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Had this a few times. ordered a 900ML milk frothing mug. received a multi-meter {TWICE}, both times I got a FULL refund 3rd time I asked the seller to DOUBLE check the warehouse SKU


Yeah you were probably on point! I may request a refund and then tell the seller to check if they have the wrong sku.


I wouldn't suggest to do that the first time, if it happens again, ask the "other" seller about the SKU


Aliexpress doesn't really do refund without return anymore for most people, so if you apply for a refund you're more likely than not required to return it before a refund is issued. Choice does have free returns, but with the risk and cost that can involve, I'm not sure I would bother. Anyway, you can of course open a dispute (with returns/refunds) and see what happens, if they require you to return the item, you can then always decide if you want to or not, especially if they don't offer free return.


Well, I requested a refund on a different order, and soon after the dispute was closed and it said basically they weren’t getting the items back.


Wdym they weren't getting the items back? U mean they need you to return it or there was issues when U tried to return it?


Neither. The dispute was ended after requesting for a refund event though the request creation page said I would receive an email to download return label. Could be because I hadn’t made a return request 3 times this month; i saw they have the policy of 3 free returns.


That could be it since I never had to return an item for a refund either. A lot of times I get auto-refunded and sometimes I wait 24 hours to get refunded with no returns needed. I work as a customer service agent at a somewhat big company and when I get cases like this I have to factor how much money customer has spent on us, how many times the customer had a similar issue, and how much is the return amount requested. Some people get flagged/auto-denied and others will have no issues. So I also wouldn’t be surprised if Ali has a similar internal system.


Yeah.. I’m being rather careful not to look suspicious coz I had to request a return/request on a different order. I also don’t want to waste the free ticket on a $3-4 order. I’ll probably eat this and try to sell this no-name camera on a p2p shop. 😅


Those laser pointers are likely to be damaging to ur eyesight as the power isn’t regulated definitely don’t use it with a cat which is what I think you were trying to say


Yeah! Thanks for the advice. i won’t be ordering a laser pointer on ali again.


Mostly the same regardless of retailers, I’d stick to the ones that are about as big as ur index finger as those are usually low power enough to not realistically cause damage


laser pointer for car? i hope you meant cat. also, dont use it for your cat, these chinese laserpointers do not actually hold their 1mW claim and are much more powerfull and will damage the eyes of your cat. Just buy something from a local pet store


Feels like I'm on r/cats where people tend to be overprotective


Be sure to let your cat "catch" something when playing with a laser. Maybe start play time with a laser, then use a regular toy at the end. They need the satisfaction of a successful hunt.


That isn't being overprotective, it's an actual problem with these laser pointers. They're eye damaging for people too BTW It's cool if you _want_ to get a powerful laser pointer, but it's dangerous for people who don't know better.


Ohhhh that is a very good piece of advice. Yes the description did suggest the laser was a bit too powerful for indoor uses. I will consider having a look locally or else on amazon. Thank you. I just don’t want to have rechargeable batteries, but the market is full of ones that come with them. And yes, I meant cat.


Do not look on Amazon. Same problem. Amazon now is just a load of drop shipped stuff from AliExpress. Go to your local pet store for lasers to avoid any risk to your animals


Not much better but shein has ones that sre in fun cat friendly shapes and dont use rechargeable batteries but idk if theyre more safe they seem less powerful though (i have both)


Perhaps "Fate" or "The Powers That Be" gave you a different {more valuable} item to save your cat's eyesight, and yours. Take the win, LOL


I've looked into Chinese lasers straight into their core my whole childhood, temporary blondness? Yes. Fun? Totally. Still no issue with my eyes


These a registered with very long serial numbers. And very often that's how it got mistaken.. typo errors.l while sending or while registering.. but it definitely came from the seller..


Ohhh that makes sense. I will have to check if the seller had this item in their store…


Only once something similar happened but the seller came forward before the delivery and told me tonask for a refund because their products were disorganized and there may be errors with orders... am pretty sure you'll find it in hus catalog.


Those lasers are scary as fuck. Any shiny surface boom you are half blind


Yeah I should’ve been a little more careful!. Maybe I could get a laser measure device as that would have a proper limiter.


Better yet... Get one of those dinky, little laser pointers with a keychain ring... Their diodes are so cheaply made that they are pretty much garuanteed to not exeed 5mW, making them safe for pets...


Ahhh yes. The key chain ones. that’s a good call. I actually have some on my wishlist I believe. Thanks. I think I held back because of my another battery related criteria. But I guess I may have to compromise a little.


They wanted to see how the cat plays to figure out what type of laser is best for her/him hahah


Do not feel guilty with AliExpress. Do you know how many components they sell as new they are actually recycled from e-waste places? Especially CPU’s microchips things like that. They have no conscience so I wouldn’t let it worry you if you return it, they don’t even take it back. It gets throwing a big box and auctioned off to people who sort through the boxes and sell the stuff on their own. It never actually gets back to AliExpress.


Please check our [introduction to the Aliexpress sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aliexpress/comments/gte9ac/new_on_aliexpress_or_this_sub_read_this_first/). There you can find a lot of FAQs and guidelines related to Aliexpress. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Aliexpress) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So thats where my camera went!


LOL! How do you know?


Nah im just kidding hahaha


Awww I thought you got my laser pointer!


Im sorry dude 😅 but hey on the bright side you could probably resell this and get at leat 2 laser pointers out of it


I will try. It has no brand tho.. so I probably can’t expect much.


I work for ali, just keep it. Enjoy 👍