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I mean you are now relying on the Hungarian Post, one of the worst postal services in the world.


My great, great grandfather worked for the pony express with the Hungarian postal service. Apparently they're still counting on him to make deliveries.


Try Bulgarian posts. Once I had an order say that’s it’s in their office and available to collect( I contacted email support). When I get there they start telling me that the email is not legit. But when they checked my tracking number they understood that they would have to search the whole office for my order.


Romania too (we aren't neighbors for nothing lol). Received a paper in the mail box telling me my package was ready to collect on the 22nd (Friday). I go there, tell them about it and hand the paper. Lady looks at me confused. "The 22nd? Uhh..." "Today." "Today's the 22nd? Damn" Went out back to check and heard her whispering with another clerk. They say they didn't know if my package was ready and that maybe I should come Monday. Thankfully with a bit of persuasion and a wet dog smile they got it out for me but like...lmao. it's YOUR PAPER YOU GAVE THAT TO ME!!!


Perfectly fitting for one the worst places in the world. Thanks Orbán and his gang for destroying this country.


You mean saving the country, Orban has been elected democraticaly, maybe you don t like democracy then and that s on you


I don't know what you guys are talking about so I just upvoted you both.


Oof this comment aged like milk w the leaked recording of the graft case. But I digress & will apply this knowledge on my decision of doing business w Aliexpress.


Hungarian post is horribly slow.


It's lost, your postal service lost it.


Most of my orders go through Hungarian post as well and my last 4 orders took 4 months to arrive, even after cainiao didn't track them anymore. The only good thing is that I got refunded in full for all 4 of them.


I am currently waiting for an order to time out and auto-set to "delivered" so I can open a complaint and get a refund. Poczta Polska / Polish Post lost mine.


I would honestly recommend visiting your local post office (UP) and asking if they don’t have a letter in your name or for your address. I had like 3 separate instances of either mislabeled packages or supposedly delivered Awizos / pickup notices. While at it, once a parcel was supposedly passed onto Polish Post and disappeared. Two years later I found it in my mailbox with a faded out shipping label and a partial name that looked like Polish post but was actually a small local company.


Once I received my item after 2 years, and, probably 1 more month. That was 25 months, which was about 760 days. That was crazy, and by that time I had absolutely forgotten about that thing.


Would have been like receiving a gift from someone and then opening it with curiosity


Haha, absolutely! That's exactly how it was. I clearly rememeber that feeling :-)


What was it? If I may ask


Not expensive things.Some unique data connectors, adapters.


Ah alright. I recently ordered some pen tips for my tablet from AliExpress and they arrived surprisingly quickly, it took 2 weeks from China. I paid them 0.46€, but for some reason it was never billed to this day haha


Same, had it happen about half a year later hahah


You could have something valued even more than the original product - non-COVID air /s


Jeah I feel kinda sad that alieexpress has 14 day shipping on almost everything now. Had many surprises that I completly forgot about, especially since I got refunded like half of my others due to "not arriving" but then arriving couple months later anyway. Nowadays I only once didnt get a package and that was because the seller never send it. (Just created shipping number)


You will not get any new orders they will says picked up by courier and not sent you want be able to cancel order i have been waiting over 45 days no refund and agents useless they do not know what to do instead of going forward ALIEXPRESS going backward good luck with choice shipping .


Wow, for me the longest parcels took to arrive was 6 months and I think I forgot about it too lol That happened maybe twice or thrice but like 7-8 years ago. Given nowadays it takes 10-12 days, I think it dropped behind shelves at some warehouse, the Silk Road train or something. It has happened at my local postal services time to time too and when I see nothing moves, I call them to say “hey, I guess my parcel was dropped in your storage before being handled because it was out for delivery x days ago” and this is usually it. The funniest one was the parcel stuck behind the driver seat for two weeks.


