleared to see that evidence yet. But I don't need that evidence. I have, at minimum, eight decades worth of evidence available at my fingertips. And thousands of years more worth of evidence is also available. It's pretty clear to me that no one in Congress wants to march out and say we're dealing with angels and demonic entities, so the phrase "interdimensional beings" is likely the politically correct and scientifically vague way of telling the public we're dealing with angelic beings and demonic entities without saying it outright. And "angelic being" is simply another way of saying "extraterrestrial being".


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Small aliens had one of those small pizza tables.


You are in a gang now


The Black Triangles, the most ruthless outlaws in the galaxy.


Anyone ever had a rectangular shaped scar-like thing with another small square inside one corner ?


Do you ever have random dreams about UFO? Seen any UFOs? Do you ever astral project or have lucid dreams? Ignore the ignorant comments from these bone heads.


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


How that helps?


Carbon monoxide inhalation makes people dumb. This guy is dumb.


“Tight subject” hmm I wonder why your on this kinda subreddit


"Alert indication" for sure a mental alert indication


The blessing of nurgle appears once more


Doesnt look like a puncture to me unless they healed it superfast


Probably you did kambo, or found matches by the looks of it


I have this exact thing on left forearm. It was casued by an electrical burn when I was a kid.


That's eczema.


Predator had his weapon's laser sight locked in on you.


Had that exact same pattern on my lower leg one day out of nowhere. Everytime I put a magnet to it, I wanted to vomit. It felt like something was underneath the skin for a few weeks.


You have been targeted for termination by time traveling rebels.


Many insects bite in a triangular pattern.


fuck kinda insect is that big


Those aren't even as large as my reactions to some mosquito bites.


Orochimaru curse mark


I have a perfect triangle formation on my arm with freckles


Definitely a sign of aliens 👽 love this form


The predator is targeting you from a tree. Be careful


Fire ant. But alien.


As if, fire ant aliens would only leave two marks. Them some grey skin puncture wounds




Did you notice before or after you shaved your arm


Do you shave the back of your hand?


You're the real life Link! Save Hyrule!


Oh boy


That was the predator