Ali never even took a month for me to


I see aliexpress  is getting worse 




I ordered stuff from Aliexpress to Sweden a while ago, when they said it was "handed over for last mile delivery", it was in Germany. So lDK, could still be Aliexpress at fault.


No, it’s DHL’s fault. DHL are rubbish.


German here - 85% of everything here comes with DHL. I've literally had one or two minor issues my entire life, even internationally.


Ive noticed DHL experiences really vary on region. Here where i live we have a DHL Center right at the edge of the city where its like 2km's from my house, so stuff arrives from anywhere in germany in just 2-3 days max with never a lost package ever. But i keep hearing from others that they get their packages lost and DHL isnt able to find them even after contacting them.


> I’ve noticed DHL experiences really vary on region That’s the case for anything. Never had any issue with DHL in Europe (parcels go through Germany then directly depart from there in my case) but FedEx has been nothing but trouble for example (not counting paid VAT complying with EU laws and asking for more, parcel returned without any notice, stuck tracking for over a month), to the point I’ve stopped ordering from the rare shops using them here. I don’t know if they ship outside of Europe but I despise with every fiber of my being GLS and DPD.


The shipper is the vendor of the seller. Not the buyer.


You clearly haven't used DHL. DHL is 100% better quality than any of the other services. I've had Fedex lose matresses , 50 KG packages and more. UPS? They never showed, Never called, They just claimed they delivered it. Hard claim when the front door is recorded 24/7 But DHL? Texts me twice if its the convenient moment, that their nearby. I had them legit drive back as i missed them. The only downside is pricing but pricing on shipping is insane with any service lately. Never had a package damaged, not a single time. The price difference between DHL express and UPS for me was 5 bucks.... EXPRESS (2-4 days from china)


DHL lost an international airfreight shipment for the place I worked at. 300 kg palette of stuff. That takes a special level of incompetence.


Hey I aint disagreeing with that one lol. All will have their mistakes, Just saying that I order a lot and DHL is by far the best in service and state of my packages. Opinions will always vary ofcourse.


I believe you. They lose everything.


I had packages delivered via DHL postal services, DHL courier standard services, and DHL express international services (from Asia to Europe)- the names might be different, but you get what I mean. I live in Europe, so it’s difficult to avoid DHL while shopping online. DHL are rubbish. I don’t use FedEx. UPS are great, you can schedule your deliveries on their website or app too.


isnt DHL the best courier in the world? lol


lol no


Varies on region, like any international logistics service.


in a general sense, majority, DHL is the best courier. I dont hear any other international courier more reputable and talked about globally. Of course the exception doesnt change the rule, eg if you want something delivered in a few hours in the same city you could use uber deliver in most western countries and it will be the best option. But globally, majority and general sense, DHL.




Still better than PostNL (in most cases, but not all).


Not saying your opinion is invalid or anything but PostNL has always been a great logistics services in my experience tbf, I’m not even in the Netherlands but when they handle parcels this has always been smooth as butter in addition to be crazy fast. Sometimes they give the parcel directly to the local postal services in my country to make things even easier. Given experiences vary from one region to another, I’m curious to know what happened in your case?


It has happened a handful of times that PostNL says that the parcel will be delivered tomorrow and then they will still take a week sometimes. This is sometimes even the case when the parcel is in the sorting center a few towns over. One time I ordered something from a Dutch store with 2 day delivery (which is also what the label said), yet the package took almost 3 weeks to arrive. It would have been about a 60 minute drive to the store where I ordered. Sometimes PostNL is indeed crazy fast. Especially when it’s post and not parcels. Some letters have gotten delivered to me next day.


No lol


Its not aliexpresses fault, at worst they choose the cheapest shipping options


AliExpress is the postal service customer not the person who orders from AliExpress. If it’s lost it’s not your job to go after the postal service, they have no contract with you, AliExpress refunds you and goes after the postal service for losing it.


> and goes after the postal service for losing it. Its insured on the shippers end.


"No one's ever cracked the 50% barrier!" - Seinfeld character Newman on the efficiency of the postal system.


Yep exactly


Sorry to say mate but it's your local shipping company. They messed up not aliexpress, aliexpress is responsible for shipping your parcel to your country shipping company after that its all on your local shipping company. Although the fact you can ask for refund(atleast I got when I asked refund)


Disagree they picked and paid the shipping company, refund the customer and put a claim in with the shipping company. All these dumb ass companies making the shipping companies they choose and make it our problem. It’s their problem.


Look mate, I understand your frustration, its aliexpress, they definitely gonna look for cheapest delivery options(unless you select the dhl/fedex/aramex option which cost triple the price of product) in your country, and that varies country to country, where I live the government supervises these company and hear consumer reports and terminate licenses if they dont do their work properly. And in my experience, this happened with me like 2 or 3 times in past 5 years where I didn't get my parcel and everytime I asked for refund, I got full refund. So it's based on your luck and your countries strictness and the fact we cant complain honestly, its aliexpress....


Enjoy your 1$ off coupon


Has anyone actually managed to get that coupon? I have never. I talked to customer support but they set it would appear automatically, or that I had to click something when I marked the package received. I've still never seen anything to click.


At first I never got them. But now they started sending them, even for shit that arrived on time




Why are you using aliexpress to track something that is on Postis system? Just put the tracking number into postis tracker : [Lähetysten seuranta – Henkilöille – Posti](https://www.posti.fi/fi/seuranta)


Should have only used that but I didn't know and the package was already shipped back to China cuz it was there for over 90 days so fuck


The posti app should also inform you of all the incoming parcels.


Well it didn't so I missed my package and now it's in China again


Thats a shame, posti probably notified you in some way as thats their job. Live and learn.




Yeah I cringed reading that post. Like a child throwing a tantrum.


Stop shouting braaaaah....


My package just arrived, it took 5 months to Australia, don't use super economy shipping it sucks cohones!


Also in Au. I've already got a refund for orders that were over 3 months old. You got my hopes up 😂


In my country, the local shipping company doesnt update the information on aliexpress so I have to go to their site to see where my parcel is. You may have the same issue. If that is the case, your package is probably long gone back to where it came from.




They’re waiting for a new keyboard from Aliexpress. Caps lock is stuck on their current one.


take my upvote! 😂


I took this and posted this on a phone


Has your phone got some moisture into it? That’ll cause a wonky keyboard.


I do have lag when typing but not THAT much


A lot are saying your local post office. I’m in Southern California and 90% of my stuff is delivered by private party. A dude will drive up in a Prius and drop off like a half dozen small packages at a time.


right? I just got a package and it was delivered for the first time by private company. Also, people says that AliExpress is responsible for delivering it to my country and then what? It’s my responsibility to find it? I will for sure try to find it on my own because I want the item not the money but that’s just ridiculous to make me responsible for that.


That’s because in several European countries there’s only one national local delivery and postal company that handle everything that enters the territory depending on conditions (for example this is always DHL that delivers Amazon Japan parcels and not PostNL, Bpost, La Poste, Royal Mail, etc.). In the US, you have several “official” (for lack of better words) logistics and postal services if I’m not wrong so it varies from one state and parcel to an other.


What did you order??


Just a fan for my phone


That’s what you get for living in Finland


once it says on aliexpress that you made it to its destination use your local postal service


Well it didn't say that though and it already was shipped back to China when I check right now and I didn't know you can do that


First of all, you have 60 days not 15 for open a dispute(Refund) after your item is marked as shipped, this is a very important information Secondly you should have closely monitor your transaction, Once the item is marked as shipped, you are given an expected delivery date, if the delivery date is not respected and the seller didn t provided a working tracking number then you should contact the seller and ask for a refund, i have ordered three items on Aliexpress as a first experience, i have received only one and got refund for the 2 others, since i never used this shit marketplace again, BTW you have been scammed the parcel haven t been lost, they just never sent it, they expect people like you whom are many to not open a dispute for refund during the 60 days refund policy window, there are some YT videos describing this scam


Wow that's crazy. I order a lot and longest I've waited is about 3 weeks!


Please consult our [Shipping & Tracking FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aliexpress/comments/gr6tu8/faq_aliexpress_shipping_and_tracking_during_the/), [Tracking status FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aliexpress/comments/kwiw3w/tracking_status_faq/) and [Common scams FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aliexpress/comments/hlk157/common_scams_on_aliexpress_and_how_to_avoid_them/). We ask that you take a minute to check these FAQs. Please delete your post if you found your answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Aliexpress) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It happens. Especially with shipping, not by plane, usually. It's not AliExpress's nor sellers' fault so yea. Just open dispute with item hasn't delivered. You and seller will receive the money in that case, I believe. no one is unhappy. And with about 50% chance it arrives after like 6 months, I've had one item show up after 8months during covid.


I've had good experiences with shipping speed and actually good customer service from aliexpress. Some sellers are crap, sure. But aliexoress usually steps in and solves stuff. Have you tried talking to them in the chat instead of trying to get a refund on the item? But you should also check with your postage service first.


Always had good experience with Ali CS as well because I’ve been always polite, clear on the issue and wrote in simple English. Given how OP wrote their post I doubt they’d get anywhere with customer service if they talk to them the same way. When I see how some people here write, with grammar mistakes, missing punctuation marks and typos all over the place, no wonder they can’t communicate as the Ali rep can’t understand shit (and I’m saying that as a non-native English speaker, there’s plenty of tools online but people are lazy and rather shout and complain). In OP’s case, being this agressive won’t lead to anything either.


Yeah, I agree. They usually aren't very talkative but we have to keep in mind they're seeing a direct translation from out language to theirs. I'm also not a native English speaker, but I try to use short simple sentences. And being nice. Has worked so far and I buy a lot of stuff there. 


lmaooo sorry to see this


I ordered a Pokemon Crystal cartridge two months ago, I'm starting to think the void just ate it or something. At least it was only like 4 bucks.


Check the tracking number on ParcelsApp (the website, not the mobile app). If it reached your country, it might have been dropped of a shelf or something at your local postal services warehouse/store room and being forgotten. Happened to me, gave them a call and “indeed, oops”. Just in case, for 4 bucks it’s most likely a fake one but as long as it works I wouldn’t care.


That is why I stoped buying from Aliexpress. Yes, the post lost the package. But it is the seller fucking problem to solve with their chosen posting service.


Sorry to break it to you but the package has been lost




I got a product to Spain in a week.


the package was … lost in translation


I think there's a major fuck up here. Posta.hu is the Hungarian post service address and definitely not working in Finland.


NEVER USE SHIPPING OPTION THAT ENDS UP WITH YOUR LOCAL POST OFFICE We have the exectly same problem with the post office in my country. Aliexpress delivers on time but the post office take ages to call us or deliver to us. Some times it it takes month. You should go to your local post office in person,


This thing is definetly lost in the post buddy, email them for a new one or a refund


real finland moment dude in antartica like WHY IS SHIPPING TAKE 3 YEARS? BRO UR IN ANTARTICA


Finland isn't fucking Antarctica


finland mad


Ez a magyar posta, nagy kalap szar. Volt már náluk 5 hónapig is valami míg kihordták.


I understand your frustration. I’m sorry for your loss.


I know what's happening. This is happened to me so many times before that I've just accepted it. To avoid the ongoing conflict up towards the northwest area, they have to dig their way here to Finland, and there's an underground Wipeout course that the delivery drivers have to go through before reaching Finland. After they pass that, they have to take the parcels and deliver them via horse carriage. However from what I've heard, they don't provide them the horses, and they have to manually pull the carriages themselves by hand. Again it's just speculation, maybe wait another 300 days? I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if I were them.


I know what's happening. This is happened to me so many times before that I've just accepted it. To avoid the ongoing conflict up towards the northwest area, they have to dig their way here to Finland, and there's an underground Wipeout course that the delivery drivers have to go through before reaching Finland. After they pass that, they have to take the parcels and deliver them via horse carriage. However from what I've heard, they don't provide them the horses, and they have to manually pull the carriages themselves by hand. Again it's just speculation, maybe wait another 300 days? I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if I were them.


My first E-bike took 4 months to be delivered, was not much I could do other than wait


I've been purchasing $100+ items for about 4 years never had any issues till this year . Out of the 10+ items ordered in 2024 , I have received 1 . Ali has refuned the rest, but having to wait months for refund is a pain . I have stopped ordering, not worth my time or energy


Total joke aliexpress definately getting worse i will avoid in future before loosing my mind.


Looks like Aliexpress did good they got it to your country last year and your local shit post lost it. Some packages do not track after this point, if you track using parcelsapp.com you may find it got a second tracking number, this might say delivered to some where


Think of it like when you drop your house key in Lava. It's gone mate. You aint getting it.


Mine take like 5-10 days to Netherlands and Spain


This is the chance you take for cheaper Chinese products.


I guess it depends on how your country operates shipping. Idk


Odota torilla kärsivällisesti vielä


I usually get packets in a week, maximum two. Your postal service lost the parcel, it's not aliexpress' fault lol


i ordered a wood frame to hold poster and they destroyed it because it was banned like wtf it a wood frame 💀


Well of course. Everyone knows that Finland doesn't exist. How could they ship there? /s I'd guess that one of the postal or logistics companies, or customs warehouses lost it and haven't logged that as tracking.


Yeah ... contact support if it passed the arrival date


This is why I use PayPal. File a dispute and get your money back. Easy.


If ai don’t get it withon 30 days I submit for a refund period


Not AliExpress fault, the fault is by the shipping service and your country's customs service


Hit up AliExpress live support. Just went through the same things 100 days in just got refund approval


40 more and it’ll be half a year :D


dude same my package said coming march 15 to 30 and todays the 29 still hasn’t came


I had this same issue and so I contacted the courier and they told me that actually I wasn’t going to recive me package at all. Apparently what happened is that the seller wrote the wrong delivery details and it was untracable so now it’s been given back to the shipper. Aliexpress tracking still says attempting delivery, and so does parcels app. But if I take the tracking number and put it into my local couriers tracking site, it shows that it’s delivery failed and is has been given back to the shipper (to be returned to the seller). I contacted Aliexpress and showed them all the proof, they are giving me a lot of trouble right now but I’m determined on getting a refund. I suggest you trace the parcel tracking step by step by first putting the tracking number into Parcelsapp website and then see what courier your parcel is going through and then contact the local courier and ask them where ur package is. It could very well never be coming to u and ur refund timeframe might end soon


lol as a Hungarian I see no reason why they are using Hungarian Post for a Finnish package


I ordered 4 years ago and It didn’t arrive lmao


I have two items too with 100+ days, hungarian national post is a big pile of poo. Aliexpress doesn't care and won't refund anything.


wtf are they using hungarian post my order are coming in like 3 months before the tracking said singapore post and they would arrive in 20days tops


Haven’t ordered anything here in like 2 or 3 years When ordering something check the day it’ll arrive, the shipping price and reviews.


Hey One time, I bought something in aliexpress It took so long that I ended up forgetting I even ordered it When it arrived, it felt like a gift 🎁 Future you will thank you! 😊


You can request for a refund if you click on confirm delivery. Sometimes there is an option that you did not receive the package. Use that for refund. If there is no yes or no button to confirm delivery, click on yes, confirm delivery. Then request a refund and write that you didn’t receive the package. I had this a few times and got my money back.


yikes I've never used Ali but this is horrid. Maybe your items can be found on Temu? I actually ordered 3 times both packages came in, my recent one yesterday which was early. I just made my third order. They seem to be doing great so far


what did you expect from aliexpress BRO XD


you still say xd?


Never took over 2or 3 weeks to Canada….. I think it’s not AliExpress the problem


This is why I scam AliExpress


There great about .30 if over 30 days late


I have been using Alliexpress for a few years. In the last few months, I am missing stuff. I am done with them


This is happening to everyone since 2024 avoid aliexpress and use temu fast and reliable .


That's what they do. I ordered one skirt and it was supposed to be here March 12. I never received it and the tracking number they gavd me was phony. Like you they would not give me a refund. They told me to give them a claim from the USPS but I can't because I am not the damn shipper. Then I ordered a pair of shoes and we went back and forth. Their CSRs are horrible and they just run script on you. They claim to escalate issues but they don't. But they messed up and showed the manifest and my shoes had been delivered to California on March 12 and I do not live there. The seller never responded and kept saying its the Chinese New Year. Then the manifest showed that some woman named Paschal B signed for my shoes and she signed for them. They really did not want to refund my money. I hate how they do this to people. The only thing I know is to call your bank and tell them you never received your merchandise.


Mine to three week and I already got it


I find that when I order one item the shipping is veryyyy long versus when I order multiple items. I ordered one item in November and it came in February. But every time I order multiple it comes within two weeks. Ik it’s not much help to solve your problem but for the future keep this in mind it might save u a bunch of time!!


Thanks a bunch for letting me know about this being how you track packages! This tiny thing made my day and many future days way better


Try other tracking-websites like parcelsapp and 17track to see what local delivery companies are involved (since there seem to be different ones), then check the websites of the local delivery companies to see if they have more information what is going on. There is a chance your order is returned, and those other tracking-sites will also show follow-up tracking-numbers, which may indicate the return of your package, so make sure to check for those as well. In your aliexpress order details, normally there is a counter saying delivery will be confirmed automatically in 60 to 90 days. Once this happens, you have 14 days to file a dispute, and after that, aliexpress closes the order, and pays the seller. Since it has been 140 days, there is a big chance your order was already closed, so you will have to negotiate with the seller to see if they are willing to issue a refund, and if they don't you can try your payment provider.


That package is in God's hands now. The AliExpress return policy is pretty simple and if you missed the two week window that's on you. Also, PLEASE STOP SHOUTING AND ALSO WATCH YOUR FUCKING LANGUAGE.




That’s just a transit country, it happens time to time. Once I got a parcel that went through Turkey and got stuck there for over 2 weeks. For your question, that’s because sometimes it’s cheaper making a stopover by plane than doing the whole trip in one go, just like traveling from Paris to Sydney in one go can be more expensive than Paris → Malaysia → Sydney (just an example at the top of my head).


You guys have Postnord over there? 😂


I don't think it's coming 😆


Maybe Finland doesn’t exist


# Stop shouting bro


You go to the post office to ask them for the documents of the package, if it has not been delivered it will show that. Use those as proof to ask for a refund from AliExpress


STOP SHOUTING... https://youtu.be/HQAWmMGb5A8?feature=shared


package is Finnish(ed) 😢


How long does it normally take for stuff to come for stuff to ship and come in the mail ?


It depends from one country to another.


Iv stopped buying i went back for year as there shipping got better. Then all the sudden i am out 4 items and 100$ no help from support and it takes so long to ship i just thought maybe they are running behind because it used to take months… so frustrating. Never using it again. Temu it is! (Which i find interesting, i had these problems around the time temu started getting mumbled about)


No offense but if you wrote to customer support the way you wrote this comment, no wonder they couldn’t help as they couldn’t understand what you said. They use translators most of the time and if the base text is broken English, the translation would be a mess as well.


Your phone is super long wtf


It could be a scammer


I never got any call since they texted my my parcel land at line haul office where do I start how do I get my parcel